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File: 456 KB, 484x599, 484px-Oldfashioned-cocktail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3795558 No.3795558 [Reply] [Original]

Any bartenders around? Let's talk about my favorite drink, the Old Fashioned. I started drinking them about 2 years ago (yes, because of Don Draper) and, holy shit, they're delicious.

How do you guys take yours? Be as specific as possible please.

>> No.3795573

I like them like I like my women.
In a glass

>> No.3795584

I like 'em how I like my women, not at all.

>> No.3795587

Well my favourite is the White Russian.

I just ask for one. I don't know all this fancy drink lingo speak shit.

I drink them because it tastes good.

>> No.3795591
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>> No.3795597

i don't like it, my favourite drink is the long island ice tea

>> No.3795600

Whiskey sour for me. Could drink them all day long. Could be a problem, really. I love how you can make them so strong but still have them taste delicious because of how strong the lemon juice is.

Incidentally, if you Google for a Whiskey Sour recipe it will bring up a Food Network "recipe" that involves whiskey and...sour mix. Heartbreaking.

>> No.3795619

How do you make your Whiskey Sour?

>> No.3795627

lemon or lime juice and simple syrup (water/sugar 50/50)

>> No.3795630
File: 5 KB, 200x206, whiskey sour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 parts Whiskey
2 parts Fresh Lemon Juice
Sugar to taste.

Over ice.

I don't like them particularly sweet but if I don't add any sugar it feels like my teeth are going to melt.

So simple to make and so good, every time.
You can really taste the whiskey without the sometimes unpleasant burn, and the acidity is really refreshing specially in the summer. Man, I'd kill for one right now.

>> No.3795639
File: 206 KB, 495x263, patrickluis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God. Patrick. Why here? I've seen you looking at me.

>> No.3795641

I've had them and they're okay but too sugary for me to love. I get dry martinis with no garnish when I go to bars or whiskey on the rocks. Gin and tonic is good too but I'm trying to get /fit/ so I'd rather not add calories to my booze.

>> No.3795642

The proper way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEr7ym4-r5I

Chris McMillian is awesome

>> No.3795658

What's our whiskey of choice then?

>> No.3795659
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>> No.3795705
File: 20 KB, 590x375, tomcollins-590x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink a tom collins. Must be made with london dry gin, Garnish with a lime, because you are fucktarded to garnish this shit with a cherry or lemon.

>> No.3795747

A "real" old fashioned can be good made with bourbon, simple, bitters, and lemon zest. Stired and searved neat. Skip the cherry.

For something just as good but a tad more sofisticated try a sazarac. Made with rye, simple, pechoids bitters, hint of Absinthe, and lemon lest.

>> No.3795946

>lemon based drink
>garnish with lime

>> No.3795949

I've been a bartender for 3 years in the UK and i've never heard of that drink

>> No.3795954

All about Black Russians over here. Equal parts vodka and kahlua - typically 2 oz. each.

In honor of Kronstadt.

>> No.3795956
File: 20 KB, 300x300, posioner's handbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the cocktails that get mentioned in this thread were created during Prohibition in America when the alcohol tasted horrible and was probably more wood alcohol than you might imagine.

Pic related: Before all the posts about wood alcohol kills read this book. New York speak easies sold that shit by the boatloads.

>> No.3795959

I just got done with watching Mad Men and god damn Don Draper, but now im always after an old fashioned when i go out!

If not, then something gin based like a tom collins, or a gin and tonic with lime - preferably Bombay Sapphire

>> No.3795961


Oh, you mean a pint-filler? Have you ever heard of this newfangled MAR-TEENY?

>> No.3795978

This is an incredibly hipster thing to say, but I've been drinking Old Fashioneds since before it was cool. I'm not cool, I'm an old man at heart.
At this point all I want is bourbon or rye, a few dashes of bitters and a teaspoon of sugar or simple syrup.
Fuck the soda water and fruit cocktail.

>> No.3795983

I drink beer. You know, like MEN do?

>> No.3795985
File: 5 KB, 126x112, haha thats hilarious haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3795986
File: 28 KB, 400x266, gin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Gin & Tonic, preferably with Bombay Sapphire (it's got more juniper than Tanquerey).

I went to a Mexican restaurant once and ordered one. The guy was confused since it wasn't a margarita. He basically gave me a glass of ice and gin with a splash of tonic on it.

>> No.3796004

sounds perfect

>> No.3796017



>> No.3796020

I don't think there's a name for it, but I make ginger syrup and mix that with tequila or gin or vodka to make a very refreshing thing.

>> No.3796023


rye and ginger...

Obviously, in your case, since you have superlative ginger syrup, you take a good pour of rye whisky (I'm fond of the Russell's Reserve rye, but Bulleit ain't bad); ginger syrup and seltzer to taste. Obviously ice (we're not heathens), and garnish with lime.

>> No.3796052

If you're interested in very nontraditional cocktails, look at this place. Pardon the shitty Chinglish, but this was a fantastic place for drinks in Shanghai. Good for ideas, if nothing else.
