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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.70 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN9862a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3696044 No.3696044 [Reply] [Original]

I'm having a 'beyond vegan' lasagna dish (sauce ingredients, 6 Roma tomatoes, 4 quart jars of random heirloom tomatoes from my own garden, 4 carrots from my own garden, 6 red onions, 4 garlic bulbs half from from my own garden, 6 yellow onions, 2 broccoli tops from my own garden, 6 banana peppers, 2 red and 2 green bell peppers, 2lbs of portabella button-stage mushrooms. the pasta is 100% organic whole wheat; no added salt, sugar, cheese, oil, animal products, or store-bought processed products other than the pasta), some black cherries, and a piping hot sweet potato, with a chalice of glistening water. This stuff is unbelievably delicious and I'm enjoying it in the great outdoors in my garden.

What food are you waking to this morning, /ck/?

>> No.3696383
File: 112 KB, 1241x1755, 62240489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ skips breakfast.

>> No.3696397

Where are the Pink Himalayan Salt, cumin, black pepper, white pepper, and cayenne pepper OP?

Glad to see your outdoor plants are doing better than your indoors.

>> No.3696398


and a lot of /ck/ smokes and overeats too

given the recent threads, a lot of /ck/ has no stimulating thoughts

we all gonna die

>> No.3696402

Oh god it's you again.

Can you go be obnoxious somewhere else? Preferably >>>/b/?

>> No.3696406

Oh not again.

>> No.3696407

Lasagna is not for breakfast. That is making me feel ill just thinking about eating it.

>> No.3696419

Fuck off, madfags.

Welcome back OP. That is my kind of breakfast, because I do not like "breakfast foods".

>> No.3696421
File: 31 KB, 261x235, 6_Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you eat for breakfast, if not breakfast lasagna?

>> No.3696422

OP detected

>> No.3696439


Lasagna is not vegan. Needs cheese. Proper cheese, that comes from the mammary glands of animals.
If you can mix in the flesh of animals, it becomes even better... but I'm willing to concede that a spinach/basil/tomato/cheese lasagna is in fact lasagna, whereas a bunch of veg and pasta is not.

>> No.3696442

It's like it's really 2 years ago.

>> No.3696443
File: 59 KB, 640x480, donotwant1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that arm

>> No.3696447

Incorrect. Lasagna is the pasta used. Therefore, the dish using lasagna pasta is lasagna. You designate a prefix to describe the type of lasagna. LIke, "beyond vegan lasagna," "6-cheese lasagna", "bacon lasagna," or 'breakfast lasagna".

>> No.3696450

>google images "breakfast lasagna" search result

>> No.3696455

Who are you quoting?

>> No.3696462

Obviously they are quoting the person who implied that the fat arm belongs to OP.

Umad buttfag?

>> No.3696463

I'm sick, so I didn't actually eat anything. And I don't plan to for some time.

But a delicious bowl of cereal is what I would normally eat.

>> No.3696468

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.3696472

your meal makes you sound like a little bitch OP

good job on growing all of your own food though, i wish i could do that

>> No.3696478

why u mad tho?

>> No.3696480

>Can't recognize that copypasta

confirmed for new

>> No.3696481

OP, i just want to let you know that you sound like a pretentious faggot.

>> No.3696484
File: 324 KB, 400x300, 1326363651006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my cock nerd :-DDD

>> No.3696486

Seen it plenty, don't care. I will bump every sage.


>> No.3696492

I enjoyed the last few gardening threads but now you just come off as a giant ass, OP.

>> No.3696493

>But a delicious bowl of cereal is what I would normally eat.

What kind? Cold or hot?

>> No.3696497

breakfast thread =/= gardening thread

>> No.3696501

scrambled eggs and cheese wrapped in a tortilla with salsa

>> No.3696574

holy shit, he's back. No pink Himalayan salt this time round?

>> No.3696593


Are we sure this is him? It seems like it, but I don't know...

>> No.3696599
File: 36 KB, 393x374, saltblock7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol its been a while but where is the pink himalayan salt and cumin?

>> No.3696954

Was it every really consistent except for the dishes? Even those were changed out I think from time to time.

>> No.3698293
File: 14 KB, 237x213, images..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What cultural demographic could conceive such a culinary abomination as the dish about to be inundated with a mountain of cheese?

I mean if you want to eat cheese then just eat cheese. Don't smother your other foods with it. It makes you look like a fool.

