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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3737098 No.3737098 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we discuss methods of getting picky eaters to try new food. also rants.

My boyfriend is the most stereotypical meat and potatoes guy ever, I have never met an adult as picky as him. Pic related, when you do a google image search for "picky eater" ONLY CHILDREN COME UP.

> Do you like dumplings?
> No.
> Have you ever tried them?
> Yes!
> ...No you haven't!
> Yes I have!
> Do you like ravioli?
> Fuck yeah, I do!!!!!!
> .........oh.

> We need to start eating more veggies! What kind of vegetables do you like?
> Potatoes.... corn...
> What else?
> End of list.

> sees me chopping onions
> "what are you doing, I hate onions!"
> "you'll barely be able to taste them"
> eating the burrito with onions
> "I CAN taste them, you ruined the whole batch!
> later date
> make roast chicken topped with onions, stuffed with onions
> "Honey this is the best thing you've ever made!"
> >:[

It's obnoxious! It's not the worst thing he could possibly do but I never want to try new recipes because I know that it will be the only thing I eat for days when he doesn't want to eat it.

>> No.3737103
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Cut off his dick then what the fuck do you want from us?

Tell him he's not a true man until he starts growing into acquired tasting foods and stops being a 'fat retarded mcdonalds kid.'

>> No.3737102

Dump him and find someone who is not an idiot.

>> No.3737108

> what the fuck do you want from us?
> ITT: we discuss methods of getting picky eaters to try new food.

oh, I dunno

>> No.3737110

What's your boyfriend's body type?

>> No.3737111

Ask your mother or grandmother. Older women know better how to trick men into behaving.

>> No.3737113

average, not overweight but not skinny

>> No.3737114

Watch cooking shows with him. Pick a chef he thinks is cool and he will try to emulate him.

>> No.3737115
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ask Jessica Golddigger, she'll be happy to give you lots of tips from her book that she copied word for word from a less connected writer

>> No.3737116

raviolis and dumplings aren't the same thing fuckwater.

>> No.3737120

Don't make big batches of things, just cook to order. If he doesn't want to eat what you're cooking, he can cook himself something else.

And an immersion blender or box grater is great at making vegetables unrecognizable. Works well on kids anyways.

>> No.3737119


Lets not get into technicalities here.

Now ravioli and perogies..

>> No.3737122

Cook what you want and if he doesn't like it, he can make himself his own meal. That's the approach I take with boyfriends. It's the same approach my mom took with my picky father.

>> No.3737126
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Do not know!! I used to be the pickiest eater, then I moved to college and tried alot of ummmmm.....new things lol. Many of them were regrettable. But along with all of my experimentation I also experimented with new foods. Lol I expended my mind as well as my palate.

I used to drive my parents nuts with how picky I was, but now I eat so many different foods that their limited tastes drive me up the wall. The worst is their refusal to eat any kind of bison, which happens to be my favorite meat. It drives me up the fucking wall, they won't even taste it when I make my awesome and juicy slow smoked buffalo burgers w blue cheese and sauteed mushroom. Apparently they think I've turned into a snob.

>> No.3737242

>>3737126 Lol I expended my mind

>> No.3737253

You sound like a snob.

>> No.3737271

I did the same thing after going to college. Now my parents think I'm a prick because I won't drink their shitty Busch beer and eat hamburger helper. "Those damn city liberals" apparently turned me into a snob.

>> No.3737286


"i learned a lot of things at college... an appreciation for fine food and beverage was just one of them."

>> No.3737292

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.3737295

so you went from being a selective snob into a "cultured" snob?

fuck off you snibbly little shit.

>> No.3737305

Take him with you when you shop for raw ingredients; cook delicious meal with said ingredients later that evening.

>> No.3737320

"and you've barely raped your sister! damn those brainwashing city liberal jews!"

>> No.3737319

What other people eat is none of my business.

If someone tried to tell me what to eat, it would not go over well.

