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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 9 KB, 155x155, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3741507 No.3741507 [Reply] [Original]

whats for dinner /ck/?

me? i'm having a can of refried beans mixed w a little leftover chili con queso and some da bomb hot sauce. its actually tastier than it sounds, but i'm eating it because there is too much old crap in my pantry and it gets more crowded every time i go shopping. i'm doing a pantry purge and the beans had to go.

anyone eating anything better tonight?

>> No.3741509

Kraft Mac and Cheeze and some corn dogs.

We had nothing else - this is pretty luxurious actually.

>> No.3741515
File: 311 KB, 1000x750, breadunsliced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we had some leftovers, just pizza and tacos. I did make some bread that turned out really good.

pic related, it's my bread.

>> No.3741519


That is a fine loaf of bread, would smash.

>> No.3741522

i understand, most of my dinners consist of canned tuna, frozen dinners, soups, noodles, and homemade stuff about once a week. i just have a habit of going to the store and stocking up on essentials every paycheck, and after awhile the non perishables start to build up. i'm gonna try to skip a store trip and just eat up all the dry crap i have in my pantry.

>> No.3741523

No pics, but steak, potatoes au gratin, sausage, and corn

>> No.3741529
File: 250 KB, 1000x750, breadsliced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, turned out well for my first loaf ever, usually I stick to rolls. I just had a mess up in the kitchen today and ended up adding more flour than I was supposed to so I let it rise three times and baked it in a loaf pan. It turned out well. gonna use it for sandwiches this week, it is a little dense but yummy. I wan't being fancy when I took this pic. It fogged up my camera when I sliced it.

OP. What else you got lying around in your pantry. maybe we can come up with something for tomorrow night.

>> No.3741531

Baked sweet potato and I stuffed it with some chicken breast I cooked in a tomato sauce (made with red wine, whole tomatoes, diced tomatoes, and spices) poured a little of the tomato sauce on top, added kale, scallions, chia seeds mixed in, and a bit of asiago cheese on top.

It was part using a recipe I knew, and part random Frankenstein monster after seeing stuffed sweet potatoes on tastespotting..it turned out really good actually.

>> No.3741536

Unlike you, I'm actually having food for dinner.

>> No.3741542

most of it is premade quick stuff i buy for lunches, not a ton of ingredients to work with. a couple cans of vegetable soup, several can of tuna, several packs of ramen, some cans of refried and pinto beans, dried red beans, dried pintos, a bag of rice, some tortilla chips, salsa, and spaghetti noodles. in my freezer ive got a huge bag of stir fry veggies, and some brussel sprouts. in my fridge i have some jalapenos, an onion, some velveeta, some eggs, and all the basic condiments (mustard, mayo, relish, hot sauces, bbq, etc etc).

>> No.3741549

i'll have you know that refried beans are a very filling, tasty, nutritious, and inexpensive meal. i'd never serve it as a main course to guests but you can't deny that it is way better than say ramen or corn dogs.

>> No.3741547
File: 32 KB, 720x540, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually made this a couple of minutes ago.

>> No.3741554

shame you don't have white beans. they go well with tuna and a bit of onion with a splash of olive oil, some lemon juice and spices of your choice. maybe a boiled egg chopped.

>> No.3741560

would pinto's work? if not i may be able to pick up a can across the street tomm. i do have olive oil and spices, no lemons but i have a few limes, probably similar effect.

>> No.3741565

I like your style OP,
I had a little bit of chicken breast,a big salad, a whole wheat roll with a slice of Gouda cheese tucked inside.
But if we are talking about beans, I love beans with a side of rice topped with some fresh pico di gallo

>> No.3741571

i should have made some rice with it, i was feeling lazy though.
and >>3741542
i forgot that i have two bags of expired organic rice that somebody gave me. one is madagascar pink rice and the other is mekong flower rice. its dried rice, should it still be ok after expiration?

>> No.3741601

I have never tried tuna with pintos. worth a shot though, especially nice with lime I would think. just lightly season it, garlic-salt-pepper.

>> No.3741607

does it smell bad or appear discolored in anyway, then no. If it looks and smells normal then fine. dry goods keep a while.

>> No.3741613

is tuna good in mexican food? i'm thinking i may be able to mix it w pintos, rice, onion, jalapeno, and lime and i have some chili powder and cumin. i've also got a couple of old tostada shells that are most likely salvageable. i've made mex food with many things, but tuna is not one of them...

>> No.3741620

tuna has a strong flavor. I think the beans and rice with the jalapeno,chili powder,cumin and lime would be good on a tostada, make up some and put tuna on one of them and see, if it's good then do the rest.

>> No.3741633

will try. if it sucks i can always just put the tuna in the fridge and mix w a boiled egg later.