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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3696153 No.3696153 [Reply] [Original]

do you guys ever dream about food?

>> No.3696614
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I had one recently where I stumbled into a convenience store, it was partially lucid. I grabbed anything the looked tastey, mostly chocolate. Was pretty cool, I can remember tasting stuff and thinking, it's cool that you can taste stuff while dreaming.

>> No.3696616


>> No.3696635

I dream about cooking food. It's miserable. I'm usually in the weeds or making a huge mess.

I actually had a dream last night. I was at my old workplace arguing with the Executive Chef about technique.

Before that, it was a week or so ago. I was at my old apartment (what is it with dreaming about my past?), and I was cleaning out the refrigerator. I spilled sugar and raw chicken juices on the floor and I was struggling to clean it up. I spread it all through the apartment, into the bed, the bathroom, the shower, on my computer...everywhere.

>> No.3696678
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I dream about food whenever I'm on a really low cal diet. I'm good for two weeks or so, but after that I'll be stuffing my face night after night in my dreams.

>> No.3696724

A few weeks ago I had a dream where the entire world was made of soft tacos. I distinctly remember a tractor made of tacos harvesting a taco field.

>> No.3696750
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I find that if I chew anything in a dream, I will try to chew in real life and wake myself up. What the fuck, body?

>> No.3696757

I had a dream where I was eating a giant marshmallow, and when I woke up, my wife had left me.

>> No.3698193

i heard if you have chewed up edged of your tongue, it means you were chewing on it in your sleep

...brb, googling

>> No.3698241

In concentration camps, prisoners often dreamed about food.

>> No.3698269
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I often lucid dream, and create a bunch of the most delicious foods then eat them all. It's great.

>> No.3698274

Sometimes I put my self to sleep thinking of recipes and menus that I want to make and eat its incredibly comforting

>> No.3698279

everything in my dreams taste like the terrible dry cardboard taste I have every morning. I hate when I taste things in my dream.

>> No.3698301
File: 61 KB, 160x184, deeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like you would know the first fucking thing about the thoughts of concentration camp occupants.
go troll somewhere else, retard

>> No.3698303

No. I dream about cool shit like sex with beautiful women or flying through the sky. Only fatasses dream about stuffing their faces.

>> No.3698302

>implying you can't read accounts from survivors


>> No.3698304

Then, by all means, smart ass - post all those links of concentration camp survivors telling us they dreamed about food.

Fucking troll.

>> No.3698310

>that image
>fuckin saved

>> No.3698312

They starved us in US Army Ranger School. The very last thing any of us wanted to think about was food. After every phase, you rate the members of your patrol 1-10. Peer evaluations. The Ranger student with the lowest score got recycled - they had to repeat that phase. We peered a guy because all he talked about was food.

>> No.3698313

Keep trolling, dumb ass.

>> No.3698314

Probably for the best, though. I wouldn't want a soldier thinking about food in a stressful situation.

>> No.3698317

That point went sailing over your simple mind.

>> No.3698319

I dreamed about it last night, but I don't think I dream about food very often.

>> No.3698320

Type in "Holocaust "dreaming about food"" on Google.
I also read it somewhere else, not online. I think I was searching for documents about World War II German Tank development at the library...anyway, yah, there are sources and it's been recorded.

Also, Holocaust survivors were known to carry bread and other edibles with them at all times due to the latent fear of being sent off to god knows where for who knows how long again without proper food.

>> No.3698324

Don't usually dream about food, let alone dreams where I actually taste something. I had one really memorable one where my dad was considering investing in some lady's baking business, and had invited me over to try some samples.

I had a cookie and it tasted overwhelmingly like butter.

>> No.3698332

Why is it so ridiculous to believe that people that were starving dreamed about food? Food would have been on their mind 24/7, when you think that much about a certain subject, it seeps into your dreams.

>> No.3698373

You've never starved before. I have. The last thing you want to think about is food. Otherwise, you're just torturing yourself.

Obviously people in this thread have no idea what it's like to starve. And going hungry for a few days or a week isn't starving.

>> No.3698489
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How I feel when I have plenty of delicious food dreams but is always woken up before I can eat

>> No.3698490

I always dream about having sex but there's always something that happens just as I'm about to get my leg over, then the dream descends into a repetitive anxious situation in which I'm forced to be in the middle of a situation I don't want, then I wake up with my heart beating and a sense of dread.

>> No.3698505
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I have sex with women and fly around on my free time, when i sleep i want to eat.

>> No.3698523

all of a sudden i want to make a plastic bottle shaped like a dick to drink out of.

>> No.3698575
File: 29 KB, 400x305, KazetoKinoUta19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream once where I was at a local mall, went into the FYE and found boxes upon boxes of Wonder Balls. And of course I woke up before being able to open any of them.

>> No.3699983

i remember being a kid just about to bite into chocolate cake, but then it was air and i was in bed

>> No.3700284
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They exist.