>> No.3737325

Some of us would like our loved ones to experience the joy of eating real food every now and then

>> No.3737328


You sound like a prick, honestly. Even if they didn't contribute to paying for your college, it's a pretty dick move to come back from it and then make them feel provincial and poor about their food and their beer.

Why wouldn't you just shut up and eat some Hamburger Helper? It's not like it's radioactive.

>> No.3737330

Why so much hostility? Not the anon you are responding to, but why has /ck/ become so hostile as of late?

>> No.3737335

low blood sugar. /ck/ just needs a piece of fruit.

>> No.3737336

because its summer, summerfag.

>> No.3737341
File: 25 KB, 300x300, rage3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /ck/ has ever been tolerant of either ungrateful little fucks who think they're too good to eat a given food or of pushy hipster foodies insisting everyone has to try their bullshit meal of the week

>> No.3737349

what the fuck you guys hamburger helper is delicious no matter how classy it is

>> No.3737351

Normally I'm a very mellow and tolerant guy, but that little faggot needs a good verbal slap in the face for being such a cunt.

>> No.3737361

Because I refuse to eat second rate poison just to appease somebody. I may have been raised on it, but that does not make it right. I actually care about what goes into my body and do not like to compromise. Would you sit around and smoke cigarettes just because your parents are smoking them and offering them to you? Just because somebody offers you crap doesn't mean you have to accept.

And my parents are not poor, far from. They just have no taste and continue to eat the processed and poisonous crap that my grandparents fed them when they were children. I can understand eating cheap food if you are poor but they eat it just because they refuse to try anything new.

Maybe I am a prick, and maybe I will end up poor. But if I do, I refuse to feed my children the garbage that my parents gave me as a child. There are many affordable and healthy options, so there should be no excuse for feeding your kids boxed macaroni and cheese and hamburger helper. This is just lazy and in poor taste.

Ok, so I'm a prick. But at least my children won't be obese like I was as a child.

>> No.3737366

Picky eater here. The biggest gripes I have are with onions and eggs. I like the taste of onions, but I hate its texture as it feels slimey. As such I cook with onion powder or I cut onions in parallel to the rings and just pop out the onion rings into whatever I'm cooking. As for eggs I absolutely abhor them; the smell of cooked eggs (somewhat tolerable) , the taste, the feel, it's all horrible to me and I will never eat eggs in itself in any shape or form. I can cook/bake with eggs though, that I have no problem with. Other than that I've been slowly gaining interests in other foods out of curiosity, like how I have a newfound love for blueberries

>> No.3737367

>picky eaters

Never met one. I can imagine it's bothersome.

>> No.3737369
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>comparing eating Hamburger Helper to smoking
>too good to eat simple food in order to please parents when you're in their house

Holy shit. I'd be ashamed if I raised a kid like you.

>> No.3737380
File: 44 KB, 640x480, cb_faye0108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope your children end up being country loving mac and cheese eating rednecks to spite you.
At least they'd seem like decent people.

>> No.3737382

I found myself gagging on any gooey soft texture (cooked asparagus etc.)

Find out their kinks and offer suitable foods.>>3737098

>> No.3737383


Does /ck/ have any insights or opinions on this?

>> No.3737386

So I should continue to make poor decisions just because my parents did? Maybe I should feed processed box dinners to my kids because thats what my parents gave me. I mean, I'm still alive so they must be good for you. What kind of mentality is this? How can we progress as a human being, how can we progress as a society if we don't acknowledge the mistakes that our parents made and try to improve on them? Nobody can be a perfect parent and I have no doubt I'll make tons of mistakes when I raise my kids. But hopefully they are are insightful enough not to replicate my mistakes when they are raising their own children. And hopefully I can learn a thing or two from them when they are older and wiser.

>> No.3737391


No, but you can get off your fucking pedestal, nobody here gives a shit, and if you were to act that way in public people would think you were an insufferable cunt.


Sounds like bullshit to me.

>> No.3737394

>all this misplaced anger

Bro I just suggested shutting up and eating what your parents make for you when you're in their house, instead of lecturing them on what is and is not good enough for Your Highness to consume.

