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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 60 KB, 512x367, steak1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3804997 No.3804997 [Reply] [Original]

Ever watch a black person order a steak?
Im in Golden Corral about to order my medium rare steak and all the black people before said either:

"regular" or "well done" or "cooked"


>> No.3805003


>> No.3805006

I hate blacks as much as any other red blooded American but you cannot feign any sort of high ground after you confessed that you eat at golden corral

>> No.3805009


whats wrong with GC?

>> No.3805007

Order it well rare.

>> No.3805020
File: 412 KB, 1024x815, niggerkiller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well done

>> No.3805018


they use shit cuts of beef, never season the crap and they can't cook a GD steak for ass.

>> No.3805023


GC is probably the most concentrated form of disgusting in terms of restaurants. Do you know how packed with little kid snot and shit particles any buffet food is? Let alone Golden Corral, aka Minority Mecca.

>> No.3805047

I do love me a restaurant hate thread

>> No.3805051

Be careful OP, me and my husband have been food poisoned at GC. It was from the baked chicken, which seemed fine on the outside.. But by the time we got to the disgusting pink gooey raw middle it was too late.

>> No.3805054

Their rolls and honey butter is pretty good. Can't remember if I liked anything else there though.

>> No.3805064

My stupid-ass boss loves GC and thinks it a big-ass treat to take us there, so I'm forced to go there and line up like cattle in front of a slop trough and eat a bunch of poorly cooked, mostly reheated high school level dishes and then have some 18 y/o drop out attempt to cook my steak rare which doesn't mean cook on one side and not the motherfucking other.

>> No.3805073

You little spoiled ungrateful fucking prat. Your boss is doing the best he can do and is trying to take care of his employees and you just laugh at his attempts fucking ingrate some people in this world don't come from good employers and go hungry and here you are complaining.

>> No.3805091


listen ass hat, if you knew anything about management; you would know that keeping your employees happy increases productivity. That means talking them to places they like to eat not some shit hole buffet that my fat-ass boss like to cram down 5000 calories in one painful to watch sitting. Secondly, keeping them healthy is pretty good idea too and seeing who can stack up the most plates with out projectile vomiting low quality slop all over the other diners isn't exactly conducive of this.

>> No.3805095
File: 30 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol your poor

>> No.3805111
File: 33 KB, 442x447, seriously bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, I can understand your frustration about this kind of thing, but it's Golden Corral. Any boss who "treats" their employees to this shithole is obviously harboring some sort of grudge against them.

>> No.3805207

I love GC I usually go up to the line 3 times a visit

>> No.3805227


has all that fat ladened, shit tier food gone to your head?

>> No.3805229

>be black
>grow up not liking steak because all my steak was as OP described
>have rare burger
>'why can't all meat be like this'
that's like all I would eat, so damn good

>> No.3805254

It has just occurred to me that I've never seen a jiggaboo eating a steak.

>> No.3805269

Golden Corral is awesome. Every steak I had was juicy and cooked perfectly medium rare.

>> No.3805274


not even a troll post btw. i really enjoyed going to golden corral. yours probably sucked because the employees there dont know how to cook for shit. mine was in the mid west so everyone knew how to cook a good steak

>> No.3805307

>bitches about a place with a huge salad bar for being unhealthy.
well dumbfucks, if all you do is stuff your face with greasy shit, that's your own fucking fault. i usually get a couple of salads, steak and a little dessert. maybe some sweet potatos, but i only go if someone else is paying.

and to the faggot complaining about free food, fuck you. eat some god damn salads you whiny fuck, maybe he doesn't have enough money to treat you faggot ass to vegan restaurants, atleast he isn't bringing you sack fulls of Mcdonalds. god i hate people like you.

>> No.3805333

Seriously, fuck you.

You are a fucking piece of shit.

That is all.

>> No.3805351


Just because some faggot buys you food doesn't mean that it's good, generous or even altruistically he only does it because he makes us work long hours for shit pay so fuck you I deserve better the the GC. Also, never once did I say, I was some kind of veganfag, I just prefer normal portions of high quality food.

>> No.3805355


Go whine more faggot

>> No.3805359


Eat my ass you huge faggot...I mean get your tongue all up in there until you find that intestinal blockage I got from the last time I ate at the GC.

>> No.3805371


what the shit, asshat....I'm just saying for the same money he could at least take us somewhere decent.

>> No.3805380


I lol'ed so hard. I can't say I have either. It does seem...out of place. Then again, I make it a point to never be around one of them.

I swear to God that when I'm at the grocery store and I see a monkey, they always have frozen and boxed food.

