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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 726x444, pizza order rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3766209 No.3766209 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have some related stories?

>friend asks me to pitch in some money for pizza
>he orders thing crust with extra cheese
>does eat his crusts
>never buying pizza with that disgusting cunt ever again

>> No.3766215

Yeah dont share food or costs with friends unless they are sane. A lot of people cant decide properly and fuck it up for everyone else.

>> No.3766254

>At friend's place
>Order pizza
>"Okay, let's get Pizza Hut!"
>Me: "How about we try this other place I get my pizza's from? It's pretty good and not that much more."
>After some convincing, they agree
>Order nachos with it
>Pizzas arrive
>Nachos come with containers of nacho toppings to pour on
>"Eww what's that green stuff?"
>"It's guacamole"
>"Well maybe some people don't want green stuff!"

My friends have such sheltered tastes. They're the standard 'meat-and-two-veg' types. They refused to even consider beef stroganoff when we were on holidays because they had no idea what it was.

>> No.3766256


kill your friends.

>> No.3766258

ive ordered from tonnes of different pizza places and ive never encountered one that sold nachos.

>> No.3766261

No, I like them too much, but holy shit, they refuse to consider anything that isn't fried meat. One of them has had to open up his tastes because he has a Cambodian girlfriend, so he's pretty happy to try new things, but the rest of them...

>> No.3766262

This thread actually makes me angrier than racist threads in /pol/ or stories of people being cruelly cheated on in /r9k/.

Fucking uncultured swine.

>> No.3766266


My jimmies have been severely rustled by that picture.

>> No.3766273


I lol'd wholeheartily.

>> No.3766284

I would totally eat a pizza with broccoli, mushrooms, and pineapple. Just saying.

>> No.3766331

Op's picture just ruined my fucking day, like seriously. i can never smile again.

>> No.3766332

You should apologize to your friends for being a dick.

>> No.3766446

Same thing happened to me... But it was my buddy's gf. She didn't bother to ask us what we wanted she just ordered it when we were out of the room. Pizza guy shows up (to my parents house), rings the doorbell at 1am, dog starts barking, dad answers door in his underwear ready to throw someone a beating. Dude's gf said, "oh ya, I ordered a pizza". Short pause... Well.. Wtf, go pay the man.

"I don't have any money..."

Oddly, I ended up marrying her 11yrs ago. Now I make it a point to do silly shit like that to her.

>> No.3766457 [DELETED] 

I don't understand what's wrong with OP's post. OP doesn't like thin crust?

>> No.3766459

I don't understand what's wrong in OP's post. OP doesn't like thin crust?

>> No.3766488

i think he meant to write doesn't

>> No.3766489

How could anyone who's either that stupid or that careless actually be a desirable person to be around?

>> No.3766496

By looking at the current population, we could hypothesize that intelligence and common sense are not prime factors for men when choosing mates.

>> No.3766501
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>Nachos come with containers of nacho toppings to pour on
>"Eww what's that green stuff?"
>"It's guacamole"
>"Well maybe some people don't want green stuff!"

That's why it's in a fucking tub to make yourself jesus fuck

>> No.3768220

>My birthday
>Friend orders pizza for the occasion as we have a lads night it
>Order arrives
>"So anon do you have the money"

Fucker wanted me to pay for my birthday meal. Got him to do it the end but jesus, what a fucking derp.

>> No.3768243

>group of people walk in to thai restaurant
>take 3 hours to decide

>> No.3768247

Boston Pizza.

>> No.3768291
File: 10 KB, 213x236, DownloadedFile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>MFW people like that have friends and/or are married and I'm a foreveralone.jpg

>> No.3768294

>tell boyfriend that I want to go to indian resturaunt I have been going to for years
>my birthday, we go for the lunch buffet
>2 for the buffet
>get my plate of curry w/rice and salad
>boyfriend looks at the buffet and decides to eat the orange slices
>nothing else
"Boyfriend, why didn't you get any curry?"
"What is that? I don't see it on the buffet.."
>entire buffet section is curries
>spend my lunch spoon feeding him curries cause he has to eat
>offer him salad
"I don't like salad"
>double facepalm
>triple facepalm because he is 7 years older than me.
At least I got him hooked onto a curry he actually likes after a few more visits.

>> No.3768295


you also found a clueless raging manchild, congratulations..... hes a keeper better get preggo quick before you lose him to some hottie...

>> No.3768296

Assuming the poster is female and not a homosexual.
In the case the poster is actually male, while pregnancy is impossible, I'm sure he and his boyfriend have fun trying.

>> No.3768302

This next piece you won't believe..
>fast foward a few months
>my deadbeat father is dead
>whatever, go to funeral
>medeteranean food, oh geeze...
>rinse and repeat trial of foods for him
>doesn't like anything
>goddamn your bland tastebuds.
>skip foward some more months
>bought a pack of pita breads and hummus to snack on.
>he tries it again

>> No.3768323

I don't understand how these people can be so shit at eating, it genuinely annoys me. Fair enough everyone has things they don't like, but people that won't try things or hate everything for no reason.

One of my friends is like this, he literally eats about two things.

>> No.3768366
File: 94 KB, 473x347, what the fuck did you just fucking say to me you little etc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Children eating. Ever.
>Make god-tier homemade banana pudding (http://www.cookscountry.com/recipes/Banana-Pudding/25754/ It seriously is the best pudding ever)
>Use a little too much of shitty store-brand vanilla because we were out of mexican vanilla
>Turns pudding a greyish pale
>Cover with whipped cream anyways
>Serve to extended family I was visiting
>shit goddamn assclown fagfucking dickcheese 13 year old cousin sucks all the whipped cream off, complains that it's grey, and throws about three fucking cups of pudding in the trashcan

>> No.3768375

They had lazy/incompetent parents.

Making your kid eat things he's not used to takes more effort than just giving him hamburgers and ketchup every day.

>> No.3768377

>old roommate eats french fries
>he starts to pour a lot of mayonaise next them
>then ketchup and then fucking mustard, adds two other sauces I can't remember
>takes a fork and mixes up all everything
>I am nearly screaming in disgust and ask him what the fuck he is doing
>His answer, 'It's all the same in the stomach anyway'

I know it might not be much, but this shit seriously upset me

>> No.3768388

mustard, mayonnaise and ketchup are basically the ingredients of In-n-Out's special sauce.

Try stuff before judging it.

>> No.3768392


I dont like fish. And I hate it

The sulphur-y taste of fish I really cant cope with, it almost makes me gag. Its getting better over the years, but I am quite ashamed of my childish inability to like fish.

big fish like swordfish is easier, but its not like I eat it everyday.

I blame the little mermaid for conditioning me

for some reason though I dont hate the french

>> No.3768396

I did and it was awful

>> No.3768399

ah, well. At least that's fair judging.

>> No.3768402

Nachos with guacamole? Can't say I've ever tried it. It's just tortilla chips with cheese and jalapenos.

>> No.3768408

Tell me... why did you commit such a terrible mistake to taint a jar of Mexican vanilla-banana pudding with shitty store-brand vanilla, EXPLAIN.

>> No.3768501

Would you apologise to a child for making them try broccoli? If my friend had said "I'm not really a fan of guacamole" I would have told him "No problem" and got him a separate plate for his portion. On the other hand, I have no problem effectively forcing someone to try something new if their reason for refusing to eat it is because it's green.

>> No.3768513

This is the reason I came to like vegetables. I would gag when eating them. My grandfather (lived with him) forced me to eat them every day and I couldn't leave until I finished them.

Now I love vegetables.

>> No.3768524

Same. I developed a taste for the sulphury flavour of broccoli and Brussels sprouts since my father would cook them all the time, so I love them now as an adult.

I think >>3768375 hit the nail on the head: parents have gotten lazy when getting their kids to try new things. Rather than actually going to the effort of punishing them and having their child hate them for a short time, they just avoid it and give them what they want rather than what they need. It only takes a single generation to fuck up and pass on their bad eating habits to their children for it to become a vicious cycle. Because my father was a hard-ass in making me eat all of my food, I'm always open to trying new things, and because of this, I'm grateful.

>> No.3768740
File: 21 KB, 542x428, mfw i'm tommy lee jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Background info: my parents did a fairly shit job of raising my brother and I, particularly in the sense of eating food, yay pizza. We probably didn't even know that things like broccoli existed until highschool. Now that we're adults, we're both trying to eat a bit more like adults day by day. Here we go...

>out to eat with friends
>Guy: I'm feeling an appetizer, i'll get something to share if you guys try something new, thinking salmon bites or stuffed mushrooms
>Me: I've never had either, but i've wanted to try salmon for some time now, though i don't think i'd be up for mushrooms, the fungus thing weirds me out.
>Brother: yeah i would at least try a bite of salmon, mushrooms...eck
>Girl: salmon sounds great
>Guy: okay then
>waiter comes by
>Guy: yeah can we get an order of the stuffed mushrooms? thanks.
>Collective group: err wtf?
Guy: You guys need to grow up and try different things that you're not used to so i ordered the opposite of what you wanted to try

MFW he calls us douchebags for not eating the appetizer he ordered "for us" and didn't split it with him on the bill.

>> No.3768766

Maybe you should've eaten the mushrooms retard. Stuffed mushrooms are the shit.

>> No.3768769

$42 for two pizzas? Yea, suck my dick

>> No.3768776

Damn right they are.
Of course, if I want to eat shit, I can find tastier and cheaper options.
Stop trying to defend the dick.

>> No.3768779

Maybe they're in New Zealand. $42NZD is about $30USD. About $15 per pizza. That sounds about average for the US.

>> No.3768781

>at my friend's house
>friend cooks an entire pizza
>everyone is really hungry
>he brings it downstairs and proceeds to eat it all to himself
>doesn't offer any of us a slice, ever
Other times:
>comes to my house, he always asks for food, or requests to make these pizzas of his in my oven
>if I do end up letting him, he never shares a piece, even at my own home, and I have to end up cleaning up after him

Different friend:
>Never eats ANY vegetables other than corn and carrots
>Cream sauces, cream sauces everywhere
I once went out with her to The Keg, she ordered the most expensive thing on the menu - Steak and King Crab legs. She proceeded to have ONE bite of her steak, not a single bite of crab, and about three bites of the mashed potato side. She took the rest home for "leftovers". Two weeks later, her mom had to throw out that massive meal because she had not touched it since that night.
>MFW $50 wasted

>> No.3768790
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>> No.3768792
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>> No.3768843
File: 73 KB, 355x293, rage14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just as annoying to have people rage when you tell them flat-out that you don't like a certain food, and they can't wrap their minds around it.