Aka, being a decent human being and not some intolerable little shit who needs a clip on the ear.

>> No.3737397

>>implying life lessons aren't circular
By restricting what your children eat, especially in a country where mass media targets children with said process foods, as well as how children learn to eat things simply because of its shape (chicken nuggets), you're going to create repressed children who'll see these boxed mac and cheese dinners as forbidden fruit.

With all honesty, moderation is key. It's not going to kill you if you have one box of Hamburger Helper if you eat it only occasionally. Choose to not eat it if you will, but don't act as if it's garbage-tier slave kibbles that'll kill you from the very first bite.

>> No.3737398

I'm a supertaster. It sounds stupid, but hey, shit tastes different to everyone so why should supertasting matter, right? I hate coffee/alcohol because of it, so there's that.

>> No.3737405

Furthermore, I'd like to see you control your children from eating school lunches, which are literally of the same quality as prison meals.

>> No.3737417

Because no one ever sends their children to school with lunch, or sends them to private schools with high quality lunches.

>> No.3737429


Going by the BBC's test following wikipedia links (measuring tastebud density, not the questionaire) I suppose I'd qualify as a super taster as well and I love bitter foods and drink my coffee black. Its a matter of preference. Being picky about food is usually a mental thing anyway.

>> No.3737430

My friend is picky as fuck because he won't eat anything that's even a bit unhealthy, except for roast beef sandwiches and pizza.
I mean it's good to do that on a daily basis, but when I make a bunch of party food and all he eats is from the raw veggie platter it's... disheartening.

>> No.3737432

Because private schools absolutely never give school lunches from a packaging box, nor sell food which you would object them to eat.

Likewise, I would love to hear your rationale as to how you believe your kid is only going to eat nothing but their boxed lunch.

>> No.3737439
File: 52 KB, 640x480, cb_faye0104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't get it do you?

yes, we know that shit ain't all that great for you compared to the farmer's market fruits and veggies, but if you're gonna live under the roof of your parents, then at least TRY to tolerate what they give you FOR FREE. They may not get the right stuff, but if they're cooking for you for free they obviously care about you, and you decide to spit in their face because it doesn't appeal to your "so dignified" "taste". It's like you think every contribution of theirs means dick to you.

I sincerely wish, hope and pray that you never have children ever, because I don't want any kids that I have or any other decent people's children have to deal with your little shits that'll probably be snobby spoiled little bastards like yourself.

>> No.3737446


Indeed. And chances are he'll be friends with people who's parents don't enjoy the smell of their own farts and trade food with them. Then you gotta explain why everyone else gets to eat such delicious tasting treats when they can't. And he's not gonna give a shit how healthy it is either.

>> No.3737452

I'll definitely send them with lunches, the crap they gave us in public schools was far worse than what my parents cooked. Unfortunately they will probably throw them away and buy the cheap fried shit. This whole discussion has got me thinking about how bad our culture is relating to food. If I try to give them healthy and wholesome dinners, like one of you said they'll see frozen pizzas and box dinners as being some "forbidden fruit" and go crazy with them given the chance. And if I try to pack them healthy and regular lunches they will probably be made fun of by their friends at school and end up buying the bullshit that everyone else is eating. I really like living in the U.S., despite all of its flaws, but all of this is making me reconsider raising kids here. You can only guide them for so long until they stop listening and instead give into our media driven junk food infested consumer culture like most everyone else does. I know I can't force my kids to make logical and thought out choices, in the end they'll do what they want. But there are so many bad influences here and this disregard for common sense is so ingrained in our culture that it has me reconsidering even having kids if I live here.

Perhaps I can move to Australia, or New Zealand.

>> No.3737457


This exactly.

Could you imagine working for decades to raise a kid, keeping him fed and clothed and safe and finally sending him off to college, only to have him come back as some little spoiled little shit with his nose in the air who's suddenly too good for everything back home?

The shame would be unbearable.

>has never lived in Australia

>> No.3737465


Greener grass syndrome dude, its no better anywhere else that's even remotely industrialized.

