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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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21124061 No.21124061 [Reply] [Original]

Name three things you can do with this instrument.

>> No.21124066

Open cans

>> No.21124068

plus open beer bottles and slice pizza

>> No.21124073

Shove opener handle up your ass and jerk it until you reach orgasm.

>> No.21124074

Open cans and beer bottles, I didn't know there was a third use?

>> No.21124077

Now you do.

>> No.21124086

what's the point of using this fucking thing in the 21st century when much better can openers exist?

>> No.21124089

>Shove opener handle up your ass and jerk it until you reach orgasm.
>Now you do.
Not everybody here is American, so we don't do this.

>> No.21124090

You sound retarded, this thing just werks

>> No.21124096

Open cans, open bottles and... gut fish? It looks like it'd be really good for gutting fish
Those compass-style ones look like they work a treat but I've never seen one in person

>> No.21124097

It's basic and foolproof. Also it is design classic.

>> No.21124106 [DELETED] 

Doesn't work as well as a swing a way which even incorporates your reddit can opener as a bonus feature.

>> No.21124118

The loop in the middle can be used for something but I forget what. It's not for punching triangular holes in old-style beer and juice cans. Maybe it's to add leverage to a key for the kinds of cans that came with one?

>> No.21124126

>Those compass-style ones look like they work a treat but I've never seen one in person
Yes you could invent lots of different things but as far as I am aware it's just for tins and beer bottles and as mentioned here >>21124118
The middle triangle is just used for leverage.

>> No.21124255

Stab someone who is looking funny at you
Circumcise an infant
Scratch that part of your back you can't easily get with your arms

>> No.21124371

>Scratch that part of your back you can't easily get with your arms
You're fat. I can reach everywhere on my back and I'm ain't skinny

>> No.21124397

I have one with a pointed tip that i use to poke holes in eggs so they don't crack when i drop them into boiling water

>> No.21124404
File: 137 KB, 1280x1280, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao at the literal women ITT who need special levered and mechanical doohickeys to open something as simple as a soft aluminum can. You know, the kind of metal you could bend with your fingers if you didn't have osteoporosis due to high estrogen? That one.
A young boy can operate pic related but nu/ck/ can't. That's a lmao from me dawg

>> No.21124413

There are a number of issues that can cause a person to have issues reaching their back. The shoulder is a highly complex organ system, which means a lot can go wrong with them. They are not designed for fully efficient arm dexterity while reaching behind oneself.

>> No.21124436

How you doin’, king?

>> No.21124444

Nah. He fat.

>> No.21124445

All three involve cramming.

>> No.21124449

Lotta psychics on 4chan these days

>> No.21124455

I wish they sold these locally where I live. I’ve had to use a knife a number of times in the past.

>> No.21124503

Fuck you
Fuck ya muddah
Fuck ya sistah

>> No.21124536

Nah. I can hear him asking for cake and pie. No psychic powers necessary. He fat. Fat fat fat.

>> No.21124541

Could it be used to remove children's underwear?

>> No.21124616

canid pawnails typed this post

>> No.21124642


>> No.21124670
File: 343 KB, 640x754, 1737275727187006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21124693

Open a bottle
Open a can
Jackie Cha

>> No.21124695

Stab, slice, and tear human flesh.

>> No.21124711
File: 107 KB, 949x703, Screenshot_20250122_183523_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21124754

It's a possum cuz he like possum. He a fat boy. Eat'em up good.
>srsly, thanks for posting this pic because the reverse image search led me to that rather entertaining video that my kid and I both liked so now we have something more to watch together

>> No.21124796

You shouldn't do that

>> No.21125019

Open bottles.
Open cans.
Perform an episiotomy.

>> No.21125254

-Open boxes
-Defend against a Shetland pony cavalry charge
-Emergency emergency break handle if your emergency break handle breaks

>> No.21125275

start a jugband

>> No.21125279

Cans are made of steel, not aluminum

>> No.21125351

twist it
bop it
pull it

>> No.21125387

rent free

>> No.21125418

cram, but you got to be really careful

>> No.21125559

Zoomers btfo.
Bet they don't know what any of the original Swiss army knife tools are for or what "darning" is.

The blade is for cans, the hook can be used for bottles but is also for cans which open from the side which before laminated cans a lot did.
Cigarettes also used to come in cans, they still should.

>> No.21125886

Is it the video about Presidential Pets?

>> No.21125888

Tools are not good nor evil inherently

>> No.21125964

Tobacco ages like wine if it's in a sealed container. The pipe tobacco crowd occasionally finds very old unopened tins of cigarettes and they're supposed to be amazing.

>> No.21126597
File: 12 KB, 225x224, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21127572
File: 36 KB, 416x376, complete tool kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