>friend is making meatball subs
>he's putting jalapenos and bell peppers in both of them
>ask politely that he only put jalapenos in mine
>he looks at me like I'm some sort of sideshow attraction
>"The fuck is wrong with you? You can't have meatball subs without bell peppers! Just try them, I'll bet you'll like it in the sandwich."
>explain that I never have and never will like bell peppers in anything
>he gags when I put marinara sauce over mine and acts like a pissy 13-year-old girl for the rest of the evening

>> No.3768852

It is threads like these that make me so damn thankful that my mother did not let me eat pizza, soda, and fries for all meals.

Seriously, I'm currently eating hummus with pita and carrots.
Try and get a fatass fatty kid to eat those.

This is why kids menus are always chicken tenders and fries, pizzas, and buttered pasta. Fat people that do not eat *real* food train their at offspring to do the same.

>> No.3768879

that "at" is supposed to be "fat".
I type fast when I am angry.

>> No.3768990


>at mates place
>about 10 people over
>order 15 pizzas
>host orders
>4 varieties of pizza that everyone likes
>AUD $170
>everyone pitches in
>no problems
>no extras
>no bullshit flavours nobody likes


>> No.3768995


>not liking Mediterranean/middle eastern food

but...but why?

>gags on it


>> No.3768996


yeah but mixed up together? nah cunt fuck that

that cannot be their sauce recipe

>> No.3769002


How funny, I made my own hummus and tahini from scratch today.

Garlic, tahini, lemon juice and chickpeas, so delicious. I offered some to my mother and she refused, she thought it looked disgusting.

>> No.3769005

Oh bleh, those people suck. Mine was homemade, too, last night.

>> No.3769117

>Cook food for two friends
>Serve it
>Both of them start to pour tabasco like it was the cure for cancer
>Other dude claims he likes his food even stronger
>They start breaking out in sweat from the food being too hot
>mfw they ruined my food for a penis measure contest
>mfw they do this to everything they cook

Why do people who generally like spicy food never know how to spice it? I know some people can deal with it, but there's so often you see them suffer through a meal, or forces other to suffer.

It's enough when your mouth gets warm. Not when it's burning.


>> No.3769172

I find it hilarious when this happens. Especially if you're hanging with the '#lad crowd', it seems perfectly acceptable to order the hottest curry possible just for the sake of spiciness/manpoints.
>look over at the vindaloo-with-extra-spice guys trying to hold back their tears and drown the flavour with tons of pilau

>> No.3769195

It's all about the parents. My parents always cooked the same meal for all of us, me and my sister included, and we all ate together. We were brought up eating different kinds of food, so we were never picky when it came to mealtimes since we were encouraged to try new stuff.
Fussy easters come from families who make a 'kids meal' and an 'adults meal' separately. That's what I've noticed in my experience, it's usually been the case with cousins and family friend's kids who eat separately to their parents.

>> No.3769207

I don't mind them doing it at a restaurant or something, but not with the food I've made myself..

>> No.3769211

yeah that would annoy the fuck out of me. are you saying they added tabasco into the main pot of whatever dish it was?
>damn backseat cooks

>> No.3769216

Nah. Just on their plates even before they tasted my food.

Don't ask me how they knew I didn't have enough spices before tasting it.

>> No.3769238

I hate guacamole (and am afraid to eat avocado food stuffs as my mom is deathly allergic) but complaining about the ingredients IN DIFFERENT CONTAINERS NOT TOUCHING THE FOOD is so fucking dumb I felt my IQ decrease.

>> No.3769430

Why wouldn't you make sure the bitch has money first, especially if she's being so unpleasant?

Here's something I did as a teenager:
>Family orders pizza.
>When asked what I want, I say to get whatever they want.
>They get ham, which I don't like, I flip my shit and cook my own dinner.
>Spend the rest of the night sulking.

>> No.3769433

Treating your friends like you're their parent makes you a dick. Apologize.

No wonder nobody likes you, you're autistic.

>> No.3769478
File: 216 KB, 498x3385, justrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to east indian restaurant
>i order chicken saag
>friend takes 20 minutes to order
>gets tandoori chicken
>food comes and she says eww why is at all red?
>tells me my chicken saag looks like bird shit
>bitches about how nasty the food looks
>start to rage and say then dont fucking eat it!
im never taking her out to eat again uncultured bitch.

>> No.3769482


I once knew a mouth-breather like this. He was obsessed with hot/spicy food and would not shut up about his tolerance for it.

If you want to shut your friends up then cook something, could be anything. (Hot/spicy food might work best, but is not necessary.) Add a healthy dose of pure capsaicin extract.

Make sure to hide the milk and call your friends bitches.

>> No.3769497

>Be picky as fuck
>"Oh come on, you HAVE to like X, its so fucking good, here, let me put some of this on your pizza"
>Pizza is fucking ruined
>Thanks for nothing

I know I'm childish. And I never force erryone to go to a different restaurant/order from somewhere special, but they still fucking can't let me eat what I want.

>> No.3769513

Holy fucking shit, what the fuck? Capsaicin will put you in the fucking hospital nigger. It's like 150 habenores squeezed into about half a teaspoon.

>> No.3769515


Check this shit out.

>> No.3769524

>Living with mom and she's low on money.
>Gather every ingredient I can.
>Make home-made beef stew for my family.
>No one eats it except me an my baby sister.
>Teenage sisters say they aren't hungry.
>Mom leaves and comes back with fast food for her.
>Wake up in the middle of the night to hear the smoke detector go off.
>My sisters decided to bake the rest of the meat in the oven and forgot about it because they were on the computer.
>Start yelling at them.
>Mom comes downstairs.
>Starts yelling at me for starving them.
...That meat would've made three or four more stews. Later, my mother threw me out saying I was eating too much food.

>> No.3769528

That made me uncomfortable just watching it.

>> No.3769562
File: 460 KB, 220x132, fuckingDAMMIT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kill your friend; the one that wasted the crab.

>> No.3769597

I would've taken that shit right from her and start eating it right in front of her fucking stupid face. If she complained I'd just tell her that since she didn't want it, I thought I'd take it from her.

>> No.3769611

This. Everyone just assumes I've never tasted it and give it to me whether or not I asked for it, or even asked to NOT have it. Fuck you.

>> No.3769612
File: 69 KB, 455x604, Guhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitch mother of three awful children
>Claims she is an awesome chef
>Adds canned tuna to her mac and cheese.


>Goes grocery shopping. Ask her to pick me up some cabbage, carrots and a bag of long grain rice.
>Shows up with bag of baby carrots, a head of lettuce and boxes of Rice-a-roni.

And again...
>She goes fucking nuts over my chicken alfredo, her new favorite dish apparently
>This time I add a handful of spinach to the alfredo sauce.
>Absolutely refuses to eat it
>This bitch is 9 years older than me

And finally...
>Ask her to pick me up some cranberry juice for my gay kidney
>Any kind will do just get me some fucking cranberry juice you ginger slut
>Comes back without any juice
>"They didn't have any real cranberry juice. They were all from concentrate so I wasn't sure..."
>.......................................dot dot fucking dot

What's a good way to hide a body?

>> No.3769618

A little bit of spinach in the sauce.

>> No.3769620

Ever considered that you're on the wrong board?

>> No.3769627
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>be in Paris for a week and regularly eating god tier food
>come back, friend invites me to his place for supper
>ask what are we having?
>"I was thinking of cordon bleu"
>woah wtf, when did he learn to cook?
Get there few hours later
>gives me plate with sandwich like thing consisting of:
>two chicken fingers
>3 second microwave bacon
>bun lathered in miracle whip
>tried to hold back vomit


>> No.3769637

that over the top gagging people do before they even let food touch their tastebuds, choosing to let the food fall to the floor
[Screams Internally]

>> No.3769640

>come home from lunch and then picking up some items
>open up fridge to check and make sure what I had plans for dinner was still good/around
>fancy pasta I slaved over as well as pizza sauce I simmered for hours are both gone
>my mothers husband managed to eat box of pasta and four pizzas worth of sauce in the time I was gone
>he put pizza sauce on pasta, and somehow got to fit all of that in
>what the fucking pancakes, man?

>> No.3769641

>go visit my buddy at his new place
>show him how to make eggs over easy and good smoothies for breakfast
>for dinner we make salmon fillets even though he's never had one
>give him a couple simple tips on cooking healthier
>don't be such a cunt about it like some of the people in this thread

holy shit life goes on.

the entire problem from every story posted in this thread is just people being assholes. i don't know if it's some kind of sense of self-entitlement or if their parents never took a few minutes here and there to talk to their shitty kids.

>> No.3769646

I'm the sort of person who gags on food (after I've put it in my mouth), but I try to hide it and finish the food, because acting out in public like that is disgusting and rude.

>> No.3769654
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>go out to new Thai place with girlfriend
>order peanut chicken soup
>absolutely wonderful, the best Thai I've ever had
>girlfriend didn't eat anything
>she bought Burger King on the way home

I need to find an adventurous girl.

>> No.3769655

>"I hate black olives."

Oh really pleb? I can understand not liking shitty canned black olives but people who turn their noses up at Kalamata olives are scum of the lowest order.

>> No.3769656

My father is similar. We have a great Thai place in our area, he went with us twice, then refused to go after that. He enjoys my mother's cooking, though, and she makes similar dishes sometimes.

>> No.3769716

>brother has this girl he has been dating for several years
>she is picky as fuck
>pretty much only eats chinese food, she's chinese, and doesnt really know how to use a fork or knife
>we go to french canada on holiday
>I want to try local food
>we walk around and my brother and his girlfriend check out the menus
>7 places later, they couldnt choose one, because it doesnt look like they serve food she will like
>I say fuck it lets go to this one
>we order our food
>she gets this roast, picks it up with her fork, and proceeds to nibble on it.
>brother is embarassed as fuck and cuts the roast for her into tiny pieces.
>she only eats half because its covered in some sauce, but she doesnt even try the sauce.
>sides untouched
>get back to hotel room and she eats saltine crackers she packed to fill up
>next day I let them choose where to eat hoping they want to try some local cuisine as well
>they give me directions and we end up in china town
>finally find a chinese place she is willing to eat at.
>she nibbles on a few dishes and says she doesnt like it there and fills up on crackers again in the car.
>last day before going back home, I wanted to try poutine
>find an random local place and we place our order
>she wont even try it, not even plain french fries because theyre " too different" (what my brother later told me)
>saltines again


>> No.3769717

another trip
>Winter break
>brother and I want to go to disneyland because I got some free tickets
>girl I invited couldnt make it because of a family matter so I gave it to my brother because he wanted his girlfriend to come
>driving down to LA we have to make multiple stops because she gets motion sickness
>she gets hungry
>im pretty accommodating, so I drive around multiple places
>nope. nope. nope. nope. three rest stops later I say choose one or go hungry, because we're wasting time and gas.
>she walks looks at the menu of BK, Subway, taco bell, popeyes, and pizza hut for about 1.5 hours.
>finally decides and gets corn on the cob at popeyes.