>> No.3698300

Why are you eating a baked potato with your lasagne? The whole point is that you're not supposed to eat anything with it. It's a noodle dish ffs...

>> No.3698305
File: 248 KB, 320x225, pigtimeofhisporkylife.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3698306

IMO it's not lasagna unless it has cheese. What you have is baked pasta.

>> No.3698307

What the fuck is beyond vegan?

>> No.3698330

Yes, the term "lasagna" can be used to refer to either the pasta, or the baked dish with cheese made using that pasta.

Still needs cheese.

This is my opinion. You may disagree with my opinion. You are entitled to have your own opinion, even if your opinion is wrong.

>> No.3698331


Nope, you don't suddenly call macaroni something else when you don't use cheese with a dish made from it. Instead you change or add the suffix or prefix for the name. Macaroni and cheese, macaroni casserole, vegetable macaroni casserole, etc.

>> No.3698339


That's because unlike lasagna, macaroni dishes do not require cheese.

>> No.3698340

>What you have is baked pasta.

Oh really? What kind of pasta is it?

>> No.3698341

but the lasagna is the pasta, you could boil the the pasta and serve it naked on a plate and its lasagna

>> No.3698345

>lasagna requires cheese

lol Oh you card.


>> No.3698355


Yeah, that's not lasagna. All of those are using that "vegan" word as a subtle cue that "WARNING: THIS HAS LASAGNA PASTA IN IT BUT NO CHEESE."

That's courteous of them. Good lookin' out, bro.

>> No.3698356

>lasagna must have cheese

>> No.3698387



>> No.3698396


>> No.3698398

>pasta with no meat

vegans in charge of eating a balanced meal that isn't pure carbs

>> No.3698400
File: 532 KB, 1765x2265, 1329184860934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3698403

Does anyone have a .zip or a link to previous PHS posts? Such a treasure of /ck/ needs to be immortalized.

>> No.3698406

>green tea
>ice water

that feel when intermittent fasting

>> No.3698411

Do you think you just made some profound statement?

If so: LOL.

>> No.3698412

Is this "Beyond Vegan" a new fad or something? This guy must be bluffing, I mean what would that make him? Double Vegan?

>> No.3698429

is it hard to use the internet while wearing your butt plug?

>> No.3698445

On here, it's just one pathetic fuck samefagging about his garden over and over again.

The funny thing about people who do this online is that they're completely unfufilled in other aspects of their life. For example, I doubt OP even owns a car, and if he does, it's a cheap used shitbox.

>> No.3698451

>got told
>pretends he didn't get told


>> No.3698454

Well yeah - who the fuck would be dumb enough to buy a new car?

>> No.3698455
File: 38 KB, 525x525, beyond_vegan_shirt-r54b3ea26588c41c59fbb4bfab4a22afd_f0ce3_525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beyond Vegan

Vegans are hipsters. Beyond vegans are modern chic.

>> No.3698456

Trendy Americans that need to compensate for the fact they can't see their own dicks anymore when they look down.

>> No.3698459

>farmers owning cars

Farmers don't own cars, silly. They own trucks, with "FARM USE" spray painted on the sides.

>> No.3698465

I see what you did there and I like it.

>> No.3698468

I don't see zucchini on that list, OP.

>> No.3698471


I have it. Immortalize it where?

>> No.3698474


>> No.3698477
File: 34 KB, 600x335, scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you hear?

Being vegan just makes you better than other people.

Watch out, or OP will get us with his telekinetic powers.

>> No.3698478


Then what?

>> No.3698483

You must not be beyond vegan or you'd have figured it out by now.

>> No.3698487


Well, I could paste the link here, but then the thread will die and that is far from being immortalized.

>> No.3698634

We could make a tumblr. Shrine to PHSguy.

>> No.3698636

I had a panini. Ham, cream cheese, sliced white onions, and sriracha.

>Inb4 that isn't breakfast

>> No.3698642

sup tepache

>> No.3698705
File: 88 KB, 640x384, IMAG0914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had breakfast.
Scrambled eggs with garlic confit and fresh jalapeno over sliced tomatoes. Delicious.

>> No.3698708

Better than shitty pancakes and sugar drip.

>> No.3698725

Alpen. Same as every fucking weekday.

>> No.3698728

That isn't a lasagne; it looks like shit, completely lacks spices, has a very meager mix of vegetables and I'm quite sure you were fucked with that pasta you're using. You are beyond retarded, please just go back to grazing and let the rest of us humans eat proper, tasteful meals.


