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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 201 KB, 624x600, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3796058 No.3796058[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: stupidest fast food ideas you have ever seen

Pic related, McDonalds does stupid shit

>> No.3796074

Fuck you, that looks awesome!

>> No.3796077

My gf got it when I was out east last summer. It is that fake crab meat with like 3 pieces of lobster.

>> No.3796084

McDonald's is really good at adapting their menu to the locals' tastes.

>> No.3796085

Not really... there aren't many examples of this.

>> No.3796089

i'm guessing you've never seen mcdonald's menus from foreign countries?

>> No.3796092


>> No.3796093
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>> No.3796094

I thought you were talking about N. America.

I wouldn't consider one menu for all of Japan conforming to "local tastes".

>> No.3796096

hey those things were great

>> No.3796098

those were good as fuck

>> No.3796106


If it sells adequately, they'll do it.

What's stupid about that?

>> No.3796112
File: 249 KB, 478x355, McSpaghetti1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3796148


Prove it.

>> No.3796209

Sorry, I didn't document her eating the McLobster with timestamps and conduct an analysis of the ingredients using HPLC and 454 pyrosequencing.

>> No.3796380

quiznos had a lobster sub ad on tv not too long ago. fine print in the commercial said 51% lobster. lol

>> No.3796399

New Englander here. We have sign versions of that fucking everywhere, but they're blown up so much you can clearly read the 51% lobster part. No one buys it. That's the word fast food idea I've seen, personally.

>> No.3796408

Then stop making bullshit statements on 4chan. It doesn't make you look cool, enlightening, and informative.

inb4 you post that fake graph image, yes, i know it's you, we all know it's you, you're probably the shittiest poster on here by this point

>> No.3796413

NE also. Im guessing its FDA regulations that say you can't call a lobster sandwich a lobster sandwich unless its at least 51% lobster. shit kills me

>> No.3796489

Find an ingredient listing for the McLobster.

You can't.

>the ball is in your court faggot

>> No.3796490
File: 117 KB, 500x375, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


McSpaghetti, wtf McDonald's?

>> No.3796493

oh my god fucking kill me

>> No.3796495

Lobster in a hotdog bun is classic acadian cuisine.

>> No.3796496

Well fuck you too

>> No.3796502

>go to mcd for daily mcd run
>notice they have spaghetti
>think to my own spaghetti that I bring with me as an appetizer
>wonder if I left it at home
>open fanny pack
>spaghetti packed in so tight it explodes everywhere
>spaghetti from last week was in there too
>rotten smell makes everyone puke, all over my spaghetti too
>order two mcchickens, a bigmac, and the mcspaghetti to replace my own spaghetti
>mcspaghetti never served in my state ever again

>> No.3796509 [DELETED] 

the ball is in noones court

he was making an observation. in lamen terms, shut the fuck up and stop talking out your ass. you dont know whats in there.

>My gf got it when I was out east last summer.
>It is that fake crab meat with like 3 pieces of lobster.


>> No.3796511
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All of my rage

>> No.3796515
File: 14 KB, 310x205, 1342649513898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: stupidest fast food ideas you have ever seen

1. Pink Slime chicken Nuggets
2. Shoe flavored salad

>> No.3796523


Nice bro.

How am I retarded? You can't find the ingredient listing for the McLobster because it isn't available. You haven't even seen one before.

I, on the other hand, have witnessed this abomination. Therefore, I have evidence as to the physical appearance and taste of it.

You have nothing but the need to defend your sole means of nutrients: mass-produced fast food.

>> No.3796527

Also, a tripfag, not using capitals, and swearing doesn't make you any less of a samefag defending himself.

>> No.3796538 [DELETED] 

i love how you think he is me

how about you fucking check before you assume


if you havent figured out why i think you are retarded by now, its pointless for us to continue.

and i never take off my trip
i dont care how asspained you all get


>> No.3796539

Just quit posting.

No, seriously, all of your posts on this board have been about fast food and calling anyone who even slightly defends fast food a fatass.

It's not even funny anymore. You even accuse everyone of being samefags over and over again until they just quit replying out of pity.

Are you unemployed?

I think you're unemployed. I'm going to love watching you rage at my post and accuse me of being a samefag with everyone.

Your move, fatass.

>> No.3796542

Not unemployed at all, I believe you are aware of my lifestyle, you just want to believe it is a fantasy because you don't like the idea of someone living far better off than you.

>> No.3796545

Not that guy but I've been on /ck/ for 3 years and have never seen you post before

Do you really use your trip a lot?

>> No.3796551

Definitely unemployed.