>while in LA, we visit some cousins
>watch the new Mission Impossible movie
>we get out late and we're hungry
>cousins have a cerfew so we go to In and out to eat as it is the nearly place.
>Btich girlfriend of my brother wont eat anything there
>brother asks me if we can look for somewehre for her to eat and I tell him its late, so pretty much most places are closed. also Im tired
>get back to room
>bitch girlfriend starts throwing a bitch fit in the bathroom and yelling in chinese while on the phone with her mother
> hear my name thrown in a few times.
>brother asks me if i cna pick up some food at the market for her, while he calms her down
>do it because i love my brother
>get one of every PF chang frozen meal
> she eats it relunctantly
>on the way back home i do not make any stops except to fill on gas or let the car rest

also her mom drives up to her apartment thats near her University every weekend to make her food for the week. god forbid she trys anything new.

>> No.3769720

>roommate bursts into kitchen proclaiming "imma make some pasta and meat sauce!'
>lol ok, the most ive ever seen him cook is hamburgers that were bubba burgers already in frozen patties that he slaps into a pan
>starts boiling some noodles
>hmm that seems odd to start the noodles before the sauce but ok
>pulls some leftover steak out of the fridge (which is butchered. decided it would be a good idea to pan fry a few minutes a side, then cook in the oven at 350 for 10 minutes)
>chunks up the steak.
>drains the noodles and pours into a bowl
>throws steak chunks ontop
>ragu over everything
>microwaves for a bit
>'oh man this pasta and meat sauce is so good!'

i was so mad.

>> No.3769724

>Can't even use a fork and knife
Send her back. At that point you aren't even trying to mix in.

>> No.3769731
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Goddamn man I'm not mad but dissapointed.

>> No.3769741


oh god she's terrible
I'm sorry I really am

>> No.3769754


Do these people not have shame? Do they not get embarrassed?

I'd be fucking embarrassed if I were out with my boyfriend and I was too picky to at least try anything and forced him to accommodate me like that. Buying Burger King or eating crackers on the way home? Seriously?

>> No.3769762

Wow, I hate picky eaters. Goddamn. Why is your brother still with her? She seems very annoying.

>> No.3769767

>Be around a mates hanging out 'cause nothing better to do
>My girlfriend at the time is with us
>Getting late, lets order food
>Mate says he knows a great Chinese place that does takeaway
>I order plain soft noodles and bean sprouts 'cause I know what I like
>Gf has never been to the place so has no idea what the fuck is good
>hesitantly tells my mate order whatever he thinks is good as long as it doesn't have peanuts 'cause she's allergic
>food arrives and we pay
>Mfw all the food apart from mine has fucking peanuts in

>"She's just being picky, if she tried it she'd like it"

>> No.3769773

Take a dump in the sink and leave.

>> No.3769786

>cook pizza on halves of french bread
>serve up to friends
>one helps with dishes
>everything is good
>everyone leaves
>see small red spot on carpet
>someone had shoved theirs under my sofa
What the fuck

>> No.3769790

yeah what the fuck

>> No.3769797
File: 55 KB, 708x415, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what rude asshole. I'd rather they at least be a little mature and just give it back, telling you they dislike the food. Instead they act like a fucking 5 year old and stuff it under the fucking sofa.

If you ever find out who did that, never let him into your home again.

Fuck, that post actually made me mad.

>> No.3769839

I hate to stereotype and not all Asians are like this but I find FOB Chinese people to be horribly picky about food. 9 times out of 10 they simply believe whatever pile of grease they eat in China is better and "more healthy" than what we eat here. Alot of them are petrified to try anything that isn't Chinese food. They are especially snobbish about other types of Asian food. Suggesting Thai food to a Chinese person often brings on chuckles like "Why would I eat that crap when all Chinese food is superior?". Granted I love Chinese food and it is probably the best cuisine on the planet but come on.

>> No.3769850

Yeah I don't have groups over anymore.

>> No.3769852

his first girlfriend and she puts out. I think she only puts out because she's afraid that my brother is going to get sick of her and find someone else.

shit likes this happens even when she comes over to the house for special occasions, like thanksgiving or chirstmas. This girl needs to take some kind of etiquette class or something.
>decide to make thanksgiving meal from scratch instead of buying it boxed from the supermarket
>used a bunch of recipes ive collected from /ck/ and the internet
> cook it myself because my mother had a stroke that year and my dad cant stand up for more than a couple hours at a time(broke his back and has bad shoulders)
>a good number of people coming over including brother's girlfriend
>she eats some turkey, but doesnt touch the sides dishes
>my mother sees that she's still hungry, so she asks my brother and I to whip up something
>make alfredo sauce with pasta
>while at the table, family asks me in vietnamese and spanish(because im a dirty gook beaner ect) what the fuck is wrong with her.

>> No.3769861

>family asks me in vietnamese and spanish(because im a dirty gook beaner ect) what the fuck is wrong with her.

>loudly converse with them in a language she can't understand
>throw in her name repeatedly
>A taste of her own ancient Chinese medicine
I hope that happened.

>> No.3769866

aw, a Lost Sailor. I love those.

>> No.3769872
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>kesha on zune media player
don't look for sympathy here.

>> No.3769882

>not liking your mouth burning

nigga fried chicken with ultra death sauce on it nearly burns me to death but that shit is good.

just cause you're sweating doesn't mean it's not good.

>> No.3769894

I like how he almost reached for the spoon he used for the capsaicin to eat the yoghurt.

>> No.3769899
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>Stay up all night making a cake for my friends birthday
>Hours carefully icing and decorating and shit with roses
>Looks good and feel proud of myself
>Cover it up carefully and leave it on the counter
>Come down next morning, there's a massive messy slice missing
>Brother "I thought you made it for everyone, if you didn't want people to eat it you should have said."
>Mother tells me off for being selfish.
>MFW. -.-

>> No.3769911

I like heat but I definitely try not to be "that guy" who makes everything about the spiciness. Like we will be at a restaurant, let's take hot pot for example, and I will order a spicy broth. People will ask me "Is that really spicy?" and I will tell them that I don't think it's very spicy but I'm probably not the right person to ask because I have a higher tolerance to spice. So we ended up ordering the spicy one. My buddy takes one bite and refuses to eat any more because it's "crazy spicy". I guess I'm that guy. But if a stranger cooks a special meal for me I won't mess with it. If we're eating spaghetti or something I will likely break out the sriracha if they have any in the fridge.

>> No.3769913

>Business trip with coworkers to Europe
>Eat out at expensive restaurants every night on company dime
>New coworker is BLAND BLAND BLAND
>give him shit about it
>"did your mom give you PB&J all the time and cut the crusts off?"
>3rd time at Italian restaurant run by real Italians. BOSS FOOD. We all love it.
>It's Picky Pete's first time there though, the other two times he got fast food and went home
>Orders plain pizza with pepperoni
>Pizza comes, has no pepperoni, only bell pepper slices.
>Picky Pete complains, "This isn't pepperoni!"
>turns out pepperoni is an Italian-AMERICAN creation
>Pepperoni in Italian is bell pepper (paprika to the Belgians, Capsicum to the Aussies BTW)
>Pete then picks every piece of pepper off his pizza
>Italians and we are horrified. So embarrased.
>Give him much shit, brutal even, coworkers laugh
>Pete pulls me aside two days later
>"My stepfather beat the living shit out of me. He would pour tabasco, and worcestershire down my throat, make me eat spoiled food, if I threw it up I had to eat that."
>Feel like shit for rest of life

>> No.3769931

You are a wise and reasonable man.

I can't handle spicy. I get mad stomach problems, sometimes bleeding. Otherwise, I eat everything, love trying new shit, just can't do spicy. I hate when people give me shit about not eating spicy food, or tell me it's not spicy when it is. You have class sir. I applaud you.

>> No.3769940

>tell me it's not spicy when it is
The problem with that is that spicy is a relative term, it varies from person to person. I can order "spicy" dishes from pretty much any asian-american food place because my peers are bitches (current company excluded, sir digestive problems) but that same food might make someone else want to spit it out.

I don't even like spicy food that much but sometimes people wimp out over nothing. Of course that's just to me.

>> No.3769945

Alright. I completely understand people who have serious issues with hot food. I had zero tolerance until I lived in Asia for a couple years so I tend to tell people that you will eventually build up a tolerance and eventually an addiction to the sensation of spicy heat. If someone had medical issues I definitely wouldn't try to jam habaneros down their throat though. That's kindof dickish.

>> No.3769948
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Fucking hell man. That rustled my jimmies like nothing else, but I want to hear more stories for some reason. She sounds like a shitty entitled person, let alone a fussy eater.

>> No.3769957

Was she born in the States (assuming you're from the US) or China? If it's the former, there is absolutely no reason she should behave the way she does, and if it's the latter, while it's incredibly rude and I would probably cuntpunt her, I do have the tiniest bit of sympathy for her and would give her a little leeway.

>> No.3769964

Her mother drives down to make food for her. There's a reason she behaves the way she does, just not a good one.

Hell, if I moved somewhere you can bet I'd learn to speak the language and eat the food. Even if I didn't like I'd at least find something to choke down not to inconvenience everyone around me. The guy driving around to find her places to eat and cooking separately all the time is like a /ck/ saint.

>> No.3769972

>brother is the stereotypical "I ONLY EAT MEAT FOR MEN SUCH AS MYSELF" douche
>going to make burgers
>he goes to buy ingredients
>tell him to get lettuce and a tomato
>he refuses to as vegetables are disgusting
>he didn't buy them
>he ate his burgers with only bread and ketchup
>I didn't feel like eating at all after that

he's 23.

>> No.3769976

If he's only 23, there's still hope for him. Either that, or he'll die from lack of nutrition.

>> No.3769978

>he's 23.
Probably dead by 45, if that's any consolation.

>> No.3769982
File: 495 KB, 358x201, you're stupid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking boyfriend won't eat anything that isn't chicken, macaroni, or maruchan.

>Go to a nice restaurant
>"I'm not hungry!"
>Order chicken pot pie
>"What is that, it looks weird!"
>"Try it~"
>Mfw when I have to spoon feed him like a fucking baby.

>> No.3769985

You're being conned into spoonfeeding your boyfriend. And they said only women could be manipulative.

>> No.3769989

That's horrific, poor Pete. Although to be fair, there is no way you could've know that.
Raged. Fuck people who eat food without asking first, why would you decorate it if it wasn't for a special occasion?

>> No.3769999

>there is no way you could've know that.

Still, I could have not been a dick, on GP. I've grown up a bit since then, I hope. I still work with him, like 10 years later. He will still literally gag if he smells worcestershire.

I did introduce him to hibachi. He loves it. Sure it's middle american, chain restaurant hibachi, but it was a big step and he really digs the shit out of it.

>> No.3770004

>white people and their spoiled palate

Seriously. Picky eaters are the most annoying sons of bitches ever.

>> No.3770005

>white people
You missed that anon's brother's Chinese gf.