>> No.3805381

>someone shows me a kind gesture
>must also be an ulterior motive
>go bitch about the gift on 4chan

Seriously, you should have yourself checked for assburgers, an should quit your oh so oppressive job, you unique snowflake.


>> No.3805386

>unique snowflake

Butthurt walking 4chan cliche called, he wants his butthurt walking 4chan cliche back.

>> No.3805389


Ignore them, anon. They're trolling and want to get a response out of you.

Just take solace that at least one person in this thread agrees with you.

Golden Corral isn't even the cheapest place you could eat, and you could get far better food for less elswehere. Your boss is a big, fat, cock-loving faggot.

Oh, and sorry in advance for this post. You're going to be accused of writing it. But at least we know it's not true.


>> No.3805404
File: 247 KB, 740x740, 1344301733847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why black people eat steak well-done or "cooked" is because they don't know what the fuck myoglobin is or how beef works.

Personally, I'm black and I eat rare steak exclusively. Well-done is like chewing on a boot

>> No.3805409

>Personally, I'm black

No, no you aren't.

>> No.3805413


giving someone diabetes is not a gift.

>> No.3805415


What makes you so sure?

>> No.3805419

Your entire post.

Post timestamp of your hand and I'll believe you.

Otherwise, quit trying to use "streed cred" in an attempt to validate your opinions.

>> No.3805416


So..wait...black people have joined women by stating what their IRL avatars look like?


>> No.3805422


they don't know how to use computers?

>> No.3805436


>Streed cred

You're not too good at this, huh?

The only camera I have is a shitty laptop webcam.

>> No.3805446

>I can't prove it

>> No.3805456
File: 77 KB, 184x227, hurm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


most I can do is post my latest pic. I don't know why it's so hard to believe I'm black...

>> No.3805457

>my latest pic

So your laptop shitty cam doesn't show color?

Sure bro, sure.

>> No.3805460


there are NO black people on 4chin...even if there were, why would you even want to say, with all the nigger shit and what not.

>> No.3805465


I think there's been a misunderstanding here

>> No.3805471

Just post this fucking picture of your hand with your webcam or GTFO.

>inferior intelligence

Anyone doubting it NOW??

>> No.3805470


It's relevant to the thread, if only tentatively.

Also I haven't been offended by racism in ages

>> No.3805475


Okay, give me a sec

>> No.3805478

The misunderstanding is you trying to say black people don't "understand" beef, saying "personally, I am black", and saying overcooked beef = leather.

The entire post reeks of white neckbeard bullshit.

And now you are backing out of your claims. Therefore, this argument is over and you are a retard liar. Go back to /b/.

>> No.3805489


why do you fags blame everything wrong with 4chin on /b/...god...what did /b/ ever do to you....fuck, just don't go there if you hate it so much.

>> No.3805491
File: 40 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20120813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I've had a lot of steak and have lived around blacks all my life, so...

Plus I never backpedaled at all.

Anyway, here's a pic of my hand, it's terribly grey since the webcam is so shitty.

>> No.3805497
File: 29 KB, 540x359, DSCN102948395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3805502


STFU your not even black and theres no time stamp....also, WTF are you doing in the bathroom lurkin' 4chin?

>> No.3805510


It's well-lit. Pretty dark in Pickerington atm

>> No.3805515

>Pickerington Ass-to-Mouth

What is this... I don't even... Oh my...

>> No.3805523


at the moment

>> No.3805531


>no timestamp

Niggers truly are inferior.

>> No.3805537


Do you really think you could a timestamp on such a grainy camera?

>> No.3805545


Yes, because I'm white and literate. I'm also resourceful and innovative.

But you wouldn't know anything about that.

>> No.3805555


Now, how do I know you're white?

Whatever, I suppose I'll make you a timestamp.

>> No.3805558


>Now, how do I know you're white?

Oh how cute.

>> No.3805560

That post is probably the first racist troll post I ever laughed at. I don't know why...

>> No.3805568


Too much bloom on this camera.

I'll commission my sister, who is a photographer, to rendezvous with me on your timestamp request.

What's your E-mail address?

>> No.3805571

>post pics of your sister NOW

>> No.3805579


You'd regret that. She's a landwhale.

>> No.3805580


This keeps getting worse and worse.

Either you're a shitty troll or a really dumb nigger.

>> No.3805586


If it comes down to you deciding that I'm white, considering what that means for you, I'd consider that a pretty heavy compliment.

>> No.3805601

I am so full of fuck right now. #1 Little bitch, Dpn't go to places that eat your shit and expect a gold nugget, queef bag. Hi my name is (your name, bitch) and do guys have sushi at McDonalsds? Oh WTF!? I asked for sushi not a clump of rice with fish hangin on the side. Fuck you are dumb.