>> No.3737469


Australia is basically the US with a funny accent. In fact, basically every 1st world country is the US with a funny accent. Not that it matters, being a prick is universally hated by any country.

Also Australia's wildlife would probably eat you minutes after stepping off the plane, I highly recommend it.

>> No.3737477


Also he'd likely get knocked the fuck out after he tried that attitude with people a couple times.

Australians, in my experience, are surprisingly intolerant of smug people spouting bullshit at them. Especially with an American accent.

>> No.3737479
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the solution

>> No.3737489

I cut people open and clean their bowels for a job 40 hours a week and still manage to eat meat and chocolate ice cream. Fuck off with your childish qualms with food products. So what if you don't like it, shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.3737491

What about Russia? Maybe not Russia, but surely there is somewhere on this Earth where people actually care about living a healthy, forward thinking and sustainable lifestyle. Canada? Spain? Is half of this planet so poor that they can't afford beans while the other wealthier half is wealthy enough to be constantly mesmerized by all of the fancy T.V. commercials and deep fryers? Where do the rest of the "smug" people live? You know, the ones that actually try to learn from the previous generations mistakes so that they can provide a better life for the next generation. The ones that actually care about making this hell-hole of a planet a slightly better place to be born into.

>> No.3737502

OP is a fat whore that has to take it because she can't do any better.

>> No.3737503


>Where do the rest of the "smug" people live?


>> No.3737505


Sure, but those people are country bumpkins

Read about Okinawans, or Mediteranean Islanders.

Healthiest people on the planet

>> No.3737507
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And to top this shit sundae off you're one of THOSE faggots.

>hurr hurr I hate it here it's full of idiots I want to go somewhere where people are intelligent like MEEE

You want a place that'll be full of smug little assholes like yourself? Here. Go to Hell. I don't care if it doesn't exist. Actually, that'd be better, for if you end up in a place that doesn't exist, you'd end up not existing either.
San Fransisco works well too.
Did you even read >>3737439 though?

>> No.3737508


Everyone knows about eating healthy.

You're just an asshole.

>> No.3737550

I'm not really claiming to be intelligent, and I'm far from being well off as far as money goes. For supper I had a stew consisting of cabbage, carrots, turnips, leeks, mushrooms, garlic, and spices. It was probably cheaper than ramen. I just can't understand how everybody is so nonchalant and accepting of the constant stream of physical and intellectual poison that is marketed and sold to us. Do you actually like it? Do you just not care? I may be a smug and pretentious prick to most of you, but how can you passively accept the shit that is sold to you and not even consider that there may be another better way to live? Our lifestyle as a species is complete shit, with many exceptions. I just don't understand how you can take something that is bad, acknowledge that it is bad, but still accept it and do nothing to make it better. Are you really that fucking lazy and apathetic?

>> No.3737557


Americans don't like MSG because they believe it's bad.

>Causes holes in brain
>stomach cancer
>back pains
>weakened immune system

>> No.3737565


dude, dont listen to these pricks, they are just trying to troll you.
Im a eurofag, currently living in Canada and the food culture here is just an ABOMINATION!
Don´t believe these dicks a word, I hope you can show your parents there are better things to eat but I kind of doubt it, older people have trouble changing.
As for ohter places in the world? Only an Amerifat can say that every 1st world country is like Amurrika in terms of food culture. Sure there are many people the world over who buy into the whole consumerism crap, but there are also people who know how healthy food can taste good AND be cheaper, whether in the long or short run.
Dont give up, Im sure you will be a great parent.

>> No.3737571


Most of us think and feel the exact same way dude, but we're not on a fucking soap box spouting it off to everyone within earshot.

People don't like being told what to do/like, and will do the opposite just to spite you. We're not mindlessly consuming the poison you think we are. And if you really care for those who do, Adopting a holier than thou stance on it isn't going to make them receptive to what you have to offer.

For everyone else, fuck em, they don't matter to you, and they'd hate you for interfering in their lives.

>> No.3737575

MSG doesn't cause any of those things, though.