>> No.3770007

I have a friend who doesn't eat any fruit/veg other than potatoes. And I think maybe carrots.
He drinks juice though, and apparently that's good enough for the doctors.

>> No.3770017

I'm white, my gf's black and she's WAY pickier than I am by a mile. No bread that isn't toasted, no tomatoes/mushrooms/bell pepper/olives/etc etc etc. The list goes on.

>> No.3770023

Why do so many people not like bell peppers? I love them, especially the red ones. Or mushrooms? I've noticed lots of people don't like them either

>> No.3770027

I think mushrooms are a mental block, because it's a fungus. Also, depending on how they are prepared they can be slimy and that's a texture that turns a lot of people off.

>> No.3770029

I like mushrooms, but bell peppers... idk, something about them makes me gag.

>> No.3770033

Interesting. Do you like Celery?

>> No.3770036

>mushrooms are a mental block
I have to agree with this. I generally pick mushrooms off of anything when I forget to/can't order it without, but the times I've eaten them on accident or intentionally as a small part of a larger dish they didn't really do anything aside from screwing with texture a bit much like bad tomatoes. I've heard grocery store mushrooms just suck, but obviously I've never ventured into the higher quality stuff.

>> No.3770040

No, sir, I do not.

It's this weird flavor which also makes me gag. Could it be a genetics thing?

>> No.3770050

Prob not genetic, but I know that's one of the things that seems to come in pairs.

There is an underlying thing there, a taste that is not "grassy" but almost grassy. It's hard to describe. Fresh, like super fresh, green beans also sometimes taste bad to people who don't like bell pepper and celery. They have more of that natural flavor and also have "snap" when you bite into them.

>> No.3770055

Hate mushrooms. Never had any that weren't deep fried in batter that I've enjoyed. Challenge every friend who claims they can cook to make them enjoyable.
No one's got further than tolerable.
Surely there's a mushroom out there even I can enjoy though.

Love bell peppers, raw or cooked.
Hate celery unless cooked in something else.
It's definitely the "grassy" taste. Same with spring onions, love the whites, hate the greens.
I'm really bad with green vegetables.

>> No.3770064

I was going to mention green onions. There is something common about all of those, A "flavor profile" for lack of a better or more accurate term.

I'm trying to think of some others like that. Radish maybe? Although A LOT of people don't like radish who like all of the others mentioned.

>> No.3770070

Because they dont taste good

>> No.3770072
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>Fresh, like super fresh, green beans also sometimes taste bad to people who don't like bell pepper and celery

I'm not the anon you're talking to, but those are the only 3 vegetables I have always absolutely hated. Interesting.

>> No.3770075

She was born here in the United States. California to be exact. Raised in a pretty diverse city. Her parents are from mainland China.

more stories? ok
>its my brothers birthday and i want to make him an awesome meal
>ask him if she likes steak, he says yes
>buy some filet migon and other stuff for a fancy meal
>go to their apartment to make the meal
>ask her how she likes her steak cooked, she looks at my brother and he tells me to cook it the way I usually make it
>ok, so medium rare
>finished making the food and served it
>this is when i learn she cant use a fork or knife
>brother loves his fucking meal and the girl is starting at the plate like a deer in headlights
>he cuts it up for her
>she says its too pink so i get up and cook it longer
>still too pink
>little pieces of tire rubber now
>she gets some kind of sauce her mother made from the fridge and pours it over the tire rubber.
>eats the rubber and carrots, but leaves everything else
>i serve the raspberry white chocolate cheesecake i made for my brother
>she gets a piece, puts it in her mouth, and spits it back on the plate.

not on a napkin mind you, or covertly in her hand, she leaned forward and slowly ejected it from her mouth. if my mother didnt raise me right, i would have smacked her shit right there.

>> No.3770076

I admit I am a cheap bastard and I often don't think about it. During a college break I was back home. My friends were having a get together and said they were ordering pizza. I didn't want to pay for any pizza so I brought my own frozen one that my mom bought from the supermarket. Never once crossed my mind how Dutch that was until my friends ripped into me hard.
It's not that I couldn't afford it, it was I didn't want to pay for it.

>> No.3770083

It's that "raw" taste I'm sure. Most of those can be, or are served raw.

Ok, Let me ask you this, just making a wild stab here. Are you from the UK or Germany, OR are your parents 1st gen immigrants from either of those countries?

>> No.3770085


She spit CHEESECAKE back on the plate? She found it so bad she couldn't even swallow a bite? Anon, I want to smack her for you. And she can't use a fork and knife, as if that requires lessons for an adult woman... You really must be a saint.

>> No.3770087

Yeah, it does taste like grass!
Thank you for pinning down that word for me!
Sorry about the late reply.

>> No.3770095

Neither of those, my family's been living in the states since the beginning of the 20th century (we're irish).

>> No.3770098

Your patience and tolerance is legendary friend. I would have exploded at her after just about every story you have described... also MOARR finicky chinese twat stories plox

>> No.3770100

Hrnmmm. Ok. It's just that both Brits (and Irish) and Germans tend to boil the shit out of veg. It loses some of that raw grassy flavor so raw veg can be a turn off for those cultures.

Also, to those who don't like bell pepper, celery, fresh green beans....

how do you feel about things mint flavored?

>> No.3770102
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I thought from the first few stories it might have just been a cultural thing, but now I'm starting to think she's just an aspie. Seriously, that sounds like something a mentally retarded person would do.

>> No.3770107

I don't mind it in small quantities, but I feel like it can spiral out of control and overpower everything if a recipe uses too much.

>> No.3770108

Why do you still waste time, effort, money and food on this woman?

Tell your brother that if he wants to do anything involving this girl and food it's on him. She must be a really good lay for him to put up with it, come to think.

>> No.3770112

As picky as she is I wonder how the hell she ever got a cock in her mouth.

>> No.3770118

Especially one that's not Chinese.

Wait a second... food saint, does your brother by any chance have a small penis?

>> No.3770122

Let her starve.
Seriously, refuse to feed her anytime your bro brings her along. After the second incident I wouldn't have put up with that shit.
She's too stupid to live, so let her starve.

>> No.3770126

he's probably banging that 8 ways till sunday.

>> No.3770130


>My brother has "ocd"
>we can only eat things for dinner on certain days such as sausage based dishes on friday or chicken on thursdays.
>He throws a bitch fit if it's not what he wants for that day of the week.
>He's fat as fuck already, apparently snacks don't fucking count and he always eats my "unhealthy" treat food like he's trying to choke himself.

>I wish he would choke himself.

so anyway

>I spend ages making dinner for all
>Proper nice shit yo'
>Refuses to eat it
>Fine I'll make you something you want and I'll stick this in the fridge for my lunch tomorrow (I'm a poorfag, I pay for my own food, my mother pays for my brothers, we are the same age)
>Make him what he wants
>Next morning go downstairs, the food is gone
>Did you eat it?
>No, why? Do you think cause I'm fat I eat everything? You're so mean!!

Spoilt brats and food drive me nuts.

>> No.3770132

With all this interest, I think we're gonna need a pic of this little princess...

>> No.3770133



Holy fuck, man, I just did a Dale Gribble laugh. Few jokes ever make me do that. You deserve a pat on the back, sir.

>> No.3770142

I don't understand how do you not know how to use a fork and knife? I learned how to use chopsticks and I hardly ever eat asian food.

>> No.3770146

Seriously, I taught myself how to use chopsticks one day in middle school while playing a game in between some school-wide testing. Shit was easy (though hard to get proficient at), and using a fork and knife is even easier. I mean, they're basic tools. At this point I'm holding myself back from more racist jokes because that's so stupid.

>> No.3770147
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>> No.3770148

ocd isn't a real disease. punch him in the neck and tell your parents to stop coddling the faggot.

>> No.3770153

>father raised me on drinking green tea
>we never had any thing like soda or juice in the house, if I wanted something to drink other than water it had to be green tea
>he never used tea bags when he made it, it was always loose leaf green tea leaves
>through out the year we would get various different kinds depending on what was in season
>when I got older I began making my own, using loose leaf
>never cared for any of the 'flavored' varieties either, like mango flavored or any thing. Traditionalist I guess.
>fast forward I'm in my twenties
>meet a girl
>out of the blue I begin talking about tea
>interested, ask her what her favorite is
>"Arizona green tea! it's my favorite!"
>realize that the only flavors she has ever had were always over sweetened trash varieties
>invite her over to try some decent stuff
>gunpowder is in season so I have a bunch of it
>make her a cup
>she grimaces
>"ewww, anon this taste like grass! do you have any sugar?"
>reluctantly give her sugar
>she adds like a cup of sugar
>"that's a little better"

>> No.3770154
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Well. Fucking. Played.

>> No.3770163

Oh lord, that mantis.

I am on the fucking ground right now.

>> No.3770171

Get rid of that bitch if you haven't already.

>> No.3770175

Green tea is vile. She has the right idea. Sounds like you had a terrible childhood as well.

>> No.3770177

Last time I had a guy give me Chinese tea it smelled like, and I would imagine tasted like hay. I finished the cup out of politeness but never made more.

>> No.3770179


And what kind of pig spits food right onto the plate unless they are intentionally disrespecting the cook.

I say kill her.

>> No.3770180

You are the worst kind of person, followed only by people that put cream and/or sugar in their tea and sub-human savages that don't use coasters.

>> No.3770181

Gunpowder tastes like asparagus and terror, what's wrong with you?

>> No.3770186

I'm a bad person for not liking but politely finishing a cup of tea? Hell, I didn't even say exactly what kind it was.

>> No.3770195

>Cook a side of broccoli for dinner
>Lightly steam it for about ten minutes to maintain optimal flavour and nutritional value
>Give a portion to my father
>He takes one bite, gets up and puts in the in the microwave for five minutes
>Can hear him whinging "I'm not going to eat RAW vegetables!" (mind you, whenever he does vegetables, he cooks them to mush)

But reading this thread reminded me of a dick move I made one time:

>Go over to a friend's place
>It's pretty late (about 10:30 P.M.) but ask what food he has
>His girlfriend offers me some of the spaghetti bolognaise she made earlier
>She cooks some new spaghetti for me because they had eaten the rest
>Heats up the rest of the sauce in a frying pan (it's a jar sauce)
>Plates it up for me
>Pasta is way overcooked and sauce is watery and under-seasoned
>Eat about a third and leave the rest

I felt like a major prick for doing that to her, but I grew up in a household where shitty, improperly cooked food was the norm and now that I'm an adult, I will go to any effort to avoid eating poor cooking even if it means looking like a picky asshole. It was even worse considering that whenever I have cooked for her, she tells me how wonderful it was and continues to compliment my cooking for the next few days.

