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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 360x355, BlackTruffles3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3694550 No.3694550 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get annoyed a while back when the fad was to put truffles in fucking everything? Thank god that shit died out.

Food fad thread?

>> No.3694586

What are truffles?

>> No.3694596

"Fat free"


>> No.3694600

angus angus angus angus angus angus

>> No.3694605


Fungus that grows underground.

The use dogs or pigs to find it.

Almost as expensive as saffron.

>> No.3694620

"Gluten Free"

>> No.3694629

In real times it's pricier than saffron because you have to use far more to get anything out of it.

I think most people seriously into cooking will have saffron in their kitchen. Very few will have fresh black truffles.

>> No.3694630


>> No.3694647

Gluten free is only advertised for those people who are actually allergic to it.

I've never met anybody ever or heard of anybody avoiding gluten because they think it's healthy.

>> No.3694658

"100% natural"
so glad that's over
oh wait

>> No.3694662

My fiance worked at subway for three years. You have no fucking idea how many people want gluten free just because it's healthier or just better. Generally dumb girls and hipster guys. Most of them have no idea there is even such a thing as a gluten allergy.

>> No.3694668

Oh man, that sucks.

That's too bad, too. Gluten allergies are pretty serious and I really feel for the people who have to be constantly diligent about eating anything.

>> No.3694673

I know people who think that avoiding gluten is healthier even though they have no need to avoid gluten.

The most ridiculous thing I see at stores now is signs advertising that certain products are GLUTEN FREE!--products that were always gluten free. Shit like "GLUTEN FREE APPLESAUCE!" and "GLUTEN FREE CANNED TOMATOES!"

Clever marketing move, I suppose.

>> No.3694679

Maybe we live in different parts of the world, but I've seen people do just that, anon. I've seen people self-diagnosing themselves with allergies to wheat. I've also seen people choosing to avoid wheat because "wheat is bad and will kill you."

On topic: as far as fads go, I've seen risotto being mentioned very often.

>> No.3694686

What's wrong with risotto? I've been eating it twice a month for the last two decades (Scotfag).

>> No.3694696

Nothing. I've just noticed people saying it more often.

>> No.3694698

yeah, like cooked

>> No.3694703

chipotle chipotle chipotle chipotle

>> No.3694707

The truffle thing was pretty ridiculous... I mean truffle martinis? WTF is that all about.

It is retarded when a $999 or whatever "gourmet" burger/hot dog/etc. just consists of the normal thing but with wagyu, truffles, foie gras, etc.

>> No.3694710

"100% free of X"
"No GMO"
"Non conserved"
Olive oil on everything (Jamie oliver)

>> No.3694721

Why does "no GMO" piss you off?

I figured lots of people in the U.S. would want to know that or not...

>> No.3694740

Olive Oil on everything has been a staple longer than you think.
I don't really classify it as a fad unless it's Americlaps barely learning this trick.

>> No.3694797

Black garlic
Fusion, fusion, fusion
Wine pairings with everything

>> No.3694828

non-GMO and organic food isn't really as fad. that shits been around for years. also, how has nobody said atkins diet yet?

>> No.3694835

because actively avoiding GMO foods is retarded

>> No.3694838


>> No.3694895
File: 19 KB, 253x328, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Balsamic Fucking Vinegar.

>Sun Dried Tomatoes

>Designer Fancy Ass Cupcakes

>Molecular Gastronomy

>Bartenders calling themselves "Mixologists"

>Raw Food as a Movement

>Avocado making something Californian, Black Beans and Corn Making Something Southwestern, Ham and Pineapple making something Hawaiian

>Cold Stone Creamery


>Snobby Food Truck Fusion

>Bacon in Everything. C'mon.

>So many more....

>> No.3694907

>Balsamic Fucking Vinegar.
>Sun Dried Tomatoes
>Avocado making something Californian, Black Beans and Corn Making Something Southwestern, Ham and Pineapple making something Hawaiian
don't rly see the problem with these

>> No.3694914

Putting gold leaf in everything.
Fucking why?

>> No.3694920
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>> No.3694988

> Sun Dried Tomatoes
> Balsamic vinegar

oh god not this guy again

>> No.3694997


Don't get me wrong anon, I don't mind these items per se. It is the fad popularity that accompanied them at their height.

As for the naming of things as regional, that just seems lazy and disingenuous.

>> No.3695012

you're pretty stupid, aren't you?

>> No.3695019

Around half of these are what I would have said from a UK perspective. Balsamic vinegar pisses me off the most, for about six or seven years almost every new recipe called for it and I bloody hate vinegar. I've even seen cocktails with balsamic fucking vinegar. Thankfully it seems to be slowly dying out.

