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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3752882 No.3752882 [Reply] [Original]

Just started counting calories... looked on the back of a jar of salsa. Serving size: 2 tbsp/30 mL!! GIVE ME A FUCK-ING BREAK!! So I guess we're all dipping 2 chips and then putting the salsa away, huh?

Why do they do that? Try to make the product look good by giving it a tiny portion size? How about just telling me how much is in the whole package that I'm buying?? That way I don't have to multiply by whatever the amount is to figure out the amount of calories in the whole package before I divide by whatever the amount is that I ate? Fuck off food companies. You're not fooling anyone. Just... fuck... off with this stupid bullshit.

>> No.3752886

how many servings per container?

by the way i find it's bullshit how can they know?? i bet it's inaccurate

>> No.3752891

well, with salsa i can underdstand, people do commonly use a couple tbsps here and there, but with stuff like tortilla chips it does drive me a bit mad, I dont know why they try and push their junk food as 'part of a balanced diet', no one eats a handful of chips each day (their supposed serving size), you just eat the whole bag.... but on occasion.

>> No.3752892

The FDA determines portion size, not the manufacturer.

>> No.3752894

a small jar is 423... so 14.1 servings

can you fucking image??

salsa turns to gross jelly if you don't eat it right away

>> No.3752896

Fucking Dumb Assholes

>> No.3752901


>> No.3752900
File: 2.07 MB, 294x210, 1342371158382.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start counting calories like op
>wonder how calorie laden a small turkey sandwich is, my sandwiches usually use 3 slices
>sliced turkey serving size: 6 SLICES
>calories: 50

Feels great dawg.

>> No.3752902

>2 tbsp
>2 chips
>1 tbsp per chip
Go easy on the salsa bro.

>> No.3752918

Who the fucks puts a tablespoon of salsa on a single chip?

Who the fuck eats chips dipped in salsa when counting calories?

Who the fuck doesn't realize dipping bowls hold 2-3 tablespoons of liquid?

Portion control. Get on it lard ass.

>> No.3752920

Why ya upset?

A whole jar of salsa can't be more than 70 calories. It's a nearly free condiment on a diet. No oil. Tomatoes are a powerhouse of flavor and nutrition with few calories.

>> No.3752930

Just checked the interweb. 2 tablespoons is 8 calories. You can eat a whole jar guilt free. Why are you mad?

>> No.3752934
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Yep, you should be more concerned what the calorie content of the chips you're eating it off of

>> No.3752936



tablespoons are the ones with the big T

>> No.3752940

Maybe OP has a higher calorie salsa. Some premade black bean and fruit salsas have fairly high calorie counts.

>> No.3752944

no, sorry it is tablespoons

but still.. i eat like half of one of those small jars in one sitting.

sorry i don't eat like a model

>> No.3752946
File: 55 KB, 480x273, pork brains in milk gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY /ck/

>> No.3752947

when you count calories you count for all the foods you eat, not just the high fat ones... or else it wouldn't exactly be accurate

calories are energy from food, so even foods low in fat have calories from sugar and protein
and this salsa is 15 cal per 30mL

>> No.3752953


if you count calories, you will drive yourself crazy. when i buy food, i look at two things - the sugar, and the protein. you want to minimize sugar and maximize protein

do this and everything else is cream cheese, grasshoppers

>> No.3752957
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the point is and the reason why i'm mad is that they're taking something that should be simple and making it 2 mathimatical steps instead of 1

also, this portioning seems VERY unrealistic to me 14.1 portions in one tiny jar of salsa? what??

picture is the size of the salsa jar, the smallest available

can you imagine 14 people sharing one of these??

at most, 4 people

>> No.3752958

What? I didn't say he should only count the high fat food calories. Where did you get that from my post?

Also, fruit and black bean based salsas are not typically high in fat.

>> No.3752959

i'm not going to bother counting for veggies

fruits, yes, because i can easily eat a lot of these

>> No.3752962

well it wasn't you but the other guy you commented on said i shouldn't worry about salsa

just the tortillas

>> No.3752969

Oh, I see. I agree with your points. You have to watch everything you take in--toppings and little things here and there add up. I count the small things and even the 'healthy' things like low starch veggies.

>> No.3752978

Should be making your own salsa.

>> No.3752982

homemade salsa is okay but doesn't compare to some with like corn and beans etc it's so good n cheeeeeap

>> No.3752984

i got some tostitos salsa at liquidations world for $1 a jar

restaurante style

it was so good i went out and and bought a case of 12

i used to make my own chips in the dehydrator but my dehydrator broke so i have to get a new one

>> No.3752989

here's something strange... tostito's style restaurante tortilla... THE BIG HUUUGE BAG (520 grams) is about 10 servings according to the guide thing

what? @_@

i don't even put as much salsa on my tortillas as much as other people but i'm using up 14 servings of salsa on about 5 servings of chips and i use LESS salsa than everybody i've ever met

where do they come up with these numbers...

seriously i'd have to dip like just the tip of the tortilla to make these servings match up

>> No.3753075
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>not making your own salsa

>> No.3753078

counting calories is already silly, but eating chips when you count calories is just ridiculous.

>> No.3753106

>counting calories is silly


>> No.3753110

This fucking thread
Oh god

Fucking OP
Oh god

But yeah unless you're trying to lose weight...or gain don't count calories. It will upset you.