>> No.3770219
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>mum gives me a cook book as a house warming gift for my first flat
>one of Jamie Oliver's books
>excited to use it
>one day make "The Perfect Steak" for friends
>had it before myself and really enjoyed it
>rather than 1, have to make 3, filets
>twice the time, but made sure all cooked properly
>nearly burn hand and singed an eyebrow making them (used a barbecue)
>one friend says it tastes like nothing and proceeds to drown it in BBQ sauce

>> No.3770221

she was there and i thought it would have been rude if I cooked a bunch of stuff for my brother and myself, especially since it was his birthday. She just turned 20 this year and she is getting slightly better at trying new things, but i place most of the blame on her mother

>winter time and the family gets invited to her house for a christmas dinner
>everything the mother made is cut into tiny pieces
>her mother made a dish especially for the girl that no one else could have. which the girl kept trying and sending it back until her mother made it perfectly
>no rice what so ever, which i thought was strange being they were asian
>everything had this strange taste to it that i just cant seem to explain. still served myself a bit of everything and ate it all
>her mother spews random nonesense about how rice and other starches are bad for a person
>they forgot to buy sparkling cider, so i volunteer to get some. my brother and the girl's brother join my quest.
>her brother tells me he hates the food at home. bland, no changes to meals, same shit pretty much forever.
>ask him if he wants some mcdonalds
>he looks at me with these eyes as if i just saved him from becomign a kony child soldier
>get him double cheeseburger and fries and he eats it like its his first meal in months
Poor kid is traumatized


>> No.3770225

>I just graduated and got my degree
>throw a party mainly just for family
>hire people to come over and make tacos
>know that my gook and beaner relatives love the shit out of tacos
>know his girlfriend is also coming so i order chinese food from a place i know she likes
>his gf isnt at the house yet and chinese food starting to run low, so i bring it inside
>she gets there but only eats the noodles, wait for this, because she doesnt like the other dish
>tell brother if she wants food, she can have a fucking taco like a normal person
>proceed to get drunk with some gook cousins just so i wouldnt go crazy

from that day on, i swore that i would never go to another place with that crazy girl again. there are more stories, but these were the prime examples the four something years my brother and her have been going out.

>> No.3770227

I'm on board with the anon from earlier. I think this girl has a legitimate developmental disorder. There's no way she can be this maladjusted without there being something wrong. At some point in her life she just didn't develop these skills and now she needs an intensive physio for her tongue or something. I'd consult a doctor if I were you OP. If your brother is dating that, he might as well get it checked out. She might just need a little help.

>> No.3770229

While I agree that Gunpowder is a terrible green tea... this is more or less why I don't tell anyone I like tea anymore, it's just too much trouble to explain.

>> No.3770233
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>patience of a buddhist monk
>empathy of every mother ever
>mad kitchen skill from the sound of things

I want you to know that no matter what anyone says about you, I love you. You are a good person and a bro.

Your brother's girlfriend needs to get hit by something though.

>> No.3770238

You should tell more stories about this girl. I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds them fun to read. By the way is she attractive? What would you give her on a scale of one to ten?

>> No.3770239

She is not attractive at all. she is the epitome of a wall flower. At other family events, she makes no effort to talk to other people. not to mention she is controlling as fuck

>doesnt let my brother have female friends
>like that stops him
>she sees a girl hug my brother
>tracks her down
>her and her mother go to the girl's dorm room and berate the poor girl that she should leave my brother alone, because he's in a relationship with her.

>> No.3770243

>that list
She must fuck like an expensive French whore. That is the ONLY possible explanation.

How did your brother get in that deep? It doesn't make any sense. Wait, is she rich? If she's a sugar momma that would explain things.

>> No.3770246

>her and her mother go to the girl's dorm room and berate the poor girl that she should leave my brother alone, because he's in a relationship with her.
that would be a HUGE red flag for me to GTFO of that relationship
I'd only stay if she was suicidal or something. Help her work through it. even then, I'd be on the make for an escape

>> No.3770253

>her and her mother go to the girl's dorm room and berate the poor girl that she should leave my brother alone, because he's in a relationship with her.

The fuck...

>> No.3770263

rating her out of 10? maybe a 5.

every single year, they buy each other expensive gifts. i think she has bought him 3 camera already, that are like 200+. bunch of clothes and expensive watches. when they go out, she wants him to match with what she is wearing

my brother, the poor sap, buys her jewelry, but i have never seen her wear it.

I have tried to get my brother to drop her and find a better person. I know he can do better. He can definately do better. Unfortunately they have already been talking about marriage, they are "pre-engaged". I know she hates me, my brother told me she is kind of scared of me, and if they get hitched it is pretty much the last i see of my bro.

need to keep this food related
>bro, his gf, and i go to gook cousins' thanksgiving party
>american and vietnamese food
>girl likes the egg rolls my cousin made, but they run out
>bro asks they theyre goign to make any more
>gook cousin knows whats up, she says, " we're not goign to make anymore, if your gr if hungry there is plently of food. otherwise she can starve".
>girl is visibly upset
>have shots with gook cousins after

>> No.3770269

>gook cousin knows whats up, she says, " we're not goign to make anymore, if your gr if hungry there is plently of food. otherwise she can starve".
should be
>if your gf is hungry.

excuse my spelling errors as i have been drinking.

>> No.3770268

You sound like an amazing guy. Will you marry me?

>> No.3770272

Two confessions of love in one thread, huh? Not bad.

>> No.3770286

Will the anon with the bro with the crazy ass gf please marry me? Or just a threesome with me and my girl? Please?

>> No.3770287

Your cousins sound like bros, even if they're chicks.

>> No.3770290

>I invented chocolate hotdogs

>> No.3770305
File: 165 KB, 900x891, 1322002679363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talking about ketchup with somebody
>They say Hunts and Heinz is the same
>They also like warm water and soda

>> No.3770328

Warm water is nice because it has a softer taste, also it doesn't cause chills within the stomach. Hunts and Heinz are the same processed shit. If you want actual spiced ketchup you should make it yourself.

>> No.3770335
File: 38 KB, 300x225, DAMNCRACKERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. its not homo until eyes meet or balls touch.

another story.
>we're walking around disneyland
>get hungry as fuck
>we meet at our agreed rendezvous
>bro is going to cover my meal
>im not picky about food, but i know the girl is, so we let her choose
>pretty much walk the entire park looking at the places to eat.
>oh god what did i do to deserve this
>tell bro we should just eat at the all you can eat bbq place behind that deliverance bear rabbit mountain thing(TM).
>food was pretty good.
>she ate the chicken, but removed anything that had bbq sauce
>pretty much only ate CORN
>meal over and she pulls out saltine crackers

holy fuck. those saltine crackers. she accidently left an entire box at the house and i used them as skeet targets.

pic related. the brand of crackers she eats

>> No.3770341

>always order my pizza with extra sauce
>eccentric friend always orders after me and has to get extra-extra sause
>cracks me up every time

>> No.3770343


She thin as fuck by any chance?

Im maybe over thinking shit but you give it the thought that she's anorexic or some shit?

>> No.3770351

Oh god, this one of my dormmates the last two years of uni... She never made me rage, just roll my eyes and snicker, but here are some samples:

>"I have OCD so I don't trust any meat made outside of my house."
>Gets chicken fingers every night in the dining hall.
>Gets sandwiches heaped with cold cuts from the Campus Center several times a week.
>Gets pizza at the dining hall constantly...with pepperoni etc. on it.


>Dressing, drressing errywhere.
>Macaroni and cheese? DRESSING.
>The above, plus chicken fingers and onion rings, were all this chick ate. And her plate was constantly swimming in ranch, honey mustard, mayo, French, or some unholy combination of the above.

We're talking about nutrition one day...

>"Oh yeah, I eat plenty of vegetables! When I get my sub on Fridays, I always get lettuce and olives on it!"
>The campus sandwich shop, Zepp's, puts like three olives and a tiny handful of iceberg lettuce on their sandwiches if you ask.
>mfw iceberg lettuce is her idea of vegetables.
>mfw I have no face.

>> No.3770354

*tsk tsk*
>with three friends before dinner
>Me: lets get pizza
>Everyone: Yeah!
>Retarded friend: Pizzas disgusting
>Me:Which part?
>him: Cheese
>Me: Lets get one without cheese!
>everyone else: Yeah!
> Retard: Ok, but no bacon, pepperoni or tomato sauce
>Uncultured cunt asks for fries at local shop; doesn't pay
>We won't eat his disgusting portion of fucked up pizza
>Drinks all of the coke
>Never eating anything with that unhealthily-fed moron again.

>> No.3770376

fuck yeh big thunder ranch
also its splash mountain and brer rabbit
i woulda killed this bitch ages ago. my cuz was 10 when i took her there and she ate fucking everything

>> No.3770387

holy christ shit she needs to be evaluated
anon i applaud you for not murdering this fine young lady

>> No.3770390

Holy crap, it's threads like these that make me appreciate living in southern California, I don't know anyone like the people mentioned in this thread, and I super thankful for that.

>anon with bro's Chinese gf problems
You deserve a hot girlfriend who is food cultured and so much more, I hope something breaks your bro's relationship off with that horrible girl. You also have cool cousins

>> No.3770402

honestly, this thread makes me glad i don´t have friends like that. i don´t think i could put up with the kinds of behaviour described here.

and i woulnd NEVER accomodate that look at 7 fast food menus shit.

>> No.3770452

>work in restaurant
>guy orders prime rib
>well done
>puts A1 on it
>orders a loaded baked potato as the side
>puts ketchup on it

Why didn't he just order a hamburger and fries?

>> No.3770465

OP confirmed for fag that doesn't like anything but pepperoni...

Expand your palate, queer ass.

>> No.3770467
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so my greentext is the following and not as good as chinese bitch
>just making general spaghetti for the house
>it's good, it's spaghetti, whatever
>mix spaghetti with sauce in the end so it's even mix for all and no bitching
>neighbor brony boy comes over and whines that he just likes plain pasta
>we tell him to starve collectively since he pays no rent
>asks if he can make a sandwich
>that was fucking it

I don't have picky friends. Maybe they don't have all the same tastes as me but none are bitches.

you have my sympathies and I'll be straight up: I'm mexican and at university and a decent cook. Female, decent C to D tits and not overweight. If a guy came to me with this kind of a story I'd pity fuck him and make pancakes as if he were a cancer patient.

And if you aren't into mexicans I've got chinese friends (girls I roomed with that kicked brony boy out), dominican friends, black friends, white girls with hips like black girls, white girls with hips like asian girls. I've got gay friends of all races and builds, whatever you're in to. Any one of them can at least make you pancakes in the morning and none of them are near general picky levels.

A guy with such patience and cooking skills deserves to have his dick wet on the regular. If this is not true for you it is a tragedy and if you are ever in Pittsburgh or New York, make some kind of an alert on /ck/ and (this being a slow enough board and me checking daily like a bum) I'll try to help.

>> No.3770473

I wonder what would happen if that Chink chick pulled of that shit in mainland China. From what I've heard, she'd probably come back in a box.

>> No.3770478

I think he played a joke on you.

