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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3701967 No.3701967 [Reply] [Original]

The great debate.

>> No.3701970


>> No.3701972


I hate unripe bananas

>> No.3701973

They are all good, just changes what I make with them.

>> No.3701977


is there something wrong with me?

>> No.3701980

Seven, duh

>> No.3701981

i fucking hate bananas

>> No.3701985

+1 for 7

i cant eat unripe bananas...they make me wretch... the texture

>> No.3701986

I don't like bananas but I would never eat any except 6.... maybe 5.

7 would be used for banana bread but no higher than that. yuck..

>> No.3701989

two for shizzle, anything past and it tastes like rotting flesh

>> No.3701990

ripe bananas really bother my taste buds and bruising turns me off to them

>> No.3701992











>> No.3701995


>> No.3702004

i usually buy bananas that look #3, but it's more of a 2.5. i buy it that way so it can last longer in house.

however, i prefer number 6 when eaten. i get a stomach ache after eating a whole banana though. so i just eat half ;_; anyone else relate?

>> No.3702007

6-7. 5 is okay, but I prefer them more ripe.

>> No.3702014

3-5 master race.

>> No.3702020

Only if I eat it very fast. Are you chewing it enough?

>> No.3702022

6 to 6.5 for eating 7+ for banan bread

>> No.3702028

I'm so glad i'm not the only who likes my bananas at 3-5. anything past it too mushy/sweet for me.

>> No.3702030

I would have to fry a 1 or 2 like a plantain. I would eat a 3, but I would probably regret it. 4-6 is fine for eating. At 7 I might eat it or I might bake with it. But there are like 5 more levels after 7 before it's too disgusting to touch, and those are better to bake with.

>> No.3702036

7+: ok
6: barely tolerable
5 or less: oh shit what are you doing

>> No.3702037


but don't put it on the freezer shit gets toxic -faggot said.

>> No.3702054

nah i let it sit on the counter

>> No.3702055

What debate? it's 6

>> No.3702056

4-5. 6 and 7 are too mushy.

>> No.3702057

1-5 are all delicious. 2-3 is ideal. 7 is inedible in its raw state.

>> No.3702066


>> No.3702068

2-4. A little tart and a little soft, but not inedible like 1 and not denture food at 5+

>> No.3702070


>> No.3702072

I just like bananas

>> No.3702076

Buy at 2-4, eat at 4-6, throw out at 7

>> No.3702079


fucking americans

>> No.3702080

6 is the only choice

>> No.3702083

Don't you put that evil on us

>> No.3702084

>throwing out 7 instead of making banana bread
full retardo

>> No.3702085

6-6.5 is perfect, 7 is ok
anything green is fucking awful

>> No.3702089

i say 4. better flavor, better texture.

>> No.3702094

How does a green banana have better flavor or texture than a ripe banana?

>> No.3702097

because it isn't mushy and doesn't have the texture of a log of feces. and it isn't too sweet, i hate fucking sugar and candy. its pleasantly pulpy and has a nice fresh flavor without tasting like a damn fatty sugar pudding.

>> No.3702099

I wonder if the guy who threw a bitchfit over bananas on /lit/ is here.

>> No.3702103

it has to get beyond 7 to become mushy

>> No.3702104
File: 32 KB, 570x426, HenrysKitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy at 3-4, eat at 5-6. Banana bread at 7+.

This is really a question/debate?

>> No.3702105

While on the subject of bananas

How do you fry one? I can't use butter because my girl is lactose intolerant

>> No.3702121

5 I eat
6+ I want to make into pastries

>> No.3702122


>eating unripe fruit

>> No.3702123

i like bananas so i get two bunches.
start eating around 4 but 6-7 is optimal banana eating ripeness (light spotting is best)

>> No.3702124

bananas are the devils phallus, thats what my grandmother always said...eat a banana=go to hell.

>> No.3702126


your grandmother must have been one stupid broad

>> No.3702128

no...no, no she was a good woman, feared God and Jesus.

>> No.3702130
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>my grandma named me #1 troll bait summerfag

>> No.3702142

4 - 5 is perfect consistency and sweetness.

>> No.3702144
File: 383 KB, 720x404, 0s214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To eat? 6.
To use for cooking? 7.

Any other answer is unacceptable.

>> No.3702149

I see five unripe, one ripe, and one overripe bananas.

>> No.3702163
File: 37 KB, 367x380, 1332817781489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even considering, let alone EATING a banana below 6.5
>wasting the potential of eating a delicious 7 by ruining it at 4 or 5
>the only thing that 1-5s are really useful for is making flour

>> No.3702168

vegetable oil?

>> No.3702170

5 if I feel like eating the skin
6 if not
7 if I want a few bananas in my milkshake

jsyk, my milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard

>> No.3702179


6 if I'm desperate. 7 goes in the trash unless I'm cooking.

>> No.3702181
File: 29 KB, 247x275, getrocknete_banane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a child I loved those ones.

So at least 5+

>> No.3702194

6-7, although i prefer 7+

>> No.3702195

4 master race

>> No.3702231
File: 23 KB, 500x313, 1325502405177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bananas are for pussies
I eat lemons for breakfast ?3?

>> No.3702240


Love that crunch

>> No.3702243

That's disgusting.

>> No.3702245

7 is what heterosexuals choose

>> No.3702266

i guess 6 if i wanted to just eat it.

7 if i wanted to make bread or a milkshake.

>> No.3702268

3-7, though I like 3 the most

>> No.3702300

No, squishy rotten sweet bananas are disgusting.

