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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 400x342, tuna-casserole-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3684020 No.3684020 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Horrible food your parents made that you never have to eat again because you moved out.
>Pic related, tuna casserole is shit

>> No.3684025

>not having parents that would make whatever you wanted

>> No.3684031
File: 31 KB, 608x451, royswinnertitle1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything baked in cream of mushroom soup or cream of chicken soup.

It got to the point that when I would just accept the fact I was going to go to bed hungry each night that I would see her cooking it when I got home from school. That shit is horridly bland, and the sodium from the soup sucks all of the moisture from the meat.

>> No.3684033

Maybe it's because they're foreign to me and non-xenophobic people tend to glorify that which is foreign, but I really, really like American casseroles.
Tuna/tuna-noodle, chicken divan (especially curried divan!), cheeseburger pie and others.
I really rather like them.

>> No.3684039

I always liked my parents cooking.

>> No.3684045

>not turning Tuna Casserole into a phenomial feast
>fuck off and get creative, nigger. Also, be thankful your parents fed your worthless ass.

Fresh egg noodles tossed in a homemade white sauce made with pinot gris, pecorino, pearl onions and lemon zest. Topped with an oregano, mint and black pepper crusted ahi steak that has been cold smoked then seared over a hardwood fire. Grow up, faggot.

>> No.3684047


Ugh. My mother's recipe was a pound of ground meat, a can of cream of something (mushroom, chicken, asparagus), a pound of frozen veg (broccoli, green beans, carrots, cauliflower, or more likely "blend"), and a batch of pasta or rice, then bake with breadcrumbs on top.

I don't understand why she was surprised when I started cooking my own food at 10.

>> No.3684055

My dad went travelling for a few years and stayed in India for a while, so this naturally meant he could make curry.

I mean, I say "make curry" I mean "put a bunch of vegetables into a pot and make a watery barely-spiced mess including brussel sprouts in the mix for some goddamn reason". Christ. I sort of want to go back in time and get some pictures.

>> No.3684056

anything with ground beef

>> No.3684060

>tilapia....all the time
>shitty steaks (well done)
>burnt pizza
>kalamata olives everywhere....dafuq we arent greek

>> No.3684062

Similar. My ex always made curry chicken with couscous and it was never that good. Whenever I smell or taste curry now I think of that asshole. Bad feel.

>> No.3684104

>Mom says we are having spaghetti for dinner
>Doesn't say it comes out of Hamburger Helper box

Why can't people understand cooking from scratch anymore

>> No.3684110

Anything with tofu. Mom was a health-food junkie (she even ate those rectangles of cardboard that are labeled "health crackers") so nearly every night, it was steamed veggies, which I normally don't mind, but it was usually either broccoli or asparagus (God damnit, woman, those are my two LEAST favorite vegetables in the world) with some sort of baked/roasted meat. Generally the meat was awesome, because mum makes a damn good roast beef, but she can't cook pork to save her life. She'd always buy those Hormel pork loaves, you know the ones that have triple the lethal dose of salt, questionable amounts of fat, and have been soaking in what appears to be sewer water? Yeah, those, all the time.

I'm also very confused as to what her definition of "health food" is.

>> No.3684112

ew, I bet you grew up to be a fat, spoiled, asshole. Great parenting there.

>> No.3684121

>not cooking your own food as a kid

Maybe it was just because I lived with a single mom who worked long hours, but I'm glad for it.

>> No.3684123

CHICKEN:My mother used to make baked chicken that was so dry and unflavored. Just thinking about it now makes my throat dry. Also, terrible bbq chicken (in the oven-like hockey pucks). I still can not eat chicken cacciatore because of her. Dad was on a special diet so we couldn't use saturated fats in our cooking but I can't imagine that would make it impossible to cook chicken.

>> No.3684129

Well done steak.

>> No.3684134

My dad was really good with a grill and my mom was pretty good with everything else.

The only thing is she liked to put herbs and spices in everything for the sake of putting herbs and spices in everything.

Copious amounts of cinnamon in spaghetti (that includes meat) just isn't good.

>> No.3684137



>> No.3684141
File: 49 KB, 300x345, 1337436865726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre-made shit in bags or cans you just heat up. They don't give a shit about how food tastes apart from the fact that if I prepared it I wasn't allowed to add any herbs or spices to it. They like it bland.

I seriously fucking hate that shit now. I can't eat it.

>> No.3684145

That's shit's pretty decent, honestly.

>> No.3684155

You never done that?

Next time you make a spaghetti meat-sauce, add cinnamon. I love that shit.

Me too! I never had tuna casseroles and stuff like that as a kid, and I think they are pretty delicious and straight-forward to make.

I can't really contribute anything to this thread, I like almost anything and certainly anything my mom ever made for me. But then, we were poor, so there wasn't much of a choice.

>> No.3684158


>> No.3684160

Can't say I've ever had a GOOD tuna casserole. They're all usually bland. I have to add salt and hot sauce just to make it palatable. Never tried making it myself, but it always seems like it's missing something.

>> No.3684175

I started cooking 5/7 dinners a week at an early age and my mother tought me the basics. Non the less:

>well done stake.

Also saw "fast food nation" the other day so:

>any meatproduct where i cant see what the hell it is.

>> No.3684177

That is one fucking awful Tuna Casserole. Is my family the only one that knows how to make a good tuna casserole? Peas have no place, nor do bread crumbs. Step up motherfuckers.

>> No.3684179

1 well done steak (I give them shit for it pretty often though)
2 beef roast (dad's favorite meal - ate it so often i hate it)
3 chicken (parents insist it needs to cook 40 mins at least)
4 steamed green beans (the sound they make against my teeth makes me want to kill EVERYTHING)
5 anything that can be cooked in a crock pot
6 meatloaf (aka ketchup bread)
7 scrambled eggs (fucking hate them now)
8 roast beef (cold roast beef/mayo sammiches in my lunch every day for years. wont touch the stuff now)
9 pea soup (would skip dinner every time we had this)

most of the stuff wasn't that bad, and I would generally eat it anyways, but it just sucks knowing that it could fairly easily be made so much better

>> No.3684183


According to the song, "Tuna, Noodles, Celery, Soup-mushroom, and chips"

Which is actually OK, if it's a low sodium cream of mushroom soup.

>> No.3684187

I've never heard the song but celery has no place. Tuna, Noodles, Chips, Mushroom soup, black pepper. Distinct layers, bake until delicious.Should be simple enough for an american not to fuck up.

>> No.3684199
File: 44 KB, 600x446, omelette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My Mom made this every Sunday for breakfast and on nights my Dad worked late.

C'mon who mixes eggs, lobster and caviar? So fucking glad to cook for myself.

