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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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21124006 No.21124006 [Reply] [Original]

Me Din Dins

>> No.21124010

Looks banging laa

>> No.21124011

half the shit is just boiled lmao

get a grip, incel?

>> No.21124018

I'd eat the bangers, and mash, but the green and orange shit goes straight to the trash.

>> No.21124026

Very tasty looking.

>> No.21124028

Way too much veg.

>> No.21124030


>> No.21124035

This looks good anon. A nice hearty meal, for a cold winter evening.

Are they Cumberland or Lincolnshire sausages?

>> No.21124038

Lincolnshire, just over the border in the East Riding of Yorkshire

>> No.21124040

If you had less veg they would still complain that there wasn't enough.

>> No.21124041

choicest of choice

>> No.21124046

I prefer them to Cumberland and they are my favourite ( I guess other Brits may disagree) but hey ho!

Happy eating anon.
Bon apple teet.