>> No.3737578


Well you seem to be immune to the
>constant stream of physical and intellectual poison that is marketed and sold to us
You of all people shouldn't give a shit. Your children will at least have half of your obviously superior genes, can't you trust that they'll come to the same conclusion as you on their own? When they ask "How come we only buy X to eat, everyone else eats Y?" can't you just answer "Because I enjoy it and its good for you." Maybe they'll follow your example. Eventually. They have to learn for themselves, its the only way.

>> No.3737585



>> No.3737593


Wat. Where in Canada mang? Here on the west coast of BC it's basically hippie heaven. Produce, produce everywhere.

>> No.3737603
File: 50 KB, 640x480, cb_faye0118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dense motherfucker.

Since you clearly didn't read what I posted, I'll reiterate:

It's not that you eat healthy, but rather you feel that you are too high and mighty for what your parents gave you for free. When you are on your own, that's one thing, but if your parents provide you with something, even if it's shit, you should at least tolerate it for then because they do it for you. Yeah, they might not give you a wonderful stew or a new car and it might be "OMG SO POISONOUS" food and "OMG SO FILTHY" car, but it's still GIVEN to you FOR FREE because THEY CARED ABOUT YOU.

And you talk about intellectual poison, and yet you are the kind of person who can't even appreciate the fact that your parents tried to take care of you, albeit maybe not perfectly, because "HURR THEY GAVE ME POISON!!".

>> No.3737605
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Your precious Europe is nearly as bad. Face it, most of the first world is fatty, with the exception of the Asian countries. The Mediterranean diet is a myth.

>> No.3737606

ITT: Amerifats buttmad that someone dares to suggest that Hamburger Helper is shit tier food.

>> No.3737634
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I...I dont like when people like you post pictures with your statements... Stop doing what I dont like... You are not that person..

>> No.3737643
File: 41 KB, 576x807, 156054-0v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been frustrated with multiple mixups today on here. And a tripcode only leaves to me forgetting that it's on or people like the person I was responding to filtering me because they can't deal with the argument.

Besides, she's a cutie~
But all "joking" aside, it's only a small measure to make sure that he knows that multiple people think he's an ungrateful ass.

>> No.3737644

I have no idea who you responded to, I just saw your post on page 0.

You need to not post on any imageboard ever again.

>> No.3737645

OP if that guy doesn't want to eat the food you cook, then don't cook for him.

Picky eaters (not the ones with food allergies) almost always stem from parents who give into their child's crying and whining and feed them whatever shit that makes them happy.

A friend of mine, he's a picky eater, always eating frozen chicken nuggets and pizzas since he was a kid. Guess what, now he's:

-got a shitty immune system
-small as fuck
-weak as fuck
-hair slowly falling out

Can't blame genetics cause his parents are the exact opposite

>> No.3737651

THANK YOU. I may sleep a little better tonight knowing that there are other sane people.
I read everything you posted, and I haven't personally responded because the points you make are not really relevant to me. You know what? I have eaten the hamburger helper when I've gone back home. And I have sat with them and drank Busch beer. And I know you think I have been a confrontational and pretentious twat, but when I go home, believe it or not, I am less of a dick as I am on 4chan. If they cook, I'll eat it. I just wish that they would A LITTLE interest in eating better foods and using better ingredients. It's not like they can't afford it, they have tons of money. They just seem not to care about what they put into their bodies and are very close minded when I try to cook for them . Yea I'll stomach their hamburger helper even though I don't like it, but they won't touch my cooking because it has sheeps milk cheese or lamb as an ingredient. They won't even taste it because sheep and lamb is "weird". Can you not understand how frustrating this is?

>> No.3737652

there. happy? no image.

just look what I had to fucking deal with before calling me the bad one.

>> No.3737659

then why don't you tell them that and be patient?

it's like getting old people to transition to computers:
It might be ABCs to you because you've used to knowing about it, but to them it's Sanskrit because for decades they've been around their thing and now out of fucking nowhere everyone's on Sanskrit.