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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3707457 No.3707457 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/, first time here. I've come for your advice. I'm making dinner for my parents, two of their friends and myself tomorrow. I have a recipe for spaghetti cabonara (pic related), but as my mum doesn't eat wheat i'm going to just make the sauce and add it to a pre-bought seafood marinara. Firstly, is this a good idea? Does seafood cabonara taste good? I've used this kind of marinara before and added heaps of stuff to it like curry, tandori paste, etc. It's good stuff. Secondly, when I've made that sauce in the past I've noticed that when it's heated it just solidifies, so I'm worried that once I add the sauce to the seafood (normally I'll cook the seafood in a wok then add whatever and cook it a bit more) it'll just solidify and turn into an omlette. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? If i just stir it like crazy will it be fine? Or does anyone have a good cabonara recipe that won't instantly solidify as soon as it's heated?


>> No.3707459
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> seafood cabonara

kill it with fire

>> No.3707475


Have you tried it before?

>> No.3707482


I mean, it's just like with any carbonara, you have to stir it like crazy. But, why would you add a carbonara sauce to marinara?

>> No.3707492

OP, did you mean to say that your mom doesn't eat MEAT and not WHEAT?

>> No.3707496


I figured I'd try something different. The seasoning on the marinara isn't very strong. As i say, I've put lots of different stuff in it before.

>> No.3707499


Nope, wheat. Otherwise i'd just make spaghetti cabonara.

also, >>3707482, thanks for clarifying. I wasn't sure if cabonara was supposed to just solidify.

>> No.3707502

why don't you just buy gluten free pasta?

>> No.3707506


It tastes like ass.

>> No.3707509

So has anyone actually ever tried putting seafood in cabonara sauce? If not, do you think it would work?

>> No.3707510

you gotta try more varieties, they have come a long way. Spaghetti squash may be another option for you too. What you want to do sounds so involved, it would be nice to find some kind of way to make something delicious for your mom without so many conflicting flavors. By it's self spaghetti carbonara is delicious. With seafood it is probably very good, but adding all the other stuff seems like such a waste.

>> No.3707512

Damn that looks good. Fucking saved.

>> No.3707514

or maybe make some gnocchi with potato and rice flour for the carbonara

>> No.3707515


I'm kind of in a small town (<20,000 people) so I doubt I could find spaghetti squash, but thanks for the idea, I might keep an eye out next time I'm in a big city. Also, what do you mean by "all the other stuff"? The stuff in the recipe, or the marinara already on the seafood?

>> No.3707518


It is, its awesome.


Unfortunatly, she doesn't eat potato either. Wheat and potato give her bad indigestion. I get the same thing, but to a much smaller scale. Again, though, its a good idea. I hadn't thought of that.

>> No.3707520

the marinara. That is just too many strong flavors conflicting for center stage. I live in a small town too. (18,000 people) and we have spaghetti squash, but that is in Louisiana. I assume you probably live in another country. You can make pasta by shaving ribbons of zucchini and cooking them (search for zucchini ribbons on google) there are other options.

>> No.3707533

It solidifies as the because of the egg. Make sauce with Marinara,garlic(do not burn!) Add splash of wine, reduce,add cream and psan.reduce to thicken
AT A VERY LOW HEAT ,stir in egg yolk mixed with a bit more cream.Take off heat .Do not reheat, unless you like marinara fu yung.

>> No.3707535
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All right, well thanks for the idea's guys. I havn't bought the marinara yet, so i might try to get a seafood mix if i can instead.

I swear I'm going to make gnocchi cabonara one day.

One more thing. If i was going to go for pasta, I would do whats in the pic. Shit bricks?

>> No.3707539


Thanks very much