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3782521 No.3782521 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about "girly" or "gay" drinks?
Example: Anything w/ disaronno.

>> No.3782526

Drink what you like. Who cares what other people think.

>> No.3782527

There's no such thing, just like there's no such thing as drinks that turn you into a 40 year old rapist at a bar, or "manly" drinks that turn you into a "real man" (I'm looking at you, Islay-only and IPA-only dweebs)

>> No.3782546

I order girl drinks all the time but don't give a flying fuck about what anyone thinks

>> No.3782551

i dont really care, i drink wahtever teh fuck i want. I like beers>drinks but wahtever

are you one of these fags that drink scotch just to look cool?

>> No.3782572

disaronno tastes great, and still has a decent alcohol content (32%). it doesn't burn going down like most hard liquor does, and it adds a unique flavor to many cocktails. why is it "girly" or "gay"?

>> No.3782580

apple martinis

>> No.3782587

>are you one of these fags that drink scotch just to look cool?
God I hate faggots like that.

"Yes the oaken wood tones are very fragrant in this glass, I've never tasted oaken wood tones like this before! Simply exquisite! It must have been aged for years in an oaken cask."

>> No.3782601

> I made sure to only use my special scotch stones from scotland that I bought from ultimatefelchers.com because I didn't want to ruin the precious elixer just to chill it

>> No.3782622

I drink what I want, and anybody that says otherwise can suck my dick.

>> No.3782660

As long as you're not drinking smirnoff ice, a mojito, sex on the beach, or some otherwise extremely faggoty thing, I don't really give a fuck. And even then, that's really when it's all you drink, because I like a good sweet drink every now and then, just not all night.

>> No.3782699
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>not drinking delicious mojitos while you sit on your patio and watch the sun set on a beautiful summer day

Drink what you like, don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks.

>> No.3782730

I drink 1-2 craft beers every night - every other night for enjoyment and taste.

>> No.3782769

I've been meaning to pick up a bottle of Disaronno to try out, I love Amaretto Sours.

I drink what I like, Jager's my guilty pleasure even though I dislike Jager Bombs.

>> No.3782774

disaronno with coffee in the moring is good shit OP

>> No.3782781

I drink disaronno a shit ton
i go through a bottle a week just cos its so nice
got a bottle next to me

>> No.3782812

I drink cherry vodka sours like a drunk bitch in heels and I slurp up every last drop like a drunk bitch in heat. Tastesgoodman.jpg

>> No.3782832
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>> No.3782841


I've actually never really drank Disaronno. I use it in just about everything I cook, however. Amazing flavor.

>> No.3782845
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>wood tones
>Did I also mention I wear a fedora because I think it's classy?

I know that feel, bro.

>> No.3782855

i drink whatever the fuck i want because i am a grown ass man and the dork that would actually care about me drinking bacardi limon sours or white russians is the same dork who will probably be puking on his shoes and getting thrown out of the bar in an hour or two

>> No.3782874

ITT insecure bitch-drink consumers

I'm not saying man-the-fuck-up, but it seems like most of the supporters have some angst and feel like they need to justify themselves.

But seriously though, don't be the guy who drinks Smirnoff ice all night.

>> No.3782886

In a bar, I'd never order anything sweet, but that's mostly because hard alcohol is not cost effective in a bar. At home however, I'm all about amaretto sours, white ladies, brandy alexanders.

>> No.3783504

>remember first time i drank mojito

felt gay man

>> No.3783507
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A Godfather cocktail is manly as fuck.

Scotch and amaretto on the rocks.

Drink up!

>> No.3783524

Shit, am I gay for liking Disaronno?


>> No.3783528

>why is it "girly" or "gay"?
> it doesn't burn going down like most hard liquor

There's your answer

>> No.3783533


try it with luxardo instaed of amaratto, and canadien whiskyt instead of scotch...

>> No.3783536
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"Manly drinks"? Are you guys retarded?

>> No.3783633

What cracks me up is that people can stomach drinks where the sugar content is more than 40%, but they can't handle scotch?

>> No.3783652


>> No.3783660

Girl drinks are filled with sugar and cheap spirits
Those cause vomiting, bad hangovers, and terrible behavior
Not really worth it to mask the alcohol taste

Anyone who willingly drinks daiquiris has a boozin' problem

>> No.3783674
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>>3783660 Girl drinks are filled with sugar and cheap spirits

I don't consider the sidecars that I make from Gran Duque d'Alba and Cointreau "cheap" but I understand that some people have to drink things endorsed by rap stars to feel good about themselves.

Anyone who thinks that the type of drink is what causes bad behavior and hangovers has a judgment problem.

>> No.3783691

If its not full of sugary bullshit and cheap clear liquor then how is it a girl drink?
I can't even pronounce that, sounds and looks like a gentleman's drink to me

>> No.3783697


It's absolutely loaded with "sugary bullshit". You just don't know anything about drinking well because you focus on nonsensical rules instead of what tastes good.

>> No.3783698

Appletinis are fucking delicious.

Beyond that I just stick to PBR or whatever's cheap.

>> No.3783701

I thought a daquiri was just rum in some fruit juice.

I've had some great bbq days where I served frozen strawberrie smoothie (frozen strawberries and some lime) with some rum and they were fucking awesome.

IF you make them yourself they're not too bad.
Restaurants always use sugar syrup though... a fuckload of it.

>> No.3783706

>confirmed for shitty taste

>> No.3783707


Lime juice actually. Any of the hyphenated daiquiris are no more daiquiris than vodkatinis are martinis.

>> No.3783711


You're confusing 'shitty taste' for 'drinks whatever's on hand at hipster parties, that's what's always on hand.'

>> No.3783714

Hell no fool
Sugary bullshit does NOT taste good unless you're a girl, a toddler, or an obese fuck on the verge of diabetes
Your teeth don't appreciate it either
Daiquiris are sugary slush koolaid drinks with cheap vodka, or worse tequila flavored vodka

>> No.3783720


You're that guy who was bragging about forcing his little sister to drink Laphroaig until she choked, aren't you.

>> No.3783722

makes sense.
my strawberry daquiri was still good as fuck, I don't care how I gay.

>> No.3783726

> Daiquiris are sugary slush koolaid drinks with cheap vodka, or worse tequila flavored vodka

confirmed for not knowing shit about drinks

>> No.3783727

Why not just drink beer?

>> No.3783733

No I just don't like sugary shit cos I am oldfag with mature taste buds and healthy insulin receptors
The kids love it though. Throw some skittles in your taäka, pretty lady

>> No.3783736


I like my occasional strong island, brandy old fashioned, and various tropical mixed drinks just fine every now and then, but 90% of my drinking is craft beers.

>> No.3783749

>>3783733 I am oldfag with mature taste buds

So you're 22? Or 23?

>> No.3783750

I'm from new Orleans bro we are the daiquiri capital of the known universe

There is literally a daiquiri shop on every corner of every town in louisiana
For every drink there is a cheap bar recipe and a complicated fancy way
Bars don't serve daiquiris unless they have slush
Go buy one now and tell me what u get

>> No.3783756

takes me 20 beers to get fucked. that'd fuck with my gains

>> No.3783758


Oh god no wonder. I went to New Orleans once, nothing but huge plastic cups of the most god awful drinks I've ever tasted. I'd have thought the city that supposedly invented the sazerac could actually serve up a good cocktail, oh how wrong I was.

You should be ashamed of what your city has become. Assuming it was good to begin with, I'll have to take that one on faith.

>> No.3783759


Perhaps you should drink something other than Bud Light then.

>> No.3783762


>> No.3783789
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