>> No.3684201

>She'd always buy those Hormel pork loaves, you know the ones that have triple the lethal dose of salt, questionable amounts of fat, and have been soaking in what appears to be sewer water? Yeah, those, all the time.
Dear god do I know what you're talking about and how. Those are awful, and my mom still cooks them. The last time I visited her she cooked a teriyaki one and made "Japanese rice" with it (white rice cooked with chopped up celery, white onion, and strange brown things I assume were shredded Steak-Umms by texture, color, and flavor.)

The big thing I don't miss is frozen pizza. The only time we'd ever eat actual delivered pizza was when guests were over and she didn't feel like "cooking". Until I was about 12 I didn't even know you could make a pizza from scratch. That and how she would put plastic wrap over an entire head of cauliflower, put it in the microwave to "steam" it, and then take it out and dump a molten American cheese/milk blend "sauce" over it.

>> No.3684207

This. Make this every few weeks, and it is fucking delicious. I use kettle chips on top because I am a fancy fucker.

Trying to figure out how to substitute for mushroom soup, if only because I have a heart condition and that shit is like 800% your daily dose of sodium.

>> No.3684208

The tuna casserole looks good. I guess your parents made it too often.

>> No.3684209


Now I just tell people I'm allergic to it.

>> No.3684212

nigga u cereal

>> No.3684214

Pea soup
Hot dogs/sausages/deli meat with cheese or peppers in the meat
Yams in anything by pie
Baked goods from box mixes
Cheese soup
Anything with a light-colored sauce
Three veggie mix
Pork chops

>> No.3684216

>well done
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's the shittiest thing ever.

>> No.3684219
File: 25 KB, 400x300, mince and tatties day 2_800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mince and tatties.

dont give a fuck if it is a traditional dish.i fuckin hate mince n tatties.reminds me of the 70's and chrystler being on strike erryfuckinweek.

poor fag times for our family.

take 1 pound of mince and one finely chopped onion
fry till browned
add 1 stock cube and 1/2 pint of water
bring to the boil
add 2 pounds of cubed ,boiled potatoes
add tinned peas and tinned carrots
simmer till the potatoes go slightly mushy

cheap fast poorfag food.

oh and cambells meatballs , if we didnt get mince n tatties we got fuckin cambells meatballs.

i can not convey the amount of hatred i have for cambells meatballs.

>> No.3684235

Cereal like Kellog's.


>> No.3684245


Faith in humanity plunging.

>> No.3684246

Sounds familiar. My family wasn't even poor, but my parents' childhood homes had been, so they absolutely refused to invest in anything and instead "saved for the rainy day". For us it was pyttipannu, yesterday's boiled potatoes pan-fried with onion, vegetables and hotdog quality sausage or tinned meat.

To be honest, it didn't get much better even on the few times they bought proper ingredients. My mother's speciality was baked pork chops in tomato sauce. Dear god, it was canned tomatoes, chopped onions, vinegar, salt and copious amounts of black pepper. Everyone had a heartburn for the rest of the day after those sunday meals. Poor ma, when she finally started to notice how everyone secretly resented her "best dish", she got really depressed for a while.

>> No.3684248

Welcome to the club. My faith in humanity vaporized when I found out how popular disgusting cheese is. Even before I knew how cheese is produced, I suppose instinct kept me from enjoying eating mold.

>> No.3684252

No; seriously, die. You not existing anymore would improve the human species appreciably, despite the dilution of your heresy into seven billion people.

Cheese is delicious, and not liking it is proof positive that you are of inferior character.

>> No.3684254

I would think that tastes good, but I don't have the best palate.

My meal would be a variant of shit on a shingle. Creamed chipped beef on mashed potatoes.


>> No.3684259

Of course, not wanting to eat moldy, fattening food makes me an inferior being. If you want to keep telling yourself that, I wish you the best.

As long as you keep your smelly cheese to yourself, of course.

>> No.3684268

my father's method of cooking was to put meat (4/5 times chicken breasts) on a baking sheet and cook it until it was done through
no vegetables, no sauces, just a little salt and pepper
nice guy, but he cant cook

>> No.3684287


Hot pockets
boiled hot dogs
jarred tomato sauce, namely Ragu brand.
burnt bacon, dry eggs and dry pancakes
lowest tier brand of any given condiments
Hungry man tv dinners

Lots of other dog shit I'd rather not remember. Yes, I'm aware some of you peasants like some of the stuff listed, but I fucking don't.

>> No.3684289

My mom used to cook salmon in the microwave. That smell will haunt me for the rest of my life.

>> No.3684295

brussel sprouts and butter beans in burritos and chilli.

Seriously when I moved out my dad bought me 5 tins of butter beans and a fucking huge bag of sprouts. I threw them at snot nosed teens on halloween.

>> No.3684298

lmao at your dad thinking he was setting you up with a supply of good ol' mom's cooking. Almost sad.

>> No.3684307

my mom never cooked a day in my life, dad just never seemd to get that I loathe butter beans and brussel sprouts in all forms.

19 years and you think he would have twigged.

>> No.3684332

ITT: Spoiled children who had parents who provided food for them.

Growing up in the orphanage, I had to beg and sometimes do unspeakable things just to get a bowl of gruel.

>> No.3684345
File: 29 KB, 464x332, you-mad-bro-he-mad-son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you had a shit childhood does not mean anyone is obligated to feel sorry for you or feel better about their own.

You're probably lying anyway.

>> No.3684347

My mother makes good unlike you faggots.

>> No.3684353

My mom used to make this haggard broccoli and chicken casserole that consisted of shredded chicken breast that was days old, some broccoli, and mayonnaise. Maybe a little milk if she was feeling up to it. Fucking gross. I hate mayonnaise and mystery meats because of this casserole. Oh and the time she put kraft singles on top of the lasagna because she ran out of cheese. Bleh. This was my mother's only real attempt at American cooking.

>> No.3684373
File: 149 KB, 800x600, reactionfacecat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this was my mother's only real attempt at American cooking

Do people really think that would be a typical Amerifag meal? What the fuck.

>> No.3684377

Alright, Oliver Twist.

>> No.3684396

Grilled chicken where the meat was still pinkish.
Medium rare steaks when I liked them medium well.

Every meal was a meat and two (frozen and cooked in the microwave) vegetables. It wasn't that bad actually. We NEVER had pizza. My Dad thought it was "poison" because he was on a diet.

My Mom made the best tuna casserole and the best meatloaf. My Dad was pretty good at cooking steaks but the chicken was always undercooked.

>> No.3684406

You have to be at least 60-70 years old because orphanages haven't existed since the 60s.

You should have gone with foster kid.

>> No.3684419

oh god shit on a shingle, my mother made that, that's definitely my choice for this thread. so terrible.

