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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3718604 No.3718604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any really yummy vegan recipes i dont have to spend all day making, or get a loan out to buy the ingredients?
ps. i live in a very small town in england, we have a holland and barret, but the nearest bok choi is about 20 miles away, so i cant use unusual stuffs :(

>> No.3718609

Don't look for "vegan" recipes, look instead for recipes that just happen to be vegan. Otherwise you'll eat something that wasn't fully focused on the taste, but on making a vegan version of something else.

Take a look at the asian kitchen.

>> No.3718626

A lot of Middle Eastern foods contain no meat. Try looking into that.

>> No.3718629

thanks for the advise :)
middle eastern food i have never tried, will have to look into it :)

>> No.3718653

I know people often say that recipes that happen to be vegan and focus on vegetables and don't try to copy meat dishes are better, but this isn't always the case!

Some of the best vegan food I've ever had is meat dish copycats.

It's easy to make cheap delicious vegan chili with a can of kidney beans, your choice of vegetables, tomatos, vegetable broth, a huge $5 bag of dried TVP soy crumbles, and a bag of Daiya cheddar cheese if you like to sprinkle a bit of cheese on top. The whole recipe costs me about $10 and makes a huge volume of chili, with plenty of ingredients left over for a future batch.

I also love to make eggplant meatballs and serve them on a whole wheat bun with marinara sauce. Just use the same seasoning you'd use when making animal meatballs. Delicious and easy. People tell me that they're better than real meatballs!

Portabello mushrooms crumbled with extra firm tofu and formed into patties tastes awesome. I pan fry the patties in a bit of olive oil and serve them on sourdough with homemade coconut milk thousand island dressing, tomato, and lettuce.

>> No.3718665
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>> No.3718667

>/ck/ vegan thread
Troll thread.

Where do you make the distinction between which animal products you don't use? Once you get into the territory of eggs and milk (non-meat products), where do you stop? Why stop at what you eat? I think you'll find virtually everything has animal by-products in it.

Including the computer you're using, right now.

>> No.3718677


Rocks also have microorganisms in them.

In fact, just by breathing, you are consuming billions of microscopic organisms.

You've got blood on your hands either way.

>> No.3718682

How about a nice dick sandwich.

>> No.3718700

i dont eat or wear animal products, i dont use make up and i make my own household cleaners and soap/shampoo. i dont have a car or a computer.
so im pretty vegan. but i see your point that one can never avoid them 100%, i just try my hardest.

>> No.3718702

>In fact, just by breathing, you are consuming billions of microscopic organisms.

Not really.

>> No.3718704

the meatballs idea sounds really nice, will have to give that one a go :) and i must admit, i live on vegan spaghetti bolognase (not even going to attempt to spell that)

>> No.3718708

how about suck on mine.

>> No.3718715

Winter-time fur trapper reporting in, OP is a homosecks.

>> No.3718718

Trappers are lazy faggots.

- someone who fishes and hunts as much as they can

>> No.3718722

right not actually talking to omnis who just want to argue with me, i dont care if you eat meat and sir, i dont care if youre a fur trapper. if i saw a meat eaters thread i would not mock your views or try to pick holes in your beliefs all i ask is for that same level of common courtesy.

>> No.3718726

a lot of vegetarian italian recipes can be easily made vegan by substituting for cream/butter

>> No.3718740

Banana ice cream. Freeze a bunch of bananas. then blend them. Will give you an ice cream consistency.

>> No.3718743

rice and beans

>> No.3718744

Where did you hear that? Checking 100+ traps spread across a mountainous national forest every day isn't a walk through the park. Besides, you can't make enough money on trapping alone to make it a full time job anymore. I'm still working my dick off through the warmer months.

Does it rustle your jimmies that I make a part-time job out of shooting woodland creatures in the head every day?

>> No.3718751

No, because, as I said before, I hunt and fish constantly.

I live in Canada and hunt moose, deet, rabbit/hare, grouse, and live in a region with ~100,000 lakes. There is also an incredible amount of Crown (=public) Land, which means I'm not stuck inside some park.

