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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3786228 No.3786228 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: food trends that piss you off

i'm gonna punch the next person that raves to me about fish tacos and the whole idea of a food truck makes me really angry for some reason

>> No.3786233

since when are fish tacos and food trucks a trend?

fuck you

>> No.3786241

Fish tacos aren't a trend you moron. They've been a part of mexican cuisine for longer than I even know.

Also, getting pissed off about what people you label as "hispters" like just makes you a hipster amongst hipsters.

>> No.3786246

bacon and cupcakes have been around forever too. what's your point?

every motherfucking time i tell someone i'm gonna get/make tacos for dinner its "ooh, fish tacos?!"

>> No.3786256

>implying EMT somehow made bacon taste bad by being douchebags

Stop caring so fucking much. You're not being individualistic by bucking trends, you're just being an uptight asshole.

>> No.3786267

Fish tacos? Since when are those "trendy"? What sort of land-locked hell do you live in where fish tacos are just now on the hipster/trendy radar? I've been eating fish tacos my entire life, they're not a trend, they're a staple. So are regular tacos, are you going to rage about those too?

>> No.3786284
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Fucking people here in NorCal who think they've just discovered pulled pork. Jesus.....
>Hipster anon - "OMG, anon, have you ever had pulled pork? Such and such/So and so makes the BEST pulled pork!"
>Me - "Um, yeah, I've been eating pulled pork since I was a small child. I'm from the South."
>Hipster anon -"Ewwww, hillbillies!"

>> No.3786285

i never said i was pissed about bacon or cupcakes. i'm pissed about fish tacos and food trucks. just because something has been around forever doesn't mean it can't be trendy.

i'm also pissed about oxtails. cocksucking hipsters doubled the price on those i just a few years.

>> No.3786303

But I love food trucks! They just started showing up where I live and come to my university all the time now.

Bacon is kind of an annoying trend though. Love the stuff, but that "LOL I PUT BACON ON MY ICE CREAM" stuff is annoying

>> No.3786318

I think foam is overdone, but thankfull it's on it's way out. I personally don't mind this recent trend of head-to-toe cooking, it's amazing what chefs can do with offal. I've never been to Noma, but the idea of eating lichens and pigs blood pastries sounds shitty.

>inb4 head-to-toe cooking has been around for millenia etc.

>> No.3786323
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>> No.3786327

That's precisely why the trendiness of fish tacos is annoying.

>> No.3786330

I hate the fucker that makes this thread once a week.

>> No.3786337


anything that attracts an excessive number of tweens or hipsters

>> No.3786342

You sound like a prick anyways.

>Oh you JUST had some? How quaint. I GREW up on them.

>> No.3786349

I smell rustled jimmies.

>> No.3786358

I saw a sign for this "fro-yo" in chicago whilst travelling and trying anything new that I could and I was like "DOPE, new food with a funky name and a long line!!"

I saw many people leaving with ice cream and thought they might sell good ice cream, too. Jackpot.

After 10 mins in queue, I saw the sign-- frozen fucking yogurt?!! What the actual fuck, guys, why so trendy??

>> No.3786363

Remember for a while when truffles were on everything?

>> No.3786395

Because it's a treat not many people have enjoyed for a while. It's always been delicious, but hasn't been on the general food consumer radar for a while.

This is how trends work.

>> No.3786471
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>getting angry about food

>> No.3786483 [DELETED] 

>why so trendy??

Because it's touted as healthier than ice cream. Which it would be, if you didn't load it up with assloads of candy or create velvet cheesecake-flavored frozen yogurt.

>> No.3786485

>why so trendy??

Because it's touted as healthier than ice cream. Which it would be, if people didn't load it up with assloads of candy or create velvet cheesecake-flavored frozen yogurt.

>> No.3786506

How do you not make the connection between fro-yo and frozen yogurt?

Anyway, wish we had it here... It hasn't made its way across the pond yet, though.

>> No.3786511

>complain about food hipsters on /ck/


>> No.3786522
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>> No.3786546

vegan-ism in general! I know it has been around for a while. But where I live, it is popping up and I hear about.
Also organic, how everything is now "organic."
Again I know it has been around. I just am annoyed how the priced is raised because they slap the label on it!
I like vegan cooking and have been going o farmers markets for a long time too.

>> No.3786565

those smears those fancy chefs throw across the plate.
i've got news for you, it looks like you rubbed shit all over your plate.

>> No.3786608
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OP how do you feel about scallop burritos??
I have been eating them since the early 90s. I am sure you have never heard of them.