I'll add:

>Moroccan fucking everything. Sick of the word "tagine".
>"Artisan bread", just £20 a loaf
>All processed foods will turn your kids into drug addicts who'll die before 30
>Inner city farming

>> No.3695027

>"Artisan bread", just £20 a loaf
i have never had a slice, let alone an entire loaf of bread that was labeled "artisan" that was worth eating. not once.

>> No.3695030
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Fresh ground pepper
That new Jewish salt that all the hipsters love
Cheese that isn't Kraft Singles
Fresh garlic instead of garlic powder
Cooking things properly instead of pouring hot sauce all over them
Not pronouncing the J in Jalapeeno
Pretending to enjoy wine
Rice cookers
Non-powdered milk
Whole wheat bread
Any vinegar other than distilled white Kirkland brand
Meals that don't have 70% of their calories derived from meat of some kind and the rest a corn product
Bottled water for any reason whatsoever
Washing your hands after taking a shit
Not pronouncing the L in tortillas
Driving a foreign car

>> No.3695031

UKfag, you have never HAD Balsamic vinegar, because actual balsamic vinegar comes in a half-ounce vial and costs two hundred american dollars.

What you had was wine or distilled vinegar with food coloring in it.

>> No.3695034
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>> No.3695035


That guy is a retard, he also believes that sun dried tomatoes are a "new thing"

>> No.3695039

holy fuck. didn't catch that sun dried tomato thing.
oldest form of preservation known to man.

>> No.3695045

What I didn't have, you mean. Vinegar is vinegar and it all fucking stinks and makes me want to pass out. The last time I ate something with vinegar on it was 17 years ago when I unwittingly ate a salt and vinegar crisp and immediately spat it out. Food cooked with vinegar in it, I never cook myself, and avoid wherever possible.

>> No.3695047


you just can't make this stuff up

>> No.3695049

can you start using a trip so i can easily identify your posts?

>> No.3695053

It's not my responsibility to educate you on the important differences between various types of vinegar, and the unique attributes that seperate balsamic vinegar from all other forms of vinegar (I hesitate to even call Balsamic "Vinegar." It's kind of it's own thing.) Spend five seconds on wikipedia and stop making a fool of yourself.

>> No.3695057

That's not me, that's the person I quoted, but a fad doesn't necessarily denote a new thing: it can be a short-lived resurgence or obsession of anything. Sundried tomatoes were a fad around the balsamic vinegar time: quite often balsamic vinegar ON sundried tomatoes.

>> No.3695068

I'm fully aware of the various types of vinegar. Sherry, cider, rice wine, malt, etc. etc. On the unfortunate occasions I've had them in food I have been perfectly able to descern between them, but they all had one awful thing in common: unsurprisingly they were all vinegary. That ruins it for me.

>> No.3695069

>UKfag, you have never HAD Balsamic vinegar, because actual balsamic vinegar comes in a half-ounce vial and costs two hundred american dollars.

>What you had was wine or distilled vinegar with food coloring in it.

Man, you're so wrong.
Balsamic vinegar can be aged for a short time, or a long time, so it loses most of its water and becomes syrupy.
Super-expensive balsamic is not the only true balsamic.
Talking like you're an authority doesn't make you one.

>> No.3695071

"wine isn't wine unless it's 100 years old and costs $1000"

>> No.3695072


That's all well and good, but the sundried tomato fad was in the goddamm 1980s, along with balsamic vinegar, and "nouvelle cuisine". It cannot be considered a fad today by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.3695082
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>Talking like you're an authority doesn't make you one.

>> No.3695085

Note the word "resurgence". Fads can happen more than once. Isn't it hush puppies that are have been popular at least one year of every decade since their release? Fads are not strictly universal either - I somewhat doubt Cambodia has gone through a balsamic vinegar phase. Fancy vinegar and sundried tomatoes were definitely a very popular fad in the UK around 2003-05.

>> No.3695094

Hush puppies are fucking delicious.

>> No.3695100

sooooo whats does truffles taste like?

>> No.3695109

dirt. but AMAZING DIRT! And Anthony Bourdain love them so that's what matters!

>> No.3695114
File: 172 KB, 466x350, 73832 ECOM HP 2012 SS12 1958 Bucket UK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're a bit chewy for my liking.

>> No.3695121

I have. She actually lost weight but I'm pretty sure she paired that gluten-free "diet" with lots of vegetables and exercise so doy, what else would happen.

Oh yeah, I looked at a package of hot dogs the other day and they brag that it's gluten-free on the packaging. What the hell?

>> No.3695126

>Cold Stone Creamery
Uhhh...is that really a fad? We've had one for like 8 years.

>> No.3695129

They don't taste like dirt *at all*.