So no, not jelly at all.

>> No.3718764

I've actually been considering moving to Canada for the wilderness and whatnot. But I don't want to shitcan my gun rights in doing so. I know for a fact, I wouldn't be able to keep my WASR up there.

>> No.3718768

Can't handle the taste of a perfect steak?
Vegans are fags

>> No.3718900

Vegetarians I can understand and accept. But Vegans are so fucking retarded it just blows my mind. You're not hurting the animal if you for example drink milk, so what's the fucking point?

>> No.3718918
File: 100 KB, 540x450, veal-calves..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Egg laying chicken and milk cows in factory farms are kept in horrible conditions, and their byproducts are nigh toxic.

2. Being a well-rounded vegan is the most healthy diet for an average bodied adult.

I think you have every right to eat meat and dairy should you choose. Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying, I'm just answering your question.

>> No.3718941

>can't tell if troll or fucking stupid

Veal is a by-product of the milk industry. Diary cows are in a constant cycle of being pregnant and giving birth in order to produce enough milk. 3/4 of the calves are are made into veal shortly after being born.

>> No.3718943

>1. Egg laying chicken and milk cows in factory farms are kept in horrible conditions, and their byproducts are nigh toxic.

classic strawman diversion tactic

tell me about eggs and milk procured from a local farmer that you trust, then. or even eggs that have been recovered from abandoned chickens. what then? got an answer? no? lol

>2. Being a well-rounded vegan is the most healthy diet for an average bodied adult.

bullshit, having a well rounded diet in the first place is the most healthy diet for an average bodied adult. and the most natural, because you don't have to rely on supplements or enriched foods (how's that vitamin B12 injected bread doing for you, vegan cunt? i thought so.)

>> No.3718946

>or even eggs that have been recovered from abandoned chickens.
because vegetarians rely on those.

>> No.3718951

because no vegetarian will ever come across abandoned chickens, right?




i love it when you vegancunts squirm under your own contradictions

>> No.3718957

1. eggs that have been recovered from abandoned chickens? is that how most Americans get their eggs? huh. I guess someone should tell the roughly 250 million hens in factory farms that their services are no longer required, and they are free to go. farmer you trust? Maybe where you live there are an abundance of rural heritage farms, but that is not the case in the majority of the country.

2. I know you'll make some idiotic comment like "lol classic avoidance tactic" but I don't feel like explaining this. For some adults it is optimal to get a lot of protein and B12. Not for all, and not for me. Something being "more natural" doesn't matter to me I just want whatever's the least toxic. If that means I have to take a pill with my breakfast every day, whoop-dee-fucking-doo

>> No.3718956

great you found one instance where a vegan adopted chickens
is this your proof that vegetarians rely on this to get eggs? pathetic.

>> No.3718959

>completely analdevastated that he got TOLD on all points

you still didn't answer my question i see lol

is it because you can't answer the question? is the question too difficult for your mind? or are you just too scared to admit that your entire philosophy is based on bullshit?

>> No.3718960

Feather ridge farms, elizaville ny. They sell eggs all over Brooklyn and on sat. they sell em a few blocks away from my apt. I've been to the farm it's awesome there. Came home with a shitload of free stuff.

I can name many more farms, markets, stores.

>> No.3718963

>1. eggs that have been recovered from abandoned chickens? is that how most Americans get their eggs? huh. I guess someone should tell the roughly 250 million hens in factory farms that their services are no longer required, and they are free to go. farmer you trust? Maybe where you live there are an abundance of rural heritage farms, but that is not the case in the majority of the country.



>2. I know you'll make some idiotic comment like "lol classic avoidance tactic" but I don't feel like explaining this. For some adults it is optimal to get a lot of protein and B12. Not for all, and not for me. Something being "more natural" doesn't matter to me I just want whatever's the least toxic. If that means I have to take a pill with my breakfast every day, whoop-dee-fucking-doo

so you're saying you're a magical fairy human that doesn't need an essential vitamin in order to survive?

or are you admitting that vegan diets are complete bullshit?

