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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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21123906 No.21123906 [Reply] [Original]

i hate smash burgers, it's just an excuse to use less meat on the burger. i see right through smash burger shops jewish ways.

>> No.21123912

>frog in 2025

>> No.21123914 [DELETED] 

typical jidf, no one dislikes frogs, it's obvious when you dumb ass jews post because everyone likes cute frogs and no one is offended by them except you disgusting jews.

>> No.21123932

You just add more patties dumbass

>> No.21123936

>le jew in 2025
it's dei now sweaty

>> No.21123937

but you need more force to smash now

>> No.21123940

Maybe Soylent is more your speed

>> No.21123947

Tastelet. Just order a triple or quad stack then. The caramelized crispy bits layered in oozing melted cheese is what makes a smash burger. Stick some onion rings in there along with a dab of bbq sauce and you’ve got the perfect burger

>> No.21123948 [DELETED] 
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that's right. fuck pepe haters. pepe is love pepe is life
shut up kike nigger

>> No.21123952
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that's for fast people right? i'm somewhat of a racer myself

>> No.21123957

cunt janny nigger cunt deleting our pepe be careful opee

>> No.21123962
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When i was a lad back on in the day the internet had a fad going to see how many stacks you could get at your in-n-out burger and eat.
The biggest order I managed was an 8x8. However, my regular order for years became a 4x2 (4 meats, 2 cheese). These days I'm satisfied with a double double
a 4x2 is 1/2 lb of meat.
when I was young I basically only got meat and cheese on my burgers, then progressed to meat cheese lettuce and onions, and then could handle an all dressed burger if they fucked up my order (but I wouldnt like it that much) as an adult
pic related is the ideal session burger
a proper chargrilled thick burger is superior, but it's hard to find a restaurant / diner that still makes them with respect and with flame

>> No.21123966
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"would you like fries with that"

>> No.21124000

The actual point is to cook fast and keep retarded wagies from poisoning customers.