>> No.3684420
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>health conscious mom
>uses margarine instead of butter or oil
>obsessed with using as little fat as possible in anything, making everything taste weak as shit if you don't want to overspice it
>only very few meat based meals a week
>most of the time I'd come home from school and she had prepared some weird noodle and veggie crap made from leftovers
>tons of shit not allowed for dinner because apparently it's bad to eat this and that shortly (as in five motherfucking hours) before going to sleep
Thank God I can cook whatever I want now and eat it whenever I want. I love my mom, but she's a food nazi.

>> No.3684434

>well done meat
>every single time

Everyone in my family ordered it rare to medium rare in restaurants, but my parents could not once bring themselves to make a steak or burger that wasn't brown throughout and dry as fuck.

>> No.3684449

Orphanages still exist in Murrica. They are all run at the state level but your stay there will probably be a shitload shorter than back in the day. They typically place you in foster/volunteer homes pretty quicky, but if you are a fuck up, they will tend to keep you in their dorms and maybe you visit a foster family that just wants weekend kids (very smart imho). They will not keep shuffling you around because it pisses off the foster families, and it results in the kid having to jump from school to school, or be bussed to a central school in the area at much expense.

>> No.3684455

I wasn't a picky eater.

There's hardly anything I wouldn't eat so my mom was cool with it when I didn't want something considering I ate like 98% of stuff she made.

>> No.3684481

Anything hamburger helper, and the creme de la creme, some beef fucking stroganoff she once tried to make with beets that looked smelled and tasted liked pepto bismol. ugh.

>> No.3684828


What's the difference between beef roast and roast beef?

>> No.3684838

Boiled steak, boiled potatoes, scaulped potatoes, soups and stews without any salt in them, gruel.

>> No.3684841

a roast of beef vs. sliced deli roast beef sandwich meat

>> No.3684842

similar with my mum, except it would be sitting in the pan for about half an hour and refused to cook mine blue or rare for me. It was like eating a piece of thick carpet with too much salt.
Did the same to pork chops you couldn't even bite through them.

Plus my dad hates all seafood and lamb, which I love so I can make as much of that shit I like. And have my steaks blue.

>> No.3684845

Liver and onions. Just what any eight-year old wants.

I know! Let's make a meal out of the part of the cow that filters the poisons they eat from the grass!


>> No.3684863

My parents mostly ruined pork chops and bell peppers for me.

I was fed that almost every day for years. Took me years before I could eat any kind of pork after I moved out, only recently will I eat bacon again. I don't think I'll ever like pork chops though. The shitty texture, yuck.

And hating the shit out of bell peppers really fucks you up since everyone and their mother loves to cook with them.

Oh well.

That's why I cook for myself now.

>> No.3684883
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Hamburger gravy on mashed potatoes. It was grey and tasted like shite. The only reason I didn't like it was the shit meat that we had, because that year, the morons down the road decided it would be a fine idea to save money and feed the slaughter calves pellets instead of corn. All of my rage.

And a slightly offtopic..
While I lived with my older sister and her husband, we were all hungry and was going to order a pizza.. but their two bratlings were being complete douchebags. Not listening, throwing tantrums.. so instead of a pizza, dearest brother in law decided to cook canned spinach and hamburger helper. Oh, you should've heard the screaming. It actually wasn't half bad if you mixed it together..

>> No.3684907

I like tuna casserole. Maybe my mom is better than yours.

Yes, that must be it.

>> No.3684914


My mom must have this notion that anything worth
cooking is worth over cooking. I ate well done streaks
every bbq for the first 14 years of my life, then my dad
"under cooked" my steak one day. Discovered the joys of
rare steak. Also my mom cooks scrambled eggs until
they are almost brown. Does not understand the concept
of keeping the egg moving.

>> No.3684917

My dad was raised poor in West Texas and South Arizona by an alcoholic Texan and a teenage mother from Oklahoma. As a kid he had nothing but homemade because snacks and soda and TV dinners were too expensive. He cooks good Tex Mex. He's too lazy and impatient to make much else, though. His dessert attempts are terrible because he just takes everything on the list and mixes it and wonder's why it doesn't turn out.

My mom was raised poor in North Texas by two Midwesterners; Iowa to be specific. Food up there is terrible. My grandpa won't cook since that's womens work, and my grandma learned how to cook after she married. Meaning she read the back of the Campbell's Soup can. So, my mom has no basis for cooking well either. Lots of made up recipes (EX: Beef Stroganoff - sour cream, cream of mushroom soup, ground beef, canned mushrooms and pearl onions, on white rice). Lots of frozen shit.

Once I turned like 14 I took over cooking duties, as long as it's not Tex Mex night.

>> No.3684921

Liver is delicious faggot.
Learn 2 cook.
Especially battered + fried chicken liver.

>> No.3684925

I fucking love liver and onions, but it has to have smoked bacon, and be served in gravy with mashed potatoes. Perfection is when it is crock pot roasted with dumplings!

However, ox-liver is an acquired taste, lambs liver is delicious, and pigs liver is something inbetween!

>> No.3684926
File: 232 KB, 1600x1200, bittermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My family is chinese, and my mom loved making this beef-stuffed bitter melon dish.

I hated it because I was a kid, and it was bitter (duh), but now I'm an adult and have a more refined palette I actually miss it somewhat.

>> No.3684928

>pork chops every day for years

Enjoy short life.

>> No.3684929

not going to lie man, not sure if that image looks delicious or

>> No.3684931

amazing combination. Add some garlic in there and lemon juice. I grew up off the stuff. Started eating when i was 7. Sure it was nasty at first, but acquired tastes are what they are. High in protein and keeps you healthy.

>> No.3684933
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I know, it's awful. I was raised on shitty food, but I'm trying to make up for it in my adult life.

>> No.3684935

I was raised on fries, instant pasta and minced meat in various forms.
Now, I like these things, but unfortunately being raised on a shitty diet and with mostly pork have made me unaccustomed to "good" food, and beef meat. I'd rather have a pork chop than a filet mignon.

Oh, and fuck Mackerel in tomato sauce. That shit has been stinking up the fridge during my whole youth, I still can't stand it, makes me nauseous.

>> No.3684937

>missing a food rather than getting off ass and making it to have again.

>> No.3684946
File: 97 KB, 376x375, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... huh. To be honest, that looks like a strangely interesting thing to try out. Your mother's everyday cooking is something extremely exotic to me, funny enough.

>> No.3684955

My mom was actually a pretty good cook. Everyone was pretty picky in my family, but she managed to cook healthy meals that everyone enjoyed.

>> No.3684969

My mother's an excellent cook, but every now and then she pulled out this recipe for some Tuna Broccoli Casserole. Fucking nastiest shit.

>> No.3684984
File: 69 KB, 800x622, Linguine with Clam Sauce 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clam linguine. fucking hated it, she cooked it all the time. everything else she made sucked too tho

>> No.3684986
File: 46 KB, 400x394, chicken tagine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mom always used to make chicken tagine.

