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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 203 KB, 739x554, forks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3704679 No.3704679 [Reply] [Original]

What's your excuse for not being a vegetarian /ck/?

>> No.3704683

I'm not a retard and I don't want anemia

>> No.3704685

meat tastes good, cry more

>> No.3704689

Sometimes you need knives to cut bread, or good tomato slices. Your argument is invalid

>> No.3704709

ITT: Meat fags thinking meat doesnt make them fat.

>> No.3704712

I'm not retarded.

>> No.3704735

Meat is disgusting.

I can't stand to have dead animal pieces in my kitchen. It's absolutely revolting.

>> No.3704736

I wouldn't eat a kitten, so why should I eat a cow or a chicken?

>> No.3704741

i don't want to limit my abuse to plants

>> No.3704754

because cows and chickens are not housepets, and they are fucking delicious, that's why.

>> No.3704756

enjoy being a murderer

>> No.3704757
File: 28 KB, 184x184, Feels+good+man+_882be980392efa3df54c53402113074b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already am one.

>> No.3704760
File: 23 KB, 500x389, 538625_1612269792155_933479826_n..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your excuse for not being a vegan, OP?

>> No.3704789


>> No.3704797

I enjoy it very much. I'd kill and eat you, if it was legal.

>> No.3704798

I. Like. Meat.
That's the only reason.
Is it so hard to fucking comprehend that some people do and always will prefer meat over vegetables?

>> No.3704804

>implying I need an excuse for anything, let alone eating tasty meat.

I'd eat human if it wouldn't get me locked up. What of it, pussy?

>> No.3704811

eating meat is unnatural

the way our meat is produced is unnatural

see the difference vegfags?
I enjoy all sort of meat a long as I know where it is from and how it lived and died

vegfags who think "no meat at all">"selective and controlled eating of meat" just make me sick
it's like saying "I lack self control so I just don't eat it at all

>> No.3704827
File: 26 KB, 474x324, 041116_monsterTB.grid-6x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is addicting, and all us Amerifags love to feed our addictions.

>> No.3704830
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>eating meat is unnatural


>> No.3704832


What makes unnatural bad and natural good?

>> No.3704836

And therefore nobody else should eat it?

>> No.3704860

Have you ever spent any time around chickens? I have and all I can say is that they're little more than a hyperactive reptile. Look into its eye and there is nothing there.
So what if it's raised in a cage ... guess what? It does not care! It can't care. Its only going to be there for a few months an it doesn't have any aspirations for the future at all.
All this crap about "the poor animals, they'll never see the beauty and majesty of a sunset, never wish upon a falling star" is due the the Disney effect. All those movies of cute, furry animals talking and having adventures stick in the mind and, yeah, a lot of people CAN'T distinguish between fantasy and reality.

>> No.3704884

Well, animals eat animals. It's a fact of life. Consider also that the ancestors of the entire human race were a bunch of scavengers who ate whatever they could and probably only survived over other scavengers because we could break open bones and eat the marrow by smashing them with rocks. We are an omnivorous species, we have been for a long time. We can eat nearly anything, as opposed to most species which only eat a few things. In fact, the best diets are ones composed of just that--everything. Eat lots of plant matter, eat a fair portion of meat, it doesn't really matter. Humans have been known to survive and thrive on diets ranging from fully carnivorous to fully herbivorous, with every degree of omnivore in between.

Speaking economically and environmentally, current farming practices are terrible no matter whether you're looking at plant or animal food sources, so that's no good argument.

>> No.3704907

I'm a vegetarian, but not because I think eating meat is wrong or that it's tainted with anything. I only eat things that I kill myself that's been living in the wild beforehand. It allows me the satisfaction of the kill and the rewards of a filling meal fro me and my family.

>> No.3704912

I don't have the self-discipline to be a vegetarian

>> No.3704915

if you only eat things that you have to kill then you are not a vegetarian. you are an omnivore that only eats what he/she kills. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.3704920

I like to enjoy good things. I eat in moderation. Why can't I enjoy meat and have a few veggie sides?