>> No.3786623

no, i've never heard of a scallop burrito, but if everytime i suggested we go out for mexican someone got super excited and started blabbing about how awesome scallop burritos were i'd be pissed at them too

>> No.3786629

>someone tries to inform you of something enjoyable
>get angry

how's the aspergers treating you

>> No.3786631

if every time you suggested going to the movies someone blurted out that superman 3 was the best movie ever and we should all watch that it would get rather annoying, no?

>> No.3786636

Only if it was still playing. I don't understand why you can't into fish tacos man. They're fucking incredible. So much better than the cliched ground/shredded beef or chicken. They're even better than pork ffs, and that's saying something.

>> No.3786646
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I fucking love fish tacos

>> No.3786684

Just yesterday I ordered a burger at a place called crepevine.

Cost me $10, asked for it medium, ended up with a thin charred patty. Why even bother?

Anyways I sat on the patio to eat and the group behind us had their toy dog yapping while they were asking for their gluten-free crepes.

>> No.3786701

not OP, but I know I get a little sick of the fish taco craze because fish makes me go into anaphylactic shock. It' like...
>OMG I love fish tacos!!!
"I'm allergic to fish"
>Oh, c'mon anon, fish tacos are awesome! besides, everyone knows allergies are in your head
"alergic as in my throat closesup and i stop breathing
>oh. okay, yor loss then lol
it's not like everyone already knows I'm alergic to fish when thwey come talk to me about fish tacos...so I have to go through this with every new person who tries to share with me the joy of fish tacos. Every. Fucking. Time.
So to answer your question, that aspergers is treating me fine, it's my allergies that are killing me.

>> No.3786710


You live in Tallahassee.
Who are you? I might know you.

>> No.3786719

People who have to take a picture of every meal and post it on facebook and instagram.

>> No.3786726

Because i had lots of money I was in a new place, and I didnt think frozen yogurt would have such a stupid trendy name that doesnt sound as cool as the word yogurt by itself.

Also, drugs.

>> No.3786729

what about shrimp tacos/ they are the best111

>> No.3786734
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>> No.3786743

i don't have anything against the idea of a fish taco, i just want people to stop fucking talking about it like they just came from outer space and they grant wishes

>> No.3786746

that just looks like asians being asian

>> No.3786775


>> No.3786813

Sesame seeds on seafood. Especially the black ones. Fuck that, thy just make it taste burned.

>> No.3786823

>ITT: Stop liking things!

>> No.3786838


This is one trend that I do find legitimately annoying.

>food comes out
>me: fuck yeah, i'm hungry!
>friends: oooh, hold on, I want to get some pictures
>cue flashes
>"Damn, this light sucks."
>yeah, we're in a restaurant at night. It's not a school cafeteria
>"Will you move that candle closer to the plate?"

Also, people talking incessantly about their food blog, and blogging about food, and what their favorite food blogs are.

>> No.3786934


>> No.3786983

I have a friend who's silly as shit to drink with because he always has to have some weird esoteric mixed drink that requires weird shit that bars rarely have, like raw eggs and guava juice and shit

I won't say these drinks aren't usually tasty, but it's so fucking hipster nigger goddamn what ever happened to looking at the shelf and picking something out, or god forbid, coming up with something tasty yourself and experimenting a little

"mixology" is another stupid hipster bullshit thing, if you use the word "mixology" seriously you are a douchebag

and fuck this gluten free shit, I know niggas who are all sorts of gluten intolerant and such but this is getting to the point of the whole PEANUT FREE bullshit. just because you poop after eating bread does not mean you are celiac

>> No.3787033

>People say they like tea
>Only drink Lipton

>> No.3787040

Fast food claiming to be "fresh" and "healthy." It will never be either - just perhaps slightly fresher and slightly healthier. A lot of the stuff they push as "healthy" really isn't, when you look at the nutritional information.

Adults going utterly OCD about kids' diets. It's perfectly fine to encourage kids to eat healthy, drink water, and so on. But many schools are taking it to a ridiculous level: banning all sugar, snacks, even peanut butter. Some schools talked about banning kids from bringing their lunch from home, because they are less healthy than the school lunch.

Vilifying specific foods or ingredients. Too much of anything is always bad. You're supposed to eat a balanced diet in order to be healthy. Removing carbs, gluten, meat, salt, sugar... whatever from your diet is not normally a healthy choice (unless you have a diagnosed medical condition).

>> No.3787046

> poop after eating bread
No, that's the MSG in the meat.