Shit was glorious. Kinda miss it. Especially the sauce/spices she used.

>> No.3685002

About 90% of what my mom made was somewhere between tolerable and delicious.

And then...

Then there were the experiments.

>> No.3685020
File: 55 KB, 500x500, shakenbake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This horse anus garbage right here, hate me all you want but when you're poor as fuck and you get shake n bake every night for a week straight you grow to hate it.

So very much.

>> No.3685026

Most of what my mom made was pretty good.

But her hamburgers sucked. Overly thick patties that were broiled, and the only condiment was mayonnaise.

>> No.3685035

I ate pretty well with my parents, honestly. My dad's an amazing cook.

I was never that wild about my mom's stir fry or pork chops though. The stir fry was always red bell pepper (I hate cooked pepper) and leftover tough, dry steak that was then re-cooked until it took jaw-aching effort to eat. The pork chops were always bland and dry. Not a culinary nightmare or anything, I just hate eating really tough, overcooked meat.

>> No.3685052
File: 44 KB, 300x305, red-meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a vegetarian.

>> No.3685053


Fucking tuna noodle casserole, never again. My dad LOVED it and I have no idea why.

>> No.3685074

My mother is a great cook and my meals were home cooked every night and generally amazing. But her beef stroganoff was some dastardly shit to do to a child.

>> No.3685081

General vegetarianism. That's how my parents cooked.
I spent my childhood sickly and was not unfamiliar with hospitals.
Finally get out of there going to college in another state. Changed my diet to NORMAL, and got healthy.
Now in my 30's I have a degree in psychology but work as a foreman in housing construction. I haven't seen or heard from my parents in years.

>> No.3685088
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>> No.3685103


And the "shittiest taste in the thread" award goes to...YOU.

>> No.3685106
File: 31 KB, 500x500, Birds Eye - frozen Pepper Stir Fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frozen stir fry. Bland and tasteless.

>> No.3685111

Very much this. My mother's tuna noodle casserole was awesome, but I don't know what was up with her and all the lazy frozen food.

I still ate it without complaint, though, because I'm not an ungrateful bitch. But I will say I had every incentive to learn how to cook myself.

>> No.3685114

My dad used to buy frozen pizzas and three large onions, hotdogs, and other crap. He'd chop the onions up pile it in the center of the pizza and toss the hotdogs along the edges. He also assumed all frozen food is cooked before being packaged. Every time we had frozen seafood I avoided eating dinner. He would also mix what ever we had in the fridge into a pot and make random ass soup. Most of the time tasted like ass.

>> No.3685120

> bitter melon
> bitter
You can make it not bitter, of course. You know the common method of salting it then adding hot water? That makes it /more/ bitter.
Salt it, then add /cold/ water. Like... ice cold.
Anyway, my nanny cooked stuffed bitter melon. Hers was stuffed with pork, though, rather than beef.

>> No.3685122

Other than the traditional always medium-well steaks and shitty prepackaged meals

>My dad's specialty
>Buys frozen bargain salmon cuts from the store
>Heats raw salmon in the microwave for like 15 minutes or so
>Puts together a salad consisting of iceberg lettuce, shredded mexican cheese, sunflower seeds, tomatoes
>Drowned in bleu cheese
>Puts the chopped up salmon in the salad and stirs it up

Oh dear, I remember the smell. That damn smell.

>> No.3685123

I'd probably eat 90% of what is posted in this thread.
You guys are spoiled brats.

>> No.3685136

THIS TIMES A MILLION. even when i come home I have to eat exactly what that picture shows...never again

>> No.3685139

It's not a thread for things you refused to eat, just things you didn't enjoy eating.

>> No.3685143

no kidding hey? i would have been fucking stoked for any of this. be glad your parents are willing to cook for your lazy asses, if you don't like it make your own dinner. jfc

>> No.3685150

>tfw you never learned your mother's cooking and now have to put up with inferior food for the rest of your life

>> No.3685159

You know, it wouldn't be so bad if it weren't got the god damn carrots.
I don't even dislike carrots, I'm quite fond of them but the moment you put them in a stew EVERYTHING else suddenly tastes bitter and shit.

>> No.3685175

They wouldn't let me.

>> No.3685400
File: 65 KB, 600x400, 2cceffa2375643e89c16125516368254[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate rice with impurities in it.

I want my rice white

>> No.3685494
File: 79 KB, 658x492, 3479979-Plats_du_Chef_Escargot_in_Brioche_Leo_Carrillo_State_Beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was my Dad's goal to feed me things he knew I'd hate so he could give me shit about it. Breaded microwavable escargot is the worst meal I can remember. I didn't know what it was beforehand, and on top of that they were undercooked and still partially frozen inside. Still haunts me to this day.

>> No.3685513

Honestly, nothing. My mom worked quite a bit and often didn't have time to cook a dinner every night. She'd usually use Sundays to cook up a bunch of pasta, rice, chicken, steak, etc. that we could then keep in the fridge and use as needed during the week. She knew the value of protein in terms of keeping someone full, and so we always had plenty of meat and dairy in the house. It worked out well: she didn't have to do as much work during the week, and I learned how to fend for myself regarding meal preparation. Oh, and she had an amazing spaghetti sauce recipe that I never got sick of because it was so damn delicious.

>> No.3685514

Stew, my mom's fucking sew God bless her. She always let the lentils burn, I don't think she ever browned the beef or the onions before sticking them in the pot, it was bland at best, and gross from the burnt lentils at worst. She is a sub-medeocre cook but generally managed to cook things that tasted alright except the fucking stew.

The worst part about the stew is she cooked it in a HUGE pot so there was always leftover stew FOREVER.

Last time I went home and she had made it my brother, sister and step-dad and I all exchanged nervous glances when my mom mentioned how she was making the stew we all "love so much"

>> No.3685532

This...so much THIS. Well done is the only way my family would eat steak. It was like chewing on leather.

>> No.3685535


Would you have preferred starving?

>> No.3685548

the only thing i can really complain about is that my grandma only ever made one type of pasta, angel hair spaghetti all the time. Still like pasta, but i can't eat spaghetti, especially angel hair.

>> No.3685550

If it was steak night or meat loaf night, I just ate whatever was cooked along side it instead like the veggies or potatoes. So, I wasn't going to starve. I just really hated the main dish.

>> No.3685552

Old El Paso taco kits. I know they're so popular but trust me if your parents made them 3-4 times a week for a year you would agree they're so nasty.

Also McCain rising crust pizza.

>> No.3685554

i used to like my moms cooking. then i moved out and had to learn how to cook on my own.

and holy shit, now that i know how to cook, looking back her food was fucking awful.

pretty much everything she made was shit tier and over salted. i make some of the same stuff she used to cook, but i've learned how to do it the right way.

one of the worst things she made was steaks baked in the oven covered in worchshire sauce and salt. blegh.

also, frozen chicken breasts baked in cheap kraft bbq sauce. blegh.

everything she made was served with kraft macaroni and cheese and the cheapest canned vegetables. her bread was sliced bread toasted and covered in margarine. blegh.

