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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3736017 No.3736017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stupid cheapass chopstick

>> No.3736028
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>> No.3736035

eat with fork

>> No.3736037


but it's not edgy enough for the weaboo

>> No.3736090


That's what you get for using goddamned chopsticks.

If you really want to use chopsticks, don't be such a tool that you use disposable ones. Get a nice set of porcelain or lacquered wood ones.

>> No.3736103

Fucking weeaboo cancer

I bet you bought that at 7-11 and claim you live in Japan

>> No.3736137

Oh fuck OP!

You're not gonna pass your college exams now!

>> No.3736187


Shoppers food.they were on sale.30 for 10 dollars. The chopstick were 100 for 99 cents

>> No.3736199


Hey, I prefer chopsticks for eating any soup with noodles. You eat the noodles with your chopsticks and then you drink or spoon up the broth.

And lacquered ones annoy the shit out of me. Noodles and rice slip right off them. Cheapass disposables stick to the food a little more.

>> No.3736208

Singles or pairs?

>> No.3736213
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shoulda got the 10-pair pack of chinese chopsticks instead, bruv.

same grippy cheapass bamboo, but you don't have to break them apart.

>> No.3736216

>not using superior korean stainless steel chopsticks

>> No.3736231

Get ones made of ox bone if you can. Shit's pretty cash.

>> No.3736322

there are plenty that are neither cheapshit nor lacquered.

>> No.3737421
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In Japan.

>> No.3737447

I need a pair to eat chips with.

>> No.3737449

Maybe you should learn to be more proficient with chopsticks. Maybe you should giving up using it all together if you can't eat noodles with them.

>> No.3737501

Eat with a knife, fork, and spoon, or your hands, like normal non-weaboo people do.

>> No.3737504

pairs, but they came from the international grocery store across the street.

>> No.3737509
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Disposable chopsticks.

>> No.3737511
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Disposable chopsticks

>> No.3737533

>travel to japan
quality chopsticks everywhere

>travel to taiwan
shitty chopsticks everywhere

>travel to mainland china
really bad chopsticks that smell & taste funny

>> No.3737538

I love the ones in the middle.
Never even seen the plastic wrapped onces

>> No.3737539

why not just use a fucking fork? even plastic forks are better.

>> No.3737543

the chopsticks also work for stirring my coffee. and they are cheaper than plastic forks

>> No.3737548

Those plastic-wrapped ones are the best disposable chopsticks I've ever used.

>> No.3737556
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Reason to use chopsticks:

- A lot of Asian cuisine is more subtle in terms of seasoning and overall flavor profile and the mouthfeel and taste of chopsticks is less jarring than that of metal utensils. This is not the case with fucking cup noodles, but would you really eat sashimi with a fork?
- You live in Asia
- Ritual. It's fun to eat Azn food with Azn utensils out of Azn bowls and shit. It's like you're really Toshiro Mifune. And when you're done you can imagine how read it would be to win a sword fight with a tea cup or appreciate the craftsmanship of your fruity little tea cup or something. This is the same reason that the industries surrounding marriage make billions of years, why people smoke blunts even though they waste weed, and why some of those religious holidays they have in Southern Europe where they dress up like the KKK and run around the streets with huge gold crosses are so neat.


>> No.3737561

>>3737556. And when you're done you can imagine how read it would be
>This is the same reason that the industries surrounding marriage make billions of years

i gotta lay off the pocky

>> No.3737562

>- A lot of Asian cuisine is more subtle in terms of seasoning and overall flavor profile and the mouthfeel and taste of chopsticks is less jarring than that of metal utensils. This is not the case with fucking cup noodles, but would you really eat sashimi with a fork?

Plastic utensils. Next?

>- You live in Asia

Suicide should follow.

>- Ritual. It's fun to eat Azn food with Azn utensils out of Azn bowls and shit. It's like you're really Toshiro Mifune. And when you're done you can imagine how read it would be to win a sword fight with a tea cup or appreciate the craftsmanship of your fruity little tea cup or something. This is the same reason that the industries surrounding marriage make billions of years, why people smoke blunts even though they waste weed, and why some of those religious holidays they have in Southern Europe where they dress up like the KKK and run around the streets with huge gold crosses are so neat.

Suicide should also follow.

>> No.3737568

Plastic utensils have a taste and mouthfeel, which you're unaware of because you apparently just shovel shit, literal shit, directly into your mouth.

>> No.3737579

Wooden utensils, then. Next?

inb4 it's special because it's chopsticks

>> No.3737582

>literal shit

>> No.3737583

Wooden spoons are for cooking you fucking barbarian.

