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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3804995 No.3804995 [Reply] [Original]

I just got a new job in the financial sector, and everyone in my office gets Starbucks every morning. It seems like everyone has a favorite order with like twenty freaking components. I'm honestly baffled.

What's a good drink I could order that would make me look like I know what I'm actually talking about?

>> No.3805014

>thinking a complicated drink order makes you look sophisticated

Bring a french press with home roasted beans and a grinder. Like a boss.

>> No.3805016

nothing. it's preference you bellend. don't buy into their bullshit.

>> No.3805017

drink your preference. No point drinking something that sounds fancy if you don't like the taste.

>> No.3805021


Serious suggestion: Black coffee

>> No.3805025

this. Nothing is more impressive than black coffe.

>> No.3805027

Get a Venti Americano

Thats it.

>> No.3805028

tell them you like your coffee like you like your women

>> No.3805066
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Double ristretto, though I sure as fuck wouldn't get it from starbucks.

>> No.3805070

I always get a double espresso.

>> No.3805080

>What's a good drink I could order that would make me look like I know what I'm actually talking about?

You sound perfect for the financial sector.

>> No.3805084

I like my coffee the way I like my women: COVERED IN BEEEEEEEEEEEEES

>> No.3805087

strong and black

>> No.3805090

I like my coffee the way I like my women: taken from their home, transported in close quarters to my area, and ground down to a shadow of their former selves for my own benefit, only to be discarded when I am finished.

Also, punched.

>> No.3805098


>implying you don't know how morning coffee - insider tips work.

those 20 ingredients just triggered a huge position in a company you will never know about, amateur.

>> No.3805101


>> No.3805104

I don't trust a man who orders his coffee any other way than "black".

>> No.3805120

i don't trust a man who trusts a man by the way he drinks his coffee

>> No.3805127

what job do you have OP?

>> No.3805168

Anyone who works in financials isn't to be trusted in the first place.
Want an order that'll garner the esteem you crave, OP? Tall skim latte. Bosses like to see their employees indulge in caffeine, and will respect you more if you drink skim instead of whole milk (MBAs are taught that whole milk drinkers will become lazy and mediocre fat-asses.) Also, NO SOY. No douchebag can respect a douce in training who drinks soy milk (in the financial world, soy = hippy estrogen-loaded faggot bottom.) Also, no sugar, sugar in boss speak is solely for fatasses.
The rubric for the next 30 years of your life: what would Gordon Gecko do?

>> No.3805175

Black Coffee or Tea.

>> No.3805219

What you should do is bring a hot plate, a moka pot, Voss water, a coffee grinder, and the fanciest coffee you can buy and be a pretentious fucker in the break room.

>> No.3805238

You should grind the coffee and eat it with a spoon. Say its the new thing in Europe that you picked up vacationing on the French Riviera. That will show those fuckers whose boss.

>> No.3805283

Skinny half-caf doppio latte with room

or anything from this http://www.callihan.com/seattle/coffee.htm

>> No.3805328

"uhh... t-tea please?"

>> No.3805469
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>letting the Asians win

only if you can quote this like an alpha

speaking of which, ask them to draw an alpha in the foam; say some shit about power symbols