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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3744711 No.3744711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Huge pizza argument taking place on /sp/, come fan the flames. Not like you fools have any threads as funny or broad as this.


>> No.3744715

>Not picking brick-oven squared cut Connecticut pizza
FYI: Greeks make better pizzas than italians

>> No.3744721

yeah for real, New Haven can't be touched I don't know why this is even a debate

>> No.3744808

Literally, the best thread on /sp/.

>> No.3744815

Yay, this crap again.

One, the Chicago one isn't actual pizza, and it just looks and tastes disgusting. The plastic joke vomit is actually better.

>> No.3744817

I hope chicago enjoys its cake

>> No.3744824

Welcome, /sp/! Yeah, no need to preach to the choir. Most of /ck/ hates that quiche on the right.

>> No.3744835

Summer is here.

>> No.3744848

I hate /sp/, like quiche and hate the crap on the right.

Where do I stand?

>> No.3744869
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You can like quiche as long as it's not from Chicago. ;) Welcome /ck/, newfriend!

>> No.3744874

>Not like you fools have any threads as funny or broad as this
/ck/ has had threads more badass than anything ever posted on /sp/

>> No.3744876

What the hell does quiche have to with pizza?

>> No.3744881
File: 271 KB, 1031x900, chicago pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha chicago. enjoy eating sauce cake and getting fat in the worst city in america, you congregation of faggots.

>> No.3744883

They also ruined hotdogs if you can believe that. They add a salad on their dogs and then complain about people adding ketchup.

>> No.3744900

No one in Chicago eats that. We save it for you fat, waddling tourists.

>> No.3744904

What's there worth touring though? Most the glory is in the past.

>> No.3744912

lol tourists? i think you're delusional brah, better snap out of it before its too late.nobody wants to tour your city, and only the fattest of the obese are interested in your pizza cakes. you must be so proud of yourselves.

>> No.3744914
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>fattest of the obese
>pizza cakes

0/10. You're not trying hard enough.

>> No.3744923

is that why you have entire chains of restaurants that spread out into the non-tourist areas selling deepdishes?

>> No.3744942
File: 24 KB, 512x384, nomaam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying chicago doesn't have a large jewish population

>implying chicago area jews doesn't know good pizza or food for that matter.

Chicago jews are way better than new york jews

Chicago jew version

Hot dogs without kraut
Good Pizza
Lox and bagels without those shitty capers
Corned beef without brown mustard, yellow is the way to go.

You know what chicago would be without the jews, dagos, and polaks and maybe the greeks when it comes to food?


>> No.3744944

>You know what chicago would be without the jews, dagos, and polaks and maybe the greeks?
Population: 7

>> No.3744946

I have no idea what dagos mean.

>> No.3744951

Nigga wat, I've been here three years.

>> No.3744952

Oh, I'm very sorry.

>> No.3744953


>> No.3745002
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So much autism. So many 12 year olds. It's like /b/ but worse.

>> No.3745027

I just call them Greasers or Mario.

>> No.3745147

For instance?

/sp/ is the essence of 4chan and is the funniest board there is. Enjoy your eleventh fast food hamburger argument thread of the hour.

>> No.3745151

greasers are actually a different thing. Many greasers are italian, but not all. Italians are greasy, yes.

But greasers are a more or less defunct fashion trend. Think the Fonz or half the cast of the musical Grease. They are stupid. you may be thinking of Greaseball, which is common, as are other allusions to grease, but Greaser is a specific thing.

Mario is fine.

Other slurs for Italians include, but are not limited to: wop, eye-tie (spelling is option, but that's the pronunciation). guinea, guido, goombah.

Italy would be the most wonderful country on earth, except for the Italians.

>> No.3745238

Guido is probably the most popular term for Italians.

>> No.3745241

Sometimes you wish Rome was never sacked just because of the effect it had on the local populace.

>> No.3745242

guy I work with calls them insideout niggers

>> No.3745243

I've been to Italy more than once.

You don't know shit. You are talking about Italians IN AMERICA. Why do I say this? Like I said, I've been to Italy and you are simply wrong.

>> No.3745245

This was in response to

>Italians are greasy
>Italy would be the most wonderful country on earth, except for the Italians.

>> No.3745244

Post your passport with your Italian visa attached, then.

>> No.3745248

I'm American. I have a passport with stamps which show some of the places I've been. When I travel to Italy, it gets stamped in Frankfurt and not in Italy.

You apparently also don't know shit about travel.

>> No.3745251

>No passport picture

Whatever you say.

>> No.3745259

You want to see the stamps in my passport?

Why should I show you? You'll just find something else to "prove" that I'm "lying" to you.

I'll get my camera and show you. Then you can fuck off and not ask for another damned thing. Deal?

>> No.3745262

>Still no photo

You're just thinking of excuses by this point. Hell, I'm not even the other faggot - I just enjoy watching people who bullshit claims on 4chan squirm when asked for actual proof.

>> No.3745268

Yeah, that guy is totally squirming because he won't produce a picture of his PASSPORT to some butthurt anon.

lol neckbeards

>> No.3745271

Trying to samefag, eh?

I still don't see your passport picture. Looks like we got an internet world explorer on our hands, boys. Watch out, he might threaten to kick your ass next!

>> No.3745278
File: 252 KB, 1680x1050, pizza fraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit has got to stop

>> No.3745287

>is amazed that people travel

>> No.3745288

redneck pizza fraud drama

good times, good times

>> No.3745289
File: 146 KB, 533x800, Snapshot_201207_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. What now? What are you going to think up next? I'm sure this isn't good enough is it? You need to see pics of my dick now rite? No, it's time to fuck off.

That wasn't me.

>> No.3745294

You lost.

>> No.3745293


>> No.3745292
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>> No.3745291


>> No.3745296

I assure you, those posts came from 2 different computers.

>> No.3745299


The hivemind is spreading

>> No.3745300

that you own

>> No.3745303

It's over. You lost.

>> No.3745304

the fuck are you talking about? i just came in this thread.

you sound a little mad bro

>> No.3745305


Are you talking to me? I just came in this thread too.

>> No.3745306

You want to fight, dude?

>> No.3745308


>> No.3745311

>all dat samefag

def. mad

>> No.3745319 [DELETED] 
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I deleted my posts because it's over. I won. You lost. I just wanted to say it again.


>> No.3745321


>> No.3745336


>actual pizza

1/10 for making me reply

>> No.3745572

look at that chicago slice. it's all dough. the new york slice is perfectly balanced and tastes like the old world.

>> No.3745590

The Chicago thing looks fucking nasty.