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3751999 No.3751999[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /ck/.

I'm a little kid (read: 19) and I just tried some red wine for the first time.
Frankly I don't know how people can drink this. I know all that "acquired taste" gobbledygook but this is so strong I can barely swallow this due to how strong it is. Does not taste good at all.

I was told white wine is softer and "fruitier" so I'm going to try that later but I was wondering if you have any other recommendations for me.

I've not yet had one alcoholic beverage I've actually liked the taste of, it's mainly overwhelming and frankly unflattering to taste.

>> No.3752016

nice trips.

i hate the taste of beer and wine which is why i fucking love cider/cidre.

try that shit. it is basically applewine but tastes like sweet beer and not very much like beer at all.

also i guess you live in a country where it is illegal to drink alcohol before the age of 21?

anyway if i don't drink cider i prefer hard stuff like vodka.

>> No.3752022


I'll consider it if I can find some, thanks.

And no, I'm in Australia so the drinking age is 18.

I have had some vanilla vodka before and I did like it now that I recall, mainly because it wasn't strong at all, just tasted like a vanilla drink. But nah

>> No.3752024

there are also alcopops.
that is the stuff people tend to drink before they reach the legal age to drink alcohol.
they taste nothing like alcohol at all.

>> No.3752025
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1/2 and 1/2 with Mountain Dew, not even kidding.

>> No.3752028
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>dis trad
Acquired taste does not mean you will like it the first time... It will take dozens of tries and possibly years (and OBVIOUSLY aging) for you to enjoy and decent wine/liquor/beer.

As sceak just posted just try a flavored liquor (around 60 proof) mixed with some soda and get your wee little buzz on.

>> No.3752029


Coke works fine too. My grocery store had blood orange soda on special last time so I used that, not bad either. I imagine sparkling lemonade wouldn't be bad either. Probably blackberry soda and all the others like it.

>> No.3752033


But why would I continue drinking it if I don't know if I will like it later?

It's always confused me

>> No.3752035

I got drunk the first time in my life on vodka when I was 14. I went to waterpolo practice about an hour later.

I started drinking for recreation around 16 and I started doing it a lot around 18. At first it was all bad. Beer, wine, or liquor. It all tasted horrible but I drank it to get drunk. I'm 22 and I honestly enjoy the taste of booze now, even most quality liquor. After a while you get used to it and you associate the drunkenness with the taste of the alcohol. I first started to like beer and then whiskey. Now I love some good read wine, mostly Merlot. As far as wine goes I drank white wine for a while because it is much sweeter and easier to handle. I don't drink white wine anymore. It's too sugary and basically it's for women and homosexuals. I don't get drunk on beer anymore because I'm trying to get in shape but I'll have a high quality beer with a meal every now and then. I'll drink one glass of beer or wine with dinner just because it tastes good. High quality whiskey one the rocks is great but liquor is still just for getting drunk.

>> No.3752036
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Essentially, this.

>> No.3752037

This. Live past 24 and you will see.

>> No.3752052

I've found that as I've gotten older (I'm 20 now), I've begun to like weirder and weirder things. As a child, I was the no-vegetable-only-fried-food kind of eater. Since I've started living on my own, I actually have found vegetables to be great and couldn't imagine cooking without them.

Same story for alcohol. When I was in high school, I despised alcohol (mostly because I preferred weed). Even in my first year of college I couldn't stand the taste of beer or whiskey or any of that shit. While I don't prefer drinking high class beer over taking shots, I certainly can stand it now, and I wouldn't say it's impossible in a year or two I might actually like it.

When you're young, you have fucking pleb taste. (At least, this has been my experience)

>> No.3752064

Start out with port and sweeter, heavier wines. You could also try to mix it with sparkling water. It's like with coffee: at first you'll pour in a shitload of sugar and milk, and reduce the amount more and more over time.

>> No.3752071 [DELETED] 


Naw, wine tastes really gross.

>> No.3752091


That's from laziness though.

The best strategy I found with coffee is caffeine pills. Sure, coffee tastes interesting but only in certain deserts or with cream and sugar.

Wine and alcohols it's the same thing. They're all really gross to the taste. I like wine and fruit soda because it's more interesting in taste and in texture. It's also more quenching.

Alcohol here seems to be priced on the percentage of ethanol, so whether it's 190 proof grain alcohol, spirits, beer or wine makes no difference. Since I don't really like the taste or the feel of beer and since wine is similarly priced I now tend to get wine and I mix it with fruit sodas because it makes getting drunk more pleasurable.

I could also be drinking vodka cranberry or some other mixes like that but that needs ice and at that point it's just really complicated.

I, again, wish I lived in hotels so I could have easy access to an ice machine.

>> No.3752095

Pretty much the same story as this dude...you Danish by any chance (or Scandinavian)?

>> No.3752100


Not really. There's a wide variety of drinks to choose from. You're bound to have similar taste to someone else on the planet that made a drink they liked.

>> No.3752101


Shutup cunt, stop trying to justify yourself for buying the the wine that comes in a cask.
Alcohol is not gross to taste you're just an alcoholic poor fag that goes for quantity over quality.

>> No.3752103


I regret nothing.

I don't need to justify my junk habits with fancy rituals and terminology.

I'd buy my alcohol from Sigma Aldrich if it was cheaper.

>> No.3752114

My point exactly, no wonder you think it tastes gross. You get what you pay for.

>> No.3752119


$1000.00 for a flask is a bit exaggerated.

People buy fancy alcohols and expensive wines to hide the fact that they want to get drunk. It's like blackmail, in a way.