>> No.3787053

the gluten thing is *partly* like the peanut thing, in that everyone is suddenly celiac

but yeah there's also people who think it's bad for some reason, I dunno what that shit's about

>> No.3787066

The problem is, people don't realize that there's a difference between having a sandwich on bread as part of a balanced diet vs sitting in front of the tv eating an entire box of crackers.

It's portion size and it's a balanced diet. It's not the fault of the wheat gluten, the sugar, the salt... etc.

>> No.3787106

MSG allergy has been proven to be a myth.

>> No.3787111

That's exactly what they want you to think.

>> No.3787115

the chinks?

>> No.3787160

>Adults going utterly OCD about kids' diets.
My mum's friend's daughter's has a son who's about 18 months old, and she's absolutely OCD about what he should and shouldn't eat. It's at the point where she's reluctant to let her own mother (who raised her just fine) babysit him because my mum's friend might give him something to eat that she doesn't want him eating.

The banning peanut butter part makes sense to me though, there seems to be a lot more of a prevalence of peanut allergies these days. The other stuff is too extreme IMO though.

>> No.3787174

the sudden obsession with avocado

fuck off with your avocado, i dont give a shit about your love for avocado. Go fuck off, its not something new, stop slathering it on everything.

>> No.3787189

So no kids can eat a peanut butter & jelly sandwich because ONE child has a peanut allergy? It's like banning alcohol for everybody because ONE person is an alcoholic.

>> No.3787190

and now you understand why gun control is bullshit

>> No.3787196

>It's like banning alcohol for everybody because ONE person is an alcoholic.
That was the idea behind prohibition.

But anyway, you know what kids are like, they like to share food and swap one item for another. It's possible that a kid with an allergy might mistakenly end up with something that could kill them. I know it's not fair, but it makes sense to me.

>> No.3787218

Then that kid is an idiot. And again I ask, why are all children being punished because ONE kid has a condition? Next thing will be no wheat/bread/gluten in schools because ONE kid "might" be celiac.

America is just encouraging people to be stupid, and waiting for parent/government to step in and dumb-down everything. Pretty soon we won't be allowed to do anything at all because it might offend some 0.00000000001% minority somewhere over on some distant land.

>> No.3787320


Welcome to the nanny-state, don't forget to pickup your complimentary picket sign over there on your way in.

>> No.3787379

peanut allergies can be very sensitive, my best friend has a child who is allergic to peanuts. Her allergy is so severe that another child was holding her hand that had eaten a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast at her own home several hours before. Just touching the other child's hand made my friend's child go into anaphylaxis. She had to be airlifted so she wouldn't die and was in a coma for several days. It is very different than a celiac, they can be in the same room as flour at least.

>> No.3787437

It's weird to think that that sort of condition even exists. I mean, HOW does the human species get to that point in the first place?

>> No.3787453

IDK, both of her parents don't have the allergy. It was some recessive gene that popped up. Every time (twice so far, once when she didn't know about the allergy and the time she fell into the coma) she has an allergic reaction to peanuts, her allergy gets worse. The doctor told her she will probably die if she comes in contact with them again. she is terrified to go anywhere because she fears that she will accidentally run into them.

>> No.3788164


>> No.3788174

Adding sodium to food, I mean what the fuck guys. If you didn't switch to an agrarian society which subsides primarily on grains and continued hunting and gathering like a normal human being, you wouldn't have to do that.

>> No.3788177

Did you just imply that meat doesn't need salt?

If so, I'm automatically convinced that you are full of shit.

>> No.3788185

everyone seems to love sushi now even though it's disgusting.

>> No.3788188

Meat contains enough sodium as an essential nutrient to sustain human life. Grains do not, thus humans had to find ways to mine salt to supply it.

>> No.3788192

Go away, ketocunt.

>> No.3788193

It's a genus you faghard.

>> No.3788195

I really have no idea what a ketocunt is. I'm an evolutionary anthropology student.

>> No.3788235

Oh yeah? well if evolution is true then explain meat curtains.

>> No.3788253

In the embryo, the basis for sex organs begin to develop before sexual characteristics (see: why men have nipples). What would have been a penis becomes the clitoris; what would have been the scrotum becomes the labia. So meat curtains exist because her balls would've hung low if she was a boy.