>> No.3698731

Please don't post in this retard's thread.

>> No.3698744

Where have you been OP?

>> No.3698748

Why don't you do that by getting the fuck out.

>> No.3699192

That's a lot better than normal breakfast fare.

>> No.3699195

>garlic confit

Now that is different. Nice too.

>> No.3699224
File: 541 KB, 1920x1440, DSC00074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken thighs breaded with panko, red potato with cheese,bacon,sour cream and chive, velveta shells and cheese

>> No.3699231

Welcome to like 1200 calories.

>> No.3699233

Please don't post in this retard's thread.

>> No.3699235


Leave and never come back.

>> No.3699281

Then why are you doing it?

>> No.3699283

Hey OP. I'm glad you grow your own food. I'd suggest you try to compliment your breakfast with a little bit more of protein intake--you need it whether you like it or not.

Good luck.

>> No.3699287

The pasta isn't homemade?

I die at this.

>> No.3699309

Awesome, except for the diet soda.

>> No.3699319

Can you take a picture inside with the box fan and the stereo, for old times sake?

>> No.3699321

You weren't around for when the stereo was gutted and made into a wind turbine. Now I wish I'd saved those pics.

>> No.3699334

this was my only meal of the day

>> No.3699353


needs moar sour cream

>> No.3699363

for the sake of your own health, put some salt on there, OP. Otherwise, looks moderately delicious, I would add cheese.

>> No.3699365

Is this PHS guy?

>> No.3699384

>affecting how food looks

Uh, just how much salt are you putting on your lasagna so that it affects how it looks?

>> No.3699385


>> No.3699393

No. This is carafe guy.

>> No.3699394

What it was: homefries and sriracha
What I wanted: crackers with onion and goat cheese and a glass of pinot noir
What I would have tried: natto and rice

>> No.3699397

don't mean to turn this into a garden thread, but is it too late to plant garlic bulbs?

how are they grown?

i grew some spring onions rather successfully, but my radishes... my poor radishes.

>> No.3699398


WTF? how did you get that out of my post?


>> No.3699414


you can plant garlic now but all youll get is scapes (garlic greens)

for bublbs you plant in the fall and they will come up with spring. with the leaves die off, pull the bulbs. easy peasy, but plan ahead.

>> No.3699420

Wayyyyyy too late. They probably won't have enough growing time for you to get any. Garlic's usually planted in Spring, after the last freeze. Harvest is mid-late Summer. Just pop the bulbs in about 2-3" down, pointy end up.

HOWEVER, you probably can get some garlic greens from them. They're basically like green onions, only they have a mild garlic flavor instead.

>> No.3699424

okay thank you

>> No.3699426


>>3699420 here

We basically said the opposite thing. You're probably right. Plant in fall, harvest in spring.

>> No.3699438

same thing

>> No.3699451

Ask in the gardening thread here,


>> No.3699454

Oh that stuff again.

PHS Guy, Carafe Guy, Tepache, MJG, Heartsonfire, Angie, Boss Nigg = all same person.

>> No.3699460

lol wow

>> No.3699465


I've never heard of spring planting garlic. Interesting.

>> No.3699466


i worked on a farm and planted 3000lbs of garlic a year, so fall planting is my recc. FWIW

>> No.3699493

PHS Guy, Carafe Guy, Tepache, MJG, Heartsonfire, Angie, Boss Nigg, ☢ = all same person.

I knew I forgot one.

>> No.3699603
File: 140 KB, 1157x648, shut your face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3699619


I doubt they're all the same person, but I'm sure that some of them post under multiple trips or drop the trip to post anon.

Moot should eliminate names/trips on this board and institute unique userids like he did on /soc/ and /b/. Really cuts down on the samefagging.

>> No.3699627

>Really cuts down on the samefagging.

Not really. They have ID generators now.

>> No.3699631

I never thought that samefagotry was really an issue on this board

>> No.3699644

This board is slow as hell. Who would even bother samefagging?

>> No.3699646


there is billions of research on no breakfast so can you find one peer reviewed, tested and accepted study that fits that claim?

hint you won't

intermintent fasting and small meals throughout the day and everything between produce about the same results in long term studies

even the retards at /fit/ know this

>> No.3699650

Agreed. Another interesting solution an anon suggested is making it so that you can post as anon, but as soon as you post with a trip in a thread, you can't drop the trip within that particular thread.

