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3721076 No.3721076[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Eating an adequate number of calories per day made up of any normal variety of plant foods gives us all the protein our bodies need." - Some vegan site

True, not true?

>> No.3721079

"Don't be stupid, you moron" - Me to OP

>> No.3721083

It's too vague to mean anything of value. Protein is, indeed, in nearly everything.

>> No.3721089

protein perhaps, but there is more to a healthy diet than protein


>> No.3721095

there are some key proteins that are simply not found in plants

except in hemp seed
for some reason hemp seed has every protein needed

>> No.3721101


You HAVE to plan your diet, or you will suffer from deficiencies.

>> No.3721113

The truth of the matter is that protein, when obtained from plant sources, is generally poor quality (at least in comparison to things like casein from dairy products). In essence, this means that the 0.8 g/kg body weight requirement/recommendation set for most individuals (here in the US) needs to be increased, to ensure sufficient intake of all essential amino acids. Of course, planning meals to include complementary sources helps address this to a certain extent, but it would be very difficult to just eat your entire diet from random plant sources without forethought and assume that you were meeting your protein needs.

There's a handy dandy graph that I've seen that shows protein quality vs. required protein intake relationships across different dietary restrictions. Omnivores have the healthiest relationship (maximum quality of sources, minimum required intake), with a progressive decline being observed as you progress down toward fruitarians.

>> No.3721119

Just let the vegans suffer from their deficiencies in peace

>> No.3722991

>biologically an omnivore
>pretends to be a herbivore

>> No.3723013

Not until they agree to stop reproducing.
Their stupidity is bad for our gene pool.

>> No.3723035

Not true at all. Even if you got a good amount of protein in from these plant sources, there's no guarantee that you've obtained all your essential amino acids. If your diet lacks a certain essential amino acid, your body will catabolize (read: eat) your muscle. it's no coincidence that vegetarians/vegans look sickly all the time.

>> No.3723040

My sister and her husband used to be hardcore vegans, but now they're just plain 'ol nutritionists that avoid processed food like the plague, unless they're at someone elses house.

I like to think that they finally realized they were slowly starving themselves and their children to death, as well as completely obliterating any tolerances to dairy and meat. Now if the kids even so much as look at cheese they pretty much die. Any time there's a family dinner, special preparations have to be made for them, and we still get to hear their rhetoric.

>> No.3723221

I never knew a vegetarian who wasn't sick all the time. Probably from malnutrition.

>> No.3723223


As long as we're going to be a nanny state (think of the children!), can we please start charging these people as child abusers?

These people are fucking /lunatics/.

>> No.3723637

half of vegans can't hold a pregnancy

>> No.3723655

Vitamin B12, etc, etc.

>> No.3723664

You gotta eat legumes, whole grains, and nuts/seeds.

If you miss out of one of those categories that's when you start having problems as you're missing amino acids.

>> No.3723671

Nope. In fact, protein starvation kills multitudes of children in Africa, because their primary source of nutrition is casava root.

If you want to be vegan and get sufficient protein, eat a LOT of quinoa and beans.

>> No.3723679

It -is- possible to get all the nutrients you need as a vegan, but god damn if you don't have to jump through some fucking hoops to do it.

For the majority of the world it would be impossible to live this way, they simply wouldn't have access to the variety of food or supplements needed.

Its a lifestyle choice for people rich enough to afford it (By which I mean they have sufficient access to the resources it requires). I don't understand how they can say things like "Humans were never meant to eat meat."

>> No.3723684


I should add that on a vegan diet, you'll be lucky if you get enough protein to not endure malnutrition. If you want to maintain or build muscle mass -- good fucking luck. The only way to do that is with a shitload of soy protein.

>> No.3723695


Which makes it unhealthy, and exclusive only to upper middle class/rich, and it's done purely as a status symbol, not under the guise of being healthy. True veganism does not exist.

>> No.3723752


Well yes, but if it were only a way for rich people to feel superior it wouldn't be a problem, just an annoyance. They would be a lot easier to ignore. The "guise of being healthy" is whats wrong.
Its tricking the uninformed into making unhealthy decisions that they truly believe are going to make themselves healthier. This belief makes trying to tell them that they're killing their bodies like trying to tell a fervent christian there is no God. Its sad and frustrating.

>> No.3723773
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I dunno man, I went vegan for a while just to see if I could do it and I had the most glorious shits ever known to mankind.

If for nothing else, you guys should try it for awhile. Your bowel movements will be like experiencing ascendance to nirvana.

>> No.3723780


That's because you're so sick your body is trying to evacuate it's own internal organs, which are slowly cannibalizing themselves for sustenance.

>> No.3723801
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