>> No.3704957
File: 45 KB, 640x583, eagle-carp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karl the Carp was all in a frenzy. Sally the slow loris that live in the valley marshmallow trees had to be warned! Jack the tree hacker was coming to cut down all the marshmallow trees in Sally's valley and Karl could never get there in time.
Earl the eagle sudden had a great idea ...

>> No.3704967

Chickens, cows, pigs, and fish are fucking dumb. I'm going to eat them because they're dumb. Delicious and dumb.

>> No.3704975
File: 140 KB, 1450x1050, 1328468398899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen that film but I have read a fair share of the information it is based upon and as I understand, there is a safe zone percentage of animal products we can consume day to day without the negative long-term health effects*. Yes, the percent is small, but it's been enough to satisfy me for some time now, even before getting interested in the info. I've never been big on buying and cooking meat but if offered some or in the mood, I'll easily have a little. Similar for dairy, though I do buy a little here and there.

*If you seek the information earnestly, you're likely to find it.

So my excuse? I don't need one. I feel that my judgement in the matter is fairly sound. I don't believe 0% animal food consumption is necessary. I read all labels and research all ingredients for things I consume so furthermore, I feel my judgement is even optimum. Some may disagree and that's ok because I'm not trying to persuade anyone into doing anything. I just wanted to say these things while the topic is open. Almost made me late for back-to-work.

>> No.3704978

what happened after that? Did Karl and Earl save Sally from the evil tree hacker? Did everyone make it out alive? Did the save the valley?

>> No.3704980

Meat is fucking tasty, that's why.

>> No.3705000

Because bacon.

>> No.3705038
File: 98 KB, 450x372, cow_products.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegetarians for moral reasons

>vegetarians for preference
>it's all cool yo

>> No.3705082

What's your excuse for implying anyone needs an excuse, dickhead?

>> No.3705084

meat is rich in protein

>> No.3705111

None of your damn business.

If you want to be vegetarian, that's your business but stop trying to shove your ideals on me. o

>> No.3705118


fuck anyone who takes forks over knives seriously

>> No.3705132

I find it mind boggling that no one can mind their own business.

If I want to eat a chicken leg over tofu or salad, that's my business. If you want that, go ahead but stop trying to make us eat the same way you do.

>> No.3705135

What's your excuse for being a veggie thumper?

>> No.3705136


>> No.3705139
File: 16 KB, 600x400, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this fat ass tub of shit.

>> No.3705147

You can still eat meat with a fork, so you know. lol

>> No.3705148

If you tell me who he is and what you are asking an explanation for, I may be able to offer a perspective.

>> No.3705150

hey faggot, you think the massive among of veggies you need to consume in order to sustain your fragile faggot body are being grown on the moon?

forests are being cut, marshes and ponds are getting dried up, natural habitats are being destroyed and many animals die in the process of planting your fucking tomatoes and soya beans, so all it comes down to these two points:

1)who are you to decide which animals are ok to be killed and which aren't
2)meat is much more nutritious and has much lesser impact on fragile ecosystems such as the one I live at since it requires much less physical space.
3)you are a faggot and it's none of your business, meat is delicious, I don't eat it often at all mostly sticking to fish and my own porch grown veggies, but you self righteous liberal hypocrites just piss me off, drown in a pool of aids

>> No.3705152

I'm a Pescetarian, as fish can't really feel pain and there are millions out there. They don't have brains like cows or pigs.

>> No.3705158

Why can't vegetarians mind their own business?

You hate it when omnivores pester you, yet you pester us and call us murderers. If anyone dares throw paint on me, I'm beating their ass.

>> No.3705161

pigs are the 6th most intelligent animal on the planet. They're still fucking delicious though.