>> No.3695134


Guy lives in a hick town, as demonstrated by the recent arrival of everything on his list.

>> No.3695139

>Not pronouncing the L in tortillas

There are people who don't do this?

Anyway, maybe it's just me but I feel like I'm starting to see cajun food everywhere lately.

>> No.3695171




>> No.3695181

It seems like you guys just became aware of an ancient foodstuff, like olive oil or avocados, and because of selective perception you think it is a fad.

>> No.3695191

If Anthony Bourdain mentioned he liked eating shit on No Reservations, suddenly everyone on here would be dropping a steamy coily one on a plate as a side to each meal.

>> No.3695193

why would you?
you don't call it takwilla, either.

>> No.3695217
File: 97 KB, 328x300, bourdain-cooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Perfectly seasoned... garlic and Pink Himalayan Salt. I'm surprised they haven't started selling this shit to go in every strip mall in America, it's that fucking good.

>> No.3695341

Non-GMO stuff. My mom doesn't shut up about it when I go out with her.

>> No.3695342

Just when i thought the bacon fad was done, Burger King makes a bacon milkshake. Seriously.

>> No.3695355

even better when 99% of the price isn't from any of the ingredients but instead from jewelry

"oh shit we only have $200 worth of ingredients? fuck! get a $20000 necklace. fuck yeah, $20000 burger right here guys!"

>> No.3695388


also the whole designer cake shit


>> No.3695390

Wow, /ck.
I have never hated you guys harder than right now.
Really? Olive Oil? Truffles? Sun dried tomatoes? Balsamic fucking vinegar? What the fuck DO you cunts like to eat?

>> No.3695393

they've got a really strong savory flavor.

I don't know what that one poster was talking about, every truffle goes a long way. They leech their flavor into things, and there are ways to taste them without breaking bank.

I found a 100g dish of truffle salt for $25, and that was at some overpriced deli. It's great gift material, or something to try once or twice. I've never heard of any truffle fad, but i'd recommend it.

>> No.3695394

I think all of those except truffles were troll posts, I can't think of anyone reasonable who doesn't at least respect those other three.

>> No.3695397



I bought an actual truffle for $20

they're quite light, so the price per gram gets you more than you might think

>> No.3695409

Stay away from any truffle product. Most don't contain truffles, but artificial aromatic compounds. Which would be fine if they didn't claim to be truffle products that were still ridiculously expensive.

That said, I made truffle honey and it was awesome stuff. I bought truffles a couple times and enjoyed smelling more than eating them.

They are ecological marvels and deserve all the praise and more... I just don't see them as an ingredient I would want all the time.

>> No.3695412

Case in point. They're affordable and worth trying.

>> No.3695417

Everyone should try truffles at least once.

I mean don't buy a few fast food meals, beer, or whatever and buy a truffle if you are curious. It isn't a big deal to spend $20 on something that can be used in a few meals.

>> No.3695421

Where do you live?

>> No.3695423


>> No.3695429

Because truffles only grow in a very specific climate, I'm curious of the likelihood you're full of shit

>> No.3695432


I'm the guy who bought a truffle for $20. It could have been $27 for all I remember, it was a while ago and I don't exactly count the pennies for something like that. I live in NYC.

>> No.3695435

I was the guy raging hard about vinegar in all its forms but particularly balsamic. I'm absolutely fine with olive oil (wouldn't pay more than £5 for a bottle though), sundried tomatoes, truffles and so on. Life would be easier if I didn't absolutely despise vinegar but otherwise I'm not a fussy eater.

>> No.3695436

So, canned or frozen, and from what kinda store?

>> No.3695440

I live in Canada and bought fresh truffles from Spain and France. Believe it or not, we can ship things using airplanes.

>> No.3695442


fresh, I guess? I've only bought the one so I don't know how else they come. it was in a big basket under a glass case and they wrapped it in butcher paper.

here is the store if you want to swing by next time you're visiting the city http://eatalyny.com/how-to-eataly/location-hours

>> No.3695443

You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.3695445

But in the time it takes to travel that distance they aren't more than a shadow of their true flavors. If you bought them fresh you don't know what you were doing.

>> No.3695447


>brussel sprouts

>> No.3695450

Truffles, properly packed and delivered within 48 hours, most definitely retain their flavour.

I have also had truffles (actual truffles, not synthetic aromatic compounds) preserved in olive oil and honey.

>> No.3695451



> seedless grapes
> broccoli

>> No.3695453

I think they're dried? If I'm not mistaken. I don't think they go bad all that easily, they're just in really high demand and really picky/hard to find. Kinda similar to whole vanilla beans, basically, great shelf life, versatile as fuck, but annoying to make.
truffle oil seems to be the most popular way to distribute/use it. Truffle salt is also pretty good, in my experience. I have no Idea where you'd get a whole one, but try some high-scale grocery store, I went to this place called The Fatted Calf.
Try any place that sells shit like Kombucha, or really fancy beers.