>> No.3788342

Thanks anon , I am athest now

>> No.3788364


>> No.3788492

Fish Tacos and food trucks have always been around where I live. I love both of them. Where I live we only got one big one. Sushi.
The sushi trend which is beyond offensive to me considering it overall is one of my favorite kinds of foods. All of sudden somewhere within the last few years it exploded where I live and everyone was talking about it like it was new. So the first time someone talked to me about it when the craze just blew up and I was blissfully unaware about it. It was kinda like everyone was going through that phase of just discovering how " OMG SO RANDUM XDXDXDXD" Japanese things are. I was a little confused to by the condescending undertone to their voice and figured they must have learned from someone I liked some Japanese stuff including sushi. Then I asked them what their favorite kinds were and their reaction was like a death blow to me "I only like those California rolls, I don't like the raw stuff.", I think my only reaction to that was a " I am going to fucking murder you." face. Ever since then my family has been all over me with me with it like they have something to prove. Even bringing to party's and shit just to indirectly impress me or something on top of carrying the new trend. It was that disgusting store bought shit too and everyone was surprised when I didn't wanna eat much of it. Now everyone and their mother is talking about their California rolls and going to sushi restaurants and buffets not knowing a thing about sushi or any Asian seafood at all and making asses out of themselves in every way possible. It's like embarrassing to be in the same restaurant with them.

>> No.3788561

no but shrimp quesadillas are god tier

>> No.3788569

If you dont like fish tacos, you havent had a good one.


Good, original Mexicali or La Paz deep lard fried tempura batter of great snapper or parrot fish is a godly food, that does not deserve being thrown arround with fast food and shit.

It is very good.

Now yes. Now we have a fad (even in mexico), of piss poor ugly ass tacos made from shitty river farm fish that aint even good for me to put up you momma's ass. But thats another story.

>> No.3788597

Greek yogurt trend, among rich white people.
"OMG it has to be Greeek"

It doesn't even mean anything

>> No.3788600

>has never had Greek yoghurt

Must feel bad dude.

>> No.3788604

You hate those? Why?

>> No.3788605
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>So much better than the cliched ground/shredded beef or chicken

Wow, no, fuck you. They're 'cliched' because they're better.

>> No.3788615

Implying only white people are stupid enough to fall for this.

>> No.3788658

The best part is that it's fat women who think eating Greek yogurt is going to make them skinny yet they're all eating the shit loaded with sugar and fake fruit garbage.

>> No.3788846

this. steak is the best taco/burrito filler

>> No.3789223
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caviar and champagne

when will it end?

>> No.3789256

Maybe that child is a genetic dead end and should be allowed to die then.Or keep it in a bubble.

>> No.3789265

Yes, because a peanut allergy is the most significant deleterious trait and carriers should not be allowed to survive.


Let me guess, you are fat, have no education (or don't use your undergrad degree), and work a shit job? Thank god you don't get laid, because you should never spread your mediocre genetic information.

>> No.3789269

THIS. I work in a restaurant that specializes in gluten free options and it makes me rage so hard when I know bitches are getting gluten free as a health fad. Unless you have celiac, it's not healthier, it just tastes worse!

>> No.3789275

>I work in a restaurant that specializes in gluten free options and it makes me rage so hard when I know bitches are getting gluten free as a health fad.

It makes you rage that your place of employment gets more business and is able to employ you?

>hurrrrrr I was gluten free before gluten was free

>> No.3789326


Not trying to seem like a heartless bastard but could you imagine if a significant portion of the populace had peanut allergies to that degree? I would consider that to be a pretty serious detrimental trait, even if peanuts werent so prevalent in the food industry and were a rare delicacy. The points moot anyway because it sounds like the poor girl will die from exposure to them eventually anyway.

>> No.3789340

>I would consider that to be a pretty serious detrimental trait, even if peanuts werent so prevalent in the food industry and were a rare delicacy.

Why would an allergy to a rare delicacy be considered a serious detrimental trait? Are you retarded?

>> No.3789381

>Fast food claiming to be "fresh" and "healthy." It will never be either - just perhaps slightly fresher and slightly healthier. A lot of the stuff they push as "healthy" really isn't, when you look at the nutritional information.

Didn't this all start from First Lady Michelle Obama attempt to make fast food "healthy"? I know that obesity is a problem, but shouldn't that blame be put on the people who buy/eat the food?

I'm not sure if it's a trend or not, but buffets have been popping up around my town like acne on a teenager. Instead of one decent restaurant, you'll find ten buffets.

Another thing is the integration of Facebook/Twitter into restaurants.

>> No.3789587

Scallop burritos and tacos are standard meal in loreto, smack in the middle of the baja cal peninsula.

