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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3755242 No.3755242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/
I'm a newly wed waifu. My mom taught me the basics of cooking, but until recently I've been living alone for so long that I sort of got out of the habit. I want my hubby to be healthy and happy, so I think the best way to keep him that way is to cook for him at home. Can you please share some of your tried and true recipes? Thanks!

>> No.3755248

Post your cellulite.

>> No.3755250
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> hubby

Man the harpoons

>> No.3755255

Is this a thing now? I haven't been on 4chan in a couple years.

>> No.3755254


>> No.3755256

I'm running off to the store right now to get stuff for dinner tonight, but if this is still around later, I'll be happy to post some awesome recipes for you. (Healthy, culinary trained housewife reporting.)

>> No.3755266

Thank you!

>> No.3755270
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I'd post a proper recipe, but I am dur lazy and intoxicated.

Take pork chops, debone.
Beat with mallet, or other suitable blunt object until about halved in thickness.
Sprinkle on salt and black pepper, to taste.
Dredge in wheat flour.
Dredge in beaten egg.
Dredge in bread crumbs.
Pan-fry 4 minutes per side at medium heat in a mix of olive oil and butter.

For sauce:
2 tablespoons of butter or oil.
2 tablespoons of wheat flour.
Mix on a skillet, on medium heat. Stir until the mix has darkened a little.
2 dl of water and a stock cube, or 2 dl of stock. Add. Stir well. Simmer for 5 minutes.
1 dl of cream. Add, stir well, bring to heat.
Taste, season further. If thickness needs adjusting, add more stock or flour. If adding flour, always simmer for another 5 minutes.

Serve with starch and vegetables of choice.

>> No.3755278


Oh, I failed to mention that I have a freezer full of beef from my parents' farm. I've got pork chops too, so this is perfect.

>> No.3755286

Well, there's a famous Austrian recipe known as Wiener schnitzel, which is basically the same treatment given to a piece of beef. Any ol' cut of beef that's large enough to flatten to a single serving size should do, since it's not really fancy cuisine or anything. But it still ranks up a little from the pork cutlet.

The whole thing's actually a little mild in taste now that I think of it, so it might go well with something a little sharp in taste, maybe. Eh, I'm drunk and tired though, so I can't think of anything that complicated.

>> No.3755295

So you live in one of those states where gay marriage is legal?

>> No.3755300

You got out of the habit of cooking WHILE living alone.
wtf. That's so backwards.

Confirmed for lazy whore.

>> No.3755329

Refried beans:

-Get pinto beans (like 4 cups)
-Soak in water for a couple of hours
-boil with smoke ham hocks until tender
-re-fry with bacon grease
Easy peasy

>> No.3755332
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>weiner schnitzel

>> No.3755334

Are you poorfag or richfag?

>> No.3755335

Cool. Thanks

Yep. Harder to cook for one than for a family.
Confirmed for dude living in parents' basement.


So, can I make a request for some recipes that use more veggies and less fats?

>> No.3755337

Newlyweds in 2012. What do you think?

Poorfags but both employed at grownup jobs. We can buy food, just nothing ridiculous.

>> No.3755339

Oh, yeah, I forgot to add that you have to clean before you boil the.Most of time there some dirt with the beans

>> No.3755340

You think you can just waltz in here and steal all our recipes, you little slut?


>> No.3755341

Using veggies is more an issue of making another dish altogether to go with the starch and the main dish.

Lately I've been digging carrots. Steamed carrots with a little salt, pepper, majoram and honey.

... and a bit of butter while nobody's looking.

Please refer to an Austrian for confirmation of your embarrassing faux pas.

>> No.3755346

It's clean dude. Calm down.

I'll share something, okay?
To make spaghetti sauce better, I add pepperoni and green olives along with browned beef or sausage, peppers, onions, and lots of garlic as well as a dash of garlic salt.

>> No.3755347
File: 33 KB, 480x426, fat-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... funny how every damn veggie side dish I've been taught always come with the clause "and then add butter". Broccoli, long green beans, brussel sprouts, carrots, swedish turnips... no wonder we're getting fat.