>> No.3695456

fuck you seedless grapes and broccoli are delicious.

>> No.3695461

As soon as they're picked they start to deteriorate. I will admit to a piqued interest in the honey though. How were they in the honey? Shaved, or what?

>> No.3695463
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>> No.3695466

I have never had a macron, they are like five bucks a piece and look like such a pain to make. I am curious though

>> No.3695467


That may be, but all these god damm hipsters keep eating them.

We should only eat some primitave, tough and bitter brassica plants and thick skinned fox grapes at all times. I mean, I live in a god damm cave underneath the alps with a lost tribe, and we play music on a 6-tone scale using the hollowed out leg bones of a cave bear. Damm you and your hipster food that was bred/cultivated/domesticated at any point in the last 35,000 years. These new trends will be the downfall of our miraculous primitive foraging society that somehow has yet to discover vinegar, tomatoes, or franchised ice cream chains.

>> No.3695469


>> No.3695474

I've only had the cheap kind in a tray (more like 8 for $4)

it just tasted like they were trying to flavor sugar, but failed. Kind of like they used those fake pixie-stiks to bake em.

I'm willing to give them one more try before swearing them off for good.

>> No.3695476

I pick and sell wild mushrooms (not truffles though). Properly stored, they do not rapidly deteriorate as you might think. They are definitely not stable compared to other crops, but most species can stand a couple days at 4 degrees and be fine.

The honey contained shaved white truffle. I drizzled it on goat cheese and graham crackers. It was incredible.

>> No.3695479
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> eating macarons anywhere except laduree

I shiggy diggy doo wop

Seriously though, nothing else compares. These housewife macarons they sell in flyover land are like Sweet Bitch Moscato compared to Chateau Yquem

>> No.3695480

Does Whole Foods sell truffles?

>> No.3695483
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>> No.3695484

I'm gonna have to argue that truffles go to shit faster than other mushrooms, but it's irrelevant anymore. And that does sound pretty good, not crazy about the graham cracker though

>> No.3695491
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>mfw I sang that in my head

>> No.3695494

>this thread

>> No.3695499
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great, now I have fucking reggaeton stuck in my head, it's like torture.

also, food fads the have to go: kale chips and everyone being gluten free

>> No.3695511
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>sri racha
>0 result


>> No.3695521

McRib sandwich.

>> No.3695536

when done right, local, fresh food is delicious.

Having to ship it for several days means it's picked green, gassed to look ripe, when really, it's still underripe. Go to a weekly farmer's market, and that stuff should be both fresh and ripe.

>> No.3695541
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I don't think that's died out yet OP. Also:

>bacon in everything

I went to a bar recently and they had some nasty special martini involving bacon and pepper vodka.

>> No.3695546
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Being gluten free isn't a fad, you ignoramus. I have IBD and gluten causes me to flare up, as it does for a lot of people who have conditions like this.

If you're referring to people who are perfectly healthy but shun gluten because they heard bad things about it, fine. But a lot of people have genuine health issues when it comes to gluten. Educate yourself a little, goddamn.

>> No.3695550

the local eating thing is retarded, certain areas yield food better than others, If I can help it I want my apples from new york, my oranges from florida, my fish from the pacific, and my lobsters from maine

>> No.3695551

>food that has been sitting in a truck and on a shelf for days is just as good as food i just picked out of my garden
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.3695557

To everyone griping about locally sourced food... it's not claiming to be tastier and healthier, (although it usually is) its about supporting your local community and reducing the fossil fuels used to bring it from the farm to your kitchen. so shit the fuck up ALL YALL

>> No.3695559

It's a fad because everything is labelled as "GLUTEN-FREE!" along with being a health food.

Tree nut allergies are probably just as common, even more, and they never get this kind of attention. Allergy info should be on the back of a package, not used as a selling point.

>> No.3695561

>mirco greens
>vegetarian or vegan meals being shit, when they arent

>> No.3695567

seriously you are tripping on local food? I have no problem with this. I have had boar that was raised on a John Besh's farm that was out of this world. I live in a small town in Louisiana that produces the best strawberries I have ever eaten, they are famous for it. They rival any Californian berry I have had. Local food is different than what is available in a larger scale commercially, you get the benefit of heirloom vegetables and high quality meat from grass fed pastured animals that TASTE better. I am surprised you wouldn't be into more locally sourced food items since you have a cafe.

