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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 400x360, pig_mother_son_piggy_storyy-awww-cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3747596 No.3747596 [Reply] [Original]

does /ck/ dig on swine?

a pig is a filthy animal with no sense enough to disregard its own feces. do not eat.

>> No.3747598

only your mother

>> No.3747604

you're wrong. my mom has sense enough to disregard her own feces.

>> No.3747607

Really, most people try to get it in the toilet.

>> No.3747629
File: 30 KB, 400x250, boar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating manly aggressive boars who don't take shit from no one (not even themselves)

>> No.3747652

die u filthy muslim

>> No.3747654

My dogs eat their own shit and I hold them higher than most people.

>> No.3747665
File: 5 KB, 150x150, Vincent-Vega-150x150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon tastes gooood. Pork chops taste gooood.

>> No.3747666
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>implying dogs aren't inherently superior to humans in many ways

>> No.3747682



>> No.3747710

What's up with all these kikes trying to preach their bullshit on here suddenly? Are we being invaded by Goldstein or something?

>> No.3747714
File: 311 KB, 1200x803, 012 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just like dogs, in a normal, non-sexual way.

>> No.3747719


Every pig I've kept has pooped strictly in one corner of their enclosure, away from parts used for eating, drinking and sleeping. Are you sure your pigs aren't some sort of especially retarded American species?

>> No.3747732

Pig is the king of meats. All other meats are clearly inferior in a culinary sense. Its the only meat that you could eat only cooked with absolutely no spice, and it will still be flavorfull. The balance of grease and muscle is just fucking perfect.

If you cant tKe it for health or religious reasons, then thats your sad, very sad problem.

>> No.3747741

All the pig you eat has been bred to have less fat due to health concerns 40 years ago.

Don't act like it is "the perfect balance"... you are eating the lean version of pork fag.

>> No.3747894

>implying we all live in hurrdurrica

Enjoy your fat less pig fatmericant

>> No.3747897

OP: The Mullah of all trolls...

>> No.3747902

gentlemen, lets have less hurr and more relevant conversation.

OP, i don't really dig on swine. its not because of health or sanitary reasons, i've just never liked the taste. i cannot stand ham or pork chops, and the only bacon that i can stomach is the really expensive shit from whole foods. sometimes i'll eat a sausage if it has pork mixed in with it as long as i can't taste the pork.

so, no i don't really dig swine. it sucks and is a low quality meat that is best left to the proles, polaks, and african working class.

>> No.3747913

>More relevant conversation
>Insults everywhere

OP detected. Go away, you filthy kike.

>> No.3748071

I like sausage, bacon, and BBQ pork (ribs, shoulder, sirloin, tenderloin) far too much to not eat pig. I could live without ham though, although it's great with eggs, and ham and potato soup is possibly one of my all time favorite comfort foods.

>> No.3748080
File: 334 KB, 720x480, wild-boar-festival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pigs have been bred to have less fat

>> No.3748352
File: 90 KB, 500x375, 3625769610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ever see marbling like this in a pork chop?

straight out of central NY

>> No.3748362

Ham, Bacon, and Pork chops (and some types of sausages, though I'm not a fan of most sausage), are too fucking awesome to pass up, so yes, I enjoy my fucking swine. Also it's one thing I get to one up on muslims, being an atheist.

>> No.3748366

that is fucking gorgeous! thank you for sharing!

>> No.3748372

Dear muslim OP,

You will never be accepted in mainstream western society. You will always be freaks with your bullshit religious dietary restrictions.

Pork, Alcohol and shellfish are delicious. STFU & GTFO of my /ck/.

>> No.3748379
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> my parents made me go to church

>> No.3748382

so did mine... i grew up and told them to fuck off

>> No.3748384

100% militant atheist.

Fuck Yeah!

>> No.3748383

> I grew up


>> No.3748385


That's actually the point.

Jewish/Muslim dietary rules were invented to make assimilation impossible.

>> No.3748387

This is an incorrect statement.

>> No.3748406
File: 286 KB, 2592x1464, cattlelot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pigs are actually very clean animals and stay away from their feces. Humans on the other hand, place pigs into pig styes where they can't get away from their feces and the entire place tends to turn into mud-feces soup.

