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File: 499 KB, 768x542, nachos[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3781553 No.3781553[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've never had mexican food (yay Yurop) but I'm curious. How the fuck do you eat nachos? Don't they get glued together with all that cheese? Does the cheese harden?

>> No.3781557

>implying there is enough time for food to cool down in America

>> No.3781583

Two words. Cheese sauce

>> No.3781590

>mayo sandwich

>> No.3781592

we have this magical nacho cheese that stays liquid no matter the temperature.

>> No.3781595

>euro not strong enough to pull apart cheese

>> No.3781598

with your're hands dum ass europen. Lol dum question, also its a famos Mexican food, not American

>> No.3781601

It sticks together, but not strongly.

>> No.3781610

i for one wish to save my country the grief of being accused of inventing the horrible thing that gringos call "nachos"....

We dont do cheddar here, never will. Its horrendous.

>> No.3781612

What do you shit skin border hoppers use?

>> No.3781613

Directed at

>> No.3781614
File: 6 KB, 390x470, Oh-You-Make-Me-Cry-Laughing-Meme-Rage-Face-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god

>> No.3781621

THis guy is right, Americans made it a lot better

>> No.3781628

the cheese doesn't really harden that much. and while some nachos do use liquid cheese sauce, they aren't any good. god nachos use shredded cheese and a ton of other ingredients.

they can be eaten with a fork, especially if their fully loaded

>> No.3781642


>> No.3781646

it's not mexican food

>> No.3781648


you make a cheese sauce. As a Yurofag, I'm sure you know about bechamel, throw some cheese and spices in that shit and bam, nacho cheese.

>> No.3781651

I don't understand how being in Europe explains that you've never had Mexican food. I'm British and I've had Mexican food. What place do you live in where there aren't Mexican restaurants, or even fucking supermarkets that sell supplies so you can make it yourself? Fuck.

I've made nachos. You pull the nachos apart. Goddamn fuck this.

>> No.3781653

>I'm British, I know every European country

>> No.3781659

There are "kits" for fajitas and tacos, but I never bothered to make them. Mexican restaurants are rare and I'm talking about "american" mexican food here anyway.
I live in Paris.

>> No.3781661


I don't, which is why I want to know what country this is that OP lives in.


Ah, okay then. That seems acceptable. Nachos are actually really easy to make, you should try them! And if you've got a group of friends over they're a good snack/meal.

>> No.3781694

there are people in the states that have never had mexican food. i mean i live in california so no problem for me but i know mexican foods not that common on the east coast

>> No.3781702

no, mexican food is common everywhere there's mexicans.

IE everywhere in american.

it's just not necessarily as accessible/mainstream for white people.

>> No.3781713

its not really common everywhere though. i know black people that have never had it as well as white people. i know people from PA and MA who dont even know what mexican food is

I mean race and demographics have to do with it as well sooooo. MExicans as well as their culture, including food, aren't common in most places in the US.

geography 101

and by mexican food i dont mean taco bell.

>> No.3781786

Well, nachos were invented by a guy named Ignacio like five feet from the border in Texas, which, you know, used to be a part of Mexico.

When are people going to stop pretending that the cultures of the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico are so estranged from one another. Yes, there is a divide, but the people cooking this stuff are not wealth white businessmen. It's fucking Mexicans, and dismissing Tex-Mex as an American invention is really insulting to the longstanding presence of Mexicans in the area.

Anyway, OP, "real" nachos aren't supposed to be heaped with cheese as they are in your photo. The tortilla chips are supposed to be separately and individually covered with toppings.

>> No.3781790

That's not because it's not common, that's because people don't try things or don't leave their shitty little towns. There are some people who've never had Starbucks--that doesn't mean Starbucks isn't common in the US.

>> No.3781837
File: 125 KB, 500x394, tumblr_lypj0sHrXz1rocz98o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We use a thing called "cheese" or queso, in spanish. It comes from milk.

Not that fucking gooky-gonky-funky-yellow-nuke-glow-in-the-dark-gelatinous-shit you fatsos gorge on.

Pic related: queso.

>> No.3781845

You can find restaurants of every ethnicity in Paris, it's really not very hard. I can"t tell you about any particular mexican one though.
But if you're interested in Mexican food I'd suggest you make it yourself. Most of the dishes don't require exotic ingredients that don't belong to France nor outstanding cooking skills. And it's delicious.