>> No.3737584


And for corporal punishment on the buttocks.

>> No.3737587
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>A lot of Asian cuisine is more subtle in terms of seasoning and overall flavor profile and the mouthfeel and taste of chopsticks is less jarring than that of metal utensils.

Yeah, because there's no such things as metal chopsticks, right? Oh, wait.

inb4 "only Koreans use metal chopsticks" as that isn't true; they just tend to use them more commonly.

>> No.3737591

Eating asian food with chopsticks is weeaboo guiz!! xD

>> No.3737596

>No one mentioned the fact that the OP stuck his chopsticks straight up in the bowl

>> No.3737609

Just because people don't know this is faux pas or why it is usually, I wanna explain. Sticking chopsticks straight up in rice (or food in general) is how rice is offered to the dead and seen as bad voodoo. Least that's how I remember it.

>> No.3737610

inafter it's special because it's chopsticks

The weeb denialism is strong in this thread

>> No.3737613

We could've just Google'd it, you obnoxious fag.

>> No.3737627


There's many bad manners associated with chopsticks, but if you come to Japan there are two things that you must not do. One is sticking your Chopsticks in your food, and two is passing food from chopstick to chopstick.
In the second on, you should always use a small dish to transfer food.
The first one was already explained, the second one is how bones are handled by the relatives of the deceased after they are cremated. And both of these things mean "Someone here is going to die soon"

>> No.3737631

I don't pay attention to Western superstitions, and I don't give a fuck about Eastern ones, either. I'm not giving the retarded, irrational parts of your culture any more respect than I give Southern Baptists.

>> No.3737636


It may seem like a supersition, but these are two things that are incredibly bad manners. Normally if you lick your chopsticks, people will forgive you because you're a dumb foreigner. But those two things are incredibly rude. And you can at best offend everyone at the table by doing it. And at worst get kicked out of the establishment, house and offend the cook.

It would be like spitting directly into your food before you eat it.

>> No.3737642

>It may seem like a supersition

It IS a superstition.

>but these are two things that are incredibly bad manners

Their problem, not mine.

>Normally if you lick your chopsticks, people will forgive you because you're a dumb foreigner

Being rational is now dumb according to the Asians.

Wait, how is this surprising?

>But those two things are incredibly rude

Victorian era mannerisms are dead here. They died for a reason. It's time for the non-retarded parts of the world to move on, too.

>And you can at best offend everyone at the table by doing it. And at worst get kicked out of the establishment, house and offend the cook.

Only goes to show that Japan is an irrational country that thrives on bullshit superstition that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

>It would be like spitting directly into your food before you eat it.

It's more like not throwing salt over your shoulder.

>> No.3737647


There's nothing rational about being rude for absolutely not reason. Do you flip the bird at the chef at... well, you probably don't eat at restaurants with chefs, but do you flip off the wage slaves behind the counter at Mc... yeah, you probably do.

>> No.3737649


If you ever go there, you will be told not to do this, and you attempt to do this, you will be asked to leave. This is not a suggestion, or a "good luck charm" If you wish to disrespect another country's culture because you enjoy eating from a troth like a pig, go ahead.
Normally Japanese are used to Americans being ignorance and impolite, but just don't get upset when you were told this, and chose purposefully to do something so obnoxiously rude.

>> No.3737650

>Do you flip the bird at the chef at... well, you probably don't eat at restaurants with chefs, but do you flip off the wage slaves behind the counter at Mc

Translation: Actively doing things is the same as not doing things!

You just went off the deep end of retarded. Do you really need to be explained as to why not actively following a retarded superstition isn't the same thing as actively acting like an asshole?

>> No.3737654

>Repeats the same bullshit line when he doesn't have any more arguments to pull out of his ass

Why are you defending a retarded, objectively moronic superstition?

Give me an unbiased, peer-reviewed study that shows how following superstitions directly benefits one's life.

>> No.3737656 [DELETED] 

>give no fucks about heathen superstitions
>get called a pig for it

>> No.3737657


There are levels of superstition in Japanese culture, like ghosts, lucky and unlucky numbers. But those 2 things are incredibly bad manners, and have been bad dinner etiquette for thousands of years. It does not matter if it started because of a superstition initially. It's your choice to act as ignorant and uncultured as you wish to.


You're not giving your country a very good reputation.

>> No.3737658


You will be seen as an animal for doing this, uncivilized, dumb, "american", rude and purposefully disrespectful. You could impress them by understanding that other countries view things differently. Or you can walk in, shouting "America!" like a barbarian, and expect the world to change for you.