>> No.3753114


am I the only one who realizes that serving size =/= portion size?

These companies use FDA data to estimate a single serving of food groups (remember when the food pyramid was a pyramid?) so that people can estimate their nutrient intake.

Quit getting butthurt because you're confusing two words.

>> No.3753117

Canned/jarred salsa is trash, OP. I think making your own might have lesser calories, if you're really concerned about that kind of thing. Please try making some pico de gallo, you won't regret it.

Nice time for tomatoes, too.

>> No.3753122
File: 235 KB, 600x400, TomSalsaIngred3-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My salsa ingredients don't have a label, and I could not give a shit what it would say if they did.

You probably own a knife. Use it, faggot.

>counting calories

>> No.3753135


>Serving size: 2 tbsp/30 mL


unless you made a typo op, that clearly says tbsp, which is... TABLESPOONS

also, look at this

that data is for a cup of generic salsa, a fucking cup, that's alot of salsa. look at those weight loss and optimum health ratings.

AAAAAND, if you are trying to count calories, why the fuck are you eating chips? those are one of the best calorie sinks on the fucking planet. Instead try dipping things like cucumbers, califlower, bok choy, celery or carrot sticks, you could eat that shit ALL FUCKING DAY and not gain weight.

this entire thread, i swear to god.

>> No.3753183
File: 59 KB, 400x400, 1110p138-walmart-world-trade-salsa-verde-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a faggot if you haven't tried this. Get it at Walmart

>> No.3753188

>Just eating salsa with chips
What are you, at a party? Eat some carrots if you want a snack. Save the salsa for mexican restaurants.

>> No.3753198

counting calories = trolling

exercise is the ONLY way to lose weight

>> No.3753202

oh my, i will have to get me summa dat when i get back to the states

>> No.3753205

>implying mexican restaurants use premade salsa

>> No.3753210

mfw you can eat 5k calories a day and exercise and still gain weight
mfw you can eat 1k calories a day without exercising and lose weight
mfw i have no face

>> No.3753213

Ketofag detected

>> No.3753214

I seriously consume 20K calories some days

6 honey buns @ 600 calories each is a before breakfast snak

you aren't exercising enough, i did 120 miles on my bike yesterday

>> No.3753217


>> No.3753228

breakfast , 10 bacon egg and cheese biscuits, a saucepan of grits with butter, 2 pots of coffee

10 am snack, a whole watermelon

lunch 2 dozen fried oysters and 2 dozen raw oysters, 6 beers, fries, cole slaw

dinner, 5 ribeye steaks, 5 potatoes and a whole bowl of salad

I'm 5' 11" and I weigh 200#lbs


>> No.3753240

I know what you're trying to do here, but it's not working.

Stop while you're behind.

>> No.3753265

Nice bulk bro i bet you see ALL KINDS of gains

>> No.3753269

my weight fluctuates between 180-220
easy gain easy lost
I'll go on a booze only binge and ride my bike when i get to 220, ride it all day and eat nothing, 2 weeks later im down to 180

>> No.3753367

those kind of weight fluctuations are not good for you, jumping around a range of 40 pounds is doing some serious harm to your body. You should try to maintain that 180 pounds there man.

>> No.3753511

You are looking at it wrong. Serving size is a not intended to be a "this is how much you eat", its meant to be a nominal factor you can use to more easily figure out your intake based on smaller units. For example, if a "serving size" is 2T, and you are consuming 10T of the salsa, then its much easier to just multiply all the "daily values" by 5 in your head then it is to divide 10T by the total volume of the jar, and then again divide the total daily values of the jar's contents by the amount you consumed.

I have seen a few of these that were completely retarded, like a 12oz. can of a beverage intended to be drunk from saying that its serving size is only 10oz. That does not really help you with the math.

Another anon in here had a good point though: if you are eating a bunch of shitty salsa, you are probably not counting calories. I try to eat foods with ingredients that are healthy enough that I can eat as much as I want without concern about approaching the "daily values". I mean think about it, there is NO safe "daily value" of saturated fat. Saturated fat will do nothing but harm you in any amount. Maybe there is a threshold where risk arterial risk increases dramatically if a certain amount is consumed over time, but who the fuck really knows that? How many study subjects have honestly and accurately counted their consumption of saturated fats over a life span to provide any meaningful data? That would have to be a huge study and it would have to account for many other variables (smoking, exercise, autosomal dominance, etc.etc.etc.)

>> No.3753517
File: 175 KB, 600x399, 1322106834487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lardasses. Lardasses everywhere. Learn some fucking portion control.

>> No.3753530

There are really only 3 things to look for on the label.

Sodium, sugar, and the first ingredient.
Sodium fucks with your heart, limit as much as you can.
I'm going to assume you eat too much sugar, everyone does.
The first ingredient is EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE EATING.

I had a handful of oreos for breakfast?
No, I had a handful of sugar for breakfast.

>> No.3753545

Replying to trolls etc. but all of you who say don't count calories/it doesn't work are retarded. As long as you're below the amount of calories required each day to maintain your weight, you will see weight loss. I've lost 35 pounds in about 2 1/2 months purely by lowering how many calories I consume in a day.