>> No.3770479

>claims to work in a restaurant
>doesn't know the difference between ribs and hamburger

>> No.3770481

I'm occasionally picky about what I eat, and my boyfriend gives me so much flack for it. I'm thinking about dumping him.

>> No.3770483

>father has a large garden
>stringbeans, bell peppers, basil, okra, cabbage tomatoes, cucumber and broccoli
>cooks with broccoli or cabbage, he complains it gives him gas
>makes pesto or seasoning with the basil, he picks it out
>add the bell peppers to some meat dishes, he picks it out and throws it away

So half the things grown, he never eats or complains about it. A majority of the vegetables are given away to 'friends' and he steals water from neighbors for his garden. Wonderful logic

>> No.3770484

>Ex was always a bit of a picky eater
>Typical fast food/instant meal family
>Started eating a bunch of new foods since my dad is an amazing cook
>Move in together and decide to have his older brother over for dinner
>Make a bad ass chili, simmering for 6 hours
>Brother comes over
>"Oh I don't eat beans, I'll just have something later."
Fucking. Beans. How is that possible?

>> No.3770487

I'd never do that to you, baby.

I just made some orange and vanilla bean cupcakes yesterday for the hell of it. I also make things like cottage pie, katsudon, fresh pastas and breads, and I grill all kinds of steaks. If there's something specific you want, I can do that too, but with me you would never have to feel guilty for not liking something.

>> No.3770524

>parents cook dinner
>brother has less broccoli than everyone else because he doesn't like it
>nibbles a little off the top and throws the rest away
>he's 15
Every night, every fucking night.

>> No.3770527

Take solace in the fact that he's going to grow up as a stunted man-child while you're a badass cook that impresses all the ladies.

>> No.3770530

It annoys me most because I fucking love broccoli. Seriously, the best vegetable. Stirfried broccoli is Gods food.

>> No.3770536

I would eat all of those things.

He thinks I'm a picky child because I don't like most leafy green veggies as they have a certain bitter taste about them, and that I don't like offal like he does. Also I have a pretty sweet tooth, and he thinks sweet things are for babies.

>> No.3770537

If he did not already dump you for it, he is a pussy. Dump him.

>> No.3770534


sure is aspie teen general in here. you're probably about 15 yourself and under the impression people don't change past that

tip: the family cooks proper dinner every night, this means his brother will turn out just fine

>> No.3770539

People just need to teach their kids when they are young. I can remember being 5 and my dad saying 'here try some of this' to hundreds of different things, and one really distinct memory of trying liver and onions, which I thought tasted really good. I plan on using the same strategy to my kids.

On another note I hosted a small dinner for my sister's birthday the other day and made skirt steak, garlic bread, grilled asparagus, and a nice salad. Her boyfriend ate nothing, but a heap full of steak because he 'ain't eating no rabbit food'.

>> No.3770542

I would if I weren't so beta.

>> No.3770543

>eating offal
>being condescending to people who don't
Dump him. If he wants to eat the worst parts of an animal, let him, but when he thinks less of you because you do not eat shit off the butchers floor, dump the fucker.

>> No.3770562

Well you're in luck! Sweet things are my specialty. Creampuffs, cheesecake, trifle, pudding, I've done almost everything. I've been saving souffle for a special occasion (and when I feel like buying ramekins).

Tell your bf that not liking certain things is fine. I personally can't stand mint, pickles (only the cucumber variety), and jalapenos. But that doesn't mean I don't make bomb ass food.

>> No.3770764

>At thai/viet restaurant with 3 fronds
>all pour massive amounts of hot oil in our pho on advice of indonesian friend
>say "this is hot" every once in a while
>every time indo friend tells us its not hot

>> No.3770769
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My ex drove me absolutely mental with shit like this;

>There's this place in my city that sells sandwiches 24/7
>We went clubbing and got hungry, went to said place
>They have about 5-10 types of sandwiches, it takes her 30 mins to decide (she went over every ingredient listed for every sandwich, then started at the top again, repeat, repeat)
>She eventually decides on a sandwich with ground beef, pickles, onion,... I get a cheese sandwich
>It arrives, she looks at it with a look of disgust
>"I didn't know this had ground beef on it, and onion"
>YOUFUCKINGBITCHYOU LOOKEDATTHEMENUFOR30MINSFFS.jpg, but I somehow manage to keep my calm
>Argue for a while, but I'm so fucking hungry I offer to trade sandwiches, she agrees
>I eat this thing I really didn't feel like eating
>She picks the cheese from my sandwich and leaves the rest

>> No.3770779

But the worst one was this

>Together for a month
>I decide to make reservations at an upscale Chinese place as a surprise (what was I thinking)
>She looks a the restaurant, "I'm not going in there"
>"My mom told me all these chinese restaurants are dirty, I'm not going in"
>Bitch, this place has a Michelin star
>Actual quote: "yeah, they probably bribed them with their chinese money"

Dumped her on the spot. Went in on my own and had a great dinner.

>> No.3770787

"meat-and-two-veg" is british slang for penis and testicles, just thought you should know that.

>> No.3770857
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>holy fuck. those saltine crackers. she accidently left an entire box at the house and i used them as
>skeet targets.
Hahaha. If you have anymore stories, do post them. We're all loving them.

What does your brother see in her anyway?

>> No.3770863


>> No.3770870

I find it hard to believe he puts up with all that shit just for sex.

>> No.3770871

maybe it was good sex.

>> No.3770875

Could be, could be.

>> No.3770876

Is hummus nice? I tried it as a kid and didn't like it, and that has stuck with me to this day, making me never pick it up.

>> No.3770896

It's brilliant. Dead easy to make too. All you need is chickpeas, oil, salt, pepper and plenty of lemon juice. Serve with toasted pittas.

>> No.3770919
File: 100 KB, 269x333, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw a party
>"Hey guys we're doing pizza from (best place in town)"
>one person doesn't eat cheese
>one person doesn't want pepperoni
>one person doesn't want most veggies
>one person doesn't want chicken alfredo pizza
>one person only wants chicken alfredo pizza

Thank god my other friend who's vegetarian wasn't there, or I would have been in a rage induced coma.

>> No.3770934

You probably didn't have a good kind. Glad I refreshed this morning to see your quote.


This is what me make. Cooks Illustrated for the fucking win.

>> No.3770935
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I would think that since we're in California, she wouldnt be like this. The city she lives in has a bunch of chinese/vietnamese, indians, and some mexicans

I actually did meet this girl who loves food as much as I do and we have some stuff in common
>she's willing to try anything at least once
>knows proper table manners
>loves bacon, medium rare steak, ect
>talk about places we want to try
>we hang out, mostly eat ,and talk about food
>mfw she has a boyfriend
well shit, i dont want to be that asshole that homewrecks a relationship.

another chinese girl story
>girl's family is sick
>girl gets my bro sick
>im too busy to make my bro some soup because of my internship
>so i go to their apartment, drop off the ingredients and give my brother the recipes.
>he can make albondigas, mexican meat ball soup, and chicken soup with the stuff i gave him
>he cant cook that well, god bless his poor soul, but he tries anyways
>makes the mexican soup first
>she doesnt like it, but eats some tortillas
>he makes the chicken soup, but she only eats a bit
>bro calls me while im interviewing a witness for a case
>asks me what he can do to make it more asian for her. i tell him throw in some anise star,bunch of other stuff, and to call me the fuck later
>he does that, she still doesnt like it
>she makes her sick mother go to the apartment to make a meal for her.
>mfw my brother tells me it pretty much tasted like the chicken soup he made.
>picked my my bro and treated him to some pho while she had her shitty chinese soup.

>> No.3770936

While we are at it - homemade yogurt.

I'm going to go meet someone for lunch, be back in a bit.

>> No.3770939
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>Doesn't want pepperoni
>Doesn't want cheese.

You know what must be done.

>> No.3770966

>throwing small get together
>6 friends and myself had planned earlier to order from really good pizza place nearby
>1 friend says let's scrap the pizza and order pasta
>1 friend says she's on a diet and wants salad (with eggs, bacon, tomatoes, salami, ham, carrots, onions, lettuce and cheese, oh! and ranch dressing plz?)
>1 friend says he wants to make homemade pizza "but you guys have to buy the ingredients cuz I'm broke and it'll take 3 hours lolk?"
>1 friend just wants some fucking pizza
>1 friend just wants some fucking pepperoni pizza

We ended up just getting 2 pizzas (cheese and pepperoni) and a small pasta thing. We let the brokefag make fattiemcdiet a salad with whatever was in my fridge.

>> No.3770968

Anon, you are too kind and deserve success in your life.
You sound like such an upstanding guy, I would go out with you. Bless your patient soul.

>> No.3770972

I hate celery but like mint. Mint sauce on lamb is my favourite. Especially with a healthy dose of vinegar in the sauce.

>> No.3770983

>four people together
>want to order pizza
>the guy who we all know has no money talking about what he wants on the pizza
>nobody else can agree on anything because they are all picky eaters in different ways
>not even listening
>simply order my own pizza with all the toppings I want, personal-sized
>everyone else scrambling over the pizza
>I just eat my own delicious pizza without having to worry about whatever else

Why don't you guys do this? There's no reason to have to share unless you guys are seriously poor and only have 5 dollars on you at a time and you absolutely HAVE to pool money together to get something.

And when someone who has no money asks me to buy something, I tell them to get a job because I am not buying them pizza and having to listen to their input ruining it. A pizza is 10 dollars. If you're at the point where you don't have enough cash to get one on your own to avoid all this, ask mommy and daddy for 20 bucks because you obviously still live at home.

>> No.3770986

Dear god. Your brother is dating the nightmare of all North American Asian men: the homegrown FOB.

Bitch must be sheltered and mentally ill as fuck.

>> No.3771048

cilantro tastes like lye to me

There are some foods I don't like, but that I understand why people like, and I know I could learn to like; I didn't eat mushrooms and still can't eat fish, for example, but they just taste like something I don't personally care for

Cilantro doesn't taste like food to me

Thus I always feel bad when people serve things with cilantro in them because I'm going to be "that guy"


>> No.3771051

Notice how a lot of /ck/ take their female friends out for dinner?

Talk about friendzoned

>> No.3771061

>cilantro tastes like lye to me

its literally a genetic mutation

>> No.3771102

anon, if you live in the bay area i will totally date you. only thing is we will have to kill your bros gf because i would never do anything food related around her

>> No.3771122

> vietnamese and spanish

Wow, what a rare mix.

>> No.3771134

You should smack some sense into your brother. I can't believe a person like that can find a mate.

>> No.3771142

Awesome cousins. They hate her already.

>> No.3771156

But that's hummus...

>> No.3771170

Sorry, forgot to copy it...
I have been up since 5:30 and stayed up late.
Sorry again.

>> No.3771195

Nah, don't worry about it. I was just confused. Anyway, interesting idea to make yogurt in a slow cooker. I will try that. Thanks.