>> No.3789604

>that feel when /ck/ is like 3 years behind in culinary trends

>> No.3790336

fucking taco bell and the way teenagers try to act like they are so funy and they don't care at all so they go to taco bell

>> No.3790356

Are you 7?

>> No.3790400

>fucking taco bell and the way teenagers try to act like they are so funy and they don't care at all so they go to taco bell

Are you 5 years old?

>> No.3790409
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>don't like seafood
>have tried various types of seafood repeatedly and still don't like it
>everyone throws a shitfit when I go out because "OMG YOU DON'T LIKE FISH? YOU PROBABLY NEVER EVEN TRIED IT"
>they try to order fish for me and force me to eat it
>mfw this argument every time I go out to eat with my family or friends

Why is it so hard to understand that I don't like seafood? People are okay with vegans, vegetarians, but got forbid I do not touch anything in the ocean.

>> No.3790576
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>> No.3790585

>People are okay with vegans

You must be new here.

>> No.3790591
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calling macaroons krabby patties

bacon in everything

pho being the best soup ever

sushi craze

thats pretty much it.

The only good trend is the mexican/korean food mixes, hopefully that shit goes up (like kimchi tacos etc)

>> No.3790595


most people around here are fine with vegans, we just get tired of these vegan troll threads started by /b/tards so we don't bother posting in them. it's 99% samefag anyway.

>> No.3790600
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>most people around here are fine with vegans

>> No.3790617

When people call fajitas by some other shitty name and I can't find the fucking cut of beef at the market.

>> No.3790625


There is no cut of beef called "fajitas".

I hate people like you, you're one of those guys who thinks that "queso" is a type of cheese dipping sauce that comes with microwave nachos.

>> No.3790633

or people who call rice wine sake.

>> No.3790658

Don't be mad anon but is sake a brand or a style of rice wine? I thought sake was synonymous with rice wine.

>> No.3790661

I was kidding around but sake is just the Japanese word for alcohol like queso is the Spanish word for cheese.

>> No.3790662

Really? Do you go to the butcher and ask where the fajita cut is?

>> No.3790663

Ok i knew the spanish, didn't know the moonspeak.
thank you based anon

>> No.3790664


So how do they distinguish what amerifats call sake vs alcohol in general?

>> No.3790665

Like for example some Japanese "sake" is made from potato.

>> No.3790669


Fajitas is a finished dish, not a cut of meat. The cut of beef traditionally used for it is called "skirt steak". There are two varieties, inside and outside. Outside is the better cut of the two and is usually more expensive.

Go to the supermarket or butcher and look for "skirt steak". Flank steak is similar and can also be used if you can't find skirt steak.

>> No.3790678

I'm not poor so I use filet mignon.

>> No.3790688


What, no blini and sour cream?

>> No.3790701

the frozen yogurt shit is really irking me. i live in a small seaside town that gets inundated with tourists on the weekend. they opened up 3 of these goddamn yogurt places on main street, which is two blocks long.

it tastes terrible and the machine handles are finicky and kind of hard to depress.

>> No.3790702

Only if said blini are wrapped around pork mince sautéed in butter with onions and dill.
Om nom nom.

>> No.3790923

The fad of eating game meats like quail,dove or rabbit is high class

Its poor mans food. Its always been a poor mans food. It doesn't matter how you cook it its still a poor mans food.

>> No.3790926

Avocados. Don't get me wrong, I love a rich, buttery avocado, and nothing beats a good guacamole...but if I have to hear one more hipster son of a cunt rave about how eating makes them unique, original, and "no one else" eats them...I will have to choke them.

>> No.3791889

eating things raw. we've had fire for probably longer than we could talk. we're made to eat cooked food.

>> No.3791894

I thought 'fish taco' was just a euphemism for 'vagina'...

Knowing is half the battle.

>> No.3792255


yeah but that doesn't really answer my question. I was hoping you would know since you have indicated that you are knowledgeable about japanese words for alcohol.

>> No.3792314
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I personally like sage, despite recent trends.

>> No.3792325

no, homo is a genus and human refers to the species homo sapiens

>> No.3792358
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Cupcakes at weddings. Seriously: just get a fucking cake and cut the motherfucker.

I went to five weddings in three years. every goddamn mothercunting fucking one of them had an assortment over grossly over-frosted cupcakes, and they frosting was bitter because of too much food coloring.

Fuck cupcakes.

>> No.3792372

I'm pretty sure the wedding cupcake trend is just an extension of the general cupcake trend. Another blatant trend is macarons. Neither piss me off as such, but they're just annoying.