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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 17 KB, 490x313, Irony!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3747657 No.3747657 [Reply] [Original]


Seriously, 4Chan? Seriously?
What's wrong with you?

Why would you report the guy? I didn't think you guys were White Knights....

>> No.3747671


It's lulzy to help an idiot get what's coming to him. Isn't 4chan all about the lulz?

>> No.3747678

Isn't it more lulzy to let him step on the lettuce and thus have perhaps hundreds of people eat his bacteria?

>> No.3747681

It wasn't /ck/ it was the humanitarians on /b/

>> No.3747683


I hate how "Anonymous" and 4chan are becoming such white knight faggots and love to tell the media so they pick up the story.

So fucking gay. They jerk off to beastiality porn, watch gore gifs, talk about how they are "amoral hurrrr" and then turn into neckbeard knights when this shit happens.

>> No.3747689

I think I hate more that they think 'Anonymous' is a 'vigilante hacker group', and the /b/tards think they're FREEDOM FIGHTERS AND HIGH-TECH HACKERS ON STEROIDS, when the truth is, most of them are forever-alone basement dweller faggots.

>> No.3747694

Hello summerfag, do you feel more edgy yet?

4chan has never been about doing right or wrong, it's more about what it wants to when it wants to do it.

>> No.3747695

this is because true anonymous culture is dying. what's popping up more and more is Anonymous fanboyism, creating an identity when, by definition, there should be NONE. Anonymous vs anonymous is tearing 4chan apart. kids today want to be featured on the news with their SUPER COOL HACKER ARMY rather than sit in a dark corner of the internet and talk about anime. I honestly wonder if a lot of /b/tards even know about other boards.

>> No.3747698

No it hasn't - remember all the stuff that happened we did to Chris-Chan and Jessi Slaughter and all those kinds of people?

It was just trolling for fun's sake, not being 'hurr White Knights'.

>> No.3747699

It's because they fucking eat at burger kings and don't want dumbshits to be encouraged to step in the mother fucking lettuce.

>> No.3747701


Matter of opinion. You've got factor in the potential fear that certain Anons who frequent Burger King might feel (after all, they easily could have been victims) and the fact that *you* do things for the lulz. It's the satisfaction of doing things yourself. Sure, you might find people eating foot-lettuce lulzy, but since you're not the one stepping on the lettuce, it's lulzier to you to tattle.


4chan has long since changed from the "asshole of the internet". Also, /ck/ is one of the worst boards to preach about this to.

>> No.3747705

This. 99% of people who post on 4chan LIVE on fast food. This wasn't lulzy to them, it was a direct threat.

>> No.3747706

there is no "anonymous culture". I am sorry but there isn't. /b/ was not whiteknighting they were ruining someone's fun. that is all

>> No.3747707

You are why this site has gotten worse year by year.

Pug... You usually post good content, don't use words like lulzy bro.

>his bacteria
Kill yourself

OP... Please lurk more.

>> No.3747715
File: 35 KB, 580x435, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Long changed from being the asshole of the internet"

You joking?

>> No.3747717

I have a feeling this thread is going to de-evolve into a "/b/ today is pure shit - back in my day, /b/ was good and trolling meant something."


>> No.3747718

pfft. no.
This draws from the whole "not your personal army" thing. Do not try to predict anonymous. Never ever think "I'm so awesome, you will all think I'm great" because that's the sort of behavior that gets comeuppance.

He's like a jester, dancing and farting in the king's court. And then the king has him beheaded.

now THAT shit is hilarious.

>> No.3747721

if you read the article fully, you'll see that it cost THREE people their jobs.

and as we all know, in the current shitstorm that is the US financial crisis, if you can't keep a job flipping burgers, you'd best start sucking some dick for bread money.

>> No.3747723


That's an odd way to spell autistic...

>> No.3747724

4Chan isn't even truly 'anonymous' anymore - when you post on /b/, you have that little ID thing, just like they do in 420Chan.

>> No.3747725


He's obviously using the term facetiously. Pull the stick out of your butt hole.

Also, meta threads, whining about supposed board outsiders, and general complaining about the decline of board culture are the cancer that are killing /ck/. It's not even possible to have a discussion anymore without someone screaming summerfag or newfag at the slightest provocation.

>> No.3747726

oh man, you remember the time the XKCD guy thought "oh, if they make fun of twilight, all she has to do is direct her fans to /b/ to get a bunch of twitards running around, and that would SUPER UPSET /b/."

I had never laughed at XKCD. But that time brought me over, although not for the reasons he intended.

Oceans of piss.

>> No.3747729
File: 149 KB, 800x600, www.myfacewhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4Chan getting good publicity? I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

>> No.3747734

4chan is one of the most popular websites in the US.

Anonymous was a group of mask wearing kids that protested scientology and held hands in parks when moot trolled them.

>> No.3747736

That's another thing - what's with the term 'autistic' suddenly being adopted into the Chan culture? It's only about a year old.

>> No.3747742


Gotta use terminology the audience is familiar with to make your point. Do I look like I'm comfortable with internet slang?


Sure, you can make an argument that 4chan is still one of the "worst" sites on the internet, but it's become a much more acceptable place. I'll assume you were here at least a few years ago and remember what it was like. Let's go to /b/ and see what's on the front page.
>star wars vs. star trek
>what should I say to this scammer
>welcome to the Salty Spitoon
>porn thread
>George Zimmerman is innocent
>stoner thread
>photoshop thread

And so on. The "worst" thread is a tie between the porn thread and the Zimmerman one. On an average day, 4chan might as well be Reddit. I don't really care either way; I almost exclusively come to /ck/.

>> No.3747747

>implying that the content you just named isn't off-putting to most regular people.

Also, 4Channers in general are huge assholes: "LOL NEWFAG" or "FUCKING AUTIST" or any other combination of insults thrown at someone for little to no reason.

>> No.3747752

No clue, I only used it because both words started with a, now that you mention it, it has been thrown around a lot on several boards.

After visiting /b/ for the past 6 and a half years, it seems like that place rarely has anything new to offer anymore.

>> No.3747760

/r9k/ started using it since everyone self-diagnoses themselves with aspergers to avoid the reality that they're just socially maladjusted

>> No.3747761


This is the worst thread I've seen in a while. Simply terrible. You wouldn't even see this shit on /b/ when it was at its worst. You should all be ashamed.