>> No.3781850

And this is true (im the queso guy, and im just trolling on that account): good food is interpreted and goes back and forth, or its shit.

Thats why island cultures, with the notable exception of Japan, have shit for cousisine (come to think of it, japan's couissine aint that good nor complex), whereas cultures that opened up and brought shit to their shores, adpoted and transformed them, have good traditional dishes.

This applies to the french, smack in the middle of europe, leaders of the first crusade and many invesions beyond that. To the italians, with that lenghty comercial and sailing tradition. Even to the middle eastern guys, who were influenced from east and west even if they had so little local material and a hotfuck dessert for a kitchen. The spaniards, who were conquered, then conquered america, then brought and integrated both those two sources of culture into their daily lives.

In modernity, fuck yeah, USA has very very good couissine, some of the best in the world, thanks to all that immigration and mixing. Southwestern-mexican is just one source of many (chinese, jewish, korean and further back italian, spanish, french). I can only imagine how awefull was the british culinary landscape before they conquered India and brought some good spices back...

So yeah, I concur: it is wrong to diss tex-mex. I still hate nachos though. Sorry.

The chimichanga, for example, I think is all american southwest (we do not do that in mexico at all), and its a fucking-a great dish (but hold the cheddar for me).

>> No.3781855
File: 63 KB, 600x402, string-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here we call that string and give it to the childrenz in lunch boxz. Also, stop making fun of great merican' engineering and efficient food factories. Also, also, GTFO with your tumblr garbage.

>> No.3781866
File: 734 KB, 645x647, gorillasnot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why use gorilla snot cheesewhizz on your nachos if you have good queso like that?

It does not compute. Crazy gringos...

>> No.3781871

Where are you from OP?

>> No.3781873

but that is a hair-care product.

>> No.3781886


I quess u are French reading all of this. At the place I work at we use english cheddar(not the american fuckwith factory copy) mixed with gouda and put this ove the nacho's and melt dat shit in the oven with some onions and bell pepper. People seem to like it. But you just pull that shit apart with your hands...

>> No.3781887


Why do they put it on nachos?

>> No.3781897
File: 18 KB, 319x397, a-conehead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know great cheddar exists (never seen it on top of some nachos though...).

Im just trolling and having fun... Im the same guy from the first post, saying that nachos is not a mexican dish. And it isnt. Its really a mexican-american dish (cheddar is proof of this) and i have nothing against that. I was just attempting to rustle some jimmies.


>> No.3781902

dude, you cant even get good mexican food in the states outside of california, arizona, and texas. i dont even want to know what shit you have over there that you pass as "mexican".

>> No.3781904

So you've been to every state huh?

>> No.3781905
File: 53 KB, 234x240, 1335395662259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying a European country beyond Britian, France and Germany matter

>> No.3781915

Im mexican and ive had some very, very good mexican food in california and quite good tacos in colorado.

Im pretty sure that newyork carries some mean stuff too because just about half of the people of the state of Puebla (where the most classic mole comes from), actually live now in new york and the vicinity, taking up american jobs and preparing the USA for the jewislamocommunist invasion mexican drug lords and wetbacks have planned with president obama, the kenians and the hawaiians, who want nothingmore than to kill baby jesus and elvis prestley.

>> No.3781916
File: 22 KB, 417x500, 1335005654582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't they get glued together with all that cheese? Does the cheese harden?

Yeah they do in my experience if you use cheddar, I use mozzarella with a bit of cheddar mixed it when I feel like Nachos and it works a lot better than grabbing the glued mess and breaking off individual bits

Of course I don't know what cheese I should be using

>> No.3781921

i have been to
>south dakota
>new york
>south carolina
so no, not every state, but around enough to know where the good mexican food is

>> No.3781938

AZfag here, also travelled a lot.

We do have the best Mexican food north of the border, but you still have to know where to go. Most places are still the same old Americanized tex mex.

>> No.3781952

But most people that aren't near the border have never really had I guess "real mexican food" TBH.

