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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3710033 No.3710033[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3710037
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>> No.3710050
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Flatmate bought it, not me, but I tried it after he insisted it was delicious.

I now see why every other country hates our food. Just thinking about this makes me want to vomit.

>> No.3710054

i hate these things, even the regular ones, but damnit, i wish i could find the chocolate chip ones around here to buy a pack as a goof and force my friends to eat them with me.

>> No.3710059
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>> No.3710061
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>> No.3710064
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This, or anything similar to this.

It's a microwavable package around 2~3 bucks and tastes like watered down shit.

>> No.3710065
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These fuckers.

God, I used to love the american sour cream/cheddar ones, so on my trip to mexico I snagged a bag of these

And holy shit. I never knew freeze-dried "cheese" powder could go bad, but they were sour and nasty and tasted like shit.

Now I can't eat the good American kind.

Fuck you mexicunts and your inferior fritolay products.

>> No.3710071

The Carbonara isn't too disgusting if you're stoned/desperate (usually go together),but yeah all that shit is nasty.

I just hate packaged food in general. I don't always have time to make real food so I do eat it occasionally, but I pretty much limit it to like canned soup (progresso's mexican racism delight soup things are actually not bad with proper addition of hot sauce)

but the worst has to be those annie chung (or whatever) noodle bowl things that come in like pad thai peanut whatever. That shit is horrendous.

>> No.3710086
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This cost $2.79 for 1 serving of cooked rice- nigga wat?

>> No.3710090
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>> No.3710093
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>> No.3710141
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>> No.3710149
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No joke, I cannot eat ketchup with anything after trying this shit.

>> No.3710154

Canned spaghetti bolognese (spaghetti included in the can). Couldn't even swallow the shite.

>looks like gold & diamonds in food form on the cover
>tastes like satan's rotten shit

Hate this shit.

>> No.3710155

those look good

>> No.3710166
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I googled but I couldn't find a picture and I don't remember the brand name.

For the record I like dried squid but this shit was coated in sugar, I put it in my mouth and it was like eating cardboard that had sugar glued to it, it was ridiculous. Most candy would have less sugar on it than this fish.
I had to throw out the whole packet after one bite.

>> No.3710180

Chef boyardee beefaroni

My god shit is nasty

>> No.3710542

All of them.

>> No.3710573


Oh man, those are bad. I'm very tolerant of canned foods; no problem with chef boyardee, chili from a can or hell, even potted meat spreads but those Comlpeats things are pure ass.

>> No.3710576

Tostino's pizza rolls. IDK man, something happened to them...

>> No.3710608

>spend a night at my gf's house
>she still lives with her mother
>her mother can't cook her way out of a paper bag
>she slaps a couple dozen Pizza Rolls in the oven
>I don't want to be rude and I am too broke to score something else to eat
>gf's family downs them by the handful
>I eat about ten
>end up with viscious diarrhea the night and farts that smell like Cthulu's unwashed scrotum for the next day or so

>> No.3710609

cheap canned sardines can be a gamble

>> No.3710623

Walmart brand coffee doughnut bun things. I just knew they were going to be horrible when I looked at the ingredients, but i bought them anyway. Ate half the box on my drive home. Felt a little sick afterwards

>> No.3710627

Canned salmon. Didn't read carefully and had a mouth full of bones.

I know you can eat em but I had already mixed it into my pasta.

>> No.3710646
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These canned ham products always make me uneasy.

>> No.3710649
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>go over to moms
>i haven't really eaten anything all day
>she can't cook for shit
>"Hungry? Bon appetit!"

>> No.3710657

Jesus Christ how horrifying

>> No.3710662
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>> No.3710678

So. Much. Newfag.

>> No.3710682
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>> No.3710686
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Ok I only bought it, never ate it... but really, would you?

>> No.3710688

>fully cooked
that shit don't look no fully cooked

>slime on it
I don't want to know, I just don't.

>> No.3710690

Yes. That stuff is delicious.

>> No.3710698

I did... i wish i hadn't

>> No.3710713
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When I lived at home my parents used to get me this. And no matter how many times I told them that I didn't like it, and it wasn't the same as restaurant sushi, or fuck even the sushi from Wegman's...I just...why did they have to be so white?

>> No.3710755

It always cracks me up to see brown rice in sushi.

>> No.3710788
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That picture is really forgiving too.
This is a more accurate picture of what I got.
Usually the rice had no texture at all. It really tasted like processed rice goo that they had wrapped in maki or sesame and filled it with nasty cheese/surimi paste. You can tell it was machine molded.
I still shudder.

Oh and their version of nigiri was for shit.
Literally a thawed piece of freezer shrimp cut in half and put on a mound of that rice paste conglomeration. Had a real fishy taste, and sometimes even the avocado in the maki rolls weren't fresh and was browning.

>> No.3710793

I used to buy it from Trader Joe's on breaks and also get the small pack of smoked salmon to put on top. It makes it better but there's really no reason to eat it unless it's a sushi emergency.