>> No.3737660

>Resorts to insults when he can't win the argument

Oh, I best go join the local baptist church because being atheist is considered rude in America!

Oh, and I should force every Japanese traveler here to follow my lead, too, because as we all know, if you don't follow bullshit, made-up superstitions, it's RUDE!

>But those 2 things are incredibly bad manners, and have been bad dinner etiquette for thousands of years

Also, appeal to tradition, bullshit argument.

Don't you have some anime to be jerking off to, weeaboo?

>> No.3737663


>Resorts to insults when he can't win the argument
Don't you have some anime to be jerking off to, weeaboo?


Your response is typical of your country though, i'm not surprised in the slightest.

>> No.3737664

I guess I should go rape an African women once I go to Kenya too, because it's tradition over there too, and, as we all know, everyone should be forced to embrace even the most retarded parts of someone's culture just because it's traditional!

>> No.3737666

You're not even trying by this point.

Oh, I best go join the local baptist church because being atheist is considered rude in America!

Oh, and I should force every Japanese traveler here to follow my lead, too, because as we all know, if you don't follow bullshit, made-up superstitions, it's RUDE!

Going to repeat this until you accept it.

>> No.3737668

ITT: Being rational = being a dumb uneducated American pig who eats from trough (paraphrased)

lol japanophiles

>> No.3737674

>But those 2 things are incredibly bad manners, and have been bad dinner etiquette for thousands of years.
>bad dinner etiquette for thousands of years
>for thousands of years
>thousands of years

Oh, for fuck's sake. CHOPSTICKS haven't even existed for that many thousands of years, you fucking faggot, let alone in GLORIOUS NIHON. I know that this is 4chan but seriously, get off the fucking weeb train.

>> No.3737676


I think you have a misunderstanding when you attempt to use words like "weeaboo" and "japanophile"

It's funny how many people came out of the woodwork, and how many posts are this American samefagging himself for attention.

You really shouldn't be on the cooking board.

>> No.3737678

Expecting retarded weeaboos to actually know all that much about Japanese culture is like expecting wiggers to actually know African culture.

>> No.3737681

ITT: Being rational = not being into cuisine or preparation of cuisine

lol japanophiles

>> No.3737683

Chopsticks are approximately 3.2 thousand years old. Shinto Buddhism itself is roughly 1100 years old, and the rites associated with cremation that Weeabanon is referring to are, at the very least, hundreds of years old. Older than America as a country, and we certainly have our own unique traditions.

Also, you're declaring several people to be the same Japanophile chiding you for acting like a retard. Face it, flaunting manners because they "don't make sense" isn't rational, it's just rude. You're acting like a child when you do it and you're acting like a child when you bitch at us for telling you to act with some manners.

>> No.3737684

Judging from this thread, I think I should force every Japanese traveler to America to follow all of these traditions:


>> No.3737685


Then go ahead, there are McDonalds in Japan, you can eat food just like you do in America. But you'd be sorely mistaken if you think that this is not actually the case.

But a lot of this stems from people going "Hurr I'm American, I don't need no dumb weeaboo rules" If you think this is somehow rational at all. I'd like to know what you're smoking. Because the response is the most ignorant and adolescent i've ever read.

>> No.3737687

that second paragraph is directed towards Gaijin-chan. I don't think Chopstick Bro is the same peep.

>> No.3737689

ITT: Being rational = giving special exceptions to another country that you don't even give to your own just because some retards on 4chan tell you to

lol japanophiles

>> No.3737692

Traditional Western table manners actually make a lot of sense.

Don't put your elbows on the table. You'll dip your shirt sleeve in something that was spilled or knock over a dish.

Put your napkin on your lap. You are just begging to drop some food right onto your pants. Don't you know how much your mother paid for them?

Put your utensils back when you're done using them, or your stupid ass will inadvertently catapult them off your plate and directly onto your date's dress, which you will ruin, and then she won't put out.


>> No.3737695

They only apply if you're a slobbering pig like most Japanese people are, though.

Precisely why we need to enforce them onto Japanese that come over to America.

In fact, let's make a law about it.

>> No.3737696


I went through the effort to learn the traditions, including the traditions Americans know subconciously. Like not putting your elbows on the table. You do that without realizing it because your mom taught you from childhood. When eating in a high class restaraunt, you automatically know to use table manners.

In Japan, we don't have such a rule. But we have chopstick manners, and these are subconscious and they are just done. Why they are done is just explained.

Just like if you went into an American restaurant wearing shorts, sandals, and talking with your mouth open. The waiter will ask you to leave. This is no different.

>> No.3737697 [DELETED] 

>implying I'm samefagging.