>> No.3755351

I like veggies just steamed and seasoned. I like to use arabic seven spice.

A pat of butter won't make you fat.

>> No.3755353

Green olives, really?

Anyways, particular tastes aside, homemade spaghetti sauce is easy to do and cheaper then the bottle shit, in the long run.. My recipe is a monster thing but it has lots of veggies and is pretty good. I can post it if you want.

>> No.3755354


Just douse everything in hot sauce and Montreal Steak spice, won't you?

There are 16 pages filled with inspiration. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we're sorry that you're an incompetent housewife and that your mom was busy not wearing a bra but that's life. Now take your hoop and continue your embroidery on the tablecloth before I break your hands.

>> No.3755357

Yes, please!

I LOVE green olives. And yes, really. You've got a lot of fat in the sauce already from the beef and pepperoni. You want some more acid, and it's not as sweet as the tomato, but it has that nice, sharp, nutty flavor.

>> No.3755356

you are usually a tad less aggressive. Something got into you tonight? Or just in a generally bad mood?

>> No.3755361

I don't like green olives all that much, hence the question... Give me a few minutes, I'll make a vertical out of the recipe.

>> No.3755363

Please, come break my hands.

>> No.3755366

>To make spaghetti sauce better, I add pepperoni and green olives along with browned beef or sausage, peppers, onions, and lots of garlic as well as a dash of garlic salt.


>> No.3755368

If you've got a crockpot and a freezer full of beef, I'd suggest doing either beef tips and rice or beef stew. Both are fairly easy - brown beef in oil, stick in crockpot with a cup of water for 4-7 hours (veggies/spices and herbs/red wine if you're doing soup, onions if you're doing tips), then transfer to a pot and boil with a bit of cornstarch and water to thicken it up. But if you're going for more veggie-based recipes I'd stick with the stew.

>> No.3755370

>your mom was busy not wearing a bra

You're the biggest piece of shit on this board.

>> No.3755374

Thanks :)
Beef stew is one of my favorites. I've never done it with a crock pot.

>> No.3755380

Now, before we drown Sceak in shit, we should all remember that he is mentally infirm. Insane. He can't help it. He's not even a troll, just a... well, sad footnote along the evolutionary path of man. One of many we can't help, apart from ignoring them. Not everyone can be born with a winning hand, and all that.

>> No.3755384

It's really easy, all you need to do is coat the beef in seasoned flour (salt/pepper/steak seasoning) and brown it in hot oil, then toss into the crockpot with a few cloves of minced garlic, 1 and 1/2 cups of beef broth, 1 chopped sweet onion, 4 sliced carrots, a stalk of chopped celery, whole mushrooms, a teaspoon of worcestershire sauce, a pinch of paprika, a bay leaf, and half a cup of good red wine (something you would enjoy drinking). Cook on low for about 8 hours, then check on the consistency. If it looks thin, add a tiny bit of cornstarch mixed with water and cook on high for an hour (checking and stirring regularly). Check for taste, you may need to add seasonings, but by that time the beef and the vegetables should be falling apart tender.

>> No.3755390
File: 411 KB, 950x3044, spag2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, here you go.

This was my mother's recipe and still my favorite. it's pretty flexible too, so you can try changing the type of meat, adding vegetables (my mother adds mushrooms), adding sausage or peperonni, etc.

>> No.3755391

This is almost the same as my mom's recipe, except she doesn't use red wine and she uses potatoes and onion soup mix. I think this actually looks better. I only need to pick up the worcestershire sauce. Nice to know I can do this in the crock pot before I go to work and have it to welcome me home. Plus the crock pot won't heat up the house like the stove top will.

>> No.3755393

Wow! This is awesome! Thank you!

>> No.3755395

you're welcome.