>> No.3685605

oh thank god. i thought i was a weirdo for doing the same thing.

my most hated dish would have to be this fucking chinese 'sour vegetable' noodle soup that my mom always liked to order. i didn't have to eat it but it fucking stank; it smelled like feet and just rancid, sour shit. the stuff tasted like battery acid. like fucking cancer. it is one of the worst things i have ever eaten and my mother would fucking order this shit again and again and then she has the nerve to complain about my fucking cooking when i use some spice she's not familiar with (by name; if it's in a chinese dish, then it's delicious). fucking ugh. she's the type who screams at the top of her lungs THAT"S NOT HOW YOU COOK X if i just change one ingredient... granted, i put cinnamon in tomato sauce but hey that shit is delicious -and amazingly, that never got a complaint.

>> No.3685645


taco kits are tasty, bro. old el paso is good, but i like the taco bell kits better. you can get your taco bell fix without having to worry about what kind of meat you are eating. i usually use ground bison, and its delicious. my mom cooked taco kits alot too, i sort of make them for nostalgia now but i use better toppings and ingredients.

>> No.3685648

>granted, i put cinnamon in tomato sauce but hey that shit is delicious
nutmeg is pretty commonly used. a lot of people don't like it though.

>> No.3685653

Didnt read thread. Don't care. Chop a few anchovies and/or green olives and toss em in the casserole. When its done, grab a fuckin giant handful of salt n vinegar chips and dump them on the top.

>> No.3685654


My moms meatloaf smelt so fucking bad! I couldn't even be inside the house while she was cooking it.

I think this was the main ingredients of it:
>ground beef
>soy sauce
>worshire sauce
>anything else that she could throw in it that was in the fridge.

She would cook it in the microwave...

>> No.3685708
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Both of my parents were excellent cooks who liked to experiment. However, after my father's death, my mom went through a vegetarian/health food phase that was godawful.

>unseasoned steamed vegetables with watery mash

After she got together with this asshole and they moved in together, she seemingly forgot 90% of her cooking skills, so the choice of meals is down to

>greasy beef stew (goulasch)
>pepper stew
>thick potato/peas soup
>potato and beef casserole
>pasta with mash

4/5 she'll make one of the above. Thankfully I have long since moved out, seeing my mom who I know for a fact to be an excellent and enthusiastic cook throw away her skills for this asswipe is just too sad.

>> No.3685743
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well I guess..
>cooked it in the microwafe

>> No.3685895

My mom may have been the worst cook on earth, however, this could not have been told to her, or she would actually end up hitting you with something.

So there's this one time she tried to replicate my aunt's fried chicken, it's incredibly delicious and spicy. It's akin to korean chicken wings. If you've ever had those, you know the crispy delicious goodness that they are. Anyways, she ends up somehow fucking up fried chicken. I'm not sure how that's possible, but she does it. FROZEN in the middle, still raw and bloody, i tell her they're not nearly as good and that they aren't cooked all the way. What does she do? Forces me at knifepoint to eat them all. Half frozen, half raw in the middle. I get food poisoning, i'm called a retard for eating it... rinse and repeat for about a year.

She once stuffed a turkey with a jar of spaghetti sauce. No joke, we had busted glass in our turkey one year. Apparently she saw someone make beer can chicken and thought "fuck it, prego will work fine."

I don't know how she did this but once she fucked up ramen. I don't know how or why but she dumped half a jar of spaghetti sauce into it because "they're noodles dammit!"

My dad was the complete opposite, taught me everything i know about cooking.

So i'm allergic to zucchini, what does mom make every fucking night for dinner? Tomato saucer with zucchini.

>Hey mom, i'm allergic
>You're just a whiny brat
>Okay mom, but i think i'll die or something if i eat this
>eat it.
>End up in hospital for throat swelling.
>Be called moron for being forced to eat zucchini when i know i'm allergic, repeat this exact same thing at the end of the week.

>> No.3685898

Oh yes, then there was the pizza fiasco. I tell my mom i'm going to make a pizza. She then claims i won't be able to do it right. Make the pizza, and it's the best homemade pizza i'd ever had. Her jealousy of this (she's full italian, can't cook for shit) goes into overdrive.

>But mom, i'm not hungy
>*pulls out knife, threatens to slit my throat if i don't eat it and tell her what i did wrong on the pizza*
>Can't find anything wrong with pizza.
>Then forced to keep making pizza after pizza until she has successfully found my screw up.

BTW, we only stopped because we ran out of flour. I made that good of a pizza.

>> No.3685904
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these big bug things

had them with every fucking meal
drawn butter was supposed to make them taste better
used to feed mine to the butler under the table so I could go watch T.V.

>> No.3685908


I have a cousin who's dad owned a wharf in new england. Had to eat lobster literally every other fucking day. Hates it now.

>> No.3685937


>> No.3685943
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burnt to fuck.

at least four nights a week.

>> No.3685953

My mum used to make a beef stew that I love now, but I absolutely loathed when I was 5 or 6. I only ate it because she somehow convinced me it was what Ninja Turtles ate.

>> No.3685974

That's adorable.

>> No.3685977
File: 23 KB, 306x227, Tellmeplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She once stuffed a turkey with a jar of spaghetti sauce. No joke, we had busted glass in our turkey one year.


My mom was also a terrible cook. Everything was out of a box and/or can, and all meat ever was over cooked to rock hard meat jerky status, even fucking fish.

Worst were the goulash nights.
>ground beef
>canned tomatoes
>canned corn
>served over mushy rice

No spices, no seasoning, nothing extra. It's not even like we didn't have anything, she had a full spice rack with dried herbs and seasonings that she never fucking used.

Another one she made was a chicken broccoli and cheese casserole.
>Cook chicken until leather
>Frozen or canned broccoli
>a metric fuckton of velveeta cheese
>like half a god damn container of miracle whip
>dump all together, put back in oven
>serve over mushy rice

>> No.3686041

Pasta all day erry day, literally. I still like it but HOLY FUCK. It was literally ANY variation of pasta for dinner every other - if not every - night; lasagna one night, ziti the next, then after that came rigatoni, then spaghetti, and then some weird-ass noodles I cannot recall to this day. At least she used homemade tomato sauce and shit.

On the plus side, I had the most bomb school lunches every single day. She often brought catered food to school and my friends were 'mirin while they consumed the deliciousness.

>> No.3686064

My mom rarely made food that I didn't like. She is a pretty good cook.

On the days she did make food I disliked, she didn't make me eat it. She let me make my own meal to eat. When I was a kid, it was just a hotdog or a can of spaghettios, but when I was about 9 I started actually cooking.