>> No.3695574

maybe it's just because I'm a spoiled califag? Obviously some things have to be imported, but when you've got the lush central valley like us? There's no reason to get oranges from florida when you can get perfectly good ones, even better ones, from a couple hours away.
Farmers markets are abundant as fuck here, even the smaller cities will have several on the weekends. Same should apply to fishing, with the lobsters and crabs and fish and whatnot.

Also, as >>3695557 said, it's about the envi'nment, y'all, and supporting local farmers.

>> No.3695575

Nah, brah. You're cool, if you can't have gluten because a physician told you to that is different.

>> No.3695584
File: 63 KB, 550x413, f2d73abd684c1310_DSC00590.preview[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is a micro-green?

and I fully support vegan/vege food when done right. I eat vege/vegan all the time and hardly notice it! However, shit like Vegan chorizo? fake meats? I'm sorry, but that's just really lame.
I laugh whenever people go on a cookout, and their girlfriends have to bring a pack of veggie dogs.

>> No.3695590


In my experience "micro greens" usually refers to young, non-seasonal greenhouse/hydroponic grown greens from relatively obscure plants.

Basically you're paying out the ass to eat a pristine sample of some random sensitive plant that doesn't exist outside of *obscure country thousands of miles away*, in the middle of January.

It is a real thing.

>> No.3695594

what the fuck
and why have I not heard of this

>> No.3695597


lol is this a real thing? sounds like thomas keller and eric ripert have run out of shit to do with salads.

>> No.3695598


you live in flyover country?

>> No.3695600

microgreens are those small lil veggies chefs used to put as garnishes on the plate. it would be easier if you just google images them. watercrests would be considered a mircogreen.

and i agree fake meats taste like shit. If i ever go live a life as a vegan I wouldnt want to want meat. its just pointless. why pretend its sumthing that it isnt? i like tofu and thats "mearty" enough for me, not to mention there are many veggies that give you the meaty hardiness you seek like mushrooms, potatoes, artichokes, etc

I havent been to many cook-outs so i didnt know ppl actually or still bring those soy dogs or whatever that in the tv shows lol. like there are perfectly good veggies that are delicious grilled.

>> No.3695601

It matters for a lot of food. Living in a Scottish coastal town I only ever buy local seafood, it would be fucking retarded to buy from elsewhere for many reasons. When in season you can get great strawberries grown nearby and they taste a damn sight better than the flavourless ones imported from countries several hundred miles away. Scottish beef and pork is far superior to the cheaper Irish stuff which I avoid like the plague.

Also, local cuisine is part of the culture of a place. If you went to a renowned seafood restaurant here and ordered smoked salmon, only to find it was Alaskan Ikea-cafe grade fish, wouldn't you feel gypped?

>> No.3695603

>dandelion greens

soooooo bitter.

>> No.3695617
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This shit. It's only fucking regular cake with food coloring. Get over yourself.

>> No.3695619

fresh pasta: cannot into al dente, shut up Gordon Ramsay

speaking of whom, cooking things wrapped in clingfilm/saran wrap.
holy crap such a bad idea
taking a soft plastic and heating it to close to its melting point
apparently, chemical leachate is the new umami

>> No.3695622
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Sea buckthorn.

>give up

>> No.3695623

I have never had a real red velvet cake.
Whenever anyone starts cooing and wetting themselves over these, I can see they're just food dyed chocolate cakes.


No one seems to know or be capable of making a real devil's food cupcake. I've known what that shit was since I was eight, yet it still boggles my mind that none of these drones have ever heard of it!

>> No.3695626

i live on america's west coast, and new zealand braeburns are a mile better than washington state braeburns
climate does matter

same with navel oranges, i notice a big regional difference

>> No.3695633

Whole Wheat
No preservatives

>> No.3695634

try catsear, looks just like dandy with hairy leaves and is half as bitter.
>kobe beef
>not pronouncing scone like gone

>> No.3695641

ha! yes!
"american kobe" too, which doesn't mean much, and
kobe or wagyu burgers, the whole point is the marbling of a steak, you grind it up it's gone

>> No.3695646


To add to this: I work at a restaurant. The Gluten-craze is still pretty big. The places we order food form has been pushing Gluten-free pre-made deserts. They brought us a sample and it was way too rich and the texture was awful. It was supposed to be a cake but it tasted like a big slab of fudge.

People with gluten allergies make up a tiny part of the population. Most of it you see is self-diagnosed. The numbers of people with real allergies don't warrant an entire shelf of products at the grocery store or a restaurant to change their menu.

Can't wait for peanut-free peanut butter and for there to be a peanut-free freegan grocery hut.

>> No.3695650

>peanut-free peanut butter
I think I have found my new goal in life...

>> No.3695652

since there is a thread like this, what are your thoughts on olive oil?