I bet you eat your nectarines soft and squishy too. Pervert.

>> No.3702337

Op's pic is for faggots.

>8 possibly 9

>> No.3702364


>> No.3702376

7 for milkshake

>> No.3702389
File: 136 KB, 482x267, when an avocado is ripe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bananas for cooking need to be 7+++
Bananas for straight eating are shit. They're like avocados, except not worth it.

>> No.3702417

1 is for trees. Or possibly not even a banana.
2 is for "I eat so many bananas, I need to lay in a strategic supply."
3 and 4 are for thinking a little bit a head.
5 is for the kind of people who like bananas, and want to able to decide when the eat it.
6 is for eating monkey style
7 is a goddamn gift from the gods above that shouldn't be wasted by being crammed unaltered into your food-hole when it can be magically transformed into so many wonderful dishes.

>> No.3702425

2 and MAYBE 3.

Anything else is mealy, mushy, disgusting shit.

>> No.3702439

4-5, erring more on the 4 side.

Anything before that is too hard, and soft banana's make me want to wretch. Anything higher than a five tends to either be sliced up thinly where I can just about put up with the texture, or put into smoothies.

Can't stand the texture of ripe bananas.

>> No.3702453

poor trolling

>> No.3702455

>Bananas for cooking need to be 7+++

I hope you mean baking

>> No.3702463


Differentfag here.
No, crunchy bananas are excellent, providing you have more refinement than a 4 year old.

the 6+ bananas are only appropriate for smearing in your hair.

>> No.3702465

I don't like bananas very much but 6-7.

>> No.3702470

>earting rotten bananas

>> No.3702497

>eating banana peel

>> No.3702685

6 is ideal. 7+ is sweet and mushy. I eat 5 but I dont like it because it isnt that sweet. If you eat under 5 you're a fucking retard that eats unripe fruit.

>> No.3702701
File: 2.97 MB, 4000x3000, banana_sanger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Type 7 is best for the based Banana Sarnie. All smushed up and delicious.

>> No.3702718


Yes, but I don't enjoy ripe fruit.
I prefer it underripe.
Bananas, peaches, nectarines... prefer it firm/hard and not dripping with sugary juice.

>> No.3702880

how come it's always rotten inside too?
under black parts of peel the inside part is also not-firm.

>> No.3702882

6... it's fucking perfect.

>> No.3702891
File: 670 KB, 673x513, faggot tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's wrong you fucking retard.

>> No.3703207


>> No.3703232

4-5 if I'm buying a ton of them, 6-7 if I can eat them all immediately. 1 looks like a fucking plantain

>> No.3703243


Sour bananas suck.

>> No.3703305

You don't even know. I once ate a #1 on a dare and it was like eating a raw plantain covered with alum powder.

>> No.3703318

Number 5 is perfect.

>> No.3703325

You can leave a banana that is yellow, place it in a brown bag and it will artificially ripen. This will accelerate the darkening of the peel. But the inside fruit will still be largely unaffected.

If you see a banana like 7, it probably won't have any dark spots on the fruit itself. But if it were even more ripe than that, than maybe. Darkened skin is not as impervious as the less ripe kind and will let in more gases in, allowing the fruit to become overripe. Also, don't forget bruising.

>> No.3703340

3. It tastes so fresh.

>> No.3703357

5-7 is fine. Anything under is disgusting.

People who like unripe fruit are usually pedophiles, too.

>> No.3703360


>> No.3703370

3-4. I like my bananas slightly starchy, and definitely not soft.

I have no problem with 5 and 6, but 7 is bad times.

>> No.3703376


then freeze it

>> No.3703397

Eat them at 5 to 6
Buy them at 3 to 4

>> No.3703401

6 is perfect but id eat 4,5,6,7 and would eat the rest if really hungry

>> No.3703412


> 1-3
Cut up the green peel into squares and apply to skin (not genital) warts in order to shrink/kill them.

Not good for anything, hold on.

Eat it. Eat it all. You can tell when it's time as they get this distinct smell to them.

Banana bread.

>> No.3703413

7 is King.

>> No.3703456
File: 57 KB, 449x512, 1337462075790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love bananas
>assume that 1 would be sour because surely unripened fruit would BE sour.
>Bite it

>> No.3703484

Somewhere between 5 and 6 is banana perfection. Still, I have been in a rush sometimes and eaten ones that look like 4 and were sweet and delicious, so it all depends on the banana sometimes.

>> No.3703502

5 is ok if there's really nothing else to eat. 5.5 would be my early limit otherwise
6 is perfect, though maybe a spot of brown
7 is pushing it but still delicious - any more means it's banana bread time

>> No.3703524

bananas give me the shits and farts

>> No.3703566


How is it wrong to eat what my highly refined senses tell me i enjoy?

>> No.3703588

3-4 is optimal, though I'll really eat it at any other stage of ripeness since I'm not a picky child.

>> No.3703894

if there is green is isn't ripe enough

>> No.3703899

op u dont happen to have any african bananas?

>> No.3703908

7, that's when the banana is the sweetest. It's the perfect stage for banana bread, banana pudding and all that delicious shit. I just wouldn't recommend it for using as a butt plug, it'll just explode inside of you and then you'll have a disgusting mess of ass smashed banana in your shit hole.

>> No.3703915

God tier: 6, 7
Okay tier: 5
Pleb tier: 2,3,4
Plantain tier: 1

>> No.3704210

Yes, the pictured above are all the acceptable states of banana for raw eating

>> No.3704235

6 for eating, 7 for cooking