>> No.3752137


I never said anything about spending $1000 on a flask, imho wine starts getting decent at around $15 a bottle, whiskey starts getting good at about $50.
Not all people buy alcohol to go home and get shit faced, for me it's like a treat at the end of a day to sit down with a meal and drink a glass or two of nice wine with a meal, not get sloppy drunk on cheap garbage that will give you a fucking nasty hangover.
I do get drunk but most the time this happens out with friends in bars and in this situation I often go for the cheaper option, your perspective on alcohol seems fucked up. You should lash out on a decent bottle of whatever it is that you like, get a nice whisky and sip it over a few months, don't just chug it in one night.

>> No.3752150


Why would I want to do that?

Look do whatever the fuck you want. I don't care, just let me be with my hobo wine and Mountain Dew, alright?

>> No.3752156

whatever, get a job cunt.

>> No.3752161
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Duuuuude, cheap red wine plus cola, 1/2 and 1/2. Shit's popular in Spain and in my humble part of Poland.

We call it the Turbocola.

I know what I'll be drinking tonight.

>> No.3752162


You're just not sophisticated.


>> No.3752166

Seriously, OP? I've been drinking wine since I was seven.

I've heard of this before, is it actually good?

>> No.3752170
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It's delicious and pretty ghetto. House party/botellón appropriate. Just don't mix the coke with boxed wine, because it'll taste cardboard-y, go for the plastic bottle wine.

Another rad suggestion: chestnut vodka with milk, 1/2 and 1/2 in a shot glass. Divine. If you don't have chestnut vodka where you live, I weep for your country.

>> No.3752185

Try "sangria": Red Wine, a litlle of sugar, cinnamon and orange and/or lemon juice. I like to add some peaches diced and a pinch of brandy, too.

>> No.3752186

Did you just take a big gulp as if it were water, soda, or beer?

NO! You sip wine, slowly.

>> No.3752205

>a litlle of sugar

>> No.3752253


As you age, your tastes change.

Try the wine again in a few years.

For now, drink something else - ciders are pretty good, as are the flavored vodkas with soda. If you believe in cocktails, try a mai tai (but be prepared for it to park you on your ass with intoxication).

>> No.3752256



Quit being poor, Sceak. If you want an ice maker, buy one.

>> No.3752261


Try making Sangria with Ice Tea and grapefruit/orange/lemon

Really tasty, and you can't really taste the alcohol at all.

>> No.3752291

Like most kids near age 21, you should start with sugary, fruity, overflavored, fizzy or frozen drinks that hide the actual alcohol flavor.

Go buy some appletini seagram's wine coolers. Or maybe some Mike's hard lemonade, especially some "new" flavor. Or that fruit punch flavored Jack Daniels lynchburg deal. Or maybe you'll like the B-52 kahlua and cream bottles.

For red wine? make that into sangrias.

>> No.3752299

I honestly developed a taste for wine and especially beer from just eating them with food. I found them to be more culinarily sound with food (ex: red wine with steaks, white with fish) and loved the combinations. I also started to love beer after eating it with pasta.

>> No.3752305

This. For me dark beer was heaven with heavy greasy foods. German festival bratwurst, or a big juicy burger and fried onion rings in a restaurant.

>> No.3752306


This. Start with some faggoty softcore stuff like refrigerated wine coolers; I drank this shit up as a kid when my parents weren't looking. Now, for some reason, I can barely stand cocktails. It just tastes like vodka or whatever spirit desperately attempting to be hidden by layers of fruity flavors. I'd rather just drink the vodka.

>> No.3752310
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I was going to post something but all the comments posted already tell you enough. Moral of the story don't complain and go enjoy some wine & beer.

>> No.3752312
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Contributing only because OP used a 999 image.

I would suggest starting with hard cider, you should be able to find an equivalent to Woodchuck in Australia. A cider like this is light and fruity with a low alcohol content by design, and done nicely is very enjoyable because the small amount of alcohol works well with the tartness of apples.

>> No.3752352
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>gluten free
I hate whoever thought this needed to be printed on the label.

>> No.3752353

putting soda in wine is a spanish thing?

>> No.3752358

to be honest
it just all tastes like crap
it is a poison you are drinking and it will always taste horrible
people become addicted though and because they are such junkies they start to love that repulsive taste (windowcleaner)

drink the tasty stuff
smoothies milkshakes juice
soda !!!

>> No.3752367

I heard the Portuguese liked to mix red wine and coka-cola.

>> No.3752371

>wah wah alcohol is bad for you
>drink soda guys!

youre a fucking cunt, arent you?

>> No.3752390

What's with the hate for sceak? I personally don't like tripfagging, but ck has some of the best tripfags on 4chan. His opinions here really aren't deserving of the level of hostility you're showing. I get that you can get away with being a Dick where nobody can see your face, but I don't understand the hate for him, or any other unobtrusive tripfag

>> No.3752392

If you're in Australia as I am too then goon punch is probably easy to drink at first and it won't break the bank.
Cask wine + pineapple juice + tinned fruit.
Honey bourbon and coke is also easy to drink. Frangelico/Kaluha/Baileys in milkshakes.
Malibu and coke.
Riccadona is sweet and bubbly, you can buy it at woolworths liquor.
Most ciders, especially strawberry ones are easy to drink and don't taste too strongly or alcohol.

You will likely learn to enjoy wine and spirits.

>> No.3752416

red wine is really variable based on quality. the supermarket stuff can be thin and bitter. I never liked drinking it because my parents were cheapskates and only bought cheap bottles. A friend of mine went to France on holiday and rented a villa and broke into the locked wine cellar on the last night and pinched some bottles. the one I tried was so different to any wine I had had before - rich, sweetish and fruity. I realised that I did like it if it was good quality. I just have expensive tastes, lol.

Now, for me scotch whisky is the ultimate acquired taste. I am 30 and can still not stomach even a sip of that stuff. It is horrific, poison-tasting stuff to me.