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21124019 No.21124019 [Reply] [Original]

>one espresso extra cream, comin' right up!

>> No.21124045

*sniffs *sips *shrugs
tastes good aye

>> No.21124047

nyuyuughg *poop* *fart* *plop* *braappgfbrt*

that'll be $20 to $100 sir

>> No.21124048

now that kopi luwak is drank by all the hipsters faggots in Cali, producers have turned to inhumane methods of productions to keep up with demand. Civet cats are kept in tiny, sharp metal cage and force fed coffee cherries until they die.

>> No.21124083

>sent to the brappuccino barn

>> No.21124098

this is no laughing matter you idiot buffoon. Using caged Civets to produce Kopi Luwak is animal abuse. Often, the snares used to capture the animals result in broken limbs and lacerations, which left untreated lead to infections and disease. Once captured, the animals are only fed coffee cherries. Have you ever had too much caffeine? Remember the jittery effect it had on you? Welcome to the life of a caged civet. The animal quickly goes insane and begins biting at cage bars, often breaking their teeth. With so much caffeinated energy, they pace back and forth looking for a way of escape, yet are deprived of the space to necessary for exercise.

This practice is not only cruel, but is also a counter-productive to producing a high-quality coffee. Since the animal is force-fed coffee while housed in cages, it’s impossible for them to seek out only the finest and most ripe coffee cherries. Conversely, coffee is by nature very acidic. In the wild, this poses no threat to the animal as the coffee cherries are only a small part of its varied diet. However, in captivity the coffee cherries wreak havoc on the animal’s digestive system, thereby negating any positive effect the enzymatic process would have had on the beans.

>> No.21124176
File: 225 KB, 1280x720, 1723555039160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its real
fuck that shit. people really know no bounds to their cruelty toward the living in exchange for unliving currencies.

>> No.21124183

being cruel to animals is based and redpilled, stop being moral fag libcucks

>> No.21124185

>only a small part of the diet
Does that mean all the le gourmet drinkers are actually just drinking "plain" shit as well

>> No.21124188

Shalom, Rabbi

>> No.21124189

Aww kitty.

>> No.21124191

I'm from Morocco, seethe more, Amerigolem

>> No.21124248

they allegedly pick the beans from the turds and clean them.

>> No.21124282

Disgusting subhuman
As if we needed more proof

>> No.21124562

Get off my website.

>> No.21124610

tiananmen square, winnie the pooh, etc.

>> No.21124615


>> No.21124653
File: 2.35 MB, 576x1024, Chiaki Summer_7445791386617662742-no-watermark.mp4 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one sushi roll extra cream, cummin' right up!

>> No.21124666

couldn't we just collectively beat all of the cali hipsters with sticks until they stopped being such tremendous faggots?

>> No.21125318

They're rich, and rich people are untouchable in american society. What bothers me is that they likely endorse environmental activism and cry for animal rights, meanwhile their heckin quirky and lolsorandom vanity drink is made by the asian counterpart of foie gras geese.

>> No.21125332

Bugman behavior

>> No.21125380

anon you seem informed on such practices. do you have any pointers on good sources to read more about this type of stuff in general

>> No.21125515

>kopi luwak is drank by all the hipsters faggots in Cali
to what extent is this statement actually true

>> No.21125520

Espresso with CREAM. I'm guessing you're a FAT Yank

>> No.21125600

Exactly, you're Jewish with slightly different coat of paint.

>> No.21125602

no not even remotely. jews are smart. moroccans are evil stupid monkeys. worse than any other african race.

>> No.21125606

>animals must suffer because humans are bored and want to eat shit not even they really like
fuck this species

>> No.21125747

I live in a Cali town full of hipster faggot and I have never seen kopi Kursk being offered before

>> No.21125845

I hear the modern force fed stuff tastes much worse too
makes sense, as no one actually cares about the taste, it's just a novelty drink for tourists

>> No.21125887

not true at all. I'm not from California and have nothing against it or its people. I was just talking out of my ass, exaggerating and memeing trying to make a point. Hipsters and tourists drink it tho, that's true enough, although I have no idea where they're from.

>> No.21125997

aryan nazi behavior trump loved that

>> No.21126053

>being cruer to animur is based and ledpirred