>> No.3705167


According to this vegans don't get enough energy for their brains by just eating plants compared to omnivores or carnivores so they're dumber

>> No.3705177

They reuse fields, you know...
Cut a forest to make a field? lolno.
They need only to level out a piece of flatland that already exists.

stay mad meatfag.

>> No.3705182
File: 41 KB, 449x338, 1320600624934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can't vegetarians mind their own business?

Many do.
Can you guess why you don't know which ones they are?

(Protip: It's because they haven't said anything about it to you.)

>> No.3705200
File: 559 KB, 1470x1139, ChickensInBatteryCageslg..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously can't understand people making arguments for the meat industry. Consuming factory farmed meat destroys the environment in several ways, destroys health, hurts your children or potential children even more, tortures animals, and contributes to environmental degradation which directly influences everyone's health (look up the research on towns in the vicinity of factory farms - it's disgusting).

Even if all the meat you consume is truly organic (doubtful), eating meat more than 3 times a week is too much meat to make a "it's necessary for my health" argument.

I eat meat, but very sparingly, because the only meat that I purchase is the non-poisonous kind i.e. very expensive. Meat is not the problem - the over-consumption and subsequent industrialized corporate structure through which most meat is made, is.

>> No.3705207

fuck you

>> No.3705227

How about mind your own business?

If people want to eat meat 5-6 times a week, that's their right.

If you don't want to, that is your right.

How about stfu?

>> No.3705235


Obviously it's their right. I'm not arguing that. If people want to drink all day long and sleep in a dumpster, that's their right to do that. That's not my argument. My argument is that anybody who cares about their health, the health of their children, the health of the planet, and the health of our economy (gee, i wonder why socialized healthcare costs a fuck ton in unhealthy countries), and considers themselves to be well-informed and rational individuals, should probably not eat meat very often, and when they do, it should not come from a factory.

But you're absolutely right, it is not my place to assume that these things are your prerogative.

>> No.3705237

>destroys the environment in several ways, destroys health, hurts your children or potential children even more, tortures animals, and contributes to environmental degradation
you say these things like they're bad

>> No.3705244


>They reuse fields, you know...

They re-use fields by mining phosphorous, grinding it up and using it as fertilizer. The entire process depends on cheap fossil fuels and is massively damaging to the environment... AND that's if you limit yourself to locally grown veggies which almost no vegetarians do.

A combination of local crops and animals is far better for the environment.

>> No.3705250


>i wonder why socialized healthcare costs a fuck ton in unhealthy countries

Britfag here.

Our 'socialised' health care not only offers better results but it's actually cheaper than Americas.

>> No.3705262

sooooo edgy

>> No.3705272


American without health care here.

I'd love it if we had your system.

We voted for it, but the insurance companies said no.

>> No.3705278

Obama promised it, but he is a spineless half wit nig-nog.

>> No.3705279




>> No.3705282

Vegetarian right now because I'm poor and can only afford rice and beans. Fuck you OP. I want a nice bloody steak.

>> No.3705292

I have meat 3/4 days a week and in damn good health, so I'm going to listen to my body and do what is best for me. Also, just because I have meat, doesn't mean I'm not getting vegetables or fruit either.

>> No.3705295

How do you find a vegetarian on /ck/?

Don't worry. They'll let you know.

>> No.3705298
File: 39 KB, 512x512, beyond_vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm a Beyond Vegan.

What is your excuse for not being a beyond vegan?

>> No.3705299

>i feel good right now
>i am not sick

yeah man listen to your body totally channel your chakras and the negative energy cannot enter for sure

>> No.3705301



>> No.3705303

I want this shirt just to be hip. I also want a Jesus Didn't Tap shirt too.

>> No.3705312

Is that called fruitarianism?

>> No.3705322

>nice bloody steak

>mental illness

>> No.3705325

How do you find someone who likes soda on /ck/?
How do you find someone who likes bacon on /ck/?
How do you find someone who likes Chipotle on /ck/?
How do you find someone who likes bread on /ck/?