>> No.3695658

>Can't wait for peanut-free peanut butter

"The only true Peanut Butter Replacement that meets the taste, texture and nutrition requirements for all peanut / nut free applications"


>> No.3695661

>since there is a thread like this, what are your thoughts on olive oil?
America has no regulations or testing.
That green stuff could be anything. Mmmm soy oil and dye.

>> No.3695670

delicious, I don't feel like it's ever really used where it shouldn't be

>> No.3695683

u mean on everything? lol

>> No.3695700


The food coloring is in "real" red velvet cake. It's not a fancy dish its soul food and you know dem blacks.

>> No.3695710

>"The reddish-brown color of the cake was originally from a reaction of the cocoa powder with an acidic ingredient such as buttermilk"

>> No.3695727


Well I was completely wrong.
My preconceptions about that cake are much less entertaining now.

>> No.3695750
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>> No.3695806


Goji Berries

Chai Tea a few years back

The whole fucking bacon fad, even beyond cooking, as a 'nerd' culture thing. Have a look at the bacon section at thinkgeek. Rage.

>> No.3695825

forgot about acai

>> No.3695828

Flavored Vodka's
Bacon everything
Giant Portion sizes
Food Blogs
Fusion food (which can be good, but i mean fusion for the fuck of it fusion)
Chili's/Applebee/Tgi Friday's and their incessant pandering to middle class workers looking to eat "good" food and meet attractive people on a Friday night commercials i see on the TV

>> No.3695830

>Chai Tea

>> No.3695833

Bacon is epic forever dude

>> No.3695834

Don't blame bacon for stupid people. Next to duck fat, bacon is pretty much king.

>> No.3695836

Also, Epic Meal Time, the first few were ok for the fuck of it, but god damn did they jump the shark fast.

>> No.3695845


When will this fad end?

>> No.3695852

ahi tuna
mango salsa

>> No.3695854

Are you really mad at aioli or "aioli?"

>> No.3696521

>"Fresh!" (from a Sysco packet)
>"All Natural!" (from a hormone-ridden cow)

>> No.3696537

Your body doesn't absorb any of it, though. It just goes out with the shit. That's why it's nontoxic in the first place.

>> No.3696539

>Chai tea
>Tea tea

this is a fad i really wish would end

>> No.3696544

Fucking.. acai berries or whatever that shit is.

>> No.3696545

I like how chai tea tastes though. ;_;

>> No.3696555

Sesame sprinkled in fuuuucking everything.

>> No.3696556



whole foods

Kobe beef

Black Angus

Gluten Free


Pink Himalayan Salt



fair trade



>> No.3696563


yeah that fucking "LOL BACON ERRYTHING" shit, it's getting more and more retarded, and oh my fucking god the "nerd" appropriation of it, seriously?


>> No.3696579

buffalo hamburgers

>> No.3696907

>Chili's/Applebee/Tgi Friday's and their incessant pandering to middle class workers looking to eat "good" food and meet attractive people on a Friday night commercials i see on the TV

>Waaahh! Stop operating a business targeted at a class of people other than me!

Jesus, you're more pretentious than the dickhead who hates olive oil and tomatoes.

>> No.3696971


Well, consider this: If more hipster retards buy stuff because it's gluten free, then there will be more gluten free products available. Which is good for people with an actual gluten allergy.

>> No.3696983

Fatties going around screaming their heads off at anything and everything mentioned as even remotely healthy or health-consciously oriented, and grognards patrolling the boards for anything even remotely Japanese-related for a chance to use their favourite piece of Cool Kid's Internet Vocabulary.

Seriously. If you gotta hate something, hate it, but don't do it just to look in with the retard crowd.

>> No.3697058

People being butthurt about machine-separated/"finely textured beef".

It's the same as regular meat. It didn't suddenly change in taste forever because you learnt how it was made.

In general, I'm glad the general public knows very little about how food is made in factories.

>> No.3697059

Fucking IPAs
They are a pretentious way to hate your taste buds and are a new low in beer snobbery.

>> No.3697081


No it isn't. Hipster veganism gentrified all things vegan and now we have retarded stupid shit like soyrizo and nonuts peanut butter. Virtually everything that has come out on the market for "vegans" is overpriced, overmarketed "healthy" trash and it has raised the price on regular tofu and introduced an all new exorbitantly priced class of produce that makes everything more expensive simply by putting "organic" in front of everything.

Hipster gluten sensitivity will make it harder for everyone with celiac disease to actually afford shit that doesn't have wheat in it and coerce them into buying overpriced imitation products.

>> No.3697121

Fuck you up your dick-hole, with a dick.

I'm in CA, so

>> No.3697126

b-b-but soyrizo is delicious

>> No.3697128


>> No.3697140

I agree, many times over.