>> No.3710830

My mom and I used to buy these all the time and loved them... until I tried real sushi, now I'm almost ashamed to have enjoyed that shit.

>> No.3710851

Pretty much always the case. You enjoy shit so long as you haven't tasted what it's supposed to taste like.

>> No.3710860

You might even call it a

>> No.3710864
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what does "squidgy" even mean?

>> No.3710865

oh god yeah, never buy any nigiri from the sushi things..

The only good rolls are the californias, and you buy those knowing they're gonna taste like cold mayo and shrimp

>> No.3710886

Don't ever eat frozen hamburger if it's just labeled "MEAT."

If there's nothing else on the label, avoid it like the plague.

I hope they find me soon. I don't want to do this anymore. Last night the count reached 11. Please forgive me, but it's just so good.

>> No.3710948


I for one find this delicious, even more so with a bit of low-fat spread on top, or if I'm being TOTALLY outrageous, a bit of good butter.

For worst food ever, it would be a gourmet microwaveable paella thing. Now it had all the good ingredients, real saffron, prawn and scallops too. But they put a ton of fish paste/oil in it to flavour it. Now I like fishy-tasting food, but this thing had an aftertaste that clung to my mouth even after brushing my teeth, it was disgusting

>> No.3710950

Nigga that's way too much rice.

And I bet the texture would feel more like kimbap than sushi.

>> No.3710973


>> No.3710974

According to Merriam-Webster it means "Unpleasantly damp" or "Clammy".

According to Oxford it means "Soft, spongy, and moist".

Both may apply here.

>> No.3710981
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Ate it on a dare, tasted like dog food. I like fresh oysters though.

>> No.3710987

Can't remember what it was called, but my mom brought home this huge package of frozen BBQ pork from Sam's Club, which she cooked in the microwave. Tasted like shit covered in cheap BBQ sauce and the meat had big globs of fat and what looked like strips of ham in it.

>> No.3710994

Pussy detected, I eat 2 cans of those + tapatio hot sauce a week.

>> No.3710998

Chef Boyardee's beefaroni or whatever the fuck they call it. I can't stand beef ravioli.

>> No.3711007

Does candy count?
I once ate this small candy that looked like a blue eye ball for halloween. It was absolutely horrible and fell apart in my mouth so I couldn't spit it out. You couldn't pay me to eat another one

>> No.3711053

>eating processed shit


>> No.3711066
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Twinkies are absolute SHIT.

>> No.3711082

Oh fuck you.

>> No.3711085
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mexicans like everything to have the flavor of limón, motherfucker. but yeah i can't stand the queso ruffles either. the cream and spices one or whatever it's called is good though.

>> No.3711090
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Stole it from the fridge at my old job.

Would not steal again.

>> No.3711096


>> No.3711098

i loled

>> No.3711103

Ruffles crema y especias are shi tier, dumb amierishit

>> No.3711107
File: 18 KB, 260x259, chickenchili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totino's party pizzas
kashi freezer meals (taste like shit)
low sodium soups
progresso soups that aren't cream-based (those broths are vile)
anything and everything by healthy choice

in other good news, the canned chili pictured is surprisingly tasty

>> No.3711108

what about rancheritos, mexipig

i can't believe you guys still have doritos 3d those are soooooo 2004

>> No.3711110

>hating on doritos 3D

>> No.3711109

Last year, strapped for cash, I bought a few of these. Could not force that shit down.

>> No.3711115

>dumb amierishit

you're on on of the top websites in the US lol

>> No.3711117

they taste like they tried to be bugles but more digusting

>> No.3711128

The worst food I've ever eaten wasn't pre-packaged.

>> No.3711133
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I don't like spam.

>> No.3711135

>top websites in the us
>with traps, cp, and /d/

I know it's not a sekrit klub but still you don't have to exaggerate

>> No.3711139
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Even the regular flavored yakisoba things are hard for me to stomach more than once every few months or so.. but this is just something I will never be willing to try.

>> No.3711145

Tell me about it.
I live in Texas, so I shop at HEB a lot. They generally have pretty good store brand, but their fucking sardines man. Its like they don't descale them before cooking them and packing them in delicious hot sauce.
All the can tuna brands have questionable sardines as well, I only buy the Beech Cliff tins now.

>> No.3711146

>cheesy and easy

>> No.3711172

soba noodles with cheese


>> No.3711174
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>I know it's not a sekrit klub but still you don't have to exaggerate

It's ranked 477th in The US.

>> No.3711182

Microwavable "ramen" with a sauce with various "vegetables". I don't even want to know what was inside that sauce. At least it was cheap and without any glutamat.

>> No.3711184

canned tamales
canned green beans
just fucking kill me


>> No.3711537

And to think Ketchup-flavored chips is completely normal in Canada. Not only is it accepted, it's PREFERRED.

>> No.3711548
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The one and only time I've written a letter of complaint to a company. To me it signalled the beginning of the decline in quality of PC products.