Pretty rad.

>> No.3686074

My mom's cooking is excellent when she can be arsed to actually cook, but since she's a manic depressive RN with a congenital heart disease that gives her migraines four days a week, that hardly ever goddamn happens.

There's one exception; and that's when she tries to make steak.

Done in the oven. No seasonings. Cooked shoe-leather brown and grey, every time. And it just sat there in it's juices too, so it wasn't even baked so much as boiled.

I probably wouldn't like rare meat nearly as much if I hadn't grown up with this overtough, flavorless beef-slab on my plate one night a week.

The really shitty thing is, you can't tell her anything is bad. I have no idea why moms get like this, but it seems like there's this class of mother who will not be criticized on their cooking no matter what.

I'd imagine it was from some ancient paleolithic idea of what a wife and mother is supposed to be, but my mom is as liberal and empowered as you can be without turning into a total cunt, yet she still has this /thing/ about cooking.

>> No.3686079

>mom is obese
>gets gastric bypass
>eats the same gains weight back
>she feeds us tons of shit, frozen lasagna, frozen pot pies, hamburger helper

>dad is slim, athletic, extremely active
>has heart attack at 45 due to shit cholesterol genetics
>completely changes everything in the house
>fresh veg all the time, limited red meat intake
>no more frozen dinners, soda, or junk food
>complete turn around, blood work is fine with just 1 medication and clean eating

I fucking love going home, because I know my Dad is going to have awesome meals planned all the time, too bad my Mom doesn't eat with the family and prefers having some starbucks monstrosity instead of food.

>> No.3686114

How the fuck did your dad tolerate a woman who holds her kids up by knifepoint?

>> No.3686119

More importantly, how the fuck did your dad tolerate a woman who can't cook?

>> No.3686181
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>> No.3686183

He's lying on the internet.

>> No.3686305


Didn't live in the same country at the time. He was working in Japan and was doing humanitarian aid missions to Afghanistan at the time (i'm half afghan, half italian). Believe it or not, it probably wouldn't even matter. In Afghan culture this is actually kind of normal, the funny thing being that my mom's not Afghan at all. She also suffered from munchausen syndrome as well. Lady was crazy. Ended up dying when i was 18. Not a single fuck was given.


I'm not, actually. I left home when i was 15.

>> No.3686414

Please tell me you're not Muslim.............

>> No.3686426

>ITT: Ungrateful little shits.

>> No.3686428

I guess it's nice to be defensive for one's parents and all, but... when someone is a shit cook, they are a shit cook. No way around it. And shit cooks waste food. There's no excuse.

>> No.3686477

Here's the thing: I love liverwurst and pate (can't find the accented e on this keyboard) but beef liver? Urrrrgh. Chicken livers - even bacon-wrapped - are kind of meh.

>> No.3686481

My parents aren't rednecks so I never had to eat bad foods... as a result, I have an excellent grasp of proper nutrition and am very fit.

Feels good guys.

>> No.3686508

Dad is chef, mum cooked in professional kitchens, me eats pretty much anything, happy family. Except that they broke up when i was 2 BAWWWW

>> No.3686528

My father didn't know how to cook nearly anything so he always made the same thing after my parents divorced. Now his new wife has somehow managed to get my father to actually cook tasty things.

>> No.3686950


No, i'm not muslim. I'm an athiest, my mom was catholic, my dad was muslim.

>> No.3686993

My mom was an alright cook until she actually got hired to cook at an old folk's home. Then she started adding that thickener to food, throwing canned pearl onions into EVERYTHING and making pasta with blue cheese dressing as the sauce.

My husband's father was a hoarder who bought all his food in bulk from the used-food store (Job Lot) and stored it in his basement. What I thought was pepper always turned out to be these little black bugs. They have canned seafood they've since eaten that was packed in the 1970's.

>> No.3686995

I always liked my mother's cooking, though there is a couple of things I didn't like as a kid.

didn't like okra as a kid, and wasn't a fan of brothy soups. Though when I grew older it became one of my favorite meals.

>Hoghead Cheese
my parents loved it and they would bring it from the deli all the time. As a kid the name and the smell disgusted me but when I worked up the nerve to try it I actually enjoyed it very much.

I'm from Southern Louisiana btw

>> No.3687004

I used to work at A and P in the deli in Mandeville,la. That was 18 years ago and the smell of hogshead cheese makes me want to retch. even thinking about it makes me......ack

>> No.3687022

>Mom knows how to cook good food
>Dad is a terribly picky eater and will eat the exact same foods every week without trying anything different
>Had to suffer eating shitty, bland food until I started to cook for myself because my father didn't like food with taste.

>> No.3687026

>skim milk

good god, never again do I have to pour water on my cereal. Thanks mom

>> No.3687029

I'll admit the smell stills gets me
But the taste is quite delectable

>> No.3687030

Oh man, FUCK skimmed milk. It shouldn't even be a thing. Low-fat milk I can deal with, but skimmed is just slightly creamy water. Bleaaargh.

>> No.3687038

>I'm from Southern Louisiana btw

Any other completely irrelevant and pointless information you want to share with us?

>> No.3687042

It's like when you finish a glass of milk
but you want some water
so you try to reuse it
but it gets all cloudy and shit

>> No.3687053


>drink a glass of milk
>use same mug for a cup of tea
>as im pouring hot water in with the teabag, instead of the liquid being clear pre milk, its allowed some residual milk from the previous drink and became an extremely dark cloudy brown
>feel like my tea is dirty
>peace restored when more milk is added

>> No.3687067

I doubt it would be as irrelevant or pointless as a post pointing out such information...
Or for that matter, a post pointing out how you pointing out such a thing is in fact irrelevant and pointless.
>implying implications
>you're a dick
pick em both

>> No.3687101

Just rinse out the cup, dude.

>> No.3687123

YES. This is pretty much how it panned out for me, except I was 18 and my brother was cooking the steak. I had no idea that steaks could be eaten as anything less than 'well-done' and I had no idea why there was this huge cult-like following of steak lovers. I love steak so much now though.

>> No.3687148

Cabbage rolls.

'nuff said.

>> No.3687711
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This shit right here, I don't even know if it has an English name but it's fucking gross.

>> No.3687720

Those look like cabbage rolls

>> No.3687725


Yeah, that's it. My mother tongue isn't English so that's why I didn't know the name.

>> No.3687728


Oh, I just noticed the guy above my post said that. I feel dumb now.

>> No.3687732

looks like golabki, its a Polish dish. shits yummy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go%C5%82%C4%85bki

>> No.3687737

My mom was an excellent cook, so I really can't think of anything she made I didn't like. Seriously, it was all good, all the time. It's just a good thing the cooking wasn't left to my dad, though, because that man can barely use a microwave, lol, much less a stove or oven.

