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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 1500x1500, red-bull-energy-drink-winter-edition-iced-vanilla-berry-sugarfree-250ml-no1-5015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21124070 No.21124070 [Reply] [Original]

this stuff is life changingly good

>> No.21124071

buy an ad

>> No.21124091

It's cheaper to brew a caffeinated beverage at home.

>> No.21124163

It made me piss blue

>> No.21124168
File: 3.03 MB, 600x565, GoldStrikerShuffle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been geeking off of a medium one of these paired with an American Spirit Yellow
I need to go back to coffee and lights...

>> No.21124184

Do explain what light cigarettes you are referring to.

>> No.21124203
File: 18 KB, 474x474, ParliamentLight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been my default smoke forever.
Really mellow and classy.
>pic related

>> No.21124216

Do you also think a Cadillac with a purple velour interior is "classy"?

>> No.21124228
File: 113 KB, 684x605, 5TH5-1184704065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red has more class

>> No.21124338

I always smoked Camel or American Spirit non filtered.

>> No.21124347

i bring one to work and squeeze a lemon in it

>> No.21124348

not an entire lemon
an entire lemon wedge

>> No.21124382

Camel Filterless are too hardcore for me and American Spirit filterless are based but rare in my area and the paki fucks that run the corner stores can understand " American Spirit Filterless " "The brown ones!"
stupid fucks, lucky filterless are pretty good too but rare and expensive.

>> No.21124409

made a mistake and talked to somebody, "you like lucky strikes?"
"have you seen cowboy bebop?"
i wanted to die

>> No.21124443

if you consider an energy drink brand flavor "life changingly good" you deserve to be put down

>> No.21125376


Looks like something a male slut would drink.

>> No.21125378

gay faggot shit for homosexuals
bring back the pear cinnamon

>> No.21125762

it tastes just like cotton candy