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File: 104 KB, 350x525, wells-banana-bread-beer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3697871 No.3697871 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Beer/cider/spirits general.

Had a few bottles of Well's Banana Bread Beer last week. I'd recommend you try it. Had a fairly thick head when poured, and was a heavy beer, as you'd expect. Nice yeasty tones and a banana-ey aftertaste. Pretty nice overall.

>> No.3697881
File: 52 KB, 500x333, 20101101farnum_hill_semi_dry_clehault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3697894
File: 32 KB, 800x600, youngs-double-chocolate-stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you OP I've been looking for that beer for weeks now.
I've also been trying to look for young's Double chocolate stout for months now, my local beer place won't order it anymore.

>> No.3697896

I love that stuff.

CAPTCHA: eeneryt Well

>> No.3697895

Wtf is semi dry?

>> No.3697901


somewhere between dry and not dry, I guess.

it's less sweet than most mainstream commercial ciders I've had, but I suppose there must be something even drier.

>> No.3697908


I'm a Eurofag (Ireland) and I bought it in Tesco. If you're in the UK, I'd look there. Not sure about the states.
I've also been interested in trying a few stouts. Unfortunatly, Guinness seems to have the market covered in my neck of the woods.


It has to do with taste.

>> No.3697916

I'm an Amerifag.
I have to deal with hipsters now loving bad microbrews in my local beer place so I can't get decent stouts anymore.

>> No.3697917
File: 10 KB, 251x200, imagesCAC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banana bread is a seriously bad beer... shit tier ale laced with synthetic banana essence.

op should be ashamed of himself

>old thumper
shit was cash

>> No.3697931
File: 14 KB, 200x314, 3v3h1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Certainly was a change from the Weissbeer I was drinking at the time.

If any of you are looking for an entry level white weiss, I'd recommend Hoegaarden Original White. Not too heavy, with a creamy white head. A sweet taste, and a mild aftertaste. Not too yeasty. Comes in 4packs now of 350mls, for around 7 euros. Well worth trying if you come across it.

>> No.3697937


Old Thumper was nice, in a "oh hey lets get fucked up behind this minimall" kind of way.

>> No.3697946

good god is it $5.15 a bottle?

>> No.3697950


€2.40 in Uk, not sure about US prices. That's pretty standard though for a decent 500ml beer over here.

>> No.3697956

Stone Ruination IPA, a must try if you can get it, truly the best beer I've ever had

>> No.3697972

i don't really remember kids drinking bottles of bitter to get fucked up behind a 'minimall' when i was a youngster.... did they also smoke pipes and wear flatcaps round your neck of the woods.

I don't really think you know what you're talking about

>> No.3697985


Something like that. I tried it for fun a couple of months ago because I fucking love banana bread. It is good but the flavor is strong enough in a sweet way that you probably want to split it with someone. It is a dessert beer. Worth the try.

>> No.3697986

If i really care how what im drinking taste I will go get a Baja Blast from TB and and Some JD or JB to mix in it. I drink to Unrustle the jimmies like most decent folk round here.

>> No.3698000


My guilty pleasure is Kopperberg Naked Apple..

>> No.3698004

yeah sounds good. Im a cheap scate so i may get something like a Bock and some banana extract and mix the two i wish there were some well priced decent high abv bocks out there. A hefeweizen might work as well.

>> No.3698005

Having a bottle of Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout from Anderson Valley Brewing. It's pretty good. lots of dark chocolate, and strong dark coffee flavors.

Got it as a gift from my mom. She recently got back from vacation, and knows I don't like shirts/hats/garbage "souvenirs", so she brings me beer from wherever she goes.

>> No.3698032
File: 25 KB, 298x400, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of fruit and beer am i the only one that thinks blue moon taste like crap without an orange slice in it.

>> No.3698038


>> No.3698039

Well, considering that blue moon tastes like crap, probably not.

>> No.3698047

but have you had it with a slice of orange it makes all the difference . I don't know how but it changes the taste from bad to good.

>> No.3698050

I have, it changes the taste from bad, to slightly less awful.