Which is the exact same thing that happens in all CAFO, even for beef.

The reasons some religions ban eating of pork is because of parasites like tape worms that, in the medieval world, were highly prevalent between pigs and humans. Banning it was a way of keeping the followers healthier.

>> No.3748409


>> No.3748425

Muslim propaganda.

How come every decent civilisation ate/eats pork? China, Greece, Rome, any European Country, USA etc. The only countries that don't at pork are backwards desert shit holes.

>> No.3748428
File: 52 KB, 1024x768, 1324137577446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw hippies and their liberal agendas

>> No.3748433

I have a feeling there is one really satisfied troll sulking about on this board

>> No.3748443

Pigs are as smart as dogs, and they're cute too.
Too bad they taste so, so good. Truly nature has a sick sense of humor.

>> No.3748471


Are dogs tasty, too?

>> No.3748476

I worked at a CAFO for 3 years. It's pretty bad. It's put me off eating commercial beef entirely. Luckily, I have a local source for free-range beef.

>> No.3748499

Muslims can eat shellfish bro...

>> No.3748507

Not Shia Muslims, only Sunnis.

>> No.3748527
File: 230 KB, 800x1068, arab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These pork chops are delicious. I must have your recipe.

>> No.3748535

That... that looks like a way more durka-durka version of myself...
My nan is a blonde-haired (well /was/ a blonde-haired; she's very much white-haired now at 107 years old, her birthday was two months ago), blue eyed Lebanese.
My dad is a dark-haired, dark-eyed half Lebanese, half Italo-American. He's also very dark-skinned.
I'm dark-haired, lighterish-brown (though still brown)-eyed and wheat-skinned.
That guy in that pic is a few shades darker than I am, with darker eyes and a more Arab-looking beard than mine.
I had to do a doubletake at that pic, though, because I thought it was a photo of me with a tan taken at some point that I don't remember. Mrp.

As for pork, nan doesn't cook or buy it, even though she's a christian. She just doesn't know how to best prepare it, so she avoids it altogether. She'll eat the shit out of some pork if someone else cooks it, though.
Me: love it. Favourite land-animal meat (prefer seafood).

>> No.3748538

You dad is half lesbian?
I have to admit, I dont understand moslem culture one bit.

>> No.3748541


Whaaa? I eat pata negra, walnut fed, jabugo ham all day, bitch.

>> No.3748553

Walnut? dont you mean acorn? I have some in the fridge but I am too cheap to open it till I know more is coming.

>> No.3748585

Also it was for the parasite trichinosis.

Growing up in the USA in the early 90s, my mom would tell me horror stories of parasites, viruses and bacteria. She scared me into cooking everything (except beef steaks) past done. When I finally got out on my own I was terrified of cooking pork (chops, bacon, tenderloin) myself, always thinking that there could be trichinosis waiting for me so I would always be infected for the rest of my life.

Thankfully, when visiting my dad he set me straight on it. Also showed me how to make a mean pork tenderloin - Grilled, roasted, or in the crockpot. It's fucking delicious.

Also, after some research, most pigs in the USA are supposed to be pretty squeaky clean. But I'm still going to stick with the recommended internal temperature when I cook... Just in case.

>> No.3748590

Where do you guys buy your pata negra?

>> No.3748597

the only cases of trich in the US in your lifetime have been from wild game. and that is only a few a year.

>> No.3748599

I have a buddy who lives in madrid , he smuggles it in along with blood sausage every time he visits.

>> No.3748613

Pigs are as evil as they are delicious. Everyone has a duty to eat as much pork as possible.

>> No.3748637
File: 8 KB, 218x232, bacon123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keeps well in the can

bacon, ham, etc.
i jes love it!

>> No.3748671

ITT: OP talks about his mother affectionately.

>> No.3748738

I'm not a vegetarian but I really enjoyed this show


>> No.3748745

tl;dr: Fatass can't stop eating so fucking much because he has no self-will to regulate himself so he cuts out an entire food group entirely because god knows he can't eat pork in decent moderation like a non-faggot

It's only the story of every diet that forces you to cut out a food group just because in the world.