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21124277 No.21124277 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on aerosolized duck fat?

>> No.21124279

i don't see the point

>> No.21124281

i don't understand aerosolized anything desu. Except feembraps of course, were this possible.

>> No.21124308
File: 25 KB, 480x360, cHNFGTGStk94fDLmEJpB-oloibsLSL-af1m80clO23s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't duck fat solid at room temperature (aka not a oil)?
what's next, aerosolized butter? spray tallow?
unless it's just duck flavored vegetable oil or something like that.

>> No.21124349

Check the ingredients, since it's probably mostly oil like >>21124308 said
If it's well and truly just fat of the honk then it's worth trying once.

>> No.21124354

>$7.34 for fucking bacon grease

>> No.21124355
File: 80 KB, 640x853, duck-fat-spray-exists-v0-oi9wkd0vd6yb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ingredients: duck fat
>total fat 0
>calories 0
what the fuck is this sorcery?

>> No.21124372

>1/4 second spray
just a spritz goyim

>> No.21124374

0.25g of duck fat is in fact 0 on everything. But you're not spraying 0.25g of duck fat, it's gonna be upwards of 4-5g will have a decent amount. If my calorimeter didn't break last month I'd go find the same can and give you an accurate measure for a longer spray.

>> No.21124385

0.25 grams of fat is a ridiculously small portion, but it's still 2.25 calories, not 0.
that's a pretty misleading label to say the least

>> No.21124392

if the calories are less than like 5 per serving they're legally allowed to say it's 0 calories. pretty sure all cooking oil sprays say 0 calories because the serving size is 1 molecule

>> No.21124396

>.25g serving
This just means they don't have to write what's actually in it, doesn't it?
>trans fat
nasty shit, op

>> No.21124407

it's still bullshit, that's why they chose a serving size of an ant's booger.
How many people will read the label and think "hey, it's calorie free, I can use it as much as I want!"

>> No.21124410

same reason why tictacs are 0 sugar despite being all sugar

>> No.21124417

>0.25g of duck fat is in fact 0 on everything.
No it isn't. The fat and calories are simply below the threshold required for reporting due to the small serving size.
It's those people's own fault for thinking something labelled "duck fat" has 0 fat and 0 calories.

>> No.21124435

>servings per container 792

>> No.21124438

what's feembrap? is it like pam?

>> No.21124440
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Did somebody say Fat Duck?

>> No.21124441

You're supposed to use it like an inhaler

>> No.21124472
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1 grams of oil is slightly more than 1 ml.
that means the suggested serving size is 1/4 of this syringe

>> No.21124509

That's why you need the European labels which show ingredients by gram per 100 g. No rounding, no fraud.

>> No.21124601

It's really good at soothing my niece's budding breasts.

>> No.21124635

Your adult nephew will never be a woman.