>> No.3699719

The only samefags that post here get caught, ie sceak most recently. He/she was caught replying to himself in a thread awhil back. Every name/tripfag that was mentioned as far as I know doesn't samefag. Tepache, and bossnig where here B4 me.

The samefags are anon. It's easy to spot them when they go on posting crazes due to wording, syntax, typing styles and personal beliefs that ways leak out when they post.

There have been dozens of name/tripfags over the years some old people still return occasionally to post good content. Like batguano. Shitty tripfags don't last long here and never have. Shitty anons last much longer.

>> No.3699743


What was Sceak samefagging about?

There was some guy last week who was caught samefagging. If someone said his name, I'd remember it.

>> No.3699748



>> No.3699749


That's the one!

>> No.3699755

Dunno, he used to get really wierd and talk about suicide and then make like... Some decent posts. I heard this second hand through at least two other anons via chat.

I think tripfags and namefags have contributed greatly to this board specifically as anons have too. You know those anons that post good shit by their dishes, counters, cooking and photography style.

>> No.3699767


I haven't seen Sceak's name for awhile. I guess it was embarrassing.

>> No.3699770


I also can't think of any Anon's that post OC regularly.

>> No.3699776


Sceak used to post great OC a few years ago. Since then he's been rather boring.

>> No.3699780


You have to be Sceak or out of your mind.

He posted cakes and disgusting chili (more like stew).

>> No.3699785

I always liked Carafe guy. inb4 someone calls me a samefag

>> No.3699791

dunno he tried at least, like falafel and shit. I mean it's all about OC. I can do without the ravings of a mad man though. there's so much political shit on this board now, and US v. foreigners. I'm just glad that most of us are mean and nasty enough to at least put up a fight against the real shitposters that attempt to creep in from /b/ and /r9k/.

>> No.3699799


I think I speak for everyone when I say that the homosexuals, liberals, and women should leave.

>> No.3699800

Man i wish /b/ faggots, retards who post vs threads, and people who can't appreciate every country for their food would leave.

>> No.3699803

Come to think of it that sceak dude talked shit about my first entry to the /ck/ challenge lol. Then never entered anything.

>> No.3699804

There's only one person who doesn't like him, and it's the same(fag) who shits up every thread he ever makes.

>> No.3699807

>Posting more political shit when someone says political shitposters are shitposters

fuck off

>> No.3699809

carafe guy is an annoying jackass.

the dude cant stop yammering on about his fucking garden

>> No.3699811

honey nut cheerios in a plastic red cup with fat free milk

>> No.3699813

See, I'd rather not know what the fuck you're religion, sex, race, political stances are. The problem is that we assign ourselves to lables and thus automatically take on set belief systems.

It's a food board, if you want vegan recipes, cool ill post some I've found to be good. When peoples beliefs blind them to the truth, then it becomes shit thread time.

>> No.3699814 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 552x552, patriotism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're an American, please GTFO.

>> No.3699818


>vegan recipes
>found to be good

Pick one.

>> No.3699824

Shitposting doesn't help anyone and just continues to degrade the quality of the board.

>> No.3699826
File: 68 KB, 500x700, Stay-Classy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting stuff like that on an American owned and operated image board.

>> No.3699829


are you 12?

>> No.3699831


No, you don't understand. I'm an American.

Anyone with tolerance for other cultures can GTFO and go to whatever country they worship.

>> No.3699832

Exactly my point. I have stacks of vegan recipes that taste fucking amazing. I post vegan recipes when anon asks fr them and stay out of the argument mostly.

And imma fat, white, meat sucking machine. I know you're trolling, but there are little kids running around really believing shit like

>every single dish has to have meat to taste good

>> No.3699835


>jimmies rustled
>brings up age

Not really helping yourself there, buddy.

>> No.3699836


I'll take that as a yes

>> No.3699837


>> No.3699858


Anon would do it, just to piss you off.

>> No.3700450

>cereal in a plastic cup

I used to do this all the time without milk. i used a plastic cup so I could bend the sides in and funnel the cereal to my mouth without spilling it. It was pretty convenient. I eat cereals like bags of chips without milk.

>> No.3700459
File: 439 KB, 800x600, Oatmeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oatmeal, raisins and milk. No, I don't boil my oatmeal, I eat it as it is. Been doing it for 15-17 years now.

>> No.3700715

>uncooked oatmeal

I have a friend that does that. There's no way I can do it. It's like trying to eat pieces of cardboard.

>> No.3701494

>Been doing it for 15-17 years now.

Longer than most peoples' ages on 4chan.