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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 119 KB, 648x484, Herb Crusted Fish and Pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3700740 No.3700740 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, wanna have a "horrible roommates who steal all your food, make you cook and clean and everything else" thread?

> Roommate goes off to work, I'm at home with a cold
> He goes off to work, didn't bring his keys
> Welp, I guess I'll stay in to make sure someone opens the door for him
> It's 1am, he finally comes back.
> He's bought food..oh, it's raw, I have to cook it.
> Dishes haven't been done for 4 days, spend half an hour doing the dishes
> Spend another half an hour cooking, since we only have a 2-burner that's arranged so that only 1 can be used at any given time...
> Cook a dish, leave it on the dining table, run back to cook the 2nd dish. (3 dishes total)
> Finally done, come out.
> All the food is gone except for some plain pasta
> Eat my pasta seasoned with tears and butthurt while crying to you guys

>> No.3700749

Honestly though, I can barely imagine how people can be so inconsiderate.

>> No.3700747

You're a bitch.

I'd fuck you too but I'd be a lot nicer :3

>> No.3700755
File: 66 KB, 1280x960, 1340808286361[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look like a bitch that gets plowed everyday

pic related: sceak

>> No.3700756

Aw OP :( C'mere you big, delicious-food-making plague victim.

>> No.3700757
File: 460 KB, 1296x968, steak and wedges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a bitch and a push over, I can't be bothered to be pissed off and angry anymore. I've been to the hospital back and forth the first year living with him because he keeps trying to kill himself and/or drunk to the point where he's seriously injured himself and not noticed.

Also, this same guy:
> Broke my fridge
> Made me punch through a door to make sure he hasn't killed himself
> pathological liar
> can't spell
> never does the laundry
> never does the dishes
> cooks spicy as fuck food even though I can't stand it (a little is fine, but not putting in spices for the sake of having spices)
> doesn't drink water, has to add sugar to it
> owes me just under 5K in NZD.

>> No.3700936


That's real love.

>> No.3700940

ITT: beta as fvck.

>> No.3700955

Can you say co-dependent?

>> No.3700958

So why is it that you are living with a psychotic retard who is not only lazy but more so inconsiderate?

That doesn't make you a pushover so much as it makes you an IDIOT.

>> No.3700962

...is that really sceak??

>> No.3700963

Just leave him and let him deal with himself. You will be much happier.

>> No.3700967

Yes. And you do not want to see any lower than that. Trust me.

>> No.3700991

> make dinner, roommate and I have our own food (He usually eats before me so we're not in each other's way)
> takes an hour to cook
> carrying it to the livingroom
> roommate runs between my legs
> fall, drop food
> roomate runs up to it and starts eating it
> ohnoudont
> Grab him and drag him up
> push his back against the wall and yell at him
> slap him upside the head and tell him he's paying for my dinner
> throw him on his bed in his own room
> take his wallet and order chinese takeout

Fucking sucks living with a guy with no legs sometimes. He can scuttle so fast on just his hands, it's mind blowing.

He also complains he cant do dishes because he cant reach but I know he's purrfectly capable of dragging a chair over, setting his lower torso on it, and washing up that way.

>> No.3700992

My roommate puts food-covered dishes into the dishwasher, knowing that it doesn't remove dried food.

tfw I have to wash "clean" dishes in order to use them.

>> No.3700996

It wasn't like this right off the bat. It just seems to have gotten worse progressively. I now hold a "nope, can't be bothered to do it unless it directly concerns me attitude

>he wants to kill himself again
> tell him to grab his own knives, not my good kitchen ones
> gives him the keys and tells him to do it outside so that i can go back to bed
> he grabs the only other knife that isn't bought by me
> ...it's a butter knife.

>> No.3701002

...I really thought this would end with your roommate being a dog.

A+, 10/10 post, would read again.

>> No.3701019

Reminds me how much I love living alone.

>> No.3701020

That's all I ever think about when I see these threads.

Well, that and also how shitty people really can be.

But then I just think about how awesome it is living alone, again.

>> No.3701022

Sounds like OP needs to move out or ignore his roommate as much as possible. It sucks that he doesn't do the dishes though, that can't be helped. My roommate hasn't done his dishes in a week, but he's never here so I guess it works out.

>> No.3701033
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>> No.3701145

so, he's dumb.
why's he depressed/suicidal?

>> No.3701165

>roommate uses my george foreman grill every day
>lol whatever as long as you clean it when you're done
>she moves out
>open grill to cook
>congealed grease and fat and crumbs and meat bits from the beginning of the semester fucking everywhere
>holy shit this was in my apartment!? what the fuck
>she leaves 4 dozen eggs that expired in february in my fridge
>I thought she was cooking/buying new eggs every day
>leaves a glass of tea with tea leaves in it in the fridge, covered it with a plastic bag, there's mold in it
>other unspeakable items in plastic and paper bags
>throw all that shit away, burn and bleach everything

but now I have all her cups and glasses and silverware and shit that she left behind, as well as a few nice pots and pans. pity she made the kitchen a sty.

>> No.3701170

sounds like your friend is is borderline, i hope he visits psychiatrist

>> No.3701212

He's depressed because he thinks I'm screwing someone hotter than him (I was) and suicidal because he's depressed. He's always been an emotional basket case where one wrong word from anyone, from his own mom to just some random passerby could trigger him into full on depressed mode.

And he wants us to get married because he "doesn't believe in dating". China seems to be a nation of "settlers" where you just settle for the first piece of meat that you think is bearable.

He's threatened to kill himself 12 times in the past 2 years. The police won't take me seriously anymore because they think I've exaggerating. But he can put on a "everything's normal" face even when his wrists are bleeding and I've just punched a fist sized hole into the bathroom door, wrestled the kitchen knife away from him and have wood splinters embedded all over my limbs.

Smith: "I told you to wash the dishes"
You know that marginally funny "overly attached girlfriend" meme? He's 100% like that, just a bit more attached.

>> No.3701215


Hm, seems to have cut off my story mid sentence

"Wash dishes"
"Why not?"
"Where were you today at blah blah time?"
"At lectures?"
"Yes I was at lectures, now can you please do the dishes"
And then I get ignored for the next day and a half unless he needs help. Then if I ignore him, he gets pissy and starts throwing things at me.

>> No.3701217


You're such a slut.

But I can see why, as I've seen pics of your hot butt.

>> No.3701218

does he see a therapist?
i think he needs to see a therapist.
also, are you a woman?

>> No.3701233

you should never have fucked your roommate. That's like the golden fucking rule. Don't fuck your roommate. Don't move in with someone you're just dating for a while.

>> No.3701337

I moved in with him when he didn't go into full on crazy mode, after moving it, he starting going crazy. I regret moving in with him almost every, single day.

>> No.3701346

show us

>> No.3701377

move out

>> No.3701386
File: 77 KB, 690x690, realy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live with a friend
>he almost always eats what I buy
>go into sports again, start only eating buckweat, rice and cereals
>his look when

>> No.3701392

move out, my cousin has been killed by depressed scum like him, i feel fucking bad when i hear stories like this

>> No.3701572

Let me get this straight...so being into sports made you a culinary bore and puddle of unexcitment...