>> No.3697176
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Those pretty patties were a pretty annoying fad for awhile.

>> No.3697178

as of late, bubble tea


>> No.3697212

- preserved foods (dehydrated, refrigerated, canned)
- selectively bred grains/vegetables
- domesticated livestock
- cooking poultry for hipster "sanitation"
- filtered/fresh water
- imported/transported foods
- utensils/plates
- washing hands

>> No.3697213
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>> No.3697218

What's it like up on that pedestal of yours?
Bit of a cold breeze?
Is the air thin?

>> No.3697220
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I thought you guys liked food?

>> No.3697224

its seriously on everything, things it has no business being on. I remember one time when I had an italian sandwich, it had salami and cheese and all that stuff on it, and there was aioli on it. you dont need to add liquid fat to a sandwich with cheese and fatty cured meats on it, its always heavy handed and shitty everywhere.

this reminds me though, remember a few years ago when every sandwich in every restaurant was served on ciabatta?

>> No.3697230
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/ck/ cares about their image as not-hipsters more.

>> No.3697235

>several thousand varieties of expensive, 'extreme' hot sauce, all with stupid names

I think these are America's equivalent of real ale.

>> No.3697237

we're just talking about pretentious hipster fads. our fads are cool because they're not mainstream yet.

>> No.3697242

those self serve frozen yogurt places are showing up everywhere now, have been since last summer. I remember the first time I saw one I thought was such a neat idea and then 2 years later there is a self serve yogurt place every 3 miles around here if you go down a main road

>> No.3697258
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But its only makes someone a hipster if they make it an issue
>our fads are cool because they're not mainstream yet

you are joking right?

>> No.3697283
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"deconstructed" pies, trifles, casseroles, "deconstructed" anything.

see what happens when liberal art majors find they cant get work and end up in a kitchen!!

>> No.3697288

This. The Great British Menu is the fucking worst for this pretentious "deconstructed" wank.

>> No.3697293
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>deconstructed poached egg

>> No.3697303

Fuck cupcakes.

Fuck them.

Cream cheese frosting is disgusting.

>> No.3697306
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The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.3697322

Hey oh Woah Woah!
slow down there buddy.
there's no need to be like that

>> No.3697326

i can't believe hummus hasn't been mentioned in this thread
except i'm alright with hummus being everywhere unless it's these wierd concoctions like edemame soy hummus fusion stuff

>> No.3697330
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>> No.3697334


I'll take the samefag accusations, I don't care.

I agree. Cupcakes are shit-tier and frosting is disgusting. It doesn't matter what it's made from.

I'd rather have bread and olive oil.

>> No.3697346

>bottled water
I understand your post is satire, but bottled water?

>> No.3697347

They have convinced you to buy something which should be free and isn't filtered any better. See Penn and Teller's Bullshit on it.

>> No.3697349

I don't know where you live, but we can taste a HUGE difference between our city water and bottled water.

>> No.3697354

>People being butthurt about machine-separated/"finely textured beef".
>It's the same as regular meat. It didn't suddenly change in taste forever because you learnt how it was made.
No, it's not the same.
Pink slime: mechanically separated from the bones and hide. Contains more connective tissue and less protein. Heated and spun in a centrifuge to remove fat. This warmth causes bacterial growth. That bacterial growth then has to be killed with ammonia. Was only allowed into human food in 2001, when an Undersecretary for Ag in the Bush administration said "if it's pink, it's meat". That Undersec then moved on to a job for a big meat processor.

Regular ground beef: not that.

>> No.3697355

>no HFCS
you forgot the most popular one.

>> No.3697357

I already know that bottled water is a stupid idea. I was questioning putting "bottled water" on the list since it's implying that bottled water is something that rich, educated people buy.

>> No.3697363


You sound like a giant douche, but I do have to agree with flavored vodka.

Holy shit. It's just FLAVORED VODKA. It's not that special. Just because some rappers pick it up, and CIroc has an attractive bottle doesn't make it something amazing.

>> No.3697388
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>> No.3697402

As sad as you may find it... Truffles are the shit, if you like mushrooms. It does provide that "umami" earthy flavor.

>> No.3697813

shut up I love sri racha

>> No.3697887

can't forget
"salt free"
"sodium free"
"sugar free"
"100% beef"
bacon in chocolate or maple flavored deserts
red velvet (as of lately)

I mean sure, you should limit your sodium and sugar intake but that doesn't mean you should completely cut them out of your diet like they are some cursed things, unless of course you have a medical condition requiring such actions.

>> No.3697973

deep fried everything

>> No.3697981

How about something tangentially related?

People at restaurants taking pictures of their food with their fucking D1s.