I notice how you don't even deny it's you.

Hilarious. I'm going to dub you the "Fast Food Shitposter of /ck/" from now on.

>> No.3796559 [DELETED] 


living on my parent dime
but who hasent in their lifetime. wonder how i pay for my car, and the insurance, and my food + internet.


>> No.3796561 [DELETED] 

he hasnt realized we are 2 different ppl yet lol

>> No.3796563

Why would I deny it? Yes, I am the person that is vastly more educated than you, makes decent money at my stage, lives on 3.5 acres with my gf, and owns a Vizsla that I hunt with.

I never called anyone fat in this thread, I merely said the McLobster was a pretty subpar product that definitely contained that fake crab product.

So, by all means, defend the McLobster, a product you have never seen, never tasted, and cannot find any official ingredient listing for.

>> No.3796568 [DELETED] 

i used to use it on b back when we could trip. for some reason it angers you dedicated channers and i enjoy that. i also occasionally post airsoft on /k/

>> No.3796569

You guys didn't seriously think it was 100% lobster did you? It's only $5.99.

>> No.3796570

Whatever you say, unemployed fatass.

>He thinks I'm going to feed his unemployed ego

How can you afford a laptop, by the way? I say laptop because it's hard to carry a desktop when you don't have a house.

>> No.3796571
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>> No.3796572

>Quick, post a witty picture against all the people who've been saying mean things to me ;_;

>> No.3796574

lol your tears of jealosy make me even stronger

>> No.3796575
File: 69 KB, 404x346, 1340667067111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheese on head retarded

>> No.3796578

No matter what I say you'll reply, because unemployed people don't have other things to do.

Watch you reply right now.

>> No.3796583

>Thread is about stupid fast food ideas

Anon comments on its stupidity. Other anons bitch at him. What is the problem?

>> No.3796585 [DELETED] 

shall i prove we are not the same person?

>> No.3796590

I don't usually work at 10:30 pm, do you?

>> No.3796597 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 1280x1024, Picture 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no house

>> No.3796599

I'm lost....... why are you posting that?

>> No.3796600 [DELETED] 

back when i worked at the home depot i had the 8p-6a shift. fucking loved it. dont have to deal with ppl. i prefer the graveyard but electricians dont usually get those hours.

>> No.3796603

I wasn't replying to you, why are you still talking?

>> No.3796605

>10:30 PM

Finally the truth comes out.

You're actually an Americunt or a Quebecfag (probably the former) trolling!


>> No.3796606

>dat muscle tone

hold on ima calling /fit/ in to judge

>> No.3796611

>Truth comes out
Yes, breaking news: I live in the Eastern Time Zone, along with millions of other people.

What time is it where you live, and why are you posting on 4chan instead of working?

>> No.3796618

You are so mad it is hilarious.

>> No.3796615

Far away from yours, I assure you.

Either way because you're American I have no need to take whatever you say seriously anymore, unemployed fatass

Feel free to reply to me again though, I'm sure you'll be a-shooing for unemployed fatass award of 2012!

>> No.3796617 [DELETED] 

im pretty skinny. 5'10.25 160 lbs

>> No.3796621

Is the 1/4" really necessary dude?

>> No.3796622 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 662x353, asspained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also im on the west coast.

>> No.3796623 [DELETED] 

not really but it didnt take longer than a fraction of a second to type

>> No.3796624

>if i call them all mad they might stop calling me unemployed ;_; oh god i wish i had a job

>> No.3796626

hahaha I love it

>> No.3796629

Don't know why people hated on these. They were basically cottage pie with chicken instead of beef.

>> No.3796630
File: 199 KB, 580x327, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop faggoting in my thread and contribute

>> No.3796631

what are yout rying to prove in this thread?
i am lost

>> No.3796633
File: 51 KB, 570x360, darth-vader-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>darth burger

>> No.3796635

McDonalds in hawaii sell taro pies from time to time and has Portuguese sausage and spam for breakfast

>> No.3796637

Using yesterday chicken.

>> No.3796638


Good god

>> No.3796642
File: 96 KB, 790x525, darthBurger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual pic

>> No.3796645

How do they make bun look like that?

>> No.3796806
File: 274 KB, 500x375, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They weren't great, they looked like vomit

>> No.3796810

"a hot slab of meat between two black buns? I believe they call it the Michael Swaim." - Michael Swaim

squid ink, usually, or a similar chemically made version

>> No.3796865
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>> No.3796873
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McDonalds fail predates my existence.

>> No.3796876

I got a Lobster Roll from Nathan's. It too was fake crab meat which tastes and feels nothing like lobster.