>whatever's the least toxic

oh lol. now you're just abusing buzzwords to defend your already shot to shit "point"

>> No.3718964

there should be enough b12 in soymilk or other vegan products so you don't have to take a pill. However it's debated if that's really as effective. And I really think a diet with fish and some light meat is the healthiest choice while being easy to maintain. But that probably doesn't matter since nobody would pay THAT much attention to get the perfect diet.

I'm not the original guy and responding to an argument with "analdevestated" only shows that you don't have a proper response.

>> No.3718966

>I just want whatever's the least toxic

That sounds like a sad state to be in. Why wouldn't you focus on foods that taste better. It doesn't seem like you enjoy cooking or are passionate about food. Why browse a cooking board?

>> No.3718967

>I'm not the original guy and responding to an argument with "analdevestated" only shows that you don't have a proper response.

not answering the question also shows that the vegan cunts ITT don't have a proper response

so what's wrong with local farmers eh vegan cunts?

what's wrong with rescued eggs?

tell me these things i want to hear them because you aren't answering the tough questions

face it, i've already won.

>> No.3718972

>so what's wrong with local farmers eh vegan cunts?
probably that they still "use" animals, they oppress and cage them and local farmers usually aren't like the storybook farmers you imagine. They are normal farmers.

>what's wrong with rescued eggs?
One might think that it's wrong to take anything from an animal.
However most vegans probably wouldn't have a problems with eating those eggs (at least morally)

>face it, i've already won.
oh wow, are you from /b/?

>> No.3718973

Oh I see, you're saying to vegans... Why not eat animal products when the animals are say free range and local. I get it.

What I don't get is your level of anger about the issue... It's always the few rabbid anti vegans that get enraged in these daily threads.

>> No.3718980

Stop hating on OP. Meat is MURDER! Plain and simple. Just shut the fuck up. What you do is unnatural and shameful.

>> No.3718981

but murder is natural

>> No.3718982

most eggs, dairy, and meat come from factory farms. like, almost all of it. Veganism shouldnt be an "ideology" that one can argue for or against. I'm arguing for animal rights. If you want to eat meat that's humanely raised, be my guest. If you want to eat meat that is full of antibiotics and waste byproducts, go right ahead. All I'm saying is that I like to be healthy and feel good. Eating vegan achieves both for me. If I could afford high-quality meat and dairy, I might go back to eating it, but seeing how right now I don't feel any need to, I think I'll stay vegan. I don't know why you're trying so hard to get me angry.

Also, there are several people making vegan arguments, so don't respond to me as if I am everyone else as well.

>> No.3718987

Lasagne with no cheese or meat?
Lots of Italian dishes are already pretty vegan as long as you make sure you don't use egg noodles or cheese.

>> No.3719058
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Just look for any that don't have anything in this picture listed. Also feel free to ignore that bit at the bottom there, I'm sure there is, I just haven't found it

>> No.3719077

i have no idea how cow fat would be used in ceramics. bone ash is used in ceramics as a fluxing agent, like it is in glass. but fat?

>> No.3719125

Humans, as a rule of thumb, don't like to be in large social environments, like the hives and arcologies of NYC or LA. Massive buildings filled to bursting with corporate drones, buzzing in and out to go to work, then to play, then to sleep. Consuming corporate food, corporate entertainment, socializing only with corporate people.
Vegans are just one among many movements in which people are rebelling against that lifestyle. Veganism is one of the more laughable ones since a healthy human is an omnivore. Though the goal is admirable, as a lifestyle it requires that you to jump through so many labor-inducing hoops as to be cumbersome.

>> No.3719141

>Humans, as a rule of thumb, don't like to be in large social environments

Humans have always sought to live in large social environments. The VAST majority of humans have lived and currently live in large urban centers.

>as a lifestyle it requires that you to jump through so many labor-inducing hoops as to be cumbersome.

