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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3819722 No.3819722 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3819729

Those are post mortem spasms. Quit being a little bitch.

>> No.3819731

>One thousandth dislike.
That's pretty fucked man, muscle spasms or not that's just wrong.

>> No.3819738

Ah hahaha, dat wink, dat flopping around on the bowl, funny as all hell.

>> No.3819740
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>> No.3819741


>> No.3819749

That's not sushi.

>> No.3819754

Sucks for that one that just didn't want to die, but I have no moral reservations about any of this. I just kind of find it disgusting as a food.

>> No.3819778


Fucking retards.

>> No.3819781

What ass holes.

>> No.3819791

Obligatory nuke the fucking Japs again comment.

>> No.3819795

Japs: Tasty frog prepared in a tasty way


Everyone else: Wow, I wonder what it tastes like

>> No.3819798

i'm not one to get all moral and uptight about meat, i eat the hell out of it and see no problem with it. its totally normal and natural, life feeds on life. but this just makes no sense to me. i can understand keeping an animal alive until it is time to be eaten, but what is the point in eating it alive? why not swiftly end its life and then eat it? it would be equally fresh.

to me this video just isn't right. ya i know fucking lions on the serengeti attack and eat animals while they are still alive, nothing wrong with that. they've gotta live and its the only thing they can do. but as humans with higher functions such as emotion and empathy, why would we choose to do this? there is no practical benefit of eating an animal that is still living and we have the sense to know how to kill it beforehand.

i dunno, this upset me a little. i see no benefit to preparing food this way. it seems cold, cruel, and barbaric.

>> No.3819805

Its on the same level as that thing the koreans do with a octopus,
maybe a little worse since the octopus can "fight back".

>> No.3819806


>Implying animals dont have emotions
>Implying we're not animals ourselves
>Implying anything "barbaric" is any different than everything we do

We're the same animal we've always been, just because we have new toys doesn't mean a thing

>> No.3819808

What do the Koreans do?

>> No.3819811
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the only thing i am implying is that consuming food in this manner is illogical and it runs in contrast with our more highly evolved emotions and feelings in comparison to other animals.

yes we are animals. yes lots of animals have feelings. but unlike them, we should know better.

>> No.3819818

Take live octopus, consume. Just be sure to chew thoroughly, those suckers can stick onto your throat.

>> No.3819824


Got to agree with the idea that it's muscle spasms. There is no way that frog is alive with all it's internal organs missing.
On the other hand, not sure I'd eat something like that. I like frog meat, but that dish is kind of creepy.

>> No.3819831

You realize they tried to kill it, right?

Usually gutting something kills it, but that wriggling one was the exception. There's nothing wrong with this.

>> No.3819832


They eat Sannakji (small octopus) live. Not the whole thing mind you. The cut a tentacle off and eat that (all done while the octopus is still alive). I've read that it's also common to drench the octopus in soy sauce (because it causes them to writhe around more).

>> No.3819844


This chick ate it tentacles and all. She's a braver woman than I.

>> No.3819847

This. The frog is dead, but the heavy salt content of the soy sauce causes the muscles to spasm.
You guys are getting all bent outta shape for nothing.

Except this. Fuck these people.
Not only for this, but their nigh-militaristic societal roles.
Turns out both koreas are awful.

>> No.3819851


I'm honestly surprised she didn't choke.

>> No.3819870

>implying that is any worse than what nature does on a daily basis


>> No.3819873

Oh, phooey. Skin a wee fluffy bunny and then watch the video again. Same difference. Both are just as dead by the time you do it.