>> No.3796915
File: 7 KB, 225x224, keanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mustard drizzle

>> No.3796920


That looks like some pretty damn good drunk food.

>> No.3796926

McRib 2011. grossest thing i ever tried. i remember it being great when i was a kid

>> No.3796932
File: 10 KB, 429x410, Dudewhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They brought the McRib back last year.

Jesus Christ. I hate the damn things.

>> No.3796935


that is probably the best idea i seen!
go ahead and try it for yourself! When you make a sandwich do it normal and see how much you notice the cheese. Now after a few bites put the cheese on top and notice how much more you can taste the cheese.

>> No.3796937

>fake crab meat
>nothing like lobster.


>> No.3796939


Bone black. Burnt and crushed-up cow bones.

>> No.3796961

I wanted to try one of these...never got the chance

>> No.3796977

You're saying the coloring is burnt bone?

>> No.3796982

Don't listen to her. She's the worst parasite to ever regularly post on this board. Lurk, you'll see. She drops her trip to samefag and has been caught replying to herself more than once.

>> No.3796984
File: 110 KB, 332x500, chickenFries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken fries...

>> No.3796994

>chicken fries
>stupidest fast food
its finger food and its designed pretty well. Most chicken joints like KFC aren't fast food in comparison.

>> No.3797042

I come to /ck/ to avoid AJ.. wtf

>> No.3797052

that's pants on head retarded, enjoy ur dirty fingers and cheese on the roof of your mouth.

>> No.3797068
File: 26 KB, 562x319, doubledown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking thing. Just looking at it gives me chest pain.

>> No.3797069

i tried it once
the only good thing about that is the sauce. everythign else sucks.

>> No.3797073

The fact that there are people who exist that have eaten this scares me

The thought of one bite just...I can't

>> No.3797082


>> No.3797086


Double Down is God-Tier

I get that bitch with potato wedges

>> No.3797089


The double down is fucking amazing. I swear to God I gained 50 lbs. my sophomore year in college because of those things. I literally ate 2 of them a day 3 months straight. It was so funny. My girlfriend broke up with me when she saw me on spring break. (She went to school a few states away.) I haven't had one since then. I learned my lesson, but my God were they the fucking shit.

>> No.3797098

a friend and i tried our luck at that bastard
i felt instantly sick while eating mine
maybe that's what dying feels like

>> No.3797148

>Pink Slime chicken Nuggets

"Pink slime" was an additive to ground beef, not chicken. Try to get your anti-fast-food talking points correct.

>> No.3797399
File: 150 KB, 640x349, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do you eat Pizza hut's crown pizza???

>> No.3797404

nobody cares. this thread isn't about you, ya dense cunt.

>> No.3797406

My friend, I used to put mustard on my rectancle pizza in middle school.

I never had BK's chicken fries but that was my favorite fucking cafeteria food.

>> No.3797411

Knife and fork?

>> No.3797415


It was "healthier" than some of the other fast food offerings.

Hell Burger King's chicken salad had more calories than it.

The grilled chicken version had less calories and fat content than it's fried counterpart.

>> No.3797423
File: 6 KB, 549x400, !1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember my dad got pretty severe food poisoning from the McLobster in the 90's.

I thought we were going to sue McDonalds and get rich.

>> No.3797431

how come you didn't

>> No.3797436


They were suing a multinational giant corporation. Of course they lost.

>> No.3797449

That's fat as HELL. I have the same height but I'm 30 lbs lighter and I don't think I'm skinny.

>> No.3797460


>eating Pizza
>with knife and fork

What are you, some kind of monster?

>> No.3797467

Isn't it stupider to eat at McDonald's than to be McDonald's?

>> No.3797480
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>> No.3797493
File: 147 KB, 312x450, cantina-bell-menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This new "Cantina Bell" stunt. Taco Bell trying to be Chipotle just seems like a really stupid idea.

>> No.3797498

>complain taco bell is shit food
>they come out with new and fresher food
>complain about that too

>> No.3797505
File: 7 KB, 136x140, dex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It advertises itself as 100% lobster. Just saying.

>> No.3797508


Sure, but what kind of lobster? There is more than just one variety, and not all of them are as good as others.

It could be legit though, lobster prices are rock-bottom right now.

>> No.3797518
File: 24 KB, 386x256, op_faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd give Grimace a rim job for a McLobster

>> No.3797529

Not really complaining, just saying I think it's a silly idea. I haven't eaten at Taco Bell in years.

