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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 10 KB, 300x292, onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3698713 No.3698713 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking disgusting

>> No.3698722

You're fucking disgusting.

>> No.3698729

Choke on a bag of dicks. The whole bag.

>> No.3698732


>> No.3698734

Onions are the fucking balls of god.

>> No.3698735

stop eating them raw then pussy faggot

you're clearly not man enough for the flavour

>> No.3698741

ITT: people getting trolled

>> No.3698742

>inb4 Maddox

>> No.3698746
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they are much better chocolate covered

>> No.3698749


>> No.3698750

you cant even taste them, no one should get worked up about liking or disliking them, they basically dont even exist

>> No.3698756
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>> No.3698754

Fuck off.

>> No.3698759

Spaghetti is my favorite food but it's ruined when I find little bits of onion in it. Call me picky, I don't give a fuck. Shit doesn't belong in pasta sauce.

>> No.3698762

Onions are fucking disgusting. Deal with it.

>> No.3698765

I'm don't like too much raw onion in anything I eat, but if you don't think they're vital ingredients in cooking then you're just a dumb fucking babby and deserve to eat nothing but frozen chicken nuggets and hot dogs for the rest of your life.

>> No.3698766

I don't think anyone has much trouble dealing with onions being unfavorable to your 12 y/o palate.

>> No.3698771
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>> No.3698773

>bawwww people have different tastes and opinions than me
Cry more, bitch.

>> No.3698775

How is it even possible to cook without onions? I find I chop at least one before I even think about what I'm going to make. They're the basis of food.

>> No.3698781

ITT Food snobs that think their way of cooking and their palate is the only legitimate choice.

Maybe when you grow up you'll stop caring about other people's food choices.

>> No.3698790

Calling people who think onions are vital cooking ingredients "food snobs" is kinda like calling people who refuse to smear themselves with shit "uppity".

>> No.3698792


>> No.3698796

>not caring about other people's food choices
Pick one.

>> No.3698807
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If you actually feel this way, you are both fucking retarded.

You may be passionately in love with onions and sleep with one shoved up your ass every night. That's fine. However, there are people who consume food every day without onions (!) and live perfectly normal lives enjoying their food.

Onions are not relevant to your level of education or general competency. They do not indicate your age or background. In the real world, the practicality of whether you cook with onions or prefer onions in your food is completely pointless.

I realize all I will get from this is HURRR DURRR YOU FAGGOT INSULTING MY FUCKING ONIONS FUCK YOU CUNT HURR DURR, but I'll try to keep in mind you're probably not as retarded in real life as your commentary leads me to believe.

>> No.3698811

>there are people who consume food every day without onions
You mean "there are people who don't know what goes in their food."

>> No.3698818

I like the flavor of onions, but I must admit that the texture bothers me in things like burgers, even if it's sauteed.

That doesn't mean I hate them or won't eat them, it just means I don't prefer the the feeling they leave in my mouth.

>> No.3698822


>That's fine. However, there are people who consume food every day without onions (!)

Probably people who are allergic to them, and some people on an ayurvedic diet, but I honestly can't think of one cuisine around the world who don't eat onions.

I read somewhere that the digestive effects of onions meant that they were probably one of the first things that ancient man added to his food, since they make meat so much easier to break down.

inb4 stop liking what I don't like - I don't give a fuck if you don't like onions or not. But as someone else in the thread says, you're probably eating onions every day without knowing it.

>> No.3698867

more glorious onion rings for me

>> No.3699062

The texture of onions quite literally MAKES burgers for me. I find burgers to be quite bad without a huge amount of red onion on them. All my personal feelings about onions and burgers.

>> No.3699099

I like them but I hate them raw and on pizza. Other than that, awesome.

>> No.3699449


>yfw onions are in half of the foods you eat

>> No.3699471

I do not like onions on pizza, on burgers or dogs and such, fried, or in huge chunks in pasta sauce or salsa. I can stand a little in sauce or salsa but anymore than a little and I just can't take the taste. Some others ways are fine as long as the taste of them is not too strong.

>> No.3699484

pretty much this, just add french onion soup. something about that is just off

>> No.3699513
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garlic > red onions > every other onion > pile of fags > OP

>> No.3699520

Anyone know how to make onion rings where the onion stays crunchy on the inside? I hate it when I take a bite out of an onion ring and the whole soggy onion slides out.

>> No.3699531

Use hotter oil, I guess.

>> No.3699534

The oil you are frying it in needs to be hotter, the batter needs to be a bit thinner, and the onion rings need to stay in the frying oil for less time. The allows the outside to cook faster and the onion to cook just right. Cooking with less heat means the outside browns in a longer amount of time and the onion is exposed to the heat far longer than needed.

It's the similar to the way they deep fry ice cream and it is still cold and frozen inside while the batter on the outside is crispy.

>> No.3699725