There are at least 10 vegan restaurants within a ten min. walk from me. Also, people that eat meat (me) shop, vegans shop for food as well.

Everything in your post is wrong.

>> No.3719224

Vegans don`t eat eggs from "local farmers", whatever that means by the way, we have some big chicken farms here totally local bitch, because they can not be sure that the chicken has the right living conditions, producing 1 egg a day is not normal for a chicken, it lives much shorter because of that, so there are no "normal" eggs. Not sorry for the shitty english!

>> No.3719240

yes, we're well aware what the lack of meat in a diet does to the brain. You aren't rebelling against shit. You're depending on others to feed you. Meanwhile, those of us worth a damn kill, process and preserve our own game/produce. i like meat. I like killing shit. Deal with it, faggots. The hunters triumphed, the gatherers lost.

>> No.3719267

You are right, every omnivore hunts its own meat, if you do that its okay, but most people dont have the courage to kill. Im not rebelling against shit thats right, i know a vegan diet doesent safe any lifes, but you Sir are a stupid redneck faggott fucking ists own sister, no need to explain things to you

>> No.3719288

I love that all you types ever have when confronted with alternatives to your lifestyle are tired, ignorant reactionary stereotypes. It's cool that you have incest fantasies and all, but this isn't /b/, compadre, we don't want to hear about it,; and besides that, projection is very unhealthy.This is why no one likes vegans. I'd be willing to bet that i'm much better educated, much better travelled, and much better read than you. I'm sorry that the entire lifestyle you use to define yourself so you can feel superior is in fact a farce, but please think before you type. Reading your excrement is positively embarrassing, and your knee-jerk frothy hatred is the kinda crap i'd expect out of a fundamentalist christian.

>> No.3719300

>he says your lifestyle is "okay"
>you don't realize that he's insulting you because of your ignorant attitude
no one likes redneck faggots, pls go

>> No.3719308

You just proved my point. You are an illiterate, unoriginal waste of skin. You know, if you really want to save the planet and make a statement, why don't you just kill yourself already? I mean, what with dad inevitably being disappointed at the shrill, anemic tryhard assclown you've become and the fact that you'll never amount to anything because you're a total pillock, I just don't see too many prospects for you in this life.

>> No.3719315

>don't realize I'm a different person
>didn't read the 3rd person in my statement
>calls me illiterate

>> No.3719316

hey guys check out this post here

>> No.3719317

>Doesn't think I know how to check for same fag.
>Splits grammatical hairs when he gets told.
You're still alive. Why?

>> No.3719323

turn down the damage control, you're not making any sense

>> No.3719326

any greens. heat up pan. add oil and whole garlic cloves. char the outsite of the garlic then add the greens in. add salt. and cook till done

>> No.3719335

raise your own eggs (lots of people do, even in the city), buy a share of an organically raised, free range cow (for that delicious raw milk), learn to hunt and fish, or make friends with people who do. Congratulations, you just secured high quality food for yourself and increased your self-sufficiency. It sounds like laziness to me.

>> No.3719338

[citation needed]

>> No.3719339

Projection/denial still isn't/aren't doing you any favors, slugger. I'm not dumbing it down for your malnourished brain.

>> No.3719341

Enlighten us on how to check for samefags lol

>> No.3719342

I'm not sure how to respond to this. The fact that you really believe I'm that vegan guy is mostly sad but at the same way the stupidity is amusing.

>> No.3719343

>most eggs, dairy, and meat come from factory farms. like, almost all of it. Veganism shouldnt be an "ideology" that one can argue for or against. I'm arguing for animal rights. If you want to eat meat that's humanely raised, be my guest. If you want to eat meat that is full of antibiotics and waste byproducts, go right ahead. All I'm saying is that I like to be healthy and feel good. Eating vegan achieves both for me. If I could afford high-quality meat and dairy, I might go back to eating it, but seeing how right now I don't feel any need to, I think I'll stay vegan. I don't know why you're trying so hard to get me angry.