>> No.3771203

yup and delicious foods from both worlds
I actually live in the Bay Area. If we were to hypothetically get rid of her, I know most of the public defenders, their investigators, a few people in the DA's office, and a crapton of criminal defense lawyers, so i think we might get away with it.

>> No.3771206

It is cheaper to get a 50 cent thing of yogurt to get the cultures than buying a $15 packet of a starter.
*thumbs up*

>> No.3771223

>Go out to a burger place with a bunch of friends and friends of friends, one of which is the guy who (who showed up unannounced for the week and assumed people would be cool with him crashing)
>We get our drinks and suddenly he wants sushi even though he's a manchild that's complained about fish before
>Are you sure man?
>Yeah yeah let's get sushi
>We pay for our drinks and leave, go to get sushi and he orders a fuckton
>The sushi gets there and he tries one, gags, says "I remember why I hate sushi"
>Me and a different guy are eating everything by ourselves because nobody wants more and they don't have take-home boxes
>The manchild gets pissed off when we demand he pay for his share because he didn't eat any

>> No.3771600

Do you guys not have EasiYo makers in the States? Also, my mother just puts it in the hot water cupboard when she makes yoghurt.

>> No.3771811

Let me tell you a tale, sort of. One of my friend's girlfriend is so picky, it's easier to list what she eats. She subsides off of, chicken (most forms) and pizza, specifically Little Ceaser's, which she considers the best, despite having had stuff like Mellomushroom. She eats a few other things. I've seen her eat hamburgers a few times and even steak, but nine times out of ten, it's chicken or pizza. Luckily most places we go eat have one of the two. Also, among the things she doesn't eat is rice. I cannot comprehend that one. Then again, my best friend doesn't eat beans so whatever.

>> No.3771841

We have yogurt makers, but it is much cheaper to not buy specific tools I guess. It works great in the slow cooker!

>> No.3771879

>brother and me
>some kind of convention
>person hand making mini pizza for people
>brother doesn't like pizza sauce
>tells guy not to much sauce
>guys says its a pizza not a sandwitch
>brother has no idea what to say
>I try not to laugh

>> No.3771895

It really is hard on the parent's end though. When your is is young, like a year old, and they sit and cry for fifteen twenty minutes straight because they haven't eaten in eight hours because they don't like whatever it is they should be eating, it is really hard. And I think making you eat food you don't like is a bad idea compared to just having you try it again periodically. Tastes change.

>> No.3771900

That is why there is always breast milk ;P
(pregnant woman... haahhaah!)

>> No.3771907

this is kind of why the idea of having both parents work suck

frankly, there's a lot to be said for large family units encompassing more than the nuclear family + for having people at home to take care of the house. it makes sense both economically and psychologically. i'm not demanding that women "get back in the kitchen" - for pete's sake, my father spent most of my childhood in the house while my mother was working - i'm asking for americans to re-evaluate their attitudes towards family, the home, and work.

>> No.3771914
File: 1.84 MB, 180x150, reactwoody.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in college hanging with many people
>we hongry
>I suggest indian, mad dudes agree
>two chicks "we've never had indian"
>us: live a little
>get to buffet, hella delicious
>curries/biryanis/tandoori shit
>girls are mortified
>girls come back with only vegetables from bar
>girl 1's first bite is literally a whole jalapeno
>"omg this food is terrible wtf"
>they eat nothing for the rest of the meal
>suggest we go to McDonalds next time

>> No.3771919

That's fine if you want to breastfeed until your child is moving out.

>> No.3771922

"What the hell, this restaurant doesn't even serve breast milk? Everything on the menu is disgusting!"

Still not fine. Make your kids man up. You can do it gradually, but do it eventually. And yes, that includes the girls. Everyone needs a little manliness.

>> No.3771938

I was thinking until 20 months instead of 20 years, silly gooses!
But, breast milk is pretty damn good for humans, if I can get /fit/ up in here.

>> No.3771948

You're missing the point and breast feeding longer changes nothing. Children, especially young ones, react the same way when they're hungry: cry and make a scene. You have the option of giving them the same bland crap or ensuring they have a varied and healthy taste, that's what everyone is complaining about.

>> No.3771954
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>American pizzas look small and have like 2-3 toppings on them
>you have to split on on like 4 people

I never got this. Why can't you buy one pizza per person? are they expensive?

I've never ever shared a pizza with anyone, I've never heard of anyone doing so in Sweden either, and I eat pizza quite often (like today).

>> No.3772004

Some places have personal pies in which there is enough for one person.

Usually, though, people will split medium/large pies as it is too much for one person. I don't know what pictures you've been looking at but a large pizza is enough to feed 2-3 people.

>> No.3772022

I'm pretty pro-introducing them to foods and flavors.
We regularly cook awesome food and are the kind of people who make fun of picky kids because the parents only gave them pizza, soda, fries, burgers.
I will be sure that this little lady is adventurous with food - I sure am!
Sorry about the late response, I was brought home some fresh local corn and had to indulge.

>> No.3772023

>Out with acquaintance
>We to a restaurant and order some burgers
>I ask for everything except mustard because I can't stand it
>"I just don't, friend, I think it tastes awful."
>"Yes I have, many times, I've never liked it."
>Still doesn't believe me but whatever
>Food arrives, assemble my burger
>Have a few gloriously delicious bites
>Get up to pee
>Sit back down at table
>Friend is looking at me a little anxiously, but I think nothing of it
>Pick up my burger and take a bite
>Nearly gag because it's now covered in mustard
>He's got a big fucking stupid grin on his face
>Make that fuckface buy me a new one
>Order it to-go and leave him to eat by himself

>> No.3772032

american pizzas come in a variety of sizes but of course the largest sizes are most price efficient

>> No.3772038

That guy's a prick. I can accept people not liking a food if they've tried it, there are a few foods I don't like myself.

>> No.3772042

A lot of these stories remind me of every goddamn time a friend orders beer.

>Hey anon, what beer do you like?
>I do not like beer.
>BULLSHIT, you just haven't tried a good one yet.

Seriously, I have tried so many goddamn beers now because everyone just assumes my tastes is the result of inexperience rather than preference. It's not a matter of good vs. bad, I do not like beer. No matter how good it is, unless it's something other than beer, I don't like it. Give me hard A anyday, or wine, but not beer.

Oh, and the way it ends?

>Refuse to drink beer
>Friend tries to pressure me
>Fuck off, peer pressure hasn't worked on me in decades.
>Pour beer out
>That's what you get, asshole.

>> No.3772051

Okay, he was being a dick about the beer thing, but why pour it out instead of just letting him have it?

>> No.3772058


To make his assholery cost him. Maybe next time he'll remember this, and he won't be such a prick about it.

>> No.3772080

>about 10 people over
>order 15 pizzas

only in austria

>> No.3772097
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>my mother threw me out saying I was eating too much food.

>> No.3772129

did i also mention im in school studying forensic science?

>> No.3772147

love built on mutual hate
its like /b/

>> No.3772420

well just got back from a club, in Spain, trying to get my brother to cheat on his chink gf. no luck =[

You sound awesome, what school do you go to?

cant think of any other stories of my brother's girl friend being a picky eater, besides her being pants on head retarted at the table.

so here is a stories with some friends
>friend and i are on a quest to find the best chicken fried steak and corned beef hash in the Bay Area
>get a list of places from the internet
>he has a friend from school visiting
>the more the merrier
>we sit down and look that the menu
>guy is visibly upset they dont serve waffles
>we mention they are known for their chicken fried steak, so maybe he should probably try that
>he wants to go to ihop. nope.jpg
>he gets pancakes and some other stuff
>he orders a diet cola
>when he gets it, refuses to drink it because it isnt diet pepsi
>finish our meal and in the car he mentions we should have gone to ihop or dennys, that way everyone would have been able to get something they like.

god that guy was annoying. he did a bunch of other shit that pissed me off, but it's /k/ related.

>> No.3772422


>have like 10 pizzas leftover that all your dumbass friends paid for, free pizzas until they go bad

Evil genius, hope you left room in your fridge

>> No.3772428


Dude me too, I can't stand the taste of mustard, it just tastes like awful, I don't get it. That and mayo. People say I'm picky, I say people need to stop putting one or both of those things on EVERYTHING in this damn country

>> No.3772451

I'm sincerely rooting for you two to get together and make the cutest crime fighting cooking couple, ever

>> No.3772458

>quirky sidekick
>patient and understanding MC
>mysteries solved using food
>world cuisine explored
>guest appearances
Someone call /tv/.

>> No.3772464

I think there have been a few anime with plots like that. I know there are a couple manga too.

>> No.3772571

/k/ friend here. If he muzzle swept you, you should beat him to death and claimed he tried to shoot you. Also you could have imagined he was your brother's girlfriend and gave yourself all sorts of good feels!

>> No.3772581

You are an autistic manchild. Please kill yourself.

>> No.3772596

>I put marinara sauce over mine and acts like a pissy 13-year-old girl for the rest of the evening

you sure did act like a pissy 13-year-old girl, at least you admit to it.

>> No.3772720
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>she gets a piece, puts it in her mouth, and spits it back on the plate.

I raged. I also rage at people who smell their food before tasting it.

>> No.3772769


The smell is part of the experience. A large part in fact. Some people do get obnoxious about it though, leaning over the plate and acting like they're trying to snort the food.

>> No.3772833

How normals deal with shit;
Ooh the pizza's here, will someone let him in please
"We didn't order chicken. Not a problem, we'll pick it out."
I doubt they meant to mess us about
After all, we're all adults not louts

>> No.3772838

>Order pizza with friends
>all blurt out the exact same thing when trying to decide
>Wrestle at the door trying to be the one who gets to pay
I feel like an alien in a strange world full of assholes and morons

>> No.3772842


My father was the same way when I was growing up. "Here son, try this." was always something I heard whenever there was food around. Now as an adult I have no qualms about eating anywhere, or trying something I haven't before.


>> No.3772861


I can understand taking in the smell of the meal, I do that. As you said is a great part of experiencing food.
Its people like you mention, and those that have a 'eww wtf is this' look to their face as they smell the food that upset me. If you don't like how it looks or whatever else just say so, I'll even buy you a new meal.

>> No.3772890

You guys ever notice that super fat people are usually super picky?

>> No.3772895

The pickiness probably has something to do with why they're fat in the first place. Their parents let them eat whatever they wanted when they were kids, and with the food-related leniency also came leniency in other areas of life, so they probably didn't get enough exercise, in addition to the wrong sort of nutrition. By the time they're fat adults, they're not used to eating vegetables (that's what people seem to be pickiest about) and aren't used to trying new foods because they've been brought up that way. That's how I see it, anyway, it makes sense to me.

>> No.3772896

Aw shib, i wanna hear this stuff, i am a /ck/k/ lover, i love the cross board banter they provide. Was it foul gun play, or the lack of love of tasty game?

