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3788373 No.3788373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true European and American soft drinks taste different because of the high fructose corn syrup used in America?

>> No.3788378


>> No.3788375


>> No.3788382

Did you know most yorups have never tasted root beer?

>> No.3788384

All I can say is my favorite is a particular apple soda from Mexico which has sugar, not HFCS, and I can't stand pretty much all US sodas because they're way too sweet for me.

>> No.3788391


>> No.3788393

There's pretty much no taste difference between the two.

>> No.3788394

hfcs > sugar > artificial sweetener

>> No.3788407

I can't stand mass produced American sweets at all, candy, soda, whatever, because the corn syrup tastes so awful.

>> No.3790092

Did you know most yanks have never tasted Irn-bru?

>> No.3790120


I can't vouch of the reason being HFCS, but yes it tastes noticeably different. But after the 3rd or 4th you get use to it.

>> No.3790127

maybe but probably not

>> No.3790129

Yeah, as an American who prefers Mexican sodas (They use sugar) they taste pretty damn different.

Now if only I could find Mexican vanilla coke somewhere...

>> No.3790132


Is it not a matter of buying Mexican coke and adding vanilla?

>> No.3790137

>root beer
Did you know most americlaps have never tasted malt beer?

>> No.3790146

Fanta in France tastes a little different than in America. Just a little less sweet, but it's not super noticeable until someone tells you.

>> No.3790154

corn syrup is pretty much the same thing as sugar.

>> No.3790188

Pretty much the same thing and the same thing are NOT the same thing.

>> No.3790190





>> No.3790196

this might work with vanilla flavoring, but do not use pure vanilla extract, it does NOT work that way.

>> No.3790310
File: 17 KB, 403x277, elvis-last-performance1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfriend here. This is the first thing I noticed when I drank a Coke in the US. The taste was horrible, and this coming from a guy that loves Coca Cola. I figured this was probably due to the HFCS difference (we use cane sugar) so I started buying Mexican Coke and was reunited we the taste I love.

>> No.3790403


Here is some truth about sugar, HFC and fructose.

>fructose = bad
>hfcs = very bad
>glucose = good
>fructose/hfcs -> CVD, high blood pressure etc.
>most of the calories from fructose/hfcs are turned into fat

>> No.3790412

Speaking as someone who has lived in both regions, I can definitely say HFCS is the inferior product, it adds a cloying syrup texture to the soda. Also the flavours are nowhere near as good, it's kind of like the drink has been dulled by the corn syrup.

It's a damned shame really because some of the best soda's ever made came out of the US. I will say you have a much better market for small soda companies though, who fortunately tend to use cane sugar. Some of the little guys making craft flavours with natural ingredients are doing a great job making it an artisan beverage again.

>> No.3790437

Very slightly, but its only really noticeable if you are autistic

>> No.3790439

There is some evidence that HFCS is a little worse for you than cane sugar

There is absolutely no evidence that you can taste the difference in soda

>> No.3790986

Huge difference for me. It's there in Coca-cola, but most noticeable in Sprite.

>> No.3790989

I remember when trolls were original.

>> No.3791024

>remembering things
You're old, ew. Take your ear hair and saggy old-man chest and GTFO.

>> No.3791319

You sound like Snooki. How's the pregnancy going, dear?

>> No.3791438

corn syrup makes it smoother tasting. cane sugar, not so much

>> No.3791453

Yes, at least I could taste the difference. European coca cola tastes better in my opinion, but that might be because I'm more used to it.

Also, the amount of sugar might actually vary by a few percent in different countries, but it's not very noticeable.

>> No.3791458

Mexican Coke is fucking everywhere now. Stock up on THAT shit, fatties.