I've posted twice in this thread. Once here >>>>3737587 and then to the post you quoted.

Further, I'm Asian. It's why I posted the first time; metal chopsticks are not uncommon in magical Asia-land. Thanks for thinking I'm just a dumb Yank in need of a history lesson, though. Dumbass.

You're still a fucking weeaboo faggot and I'm embarrassed to be associated with you. Sage for responding to faggotry.

>> No.3737698

>implying I'm samefagging.

I've posted twice in this thread. Once here >>3737587 and then to the post you quoted.

Further, I'm Asian. It's why I posted the first time; metal chopsticks are not uncommon in magical Asia-land. Thanks for thinking I'm just a dumb Yank in need of a history lesson, though. Dumbass.

You're still a fucking weeaboo faggot and I'm embarrassed to be associated with you. Sage for responding to faggotry.

>> No.3737700
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asians eat rice and small food items by lifting up the bowl to their mouth and using chopsticks to shovel it into their mouth.

chinese will spit anything hard or bad tasting out onto the table without batting an eye.

korea is the one civilized country where they figured out it was better to use a spoon to eat rice.

>> No.3737701


I'm not that person, i'm the person who brought up the chopsticks in the first place. And just in case you havn't noticed. By how i've been phrasing my sentences. I am not in America, or Europe. So thanks for continuing to cry weeaboo, like that actually means anything. It just makes you seem as ignorant as I thought you were.

"I'm a rational American"

>> No.3737702

>I went through the effort to learn the traditions, including the traditions Americans know subconciously. Like not putting your elbows on the table. You do that without realizing it because your mom taught you from childhood. When eating in a high class restaraunt, you automatically know to use table manners.

Good for you.

Now tell me why I should bother?

Give me some objective rationale.

Go on.

Show me a double-blind study that proves manners enhances the quality of one's life in a direct manner.

>In Japan, we don't have such a rule. But we have chopstick manners, and these are subconscious and they are just done. Why they are done is just explained.

And they're just as bullshit as they are in America!

>Just like if you went into an American restaurant wearing shorts, sandals, and talking with your mouth open. The waiter will ask you to leave. This is no different.

Apples to oranges comparison.

Or is sticking chopsticks upright in a bowl the same thing as public nudity now in your retarded world?

I don't even know why I'm bothering. You'll just shitpost more logical fallacies because you can't win the actual argument anyway.

>> No.3737704


You are not supposed to shovel with your chopsticks. It may be okay to do it alone, but not at the dinner table, or in a restaraunt.

>> No.3737707

ITT: Being rational = being a dumb uneducated American pig who eats from trough (paraphrased)

lol japanophiles

>> No.3737708
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>has never been to china or japan

>> No.3737710

>Just like if you went into an American restaurant wearing shorts, sandals, and talking with your mouth open. The waiter will ask you to leave.
I'm fairly sure that is acceptable behavior in most restaurants.

>> No.3737713


I'm not the one getting angry, insulting, cussing. In fact i've been the voice of reason in your tirade against following any tradition that isn't American.

I didn't even bring up the chop stick thing initially, but you seemed to feel it was awfully necessary to slur and insult me in every single post you've made. Then tell me i'm not capable of arguing. You already lost the argument.

>> No.3737716

>>3737698Thanks for thinking I'm just a dumb Yank in need of a history lesson,

Apparently you were, because you said that chopsticks weren't thousands of years old, which they are. You also didn't read my follow up post.

I've made three posts in this thread. This is four. There is more than one obnoxious weeaboo.

The word gets thrown around a lot, but you are literally autistic. duuur acting like an adult aint rational i refuse to do it. grow the fuck up.

>> No.3737717


Pizza Hut != Restaurant

>> No.3737718


Yep, called it. You didn't even try to address my points, this time. So pathetic.

>> No.3737720

Confirmed for having never been into any non-Asian first world country.

>> No.3737721


There are many different chop stick rules, it is what it is. Also you seem awfully transfixed that Japan is a mythical fantasy world and that people don't actually live there. And just so you know, not everyone watches anime either.

>> No.3737722

Pizza Hut does qualify as a sit-down restaurant and what I said still applies to many other restaurants as well. The only place it may not qualify is at high-level fine dining.

>> No.3737723



>> No.3737725
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>> No.3737731


"I'm a rational American"

I don't think you've ever posted one rational statement here in this thread. That wasn't full of mad and "America YEAH!"

>> No.3737732
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>> No.3737734


Keep going, let it all out, just let it all out.