>> No.3711941

Probably that frozen stir-fry in which there was a cockroach.

>> No.3711943

Why wouldn't you just make your own? It is simple... and you know it is actually made with a few quality ingredients.

>> No.3711954
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as a teen i once ate a can of this and went jogging through an upper class subdivision. halfway through i ralphed whole beans and unchewed weenies all over the sidewalk in front of a few milfs jogging with their dogs and heart surgeons and lawyers out mowing the lawn and washing the car.

never again.........
never again.

>> No.3711961

Rueditas (the Payaso cheap-y kind). They have this tasteless styrofoam texture, yuck.

>> No.3711969

One of my friends found a dead maggot in one of those a while ago.

>> No.3712088
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mfw i had one of those last night

>> No.3712102

How about a change of pace


>> No.3712105

So it's Van Camp's fault you're an idiot?

>> No.3712106
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Progresso soups, chef boyardee, hormell chilli is all tolerable if you are only eating it a couple nights a week and hopfully with some kind of bread or sandwich element, otherwise that shit gets really old really fast.

kraft mac and cheese is pretty gross, but not nearly as bad mac and cheese made by companies that don't usually make that stuff like boyardee and ramen holy shit is that stuff vile.

Other nasties are stir fry bowls in the freezer section, certain lean cuisines, those super cheep chicken/beef burritos usually have chunks of cartilage in them.

bulk bags of fries and chicken nuggets are generally pretty shit too.

>> No.3712107
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These are the fuckin' bomb

>> No.3712108
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Don't know, but the Korean market had some beondegi and I was tempted to buy a can last week.

>> No.3712115
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Imagine this, but imagine a 3 lb can. Imagine that it has a generic silver label with no brand or picture. And then imagine that instead of "in broth" it says "in gelatin with fat"

Then imagine eating this for days, as it is the only food you have. That's what poverty tastes like.

>> No.3712121
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it's good they said, try some they said

>> No.3712124

...this is good. Spread it on white bread, then throw on some lettuce for texture. Delicious.

>> No.3712139

well yes, it is. i used to jog everyday an hour or two after diner. the one and only time i chucked was after eating van camps beanie weenie.

so yea, i blame van camp.

>> No.3712141

Canned baby octopus

>> No.3712145

I work at a grocery store past midnight.

A lot of this stuff sells. A lot. Those hormel shits sell by the dozen.

>> No.3712144
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>> No.3712161

The blueberry ones aren't that bad, just hard as shit to find.


Got some of this on a whim while making a quick stop at the store before work....I'm normally am pretty picky about my sushi but figured for $2 it would make a decent lunch. I could barely eat one slice w/out wanting to barf. My ghetto-broke ass-college student-co-workers wouldn't even touch it.

I don't remember the brand, some yellow and blue packaging, frozen lasagne I got once. I've never been a huge fan of frozen lasagna, but hey, I was hungry, got off work 2 hours later than expected and everything was frozen at home. I couldn't even finish the small slice I served. Salty and yet bitter at the same time. It was only $4 but still.....UGH.

>> No.3712170
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Would you?

>> No.3712172

fuck yea

>> No.3712187

I had that once. It was bad, but not make-you-want-to-vomit bad.

>> No.3712200
File: 39 KB, 620x388, tripe_1202067i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing I ever ate was canned tripe in some kind of tomato sauce. I'm not entirely sure though if the can was to blame. It was the first and last time I ever tried eating tripe. I almost threw up.

And if anyone wants to insult me as a picky eater, GO FUCK YOURSELF. Tripe is demon food made by Satan himself.

>> No.3712208

i've eaten packaged cheeseburgers from a convenience store once. They were pretty awful, but tolerable.

>> No.3712211
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The only thing I can think of was this Andy Griffith Mayberry muffin mix. It was peach cobbler flavored.

One of my favorite prepackaged foods are peanut butter-chocolate Bugles. Didn't think peanut butter and chocolate would go well with corn chips but I was wrong.

>> No.3712213

Tripe is delicious tier. Get some made with black bean sauce in a dimsum restaurant.

>> No.3712214

I think he mistook "most visited" for "best"

>> No.3712215


nah, tripe is awful. the taste, texture, and look all fail. i've tried it a few times in legit mexican menudo, it fucking sucks. and i even like legit mexican food.

i hate when my neighbors cook this shit, it smells like bad breath and buttsweat. all my neighbors are mexican so they cook it alot. mother of god, i hate it. i'm cool with them and will share and take some food with my tan skinned neighbors, but when they cook that foul tripe soup i lock the doors and burn incense as i cook a cheeseburger.

nopenopenopenope. keep that tripe the hell away from me.

>> No.3712216


Yes, the texture was the worst.

>> No.3712217

Tripe smells bad but is delicious if prepared properly. If you have problems with it it's your own fault.

>> No.3712335

fuck sauce? I remember seeing that on SNL or some shit