>> No.3755544

When I need a recipe, my go to is a very old, worn copy of the Good Housekeeping Cookbook. More often than not, I just kind of wing it though.
General misogyny has always been a thing on 4chan.
If you have red wine, it goes great in spaghetti sauce.
>brown beef in oil
I just cut off the large areas of fat, render it, then brown the beef in it. It's fucking delicious.

>> No.3755563
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>I just cut off the large areas of fat, render it, then brown the beef in it. It's fucking delicious

SON OF A BITCH, I never even thought of doing that! Rendering fat is essentially the same thing as making homemade lard, right? I'm going to have to try that the next time I make stew.

>> No.3755570

I guess? I don't know much about making lard, but it makes sense to me. Why use oil when you've got that flavorful beef/pork/chicken fat right there?

>> No.3755675

I used to do that (because it is tasty and it looks like a waste) while everybody was talking about how much cholesterol and shit it have.

now studies say that cholesterol ingestion isn't related to blood cholesterol. I suspected that since I studied the cholesterol metabolism, absorption and excretion but now I can continue with it and don't bother as long as I stay active.

>> No.3755680

>cholesterol ingestion isn't related to blood cholesterol

Wat. While the vast majority of your cholesterol is body made, cholesterol from food does have an effect. Take olive oil for example. It can increase your HDL

>> No.3755686
File: 35 KB, 1000x673, tumblr_m4epo7GOdO1rw1p5qo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olive oil have 0% of cholesterol. Cholesterol isn't a fancy name for fat.

See pic: it is the cholesterol molecule

>> No.3755688

Olive oil isn't as good for you as pure fats like lard are.

>> No.3755690
File: 7 KB, 588x368, FatTrio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the ones in this pic are examples of lipids. There are many others based on the size and position of the doublu bounds

>> No.3755691

>pure fats
what? you can refine any oil to be all fat

>> No.3755693
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And finally an example of triglyceride. It is made of three fatty acids attached to a glycerol

>> No.3755698


>> No.3755696
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Enjoy OP

>> No.3755713

I like how everyone forgets the fact that she's actually FUCKING COOKING FOR HER HUSBAND. Seriously, that shit is rare regardless of looks.

A+ personality. Not white knighting, just putting the little children in there places.

Also, why the fuck are they up so late?

>> No.3755714
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Don't fuck this up now

>> No.3755732

If I were married I would enjoy to make a meal to my wife... or baking cookies... or cake...

I like to make people I like happy

>> No.3755739
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My favorite soup/stew to make:


>2 tablespoons unsalted butter
>2 leeks, chopped up nicely
>2 big carrots, chopped up
>2 cloves of garlic, chopped fine
>1/2 cup of pearl barley
>2 cups of water
>12 oz can of evaporated milk
>2 turnips, chopped up
>1/2 cup of your favorite white wine
>1/4 tsp thyme leaves
>1/2 teaspoon crunched up saffron
>1 cup of heavy cream
>salt and pepper to your liking
>1 1/2 lbs of cod, cut up in chunks
>3/4 cup of clam meat
>1 cup of crab (you can use imitation if you'd like)

First, be sure to soak that barley for an hour before you start anything else

Place 1/2 lb of the cod in a pot with the 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil, and boil for 10 minutes. Remove the fish and set aside for later. Keep your fishy goodness water (stock).

In a saucepan, melt the butter and saute leeks, carrots, and garlic over medium low. Cook until limp but not brown.

Add wine and bring to a boil. Once at a boil, reduce to medium low heat, and add that fishy water, along with the thyme, salt, pepper, barley, and turnips. Cook this until your turnips are nice and tender.

In another saucepan, heat the cream, then add the crushed saffron threads until you get that beautiful golden color. Stir this mixture along with the evaporated milk into the other pan (the one with the turnips!)

Add your fish, crabmeat, and clams and turn the heat to low. Cover this, and cook on medium low until fish is ready (around 7-10 minutes).

>> No.3755748

>Confirmed for dude living in parents' basement.

>confirmed for incorrect lazy whore.

