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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3775383 No.3775383[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hello there co/ck/s

as most of you don't know, it's the fasting month for us muslims, due to not eating the entire day, we have only two mealtimes, the main one which is the evening (Around 7:30~80 PM, it differs throughout the month), and the other is right before we begin fasting, which is between 3~4 AM (some people eat as early as 1, but its not common).

So I was wondering if you guys had recipes that I can make at the second mealtime where they would keep me stuffed for a long time, but not at the expense of thirst (so no salty, spicy, bitter, sour... you know, nothing too much)

tl;dr recipes that keep you stuffed for a long time but won't contribute to making you thirsty.

Pic related
>mfw people don't respond to my thread.

>> No.3775389

Is it Ramadan again? Why did I think that was later in the year?

May not be traditional, but I'd look at oatmeal.

It's difficult trying to stay not hungry all day when you're only supposed to fill 1/3rd of your stomach.

>> No.3775390

This is not fasting you idiot this is called changing your meal time. You Muslims are some swift ones eh?

>> No.3775392

Bacon and beer.

>> No.3775395

No idea why it was this early, usually it would start later and cross over onto the beginning of the semester so classes would be held a week or two till it's over, this year it'll finish two weeks earlier to school time.

I don't think you understood the concept here, we don't eat or drink anything for 17 hours straight each day. so we adjust our mealtimes to the beginning and the end of this period of time.

>> No.3775396


Not OP, but it's fasting during the day. Not supposed to drink liquids... thus the concern about nothing that will make you want to drink water all day. (No, it's not a month-long fast; it's a month of day-fasting.)

>> No.3775397

sage for filthy retarded mudslimes

I can't wait for Iran to get nuked into oblivion

>> No.3775413

Someone already said oatmeal.
I'd for for some of the protein enriched spaghetti you can buy with a nice sauce of some sort.
We had the teens of the house do a week long boot camp last year and that was probably their favorite thing to eat at night before they passed out to do it again the next day.

Get you some complex carcobydrates yo

>> No.3775442


Have you tried not being a Muslim?

I'm sure that'll help with your problems

>> No.3775444
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Try this, OP. Mmm-mmm-mmm!

>> No.3775448

wow, looks like /ck/ is going to shit. why all the hate for OP? he/she just asked a simple question you faggots.

>> No.3775451
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Well you could start by not being part of a stupid religion, opposing that you'd want to eat food high in protein and fat e.g. pork.

>> No.3775455
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OP here, are you new or something?

>> No.3775456
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How's the weather around /b/ these days guise?

try harder.

>> No.3775458
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epic post!!1 I called someone summer!!!11one xP

>> No.3775460

do spoilers work?

>> No.3775489

Jews-Christians-Muslim are brothers.

I will suggest to reduce salt as it makes you thirsty. Eat meals rich in fiber.

>> No.3775509

Serious reply from a Muslim who is observing fasting in Ramadan.

I take lighter meal in Iftar. I break my fast with soup. Any kind of soup will work. From thin to thick, vegetables to meat base soups. Use variety of soups to have variety everyday. Then have some light meal containing some bread/pasta and some meat and/or vegetables or have some fruits. Keep different meals to enjoy different taste every day. Keep drinking water after (a glass every half an hour to an hour) to replenish water for body, from Iftar to Suhoor.

In Suhoor, I usually take bigger meal containing bread, pasta, meat, fruits, lentils, vegetables, beans, more variety more better. In the end, I take about a glass or two of plain water. This helps me to stay hydrated during these hot days of summer.

I hope you are also enjoying Ramadan. You probably already know but it's nice to repeat that Ramadan is more than just fasting (refraining from eating). It's more about self-control. Do not harm anyone not even with your words. Stay calm even when someone try to provoke you. Be polite, be generous and help the needy and poor. Fasting helps you realize how difficult it is for poor people to survive especially in these difficult economy times.

I personally try to share meals with other people, even if they are non-Muslims and are not fasting. And daily I give small donations to different charities because I am eating only two meals instead of three (saving some bucks) and I am also not consuming any coca cola or any other soft drink or fast-food (something similar to Lent).

Enjoy Ramadan by sharing food with your friends, neighbors, relatives or even with unknown people. Whether you cook at home or eat at some diner or restaurant or even at some fast-food outlet, share it with other people.

>> No.3775517

I eat a big pepperoni roll from my local bakery and I'm full for a solid 11 hours, every time. It also puts me in a coma so that's something to consider if you're busy person.

>> No.3775522

is it really "fasting" if you eat two meals per day? if that's true i've been fasting my entire adult life

>> No.3775569

>is it really "fasting" if you eat two meals per day? if that's true i've been fasting my entire adult life
Probably. Are you eating some snacks in between or having some drinks, soda, coffee, tea etc.? If so then probably it's not exactly a fast.

