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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 481x431, APPLE AND ONION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.25328 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to be a real show

>> No.25400
File: 196 KB, 640x360, apple and onion dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25406

I'd be ok with it if they got really weird with it

>> No.25716
File: 194 KB, 423x474, 1477468087806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They could have greenlit Infinity Train
>They chose yet another Regular Show knockoff
I hate this industry

>> No.25847
File: 41 KB, 107x128, WHATTHEFUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cartoon Network greenlit Apple and Onion and a shitty Lego Movie cartoon

>Not Infinity Train

>> No.25872



>> No.25962

It might do as bad as PPG but it at least that show has a shitton of merchandise to back it up.

>> No.25990


That artstyle reminds me of something

>> No.26004

No, it won't.

>> No.26014

Me and my sister liked it enough.

Better than that trash infinity train.

>> No.26115
File: 21 KB, 89x119, tumblr_inline_on56ckyx9P1qb55ta_100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm the only person who liked the A&O pilot

I enjoyed Infinity Train, but I obviously knew CN was not going to pick it up due to the fact that they are trashing shows similar to it. A&O could be good, but knowing the /co/ side of this board, everyone will outright ignore it.

>> No.26127

micheal kupperman?

>> No.26237

How many Regular Show knockoffs are in production now?
Seems like more than a few.

>> No.26388

>Regular show with even worse character design
I hope Nick picks up infinity train, it would be just like the time Cartoon Network stole Adventure time from them

>> No.26667

Can you all stop sucking Infinity Train's cock so fucking hard? It's good, yeah, but it's getting annoying at this point.

>> No.26694

I love the VA for Onion. He voiced Templeton in Strange Hill High, which is another underrated show.

>> No.26763

>putting what looks like a continuity-driven show on TV
Streaming is much better for those kinds of shows nowadays. Still, would be nice if Cartoon Network was the one to fund it.

What's it like?

>> No.26796

Fuck it, I enjoyed the pilot.

I hope the final show's art isn't as shit.

>> No.26810

I actually really liked the Apple and Onion pilot, so I'm pretty excited that this got picked up.

>> No.26854

It's one of those shows that's half part cringe and half part legitimate humor.

It uses puppetry for the character bases, but utilizes CGI for eye and mouth movements. The blend is at times convincing, other times very not convincing. It was a CBBC show so the humor is fairly British at times, but there are some jokes that everyone can get:

>Main characters see a massive school computer with vacuum tubing that takes up the entire room
>Mitchell: Woah! This thing is ancient!
>flicks power switch
>Windows 95 startup sound
>Templeton: Wow, windows 95. It really IS ancient!

>Templeton pulls out a chainsaw (censored as a giant pixelated shaft as a warning to not use chainsaws appears on screen)
>Uses chainsaw to make a cactus ice sculpture
>Gets called out on the safety hazard
>Templeton: Chainsaws don't kill people, Becky, people do... People wielding chainsaws
>Revs up chainsaw

>Evil Christmas elf episode
>One of the characters kills one of the elves
>"Tolkien please forgive me..."

>> No.26903



>> No.27001

Apple and Onion's pilot ended as if it was the beginning of a new adventure. I figured there would be more. It was very sweet

>> No.27030

> Actually like Apple and Onion because I'm British and got the humour
> Didn't expect it to ever get picked up
> It actually does
> Everyone hates it because it's not Infinity Train

Like, I want Infinity Train to happen too, but you're all getting mad at the wrong people.

>> No.27069

This though, Everyone thinks it's just a neo-regular show, but the humor is actually panning up to be different in many ways.

>> No.27084

It's official: CN only green lights shows with zero substance now. Given the popularity of SU and TTG, I'm not surprised.

>> No.27126

It better have a wrestling episode.
God damn it, Matt Burnett.

>> No.27127

for the last time,if infinity train is greenlit,it wont be until the end of this year
>Apples and oranges pilot:May 2016
>Infinity Train Pilot:November 2016
So just wait a few months

>> No.27175

Happy Appy gets adapted?

>> No.27259

It's not a bad show honestly. It's regular show, but with people 4chan can actually relate with.

>> No.28476

But the characters are completely unlikeable manchildre- Oh, I see what you mean.