>> No.3772910
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>Be an infantryman for 8 years
>Eat what they give you or starve

I'll eat just about anything. As a matter of fact, I can't think of anything I dislike.

>> No.3772912

What about the veg omelet or the sausage and gravy MRE's?

>> No.3772927
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>coworker sees me put a few drops of tabasco in 6 oz of chix soup
>decides to turn it into a pissing contest, gets a cup of soup and floods it with tabasco, telling me how much he loves it
>starts coughing sputtering and crying from a couple spoonfuls

same fucker is a junior at a culinary school and didn't know how to make A ROUX

>> No.3772941

>Go out with friend
>Want Thai food desperately
>"I don't like Thai."
>"I don't want to eat Thai food."
>Maybe she's just used to her mother's authentic Thai cooking
>Nope, just hates Thai

>> No.3772955


>She's thai
>Therefore she MUST love thai food

The fucking epitome of racial sensitivity.

>> No.3772962

It's not unreasonable to expect someone to like a kind of food they were brought up on. If she was adopted or something you'd have a point, but how the fuck do you eat a style of food (home-cooked, no less) for twenty years and not like it?

>> No.3772966

Her mum is fresh from Thailand, I'd expect that she was probably raised on Thai food. If, as this thread claims, one's palate is limited based on what they're raised on, then it would not follow that she hates Thai food.

>> No.3772967

Well you just eat it so much of it that you just get sick of the flavors.

Indian who hates Indian food for a good chunk of the year here.

>> No.3772969

I don't blame that anon for assuming so, considering that other anon's brother's gf who won't eat anything other that Chinese food.

>> No.3772986

> 3 friends sleep over at my place
> ask them if they want pancakes in the morning
> they all say yes
> make a whole bunch of pancake batter
> I am not the best cook but I can make awesome pancakes because I eat them all the time
> one friend sees that I'm putting eggs and milk in the batter
> "eww wtf you're just supposed to use water that's not how you make pancakes"
> same friend looks at the batter, notices there are small chunks of pancake mix not completely blended into the batter (as there should be if you want fluffy pancakes)
> "eww gross it looks like it's gone bad, I don't want any"
> other friends agree, only one of them eats and he only has one pancake
> "this syrup tastes weird, whats wrong with it?"
> "it's from a maple tree you dumb fuck, it's not that fake shit you buy at the grocery store."
> "I don't like it."

Seriously, these people are only one slight step above ketchup-as-tomato-sauce-on-their-spaghetti.

>> No.3772988

Holy fuck there are some picky as fuck eaters in here. I'm a little Picky myself. I don't eat mushroom fungus thing freaks me a bit. I dont eat fresh tomatoe, I will eat every other form but not a whole fresh tomatoe. The flavor is weird to me. And I won't eat lettuce on a burger I don't like warm lettuce.

But holy fuck as far as food is concerned I will try almost anything once.

>> No.3773014

If you can't eat mushroom because it's fungus, then you can't eat bread, many cheeses, soy, and many fermented products. All contain fungi.

>> No.3773062

>be a picky childhood eater
>dislike basically all vegetables
>try indian curry for first time at 13
>holy shit this stuff is amazing
>9 years later, open to try almost any foodstuff
>no picky friends

>still don't like raw tomatoes or cilantro
>oh well

>> No.3773093
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Jesus some of these..
anyway Out with friends, they always pay for my food cos I always help out with babysitting and housework etc

>Out and about with some friends
>I'm youngest in the group by several years
>Get to play baby and always looked after for some reason
>Go out to get pizza
>Everyone put together money
>I don't contribute
>I never contribute
>New friend never eaten with us doesn't know how this goes
> "You need to put money in derpina, it's only fair"
> "I'm broke as shit everyone here knows it"
>Everyone else says it's okay
>Nope, he is raging hard
>"If she won't pay then I won't it's only fair.
>Whatever, it's late and everyone just wants to eat, get pizza for all
>I get a pizza (and potato wedges) all to myself cos I eat a lot and this is the only meal I've eaten in fucking days
>He eats half without anyone noticing
> "Dude wtf? That's derpina's pizza"
> "she didn't pay anything, besides shes fucking tiny she'd never eat all of it"
>mfw my buds ditched him and got me two burgers

I fucking love my mates

>> No.3773115




>> No.3773127

Because she's a vapid whore from reddit or some other shithole.

>> No.3773187

You are everything that's wrong in this world, you're a fucking whore who thinks she diserves everything in this world for free, if you can't pay for food then eat fucking crackers you pay for YOURSELF. no money no EXPENSIVE DELIVERED PIZZA YOU STUPID CUNT;

Get your retarded 'derp'-assed, reddit-cunted, fucking spoiled, ugly face off my board you vile bloodsucking leeching loser good for nothnig babysitting brat.

tldr; her friend is alpha and called her on her betaness and she get mad

>> No.3773189
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>Be 13
>Grandmother offers to drive me and little cousin to get some fast food
>I don't care where we go and let cousin decide the destination
>Cousin chooses Wendy's
>At the drive-through
>Grandmother turns to little cousin and asks what she would like
>Cousin: "Oh, I'm not hungry I don't want anything to eat"
>Our faces when

Something more recent:
>Go on a trip to Mexico with aunt, uncle, and cousins to some timeshare thing they were a part of
>Room service is free
>They have some decent food to choose from like skirt steak and fajitas
>One of my cousin only orders chicken nuggets and fries every meal and snack opportunity for a whole week

>> No.3773260
File: 1.15 MB, 2592x1458, 2012-04-02_02-54-55_703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, /k/ story time
>friend's friend goes with us to the range
>friend told me that his friend has shot a gun before, but only pistols
>he shoots my pistol that he bought ammo for
>he sees that im shooting a revolver and asked if he can try it
>gave him a clip and the revolver, which is nearly 100 years old
>he closed the cylinder by flicking his wrist, which is bad for the gun, and pretty much slamed the revolver on the bench when he finished shooting
>camly told him he shouldnt do that, he didnt apologize
>go to rifle section of the range
>he muzzle swept me twice and droped the muzzle of my rifle on the ground
>berated the manchild, packed up my stuff, and left
>friend later calls me to apologize for his friend's behavoir, but said i maybe over reacted
>havent gone to the range with friend since

pic related, its the revolver.

here are some stories my brother told me about his girlfriend
>during girl's mother weekly visit to prepare food, she is cleaning out the fridge to toss out old food and make room for china food.
>mother comes across some mexican food that was for my brother
>opens it and declares it went bad (mexican cheese smells weird)
>even though it had a date on the tupperware saying it was under a week old
>bro says its still good
>she says its not, its not good for him anyways, and tosses it.

>> No.3773417

Dude, you seriously need to intervene in that. If your brother hasn't picked up on that most everyone thinks the girl is not meant for him, you've got some problems.

>> No.3773521

Maybe it's something genetic. Her mother souds like... for lack of a better word, a complete spaz as well.

>> No.3773843

I have talked to him about the situation, but he thinks she can change citing the small progress she has made over the years. When we're alone, I mention it to him that she probably isnt the one and list some of her faults. He looks at me like he agrees with my statements, but since it's his "first love" he is just clinging. The girl already knows that I dont like her and I am sure she talks to my brother that I might be trying to break them up for malicious reasons. I am trying all I can do to make my brother drop the girl, but he is stubborn and doesnt like change.

I just dont want him to have kids like his girlfriend. I want them to have a normal childhood, eating awesome foods is a plus, but being raised by the girl and her mother would make them sheltered and unable to really fit in with society.

>> No.3773856

Why not have your bro "arrange" a cooking contest between you and your bro's girlfriends mum.

Invite like 50 buddies over for a tasting judgement. That'll shut both of those bitches up.

Props for living through all of this though.

>> No.3773896

>That'll shut both of those bitches up.
"They no understand authentic Chinese cooking!"
That won't accomplish anything but turning the mom against this guy too. It'd be nice if he could find her cheating or something, but no one else would put up with her shit, so that's not gonna work.

>> No.3773963

Pay an escort to seduce her
That'll get your bro to break up, surely

>> No.3773995

Your only option might end up being locking your brother in your house and explaining how bad of a person she is. Like, complete break down of this horrible, horrible wench. If you can get an inkling of a doubt in his mind, it should work. Mention the kids thing and how bad they would have it. Mention anything you can think of to get him away from her. I've seen too many people ruined by horrible women to want that to happen to anyone.

>> No.3774087


My brother already prefers my cooking over the girl's mother and I am sure her mother doesnt like me.

I was thinking about getting someoen I know to secude her, but she is too awkward to get social cues. And they might eventually find out that I planned it since they tracked down that poor girl and harrassed her for being friends with my brother.

I mentioned the kid stuff to him today and he got very quiet for a while. He thought that our mother would live in the house with them and help raise the kids, but I said that it will most likely be the girl's mother helping out. Maybe he's not really listening to me because Im only a few years older. I have already lost a few friends to batshit crazy women, but God, I dont want it to happen to my brother.

>> No.3774104

Just keep pushing it man. It's a fate worse than death, do your best not to let it happen to your brother man.

>> No.3774116

The fact that he was silent either means he was listening to you whole heartedly or completely ignoring you. Unfortunately it's probably the latter, but all you can do is try. Keep coming at this from enough different angles and hopefully he'll see that you're right eventually.

Don't do the friend seduction thing though, if it is found out the attempt will be invalidated and anything else you have t say will be ignored.

/ck/- /adv/

>> No.3774266

Damn anon, I want to anonymously help you, if I was a guy I'd seduce the heck out of her just to help you. :( I hope things work out somehow.

>>3774116 is right, don't listen to my crazy advice, I just wish things get better for you and your bro
If they marry and they have kids, she's your sister forever

>> No.3774655

What the...seduce the BOYFRIEND, chica.

It doesn't matter who gets seduced as long as that bitch is no longer a priority to him.

>> No.3774929

Anons bro seems like an okay guy, I couldnt do that to scene who doesn't deserve it.
Realistically I doubt I'd be a very good seductress ._.
Because, spaghetti

>> No.3775082

Any of you guys have this happen to you before?

>Go to a bar with friends
>Already ate dinner, so not hungry, just ordered a Jack & Coke
>Friend has pizza
>Friend constantly asks me to try the pizza cause it's 'so good'
>I say no I'm full as fuck
>She shoves a slice in my mouth
>I had to open my mouth otherwise hot pizza would have dropped all over me
>Pizza was average and I was FULL
>insists I have more slices, I refuse, she shoves another in...
>Bill comes, she expects me to split the amount
>I just pay for my drink and leave.

Was I being an asshole? Because I really didn't want to have any pizza..I don't see why I should have paid for it just cause I was force fed...

>> No.3775087

The moment she shoved something into your mouth it became impossible for you to be an asshole. If you insist someone try something you don't charge for it.

>> No.3775099

that's what i thought...really pissed me off this isn't the first time she insisted I try something and try to get me to pay for it after as well...crazy bitch