A typical fast means to refrain from taking anything that have caloric value for a period of time. Thus the word "breakfast" because you are fasting while you are sleeping for 8 or 9 hours at night.
More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasting

A Muslim's fast (especially in the month of Ramadan) is to refrain from eating and drinking (and no smoking either) anything from sunrise to sunset.

>> No.3775614
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How about you go worship a god that doesn't mandate self-harm?

Fasting is stupid and you should FEEL stupid. Get another religion or grow the fuck up and realize that if there is a god, he doesn't give a shit about how you eat.

>> No.3775627

Actually, posting the picture he REPLIED to was edgy, you fucking pre-teen spastic.
On topic, porridge and soup.

>> No.3775634

Hi OP, don't pay any attention to the big meanies in the thread. Have a good ramadan.

>> No.3775633


Don't you have some suicide bomber crash course to be attending?

>> No.3775642

>Get another religion
All religion are same. They are good in their text books or religious books. But in practicality all of them kill. Even people without any religion (atheist) kill other human beings. What's the point of having a religion or changing a religion, or even not having a religion, when you are going which no other specie on earth do, killing of its own specie in bulk.

Go to /pol/ for further talking. Leave /ck/ for food and eating.

>> No.3775644 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 638x850, enormoussnotbubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat snot

>> No.3775651

>implying everybody will kill someone
>implying all religions tell people to kill

>> No.3775657

Try actually fasting. I've been eating only 1-2 meals a day for nearly a year.

Actually, come to think of it, try not being a muslim. Or any religion. Gods are fairy tales.

>> No.3775660

You want to be stuffed for a long time? A list:
>Roast chicken
>Lots of stuffing
>Lots of Mashed potatoes/chicken gravy

If you want a decent stuffing recipe just lightly toast a whole loaf of bread, fry up some celery and onions in butter with lots of sage, rosemary, thyme and parsley, salt/pepper and a nice spoonful of paprika. once they are nice and cooked, rip up the toasted bread into little pieces, mix it up with the veggies, an egg and a cup or so of chicken broth (you can add other things like berries if you really want). once its nice and mixed, throw it in a greased baking pan and bake it for about 20-30 mins at 350-375 f.

As for mashed perterters and roast chicken, DIY.

>> No.3775676

1. it's no fasting when you eat two times per day (or night)
2. eating at night is kind of hiding and eating secretly, which makes ramadan more the character of a celebrated fraud of fasting
3. it's terribly unhealthy to eat in this manner and you won't have any beneficial effects from it that are similar to those from a real fasting period

>> No.3775680

My government that I elected with my vote, buy and build bombs with my taxes and kill other human beings. And I am not part of it. You got to be kidding me.

>> No.3775681

why so racist /ck/

>> No.3775684

Religions don't tell people to kill, people kill in the name of religion.

>> No.3775686

So what you're sayin' is, just because your nation's leaders spend tax dollars on maintaining and expanding a war machine -- which you have little to no control over in the first place -- you're automatically aiding in the murder of whoever the bombs are dropped on?

Sound logic, my friend, but you're staving off on your original rhetoric which suggested and/or implied that the holy books of religions order or suggest to its viewer that he or she should kill non-believers.

>> No.3775689


No srsly, great protein so your muscles wont atrophy. Also if you can eat eggs please do so. More protein. Try to make a multivitamin if you can. Eat some vegies. Just try to keep protein, some fat and all your micro-nutrients in your body and you will make it. As-Salamu Alaykum, Good luck!

>> No.3775707

> Remember! A muslim is only two letters away from being a mudslime!

>> No.3775748

>1. it's no fasting when you eat two times per day (or night)

>2. eating at night is kind of hiding and eating secretly, which makes ramadan more the character of a celebrated fraud of fasting

>3. it's terribly unhealthy to eat in this manner and you won't have any beneficial effects from it that are similar to those from a real fasting period


Read it. You'll gain some knowledge out of it.

>> No.3775752

I approve this post.

>> No.3775826


OP here, thank you people for being of the civilized educated minority.

>> No.3775838

It's by the Islamic calendar.
Because the dates are decided according to the Islamic calendar...
As for the Iftar times, it's because the length of the days change throughout the seasons. For example, tomorrow, the day wil be shorter than today. So, Iftar will come sooner.
There are 11 days less in the Islamic lunar calendar than in the solar calendar (which is what we use in today's society). This is why Ramadan comes earlier and earlier every year.

Same shit with Jewish holidays, but they usually are a little closer to the same month every year anyway...

>> No.3776191

1. it is no fasting when you do social binge eating events twice per night


>> No.3776210

That ramadau fasting is no real fasting. People on ramadau will still eat whatever they want, no restrictions, they just reschedule it to during the night.

Compare this with rigid fasting, e.g. in the Greek orthodox church, where they literally stop eating (they even stop selling fastfood) all meat and fish for quite a long period, and you'll see the point.

>> No.3776228

Why don't you consult the koran? Allah will punish you for taking advice from infidels, think about it...

>> No.3776235

Drink a lot of full fat milk, OP. No kidding.