>> No.3698085
File: 36 KB, 550x420, Alcohol3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always good to see late night alcohol threads. THey are good for those of us who are light sleepers becuase were alcoholics.

>> No.3698140


>€2.40 in Uk,
>in Uk


>> No.3698143

$2.65 for 700ml bottles of "better than the national domestic swill" beer here.

>> No.3698146


It's a woman's beer. If you're a man, don't drink it. If you're a woman, enjoy.

inb4 it's not. it is.

>> No.3698163

ok well what are some MAN beers then? After thinking about it the orange slice is kind of gay. I wouldnt say its a womans drink though more of a dikes drink or something you would get at a gay club. I just asked for a blue moon at a bar and they gave it to me with an orange slice and maybee some orange mixed in. I liked it. Then i went and bought more and thought it tasted like shit.

>> No.3698181

men dont care what other men think about them, only betas care because they need the alphas and other betas to look out for them

>> No.3698204

Anyways Ive thought it over and the drink is GAY. It dosnt strike me as a womans drink though. I mean anymore that any other beer by itself. But its that slice of fucking orange that makes it a Homosexual drink. IF i were sitting at a bar watching a man without a date drink a beer with a slice of orange in i might just assume he was a faggot. I was with a girl when i ordered the drink and wasn't really paying attention to much else. But i would probably never drink the beer alone lest i attract a faggot with THE FLAMBOYANTLY GAY orange slice.

>> No.3698214

Badger Brewery and Wychwood brewery stock a decent supply of easily attainable ales which are pretty good. Firkin Fox and King Goblin special reserve are the probably my favourites from each brewery respectively.

Always worth looking into smaller brewers in your area though as they general produce/get in a load of smaller breweries stuff and arent afraid to push out the normal flavour constraints [instead of trying to make an ale/cider that will sell well in a supermarket/off licence]. Churchend brewery near me makes some cracking ales.

In terms of ciders/perry, Orchard Pig, Legbender and Broadoak are some of the nicest Ive had of late.

Fuck yeah, Beer & Blues festival on the weekend...80 real ales and 15 ciders/perries, with some chaps cranking out some blues/jazz/rock music all weekend. Y'all strawberry preserve

>> No.3698221

I mean seriously only an idiot would consider blue moon a panty dropper. I could imagine the scene as a guy realizes he bough a bunch of blue moon and cant get his date to drink it so he is trying to force her to drink it and shes crying and saying "no i don't want to" but hes out $14 bucks if he cant get her to drink it so she ends up with some broken teeth and he ends up in jail for battery and never gets laid because he bought blue moon instead of Smirnoff Ice or something. And he sits there and ponds the wall of his cell saying "stupid Stupid Stupid"

>> No.3698223

dude, that slice of lemon on the side like that does look fucking queer.

cut a small wedge of orange and just throw it in the beer, none of this faggy on the side like a woman's cocktail shit.

>inb4 no, no! get rid of the orage all together faget! u dont but fruit in beer thats gayyyyyyy

for hundreds of years in germany etc. they brewed fruit beers, or just had their regular wheat beers with a slice of fruit in it, during the warmer summer months.

>> No.3698225


>implying Germany isn't rife with gay.

oh you. travel sometime, will you?

>> No.3698227

I love stuff from Wychwood.

Here in Ausfailia i can only ever find the Hobgoblin Ruby Red ale, which is fucking amazing, or their apple cider.

Ive wanted to try their stouts for ages...

>> No.3698228
File: 200 KB, 1277x768, CraftBeerList.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about this list of beers from a local bar that just opened in my area?

Any suggestions?


>> No.3698229

sure, it is NOW

>> No.3698232
File: 196 KB, 420x315, crispin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love banana bread beer, and this is coming from someone who hates most beers.

I recently got to try some of Crispin's other kinds of cider for the first time, I think my favorite so far is The Saint. I really want to try Lansdowne but haven't been able to find it yet, I may have to buy it online.

>> No.3698237

Plz respond.

>> No.3698244

Its a pricey list New Belgium makes good beer and i think i liked Duck Rabbit Head i haven't tried any of the others to my recollection. I would have a hard time shelling out the cash to get a decent buzz at a bar like that.