>> No.3755750
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My husband was weirded out and unenthusiastic about the idea of Meatloaf but now he loves it. This is my moms/grandma's recipe.

Also the best way to approve is to tell your husband to be honest and not spare your feelings. I was a pretty sorry cook when I first got married, but 10 years later I'm pretty awesome thanks in part to my husband's discriminating palette.

>> No.3755755

You sound awesome. You should be married. Hopefully not to someone who nags. Wish you luck, bro.

>> No.3755766

I'm planning to move to another country so I don't want to get in a serious relationship soon. Also I don't recognize that a girl likes me unless it is totally obvious.

At least seems like I look good and have a nice manly voice, wish me luck when I move!

>> No.3755768

I am a housewife that lurks here when I can. I get really good tips and my fam loves the food I cook with influences from all over the world from /ck/. I don't tend to post because I get a lot of backlash for being a married lady for some reason. This thread gives me hope though.

Here is a chicken recipe I like: Marinate several chicken breasts,overnight, in grapefruit juice or fat free italian dressing. preheat an oven to 375 degrees F, put the chicken breasts on a cookie sheet and sprinkle them with old bay seasoning on all sides. Bake for 45-60 minutes or until the chicken breast is cooked through ( I have to cut one open to check sometimes).
I cook brown rice and steam mixed vegetables to go with this.

>> No.3755787

Made this pancetta-wrapped chicken for dinner tonight. Was really good and semi healthy.
Protip add garlic

>> No.3756100

Girl, you need a meat thermometer.

And you don't have to reveal that you're a married lady when you post.

>> No.3756106
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New to the internet?

>> No.3756105

we keep forgetting to buy one, the last one we had broke.

>> No.3756111

unless it is bone-in chicken that's probably a little long to be baking them, they should be done in 25-30 minutes

>> No.3756268

why have I seen two 'try google for recipes' posts in the last 5 minutes? as well as a few just bitching about people asking?

it's a fucking cooking board. op is asking you lazy bastards for some OC and these idiots can't even fathom that, they just lash out...

/ck/ gets worse every day because of these people.

>> No.3756271

It is bone in chicken breast. I find the bone adds flavor.

>> No.3756308

okay, i'll help you out here!

now this is kind of simple and can be prepared in any form of heat (minus the microwave)

>take your asparagus
>put it on a cookie sheet
>drizzle with olive oil
>salt and pepper
>put in your heating element (i prefer a pan or grill)
>take out when it's tender enough but still has a bit of resistance

and congrats on your marriage!

>> No.3756312

Has anybody tried marinating chicken in apple cider or apple juice? I think it would be really good, especially with some cinnamon. What could you add to make it savory?


It's probably better to ignore them. They just want a reason to take out their self hate in some kind of pointless internet argument.

>> No.3756314
File: 40 KB, 490x440, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Wiener Schnitzel' is made of veal. What you are referring to is a 'Schnitzel Wiener Art', which is in fact pork.

>> No.3756317

Also, I realize that it's not necessary for ladies to bring up that we're ladies or married or whatever, but why not? I mean it's not to get attention. It's just sharing a little about ourselves. Other posters do this. It's okay to share the reasons why you cook and who you cook for.

>> No.3756321

was meant for this guy

>> No.3756326

last time I posted a picture of something I cooked there was a baby toy barely out of focus,almost out of the shot, It was correctly assumed that I was a woman,I was called all sorts of names,told to get of of 4chan, and had requests for tits AND awful remarks about my child. I am NEVER posting OC ever again.

>> No.3756328

it does and it also helps keep it moist

>> No.3756329

if you have a meatloaf recipe, here's a scalloped potatoes recipe i always use...