>> No.3687745
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Ham salad. My grandma used to make this shit ALL THE TIME. So vile.

I loved the other stuff she used to feed me as a kid though. Now the only things she ever cooks from scratch are pies and soup; my siblings and I cook for her instead.

>> No.3687756

Disgusting, fatty ham, DROWNED in cider, courtesy of my dad whenever he felt like he should be doing the cooking, which wasn't very often, thankfully. It was completely vile and he never made anything to go with it because he was retarded, and yelled at you if you asked him if he made potatoes or something to go with it or told him the ham didn't need so much fucking cider. He just had no clue how to cook meat. The weird thing is, my mom's been a pescetarian since her teen years and she cooks meat (and everything else) amazingly well.

>> No.3687761

fucking ham salad man. I will never serve that shit to my kids.

>> No.3687870
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Ratatouille. I hate tomatoes and pepperoni so this is hell's meal for me.

Pizza too.

>> No.3687950



>> No.3687954


Yeah that was my reaction too.

>> No.3688125
File: 10 KB, 265x190, 155431985643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when your mom is an amazing cook.

No cliches like all the shit in this thread

>tfw when your moving out soon.

>> No.3688157

Queich my mom made it sooo shitty, I fucking love it now. My mom said cheese doesn't burn at 350.

>> No.3688168

If I see another one of these retarded "feel" images...

>> No.3688173
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My mom's way of making pork chops
>barely any salt and pepper
>fry the meat in a pan and overcook it so it's really tough
>fill the pan with water and boil it for over 30 minutes "to make it tender"
>literally taste of nothing and with a mushy texture

>> No.3688182
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I read that in Anthony Kiedis voice

>> No.3688188

>>tfw when your moving out soon.

Oh fuck, that is like a dream come true.
I will finally be able to eat proper food.

>> No.3688191

Everything my mother makes is amazing. Even shit I don't like, such as Pasta Shells, was amazing.

I eat salads and crackers with Goat Cheese. Best thing ever introduced to me in the universe. My god I even love cheap processed Goat Cheese.

You know what I stand corrected: My mother made Tofu as an experiment. Complete, shit.

>> No.3688217

My mom made leek and potato soup once then put in ham and pureed it. Usually I like everything she cooks but it was really salty and she didn't even cook the ham. The texture was just horrible.

My step-dad is Mexican and has been trying to make sushi. Except it always ends up as badly cooked rice with imitation crab on top of it.

>> No.3688223

Used to eat that shit all the time, hated it. Now I wish I knew how to make it properly ;_;
>tfw you grew up in Morocco

>> No.3688240

I was raised as a rich kid eating Fish for nearly every meal.

I wish could eat fish everyday now...

>> No.3688278

stir fry fucking anything, good riddance.

my dad's goto recipe was "gather up any and all loose vegetables, burn them in a wok with honey"

>> No.3688296

My mom was a pretty good cook but when she failed she failed hard. She got a package of cellophane rice noodles one day and overcooked the living shit out of them so by the time they got to the table they were just this big tangle of gelatinous clear stringy shit.

She saw me making a face when she dipped in to dish it out and started to bitch at me. Then she looked at what she was pulling out of that bowl and stopped mid-sentence and just scraped it into the trash and ordered a pizza.

>> No.3688352

Undercooked meat.
Fried chicken that tastes like vomit.
I told her that once when I was six and she wouldn't stop bothering me about why I wouldn't eat it. She cried. I still feel bad about it to this day. But she did change her recipe and it became pretty delicious/not vomit anymore. So... Worth it?
Oh well. My parents are pretty okay cooks.

>> No.3689457

>Fried chicken that tastes like vomit.
OMG, i've had this too! thank goodness it wasn't my mom who made it but my god, how the hell do you even get chicken to taste like that? i wonder if it's mustard in the breading or something. fuckin weird.

>> No.3689486

My mother was an excellent cook. She was actually a chef for the vast majority of her life. But god forbid she ever let the family in on that.

Microwave meals every god damn day. Even when she said she would cook she would buy most of the stuff pre cooked at the store and just throw it all together.

The only times she cooked for real were on special occasions and holidays. And the food was fucking amazing.

I actually talked to her about it recently and she said she really regretted raising me and my brothers on junk food since she really did have the ability to make what was best for us. She probably felt really bad since my brother has diabetes , he's only 17.

>> No.3689487

Well done steak

>> No.3689511

...and that's why some people shouldn't be allowed to have children.

>> No.3689516


Similar experience. My mom was a trained chef. She refused to cook because it "just wasn't worth the effort because there were only the two of us". She would cook on holidays and special occasions, and it was godly. I ate fast food for just about every meal from 8-18.

I now live on my own and make almost everything from scratch, and it's fucking awesome.

>> No.3689519

it must serously suck having mothers that never gave a shit about you, and im not even saying this in a trollin way just, wtf, why would they do that? not worth it for their own children's health...

>> No.3689528

They're fine if done well. Most parents just never did them well. Sticking a can of cheap tuna in with some frozen veg and white sauce isn't food.

>> No.3689530

My dad used to make "curry" with Christmas leftovers.
Brussel sprout and parsnip curry....
I still hate Christmas to this day.

>> No.3689533

Cinnamon is often found in savory and meat dishes. Just in moderation. It's not supposed to taste like a fucking cinnamon bun.

>> No.3689534

ITT: Whiny little bitches.

>> No.3689542

All our food growing up was roasts with overcooked vegetables (overcooked by half an hour, you're eating shitty flavoured water at that point) with a bit of meat which was the highlight but burnt as fuck. If it didn't scratch your throat going down it wasn't done right. Meh, could have been worse

As I reached my teens my step mother apparently grew bored of this and started buying premade cheap premade junk food. Pizza/chips ect. and over cooking the shit out of that. IT SAYS HOW LONG TO COOK ON THE PACKAGE HOW DO YOU FUCK THAT UP?

>> No.3689553

Nevermind that we ate pizza and fries currently on the rare occasions mother dearest baked a dessert for us it had to be healthy. Which meant never putting sugar in cakes and using low fat spread instead of butter.

Her rhubarb crumble was legendary. Bitter as fuck with bread crumbs on top (that's what crumble is just bread crumbs, she didn't need a recipe).

>> No.3690573

My dad can't cook for shit and my mom was a decent cook but she used to make this beef dish with vegetables that was fucking disgusting. I was also a picky eater until my oldest brother returned from the Army and he taught me to cook and got me to try new foods.

>> No.3691540


This is a common occurence in kids with catholic and muslim parents.

Same with me, also atheist.

>> No.3691556


>mom crying because of a comment of a 6 year old

looks like she's not emotionally stable

>> No.3691559


Wow. So she never cared about you when raising you.

How does it make you feel?

>> No.3691573

potato + spinach + egg

who in this earth thought this was a good idea to combine those? hated it, still hate it, will never serve this to my children

>> No.3691578


Potatos ruin dishes most of the time.