>> No.3737739
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>> No.3737740


Shhh shhh shh, there there.. shhh. there there

>> No.3737742
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>> No.3737743


There there honey, just let out.. shhh everything will aalll be better.

>> No.3737744
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>> No.3737745


It'll all be better, mommy's here muh precious widdle bebi

>> No.3737746

could you two at least have the courtesy to not bump this pointless shit

>> No.3737747
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>> No.3737748


D'aww he's crying himself to sleep, just a bit more shh shh it's okay.

>> No.3737750


Some fucking amerifat faggot spamming his /b/ shit, no worries

>> No.3737752
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>> No.3737753

4chan Law: the first person to declare the other person as butthurt is the winner. anyone complaining about this law is obviously butthurted.

>> No.3737754

You're bumping it too, cunt.

>> No.3737755


Oh wow this fag is still going? kill yourself


>> No.3737756


Will you two just fuck already? The sexual tension in this thread is thiiiicckkk.

>> No.3737758


Doesn't matter since this preschool level americunt
is going to spam /ck/ with his ass pain all night

>> No.3737759


d'aww dawww poorr bebby shhh

>> No.3737762
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>> No.3737765


Not even the same guy fag, lol I was the one saging. But it was fun to see your little ass all burning bright red with mad. Enjoy your 3rd world obesity shithole chav shit

>> No.3737767
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>> No.3737770
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>one last time, need to hear more of japan boy's butttears

Your ass is hotter than 10,000 fucking suns. Hahaha

>> No.3737776
File: 60 KB, 600x450, 1306351018395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3737788

Weeaboos, stop eating with sticks like primitive savages. Your forefathers are rolling in their graves.

>> No.3737790

And you stab your food like savages.

>> No.3737792

ITT children newcunts

>> No.3737795


Oh god he's still going, haha holy fucking god, haha fucking saved.

>> No.3737831

If he bought it at 7-11 then it makes pretty authentic Japanese food

>> No.3737921


In order to feel the need to post these pics you have to be sufficiently angry or frustrated with the person they're directed at. Why else would you feel the need to vent your emotions in this way? Unless you're using them to describe yourself (which would imply a level of self-deprecation never before seen on the internet), the irony is so delicious it actually becomes appropriate for the /ck/ board.

>> No.3737931

At around 1:45 this video demonstrates the correct methods of pulling apart chopsticks.

>> No.3737958

Someone explain to me how not putting chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice is a superstition?
Does that mean all things rude are superstitions?

>> No.3737963


this isn't /k/ circa 2011, bro

>> No.3737983

no, its a superstition because its a thing that asians believe will bring bad fortune

The tradition is that a bowl of rice with sticks stuck in it is placed on top of the grave of the recently deceased. Therefore, if you did it at the dinner table it would imply that you are about to die.
Of course its just stupid bullshit, do what you want at home, but if you are at a restaurant show some decency and don't do it

>> No.3737987

But it's still rude no matter if it implies you're going to die or not.

But I guess whoever said he doesn't care about all that is just an uncultured USAian.

>> No.3737995

I'm going to dress up as a ghost/the grim reaper, go to a Chinese restaurant and place a bowl of noodles with upright chopsticks on the table in front of an old Chinese man.

>> No.3737996

>does this mean that all things rude are superstitions

Is it superstitious if I tell you to fuck off?

>> No.3738009


Idiot detected.

>> No.3738013

Oh so it's wrong when I say
and it's wrong when I say

Gee I bet I should just say
>person from the United States of America

yeah cause that sounds SOOO much better.

>> No.3738020

Or you could just say US-american like everyone else.

>> No.3738023
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>> No.3738034

hahaha, US-American
oh forgive me you're too fucking stupid to realize what anyone means when they say American or USAian

>> No.3738036

>or you could just say American, like everyone else

>> No.3738062

your all mad cus anime is great

>> No.3738426
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>> No.3738430

Someone needs to just nuke Japan again. They produce posts like this bullshit. Nuke Korea too, while we're at it.

>> No.3738500

Best /ck/ thread ever

>> No.3738516

Then there's these teens that don't realize that they aren't on Facebook anymore.

>> No.3738517

I haven't visited here lately. When did /ck/ become 85% Aspie/Autistic?

>> No.3738520

Three years ago

>> No.3738570

if you like japan so much why don't you move there?


>> No.3738604

tl,dr: just use forks, knives and spoons. It's more practical.

>> No.3738618

p.s. The trick to separating chop sticks is to hold it from the tips then slowly but firmly pulling away in opposite directions

>> No.3738633


One thousand ninety days ago.
Definitely one thousand ninety days ago.
Monday, July 20, 2009.