4 cups thinly sliced potatoes
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
1 1/2 cups milk
1 teaspoon salt
1 dash cayenne pepper
1 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 cup grated cheese, to sprinkle on top


1. In a small sauce pan, melt butter and blend in flour.
2. Let sit for a minute.
3. Add all of cold milk, stirring with a whisk.
4. Season with salt and cayenne.
5. Cook sauce on low until smooth and boiling, stirring occasionally with a whisk.
6. Reduce heat and stir in cheese.
7. Place a half of the sliced potatoes in a lightly greased one quart casserole dish.
8. Pour half of cheese sauce over potatoes.
9. Repeat with second layer of potatoes and cheese sauce.
10. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top.
11. Top with some paprika for color.
12. Bake uncovered for about 1 hour at 350°F.

this is probably my favorite recipe for this dish. you could probably throw some bacon in there somewhere for some more taste bud titillation.

>> No.3756335

Wow, this sounds so good. Thanks.

>> No.3756344

Not OP, but I am going to make this tonight to go with ham steaks. Looks Great, if I can I will post a pic. thanks.

>> No.3756363


i should have mentioned that i usually use about twice the amount of cheese to make the cheese sauce a little bit thicker. so if you make it, keep that in mind if it is a little soupy for your taste

>> No.3756372

Orange juice
Lemon juice
Green pepper
>>food processor/blender

Marinate chicken/pork in that...serve it with a side of anything and your husband will love you.

Mo fuckin cuban food.

>> No.3756391

He'll love it. Would a blender work? I don't have a food processor.

>> No.3756394



>> No.3756418
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Guess i could post a few recipes I've saved from around the internet. I've tried these and they're pretty good.

>> No.3756440
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>> No.3756444
File: 97 KB, 688x475, Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3756504

>I'm a newly wed waifu
I don't think you get it, only 2d can be a waifu, you are a wife. Not a waifu. Waifus are impossible to bring into this world (for now).

>> No.3756525


And that is exactly what ruins /ck/. There are two types of people here, the ones who love food/cooking and like to discuss it... and the ones who think the url "4chan.org" means you can act like a fucking idiot. I'd like to say they're all summerfags because it's easier to process, but we all know it's not entirely true.

>> No.3756529


This. I've got no problem with OP being female, married, normal or whatever... but the misuse of waifu did irk me a little.

Moe doesn't exist in the 3 dimensional form.

>> No.3756888

Not OP,again. I just put this in the oven, I used less potatoes and the sauce was super think and gooey. I can't wait to try this. Thanks again.

>> No.3757162


no problem. did it turn out decent?

>> No.3757200
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yeah, they were great. sorry the picture sucks. I think next time I will do a slightly slower oven and not as much time. (325 for 45 mins)

>> No.3757205

Actually, I've been on /ck/ for a few years now, and while I base most of my idea of this place on a hunch, I'd fairly confidently say that a large portion of the regulars on /ck/ are pretty much bitter, lonely misanthropes who lash out at anyone displaying anything conceivable as a clue to them being a married or dating woman. Used to be that I thought everyone posting OC were getting divebombed by shitbirds universally, until I realized only disfunctional losers such as progun tend to get a free pass.

>> No.3757207
File: 427 KB, 1000x750, scalloped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a slightly better picture. kinda.

>> No.3757227


hey as long as it tasted alright. i usually either don't top it off with cheese, or wait until the last 15 or 20 minutes to melt it on the top. obviously you can play around with the recipe and tailor it to your liking, which is what i did. but i just threw up the original that i found.

>> No.3757282

Stockpiling food at home is more likely to lead to obesity. It would be better health wise if you went out once a day rather than horded food so you could cook at home.

>> No.3757313


you said shitbird...baltimore?

>> No.3757321

not everyone has the ability you shop everyday. I live way out in the country, several miles from the store, and I share my car with someone. It is better for us to do the shopping every two weeks and we have also started a garden but the weather is really taking it's toll on it. I wish I could market every day but that is just not possible

>> No.3757330

I have made notes, and plan on making changes the next time I make this. I am going to thin the sauce out for sure, and I hate to say this-I may reduce the amount of cheese in it.

>> No.3757364

lolwat? I was talking about restaurants.

>> No.3757404

>>I may reduce the amount of cheese in it

now THAT is blasphemous.