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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3742118 No.3742118 [Reply] [Original]

How can you tell if watermelon is fresh, sweet and nicely red inside without actually cutting it open?

>> No.3742121

Yeah really don't...all you can do with melons is smell them and hope for the best.

>> No.3742122

Your nigga sences need to be improved by the ancient techniques that can only be taught by Sensai "G-Money SWAG" in Brooklyn,NY.

>> No.3742124

I believe it was possible by knocking on them in some way....?

>> No.3742128
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You can smell for sweetness at the end of a cantaloupe and maybe other melons. Other than that you can ask if the shipment has been good if you trust the grocer.All the other ones are bullshit.

Ha ! check out my captcha!

>> No.3742150

You rap on it with your knuckle. If there are several different ones to try you can usually hear a difference between them. Go for the one that sounds hollow.

>> No.3742153


>> No.3742162

Look at the spot on the bottom of the watermelon. The more yellow this spot is the riper it will be. Those with white spots will be less ripe. This is the best rule of thumb you can use, but it will not work 100%. It does work 95% of the time and has a better success rate than knocking on the watermelon. In most grocery stores there may be too much background noise to hear the knock properly. There may also be too many fans blowing around to properly smell the watermelon (cantaloupe are best for the smell test even under windy conditions).

However, for knocking on them and smelling them you'll have an error rate of around 50% since they are not good methods at all. The yellow spot indicates the length of time they've set on the ground.

>> No.3742163

hollow means dry inside
you need the exact opposite, filled with water and absorbing your soundwaves

>> No.3742397

If you're willing to do it you can set the watermelon on the ground and push on it sharply with your hands, if you hear a crack then it's ripe.
Sounds strange but it seriously works.

>> No.3742402

Some melons are soft on one end when they're ripe, or the remains of the stem is hard and old looking.

Some just explode like bombs.

>> No.3742413

go with this. its never failed me.
>>3742163 is an idiot

>> No.3743758

I got a weird watermelon a week or two ago, it's completely dark green but with a weird yellow patch on one bit. Do I wait for it to look stereotypically watermelon-y or is it some weird kind of melon or something? I don't even know.

>> No.3744030

A week or two ago? Dude, it's probably already rotten inside.