>Also, there are several people making vegan arguments, so don't respond to me as if I am everyone else as well.

reposting this from earlier. pretty much covers it. i dont see anyone arguing for hard-line veganism, so I think it's kind of silly to respond as if they were. i have a very similar situation to the OP of this

>> No.3719350

Well then atleast do us this favor >>3719341

>> No.3719345

>Implying I don't know sockpuppetry when I see it.
Look, I'm sorry that when confronted with a superior lifestyle, you had a meltdown, but as I've said before, your stupidity and various mental issues aren't my problem.

>> No.3719356
File: 102 KB, 800x1000, Expose Samefags.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, welcome to 4chan! How's being a newfag treating you?

>> No.3719355

Middle eastern legume dishes.
Indian legume dishes.
Anything you would cook that has meat involved, but without the meat.

chili, curry, etc.
Ratatouille is AWESOME and pretty vegan, you can use it as a spaghetti sauce or eat it by itself.
you can make a lot of good vegetable soups without meat.
oven-roasted vegetables
Baked potatoes
Hasselbach potatoes.

Bake some kind of vegan bread.
Make a shitton of different vegetable toppings and dippings.
- Pinjur (Garlic / eggplant)
- Baba Ganoush (More eggplant, with different seasonings)
- Hummus (Chickpeas and stuff)
- Ajvar (Bell peppers, chilies, tomatoes, eggplant)
There are probably more that I don't remember, help me out /ck/

You can make dumplings or pierogies with vegan fillings.

If you have a deep frier you can make samosas with vegetable fillings.
Vegans are retarded, but at least the limitation forces you to be creative.

>> No.3719358


Eyes rolling out of my head.

>> No.3719361

eating meat is immoral

I still do it, but at least I cop to that.

Anyone who thinks there's nothing wrong with killing a sentient being just cause you like how it tastes is either a sociopath or just too lazy to think very hard.

>> No.3719362

Hey I have a gold account I don't use anymore wanna buy it?

>> No.3719368
File: 10 KB, 152x120, NyanpireGrumpy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> assuming all Vegans are only so because of animal rights

it's no business of yours what other people put in their bodies so let's stfu and share more recipes plox

>> No.3719382

Okay by me. One of the simplest, best dishes of summer is tender, lightly seasoned grilled/ asparagus. on the grill, season it lightly with salt and pepper and a splash of good (I like the tuscan stuff, personally.) olive oil. Wrap the works up in foil, put it on the top shelf if you've got a gas grill, over some medium-hot coals if you're grilling the right way.

>> No.3719388

Except that deer, elk, pheasant, trout, salmon, crawfish, bass, antelope, quail, clams, oysters and all that other tasty shit is far from sentient. Human beings (and primates in generally) are typically omnivorous.

>> No.3719396
File: 482 KB, 509x599, 509px-4chan_neutronium_account.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, it's cool bro. I got a neutronium account.

>> No.3719408

And honestly, even if you aren't vegan, community gardens are a great thing, especially in the city. They supplied me with fresh veg throughout school. If you learn to pickle, you'll be enjoying them for a while, too. Fuck it, here's a spicy dill recipe:

12 3 to 4 inch long pickling cucumbers
2 cups water
1 3/4 cups white vinegar
1 1/2 cups chopped fresh dill weed
1/2 cup white sugar
8 cloves garlic, chopped
1 1/2 tablespoons coarse salt
1 tablespoon pickling spice
1 1/2 teaspoons dill seed
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes, or to taste
4 sprigs fresh dill weed


In a large bowl, combine the cucumbers, water, vinegar, chopped dill, sugar, garlic, salt, pickling spice, dill seed, and red pepper flakes. Stir, and let stand at room temperature for 2 hours, until the sugar and salt dissolve.
Remove the cucumbers to three 1 1/2 pint wide mouth jars, placing 4 cucumbers into each jar. Ladle in the liquid from the bowl to cover. Place a sprig of fresh dill into each jar, and seal with lids. Refrigerate for 10 days before eating. Use within 1 month.

Super easy, super cheap, and really tasty.