Fucking pleb food.

>> No.3693396

My mom put tomatos on everything. Literally everything, and if it wasn't "ok" to put them in the food, she just sliced some raw ones and layed them on the side of the plate. I can't eat them anymore.

>> No.3693404

Is she a southern lady? Just asking because my mom's family was from the south, and we ALWAYS had a plate of sliced tomatoes and onions on the table at every single meal. Apparently it's a southern thing.

>> No.3693406

>we ALWAYS had a plate of sliced tomatoes and onions on the table at every single meal.

That sounds so good.

>> No.3693699
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My dad's homemade seafood jamabalaya, including random ass spices he found in the drawer, half cooked rice, marinara sauce, and large amounts of water.

>> No.3693709

I always liked casserole but realize now it turns to acid in your stomach and tends to be really salty.

>> No.3693720

Pretty much everything does...

>> No.3693731

Over well done steak.
Over cooked roast beef (she got better at this I love it now)
Porkchops cooked in mushroom soup. Always burnt the sauce.


>> No.3694360

I was raised shitpoor with my sister, an she did all of the cooking. She was a good cook, but expiration dates meant nothing to her. Shw never wasted anything she's bought. "This is why we cook shit, anon," she'd say. "This is why man is superior, because this heat is going to kill fucking everything in this rancid meat."

Lo, 45 minutes later we'd be eating some delicious preparation of seasoned meat and vegetables. It took getting used to, considering I knew I was eating some rancid-ass food, but she was a master at masking the taste with spices and sauces and I never got sick from it once.

>> No.3694392


sounds like she's a damn good cook, anon.

Anyone can take good stuff and make it taste good.
Takes skill to turn shit into tasty stuff that won't kill you.

>> No.3694398


Fuck mashed potatoes and hamburger gravy with a knife.

Also, my mom found a recipe for 'taco bake' on the back of a bisquick box. Taco stuff folded in to biscuit dough. Fucking sick.

Fast food and hamburger helper every other day, unless it was 'fend for yourself night' which was more common than dinner being made.

>> No.3694407


There is not a single bad thing in your post.

>> No.3694884
File: 57 KB, 448x328, [0x0]2489-634563488841280000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chicken and rice Stouffer's meal. Nastiest shit I ever put into my mouth.

>> No.3695286

>Frozen lasagna
>Chicken breasts caked in paprika and baked in a tray full of instant white rice and cream of mushroom soup
>Porkchops so overcooked that they squeaked when you cut/bit them

Everything else was pretty good, even the boxed/frozen stuff.

>> No.3695347

my dad would make pizzas where the dough had the consistency of bread and he would insist of baking it on a covered surface and drowned in EVOO so it would often turn out soggy-as-fuark, and burned to boot. EVERY TIME.

When I tried to put a frozen pizza directly on the rack he yelled at me, told me it could fall thru the cracks as it softened. WTF.

He went to a catering college and worked in the restaurant industry most his life, so frankly I think he's retarded.

>> No.3695385

All of my mom's cooking is really bad. It's only gotten worse over the years.

She continually makes a homemade banana pudding. The "pudding" is liquid and diarrhea-flavored. I ask her why it's liqudy and she says "it used to be solid when I made it years ago"


>> No.3695398

Steak! Love it now but hated it as a kid.

Parents grilled almost every day, but torched everything to well WELL done. So I grew up thinking steak was over hyped meat chunks.

....Then I moved to Texas, and had my first real steak, rare. It's now my favorite food.

>> No.3695735

Tinned anything. Tinned olives. Tinned tomatoes. Tinned tin. Peas, corn, beans, etc.

>> No.3695746


>> No.3695756

When I was like 5 my mom had to give me some kind of medicine (for what I don't even know), so she ground up the pill and put it in applesauce for me since I was to young to swallow a pill. Ever since then I can't stand applesauce.

>> No.3695771
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My mom works all the time so she would never cook. If she did it was steak baked at 350 till grey and ziti which was just rigatoni, sauce, cubed mozzerella and ricotta mixed in a pot till it came together. I ate it though, never complained. I even still make it sometimes for the nostalgia factor.

My dad was an alcoholic. On his sober nights he would cook great food, even if he didn't really know what to do. However on his drunk nights, he would assemble buttered egg noodles, peas and undercooked porkchops and pour cream of mushroom soup over them. Mom would be working and dad would be eating with his bare hands. Scooping the noodles and peas with his hand while licking the gravy off. Then he'd start cursing out someone, but I wont go any further than that. Still on his sober nights it was always a feast and great times were had.

Oh fuck, I'm tearing up now. I miss you dad.

>> No.3695775
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>> No.3695778

butthurt mom detected!!!

>> No.3695797

Do you ever get nostalgia cravings for shitty foods from your childhood, i do, my mother made this shit called Cafeteria Special, it was simple as fuck, ground beef, and a packet of onion soup mix with a bit of water and wine, over mashed(watery and under salted) potatoes and frozen corn, I make it almost once a month, just, ya know, good, and its god damn delicious. (Still use a packet of Lipton onion soup mix, just a decent red wine, fresh thyme and rosemary help a fuckload)

>> No.3695809

>if you criticize your parents' cooking it means you're ungreatful/a whiner/ a whatever

What a great philosophy. No one should ever criticize anything.

>> No.3696021
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ITT: First world problems

Seeing people bitch about what they got forced to eat, I was just thankful we had food so I ate nasty-ass tuna casserole or god forbid, mackerel patties. Being hungry for three days is not worth not eating.

>> No.3696032


Go back to Greenpeace, liberal.

>> No.3696059
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>> No.3696065


Your mom belongs behind a jail-cell. All of what she's done is profoundly criminal.

>> No.3696068

You should've called CPS on her after the zucchini incident. There's no excuse for deliberately harming your child, especially for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.3696308

Bumping this GOAT thread

My mother was actually a pretty damn good dinner cook. She's no gourmet, but she usually made everything pretty edible and halfway nutritious, even when she was using canned/processed product.

But the lunch situation growing up was always dire.
>cheapest slimy lunchmeat
>shitty store-brand wheat bread
>amerifat cheese
>no veggies suitable for sandwiches
>microwaved hotdogs
>frozen peas, always fucking peas
>more of the same when we packed lunch for school

Still living at home; she wonders why I got in the habit of eating out for lunch.

>> No.3696328

Your mother sounds like a fucking psychopath.

>> No.3696344
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This is exactly what I was going to mention. My mum is a really good cook but insists on making mince and tatties once a week, except she does it with mashed tatties. It's so fucking bland and I the texture is all gloopy and soft. I just smother it in brown sauce, salt and pepper and hope for the best.

I do like stovies made with corned beef for some reason though.

>> No.3696344,1 [INTERNAL] 