I mean you haven't had mexican food until youve had some straight up home made mexican food.

and they usually have never had anything outside of tacos, quesadillas, etc etc

Try some tamalas, enchiladas then talk

>> No.3781958

every dish that was ever invented in mexico has been made superior by crossing the boarder north, this is a fact

>> No.3781965

nah, i think its just an easier access to better quality meats.

>> No.3781976

the addition of sour cream makes nearly every dish better

>> No.3781981

i dont like sour cream on just about any of my mexican food but, to each their own

>> No.3781982
File: 969 KB, 1283x2157, 1343918001099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the addition of sour cream makes nearly every dish better

Damn fucking right

>> No.3781986

ITT: Amerifats that were brought up with nacho cheese instead of breast-milk.

>> No.3781987

Is sour cream the same as Crème fraîche ?

>> No.3781992

I can get down on that.

If you don't like nachos, that's cool. But I get really annoyed when snobbery comes into play because it's not "real mexican food"--especially when it's white people saying it. Authenticity-as-quality feels a whole lot like a grandbaby of good old-fashioned exoticism.

>> No.3781993

Hahaha.... "better quality meats" .... AAAAhahahahahahahaaaaa...


>> No.3781997

>sour cream is made with milk, cream and thickeners and gums to keep it together, creme fraiche is just thickened cream with a souring agent

basically sour cream is the american cheese of Crème fraîche

>> No.3781996


>Crème fraîche

NO and stop putting euro squiggles on words; it much lighter and tangier.

>> No.3782002

>euro squiggles
and thith cometh from thothe who think that lithping ith an actheptable thyllable in themantics

>> No.3782003

so its smooth, creamy, and versatile? sounds good to me

>> No.3782005


I do not appreciate you unmerican' tone and the implication that the quality of our food is in any way inferior europigfeed. Also, not all sour cream has gum and stabilizers or any other unnatural product added.

>> No.3782006


>Being a snobby cunt for little to no reason

You're lonely and miserable to the point the only joy you find in life is putting others down to make yourself feel superior because deep down you know that they don't really care but they're happy and no matter what you do and try you will never be happy so you try to bring them down to your level

>> No.3782008
File: 1.26 MB, 320x240, 133994_o[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I asked in french forums and they told me to add lemon juice to crème fraîche to make it sour
It's either that or buying expensive imported stuff from the american store.

>> No.3782009


I have absolutely no idea what you are trying to say but you didn't use euro squiggles so it's cool.

>> No.3782011

Yes its a stupid argument. You are right. Food should be judged on a single primary factor: is it any good?

Its a subjective one, it depends even on what the temperature is where you are eating, but nationality itself is just an idiotic way to judge what things do to your tongue.

>> No.3782055

Fuck you. Cheese sauce is the worst thing to ever happen to nachos. Only real cheese should be used on nachos.

>> No.3782091

so much butt hurt over sour cream.

>> No.3782316

Holy shit, I'm originally from one of the most segregated we-all-have-light-hair-and-eyes assholes of Europe and even I've had nachos.

Also, I hardly sense any difference between creme fraiche and sour cream.

>> No.3782327

If you evenly distribute shredded cheese, layered with shit like beans and meat and guacamole, you can usually get it in good pieces.

Also, it doesn't really stick to the chip, so you could always cut it up with the edge of a chip or something

>> No.3782329

Depends where you buy it. Certain restaurants will use cheese that hardens and yes the chips do get stuck together, but it's easy enough to pull apart. If you take too long they can get kinda soggy and not as good. As stated previously, melted nacho cheese stays melted.

>> No.3782357

Make your own. 400F broiler. 1 layer of chips on baking sheet, spoon salsa taking into account some liquid will dry in the oven. Tear pieces of chicken and spread around. Grate cheese over top, spread cheese around. Will take experience to get the right amount. Put in oven. Wash grater. Remove from oven. Eat from baking sheet resting on warm oven.

I'm sure it was said but absolutely never use pregrated cheese.

>> No.3782395

just dump the chips on a plate, dump the cheese on the chips, nuke in microwave until cheese is melted, remove from microwave, add sour cream

>> No.3782420

>I'm sure it was said but absolutely never use pregrated cheese.

I don't use pregrated because I'm capable of grating my own but why exactly is this bad?

>> No.3782451

they use starches on the cheese to keep it from sticking together. gross taste and texture compared to fresh grated cheese.