>> No.3805603


I wouldn't take it as a compliment. I'm going to assume you're white because 1.) you can't produce a timestamp and 2.) I would prefer it that way.

Sometimes I dream of a world without niggers, and in that split second where I fool myself into believing it's true, I get a glimpse of what a great life it would really be. Then...


>> No.3805625

niggaz be nigguhd

>> No.3805660

You are way too edgy for 4chan.

Save some material for school bro!

>> No.3805674

This is literally the most childish thread I've ever seen on 4chan. Congratulations, no really, you guys deserve it. Oh my god.

>> No.3805716

Wow guys, way to /b/ it up in here. I agree with this guy

>> No.3805748

The Corral attracts a mean swarthy group of patrons. One opened up down the road from my estate. I walked in one night after a fierce summer storm had upended the outdoor kitchen I had been expecting my man servant Buckley to use to cook me my typical summer fare of blackened sea bass with a butternut squash purree and good well seasoned fingerling potatos.

Upon entering the establishment I immediately was aware of the pure venom directed my way, merely for being 1. A master race mix of slavic and portuguese genes and 2. much better dressed and hygenically superior. The stench of the peasants was upon me and their ire.

As I was fondling a young spanish harlot in front of me in line, her father had the unremitted gall to show anger. I would have none of it. This toothless day laborer. I twirled flashing my cape to one side and revealed twin daggers, each set with a ruby. HIs eyes grew large and he kept shis mouth shut the rest of time, leaving his sweet little daughter in my embrace. I won't say or can't know if my seed took hold. I can only pray. The dunce at the register asked me what I wanted. I asked him point blank, what are the options ser. He said buffet. And............. I let it hang. Just buffet he said. Caging my daggers I took my oak cane and struck him fiercely in the temple.



>> No.3805750

Tumblr-fag anti racist brigade is in full effect, going underground until summer is over.

>> No.3805757

and stay there pls

>> No.3805787
File: 80 KB, 456x386, 1344784817409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start browsing /ck/
>a welcome escape from /b/ immature faggotry
>see this thread

it's like some kind of awful train wreck but i cant look away

also, GC is fucking awful

>> No.3805800

Rare steak is something you have to give an honest try to appreciate. I guarantee if you've never been served a good med rare or rare steak, you will never start out f the blue.

I guess these people just assume they won't like it without ever trying it.

>> No.3805812

I utilized Golden Corral in my lifestyle change that facilitated a weight loss of 230lbs.

One thing that can be said for buffets is that you can load up on a lot of shit you're allowed to eat, and not have to make a fuck ton of special requests in order to avoid the stuff you can't.

>> No.3805814

Some people like as few reminders as possible that their food used to walk around and make noises and actually be alive and shit, and thus don't like their steak "bloody".

>> No.3805837
File: 423 KB, 900x596, redwood has got some news for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but redwood

>> No.3805844

So I drove past GC last Thanksgiving and there was a line around the building. All races too. ;_;

>> No.3805848

>medium rare steak

>inside tough from being too done

>outside not done enough and fat remains unrendered.

0/10 nice try

CAPTCHA: coalesced dbitwor

>> No.3805876
File: 29 KB, 400x225, riley_smiles_last_year_and_this_rex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Some people like as few reminders as possible that their food used to walk around and make noises and actually be alive and shit, and thus don't like their steak "bloody".

Awwwwe who could eat a face like that?

I hear he prefers his cat cooked blue.

>> No.3806375

>being uppity about steak in golden corral
>steak in golden corral
>golden corral

Eat at a real steakhouse faggot.

>> No.3807193

listen, you stupid niggers. if you like you steak well done, order the fucking chicken because you just wasted a perfectly good steak

>> No.3807255

Ever watch a white person order a chicken?
Im in KFC about to order my big bucket of chicken and all the white people before said either:

"can i just have fries thanks" or "chicken popcorn" or "vegetarian sandwich"

>> No.3807273

>Paying good money to have someone NOT cook your steak


>> No.3807282

dammit, I thought this thread died....why do you all insist on bring back all of my bad memories of shitty steak and snot covered buffet's....ffffffffffffuuuuuu GC.

>> No.3807286

Stick around and watch how poorly the jungle bunnies tip.

>> No.3807288


I hate this meme, but there is some truth to it: if you can't find good meat and cook it at home, you are a worthless excuse for a human being.

EVERYONE should know how to do this by now.

>> No.3807289

OP keeps on bumping it, that's why.