Don't worry. They'll let you know.

>profound revelation

>> No.3705326
File: 925 KB, 1274x1022, 1330204010895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating meat is unnatural
>Humans have been eating meat since the dawn of time
>Animals eat meat all the god damn time

>> No.3705336

I like smearing the blood of a freshly hunted prey over my penis while I masturbate, I can't do that with vegetables now can I?

>> No.3705341

Cool story, Joe.

>> No.3705352

Me not eating meat isn't going to stop the animal on my plate from being killed. And besides, animals eat other animals, it's natural. We as a species wouldn't exist without eating meat.
It's also fucking delicious.

>> No.3705355

I like meat.

>> No.3705359


No, I'm not mentally ill. I just enjoy the taste of rare steak. I'm afforded that right as much as you have the right to eat your vegetarian meals. I like vegetarian cooking fine, I just prefer meat, and I feel a LOT better when I eat protein. Which I can't afford much of. 10/10 for making me reply.

TL;DR, someone please go cook up a bunch of meat and eat it in memory of my nutrient-deficient corpse.

>> No.3705360

That's what she said

>> No.3705369

No, it is,

no processed foods
no added salt
no added sweeteners/artificial sweeteners
no animal products at all

Only vegetables, fruit, and fungi.

>> No.3705371
File: 246 KB, 1600x1200, 2_Cow+being+milked+with+milk+meter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: "it's natural"


>> No.3705375

>thinks he's nutrient deficient because he's not currently eating meat

You don't know much about plants do you?

>> No.3705377

Seems natural to me. That's a natural cow. The way they get the milk is just automated, makes getting the natural milk after.

>> No.3705381

It's an interesting thing to see a person will themselves into retardation.

>> No.3705384


No, I'm well aware that adequate nutrients can be had without meat. But the body needs protein to survive, and I haven't had much but carbohydrates, beans, and every so often, some vegetables in the last couple of months. That's why I'm nutrient deficient. Not from lack of meat, but from a lack of money to buy a variety of healthy food. Next time, actually read my post before replying. I like meat because I like the taste, not because I think it's the be all end all of food.

>> No.3705385

How so? Would you rather the farmer milk every cow himself? I that any less natural? Give the poor farmer a break

>> No.3705389

Also, I'm not a 'he'.

>> No.3705392

I was actually talking about you.

>> No.3705397

Again, how so?

>> No.3705399

Oh, god it all makes sense now. Shouldn't you be in a kitchen or shopping or something?

>> No.3705400

It does, she should use more testosterone to help balance out her hormones. Some meat could help with that.

>> No.3705401


>> No.3705410


As a matter of fact, I'm typing this while shackled to the kitchen table. Wouldn't shopping require money?

>> No.3705414
File: 52 KB, 504x381, steakporn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3705400 Inb4 cock in mouth jokes, I suck my boyfriend off every morning. I just want meat. I shall now post pictures of meat.

>> No.3705415
File: 136 KB, 500x375, 1969340256_beb982b6bb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3705416

Cock joke? No, how vulgar. I meant she should have a nice steak. I would do her some good. Also it's delicious.

>> No.3705419

I don't want to force myself to rely on vitamin supplements just to live a normal lifestyle.

>> No.3705422
File: 249 KB, 431x278, bbq-chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a meat food porn thread.

>> No.3705427
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>> No.3705433
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>> No.3705434

>shittiest, most worthless bread known to man
>iceberg lettuce: 'nuff said
>raw ground beef...

>> No.3705435
File: 490 KB, 1600x1200, montrealsmokedmeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3705436

ITS CALLED PASTRAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3705437

That's obviously not iceberg. Iceberg is more crisp and bright.

>> No.3705440

Oh well that fixes everything!

>> No.3705442
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>> No.3705443
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>> No.3705446
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>> No.3705451
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>> No.3705458

Because I like meat