>> No.3697983

The Scots have done this since the birth of their civilization. Scotch and deep fry oil is in their blood.

>> No.3697991


Their.. D1's?

>> No.3697997


>> No.3698008


Right, that's what confused me. The D1 was released 13 years ago.

Maybe you meant 1D.

Next time, just say DSLR so you don't sound silly and ignorant. Furthermore, who cares what camera they use to take photos of their food? It's not like they have a fat closet of cameras for appropriate occasions. "yes, well, hm. this bistro is only worthy of my T3i.. not nearly the delight from last month that beckoned forth my M9"

Sincerely, /p/.

>> No.3698019


I like you.

>> No.3698080

The fucking designer cupcakes and stupid "chai tea lattes" are the only things that really get me irate.
The rest, quinoa and whatever, I don't really care.

But you have people devoting their lives and businesses to work on piling shortening and syrup on top of oversugared shit, and "discovering new tastes in chai tea lattes" without knowing what the fuck they're doing, what they're actually saying, and how they're plain wrong.
All for the sake of being unique.

That irks me to no end.

>> No.3698088

i don't hate them, but flavored iced teas are getting out of hand

>> No.3698101

>Wine pairings with everything

times a fucking billion.

Need to sell a shit product? "Velveeta pairs well with a nice Cabernet"

>> No.3698142

>chai tea latte
what the hell is that?
isn't that just chai with milk? isn't that how it's normally served?

>> No.3698157

in this case, it's chai concentrate with milk.

>> No.3698179


That's silly. Wine makes food better, and vice versa.

I don't think anyone ever suggests a wine with velveeta. On the other hand, if you're going to a nice restaurant and skimping on wine, you're missing half the experience.

>> No.3698195

there are many cuisines that weren't developed with wine
people arguing about if a red or white goes with korean, it's silly
plus, wine has a strong flavor
why is wine the one magical flavor that matches everything?

>> No.3698196

wine doesnt really even taste good most of the time, its one of those bullshit things like tea and tobacco where most of the time it tastes like shit but you are just supposed to "appreciate" the different flavors. the fact that wet dog and rotten egg are flavors not uncommonly used to describe wine qualities should attest to this

>> No.3698197

Multi-grain bread and pasta

I guess it's easier to see fads if you don't like them. I have a very sensitive digestive system and can't digest multi-grain shit without getting sick.
I like bakery bread like baguettes, focaccia, ciabatta, and even other regular breads like rye or marble.
The whole "if you don't eat 12grain everything you're an unhealthy babby" thing is annoying to someone like me.

>> No.3698198


If you don't know, you will.


>> No.3698212

>I'm better than you, but can't tell you why.

>> No.3698217

frenchfag there.
current fad on biscuits is "speculoos flavoured". I love speculoos but this is just retarded. if I want speculoos I buy speculoos, not speculoos flavoured chocolate, cookies, sprits or petit beurres

>> No.3698218


I can appreciate wine.

That's why I'm better than you.

>> No.3698254

wine is magic
it's the one alcoholic liquid that matches all foods
it's the one strong flavor that goes with everything

>> No.3698458

Fucking cake pops

Kosher salt



Chai tea

Organic foods

>> No.3698469

One word among them all. Bacon. What is the obsession with that stuff? It's good and I definitely love it but why are people almost worshiping it these days? Makes me so mad.

>> No.3699996


Chai means tea. So saying "chai tea" is retarded.
Chai (at least in real masala chai) is made with milk, otherwise it wouldn't be called chai.

So people who say "chai tea latte" are saying the same thing three times in succession.

>> No.3700023

"chai" translates as "tea".

every time you say "chai tea" you're just saying "tea tea".

>> No.3700046

Truffles aren't a fad, they're one of the most delicious things on earth.

[nospoilersforco/ck/les]They taste like vajayjay[/nospoilersforco/ck/les]

>> No.3700051

That Garlic+Onion trend

>>Been goin for 1000+ years now
>>Maybe dyin' out soon

>> No.3700053

"Chai tea" is the common term in many English dialects for masala chai. It's a dialectual/linguistic fuckup, but good luck getting rid of it.

>> No.3700066

fuck you all.

im a non gay person who started eating organic, non-gmo and non-processed foods long before it became a fad.

>> No.3700090

nah your pretty gay, somebody told you a bunch of nonsense and you believed it, youre a fad follower even if you were one of the first

>> No.3700147

I really like Stacy's pita chips, but their commercials make me want to hate them. They claim it takes 10+ hours to make a single batch. bull-shitting-shit. You'd go out of business in a goddamned month with that method.

>> No.3700154
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I lol'd. Thanks, brah.

>> No.3700157


you realize a lot of food and drinks are aged for years before being sold, why is 10 hours so hard to believe?