That said, according to a quick Googling the "new and fresher" chicken comes precooked and sliced in a bag.

>> No.3797591

In my area, they've crept the prices of the 'regular' taco bell items up too. There's no way it'll succeed and they'll be in for a surprise when they've priced themselves out of their regular stoner patrons' budget.

>> No.3797705

$30 double lobster meat sub at subway

>> No.3797742

You're bitching about lobster for 5.99?

>> No.3797749
File: 30 KB, 300x323, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread doesn't even begin to touch on commercial food fails.
>i remember so many

>> No.3797772

That's PR for you. "The lobster part of the meat is in fact 100% lobster".

>> No.3797803

You know nothing. KFC's famous bowls are fucking delicious.

>> No.3797814
File: 297 KB, 1183x1470, BK_stuffed3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised I haven't seen this undigested corn and jalapeno turd burger in this thread yet.

>> No.3797833


And if that wasn't bad enough, what they're allowed to call lobster isn't even really a lobster.

>> No.3797840

Eh, kind of want...

>> No.3797841
File: 68 KB, 400x300, IMG_0383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah if you mix everything on your plate into a sloppy pile like a 5 year old. Disgusting

>> No.3797859


Agreed. They are godly

>> No.3797863

>try a double down
>first bites are good
>eventually the cheese cools, and mixes with the grease
>start to feel death walk in the room on the last bites
it needs bread and some lettuce and it would be pretty tasty.

>> No.3797867

looks pretty good actually. I'm just too fond of Whoppers and onion rings though.

>> No.3797869
File: 145 KB, 620x413, taco_bell_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3797896

> This new "Cantina Bell" stunt.

So disappointing.

> "After our in-house chefs finally refused to come up with one more 'new' item using the same old 7 tired in"greed"ients, the marketing department brought in a true expert with nice tits and mad powers of originality and innovation. After several minutes of careful thought, and keen analysis, studying the problem from every angle, she concluded with the earth-shattering idea: 'Just take all your old shit, put some cilantro on it." ... "And oh ya, maybe some corn."

They really slipped me the tubesteak on this one. I went full-retard and ordered 3 different items from the menu. First bite... "Oh fuck..." and spit it back in the bowl. Those bastards should be forced to disclose shit like that. Having a development dept that lives and dies by their market research, they fuckin know there is a large number of people who can't tolerate cilantro. But then again, just like all the other new shit on their menu they know that most times people try an item once, figure out that it is shit, and never order it again. But, a sales a sale. Not fair with the cilantro. Every single item on that menu.

And fuckall if I will ever try anything new there. Now that they have that shit on hand, it could be anywhere in their food.

>> No.3797905

Argh!!! While I was typing out that tyrade above, someone posted this pic. That's the shit I took one bite of and spat out.

>> No.3797910

All I eat there are nachos (for when I don't care), and volcano burritos and tacos. Everything else just seems...bad.

>> No.3797929

And the word "Lobster" there scares me away since I might be allergic to it as I might snow crab.

>> No.3797936

What is wrong with this one? That doesn't look all that weird compared to some of this other shit.

Did that guy get fired for doing that?

>> No.3797960

>Did that guy get fired for doing that?

Yes, we got him fired.

>> No.3797989
File: 75 KB, 357x496, Machete%20Meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't think this one would last long.

>> No.3797991
File: 17 KB, 444x299, 456454884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Machete Meal
>Big Mac medium combo
>comes with a toy
>mfw people would actually buy it if it were real

>> No.3797993



>> No.3797994
File: 44 KB, 638x480, Pizzaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonald Pizza, is the pizza, for you and meee
McDonald Pizza, is the pizza, Freed Delivery
McDonald Pizza, Is the pizza, Vary Ta-asty

>> No.3797996

after laughing, I thought about it. If anybody were to advertise machete that is a nation food chain, it would Burger King. McDs wouldn't do it, Wendy's wouldn't, and Jack in the Box seems to be too poor (or too frugal) to do something like that. Most other chains are like McDs and Wendys on the matter.

>> No.3798001
File: 150 KB, 923x1024, Hfw-BK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Did that guy get fired for doing that?

> Yes, we got him fired.

Pic related:

> hfw 5 minutes into surfing 4chan to see exactly who it was that fucked his action up.

I hope the first thread he saw had either My Little Pony or maybe some nice scat.

>> No.3798181
File: 137 KB, 360x258, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taco Bell's Bell Beefer, or any burger ever sold by a "Mexican" fast food restaurant

>> No.3798182

McDonalds sucks ass but real Lobster Rolls are awesome.

Stop hating OP