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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20610946 No.20610946 [Reply] [Original]

I grant you 3 food wishes. Only rule is no wishing for more food wishes.

>> No.20610953

1: I want all my food to be served by a group of devoted 10/10 big titted big assed mix of latinas, gooks, and whites and one black whose sole purpose and desire in life it is to milk my cock 10-20 times a day and make me feel good
2: A McChicken
3: Another McChicken

>> No.20610955

I wish I had 20,000lbs of high grade white truffles
I wish I had an immediate and enthusiastic buyer of said truffles slightly above market value
I wish I had a mushroom swiss burger meal from mc donalds with a large root beer

>> No.20610970

I wouldn't wish for anything. I'd let anyone have my wishes, and that's what no one did

>> No.20610976

ur gay

>> No.20610994


>> No.20611000

5 guys double bacon cheeseburger, Cajun fries, and a vanilla milkshake

>> No.20611012

1: I wish my body would store enough calories for me to get to be at around 10-15% body fat and then stop absorbing calories whenever I eat anything beyond that point
2: I wish for Taco Bell to put quesaritos back on the menu
3: I wish for my fridge to always have a rotisserie chicken in there whenever I open it

>> No.20611034

I wish for an apple so tasty that eating it automatically gives you enlightenment simply from how good it tastes
I wish that certain foods could change you in different ways. E.g. if you eat a lot of bananas your dick gets bigger, if you eat a lot of peaches your ass gets bigger, if you eat a lot of ice cream you can shoot rays of frost from your hands, etc.
I wish for a lunch box that magically generates the food that I want at the moment of opening the box.

>> No.20611038

>I wish for an apple so tasty that eating it automatically gives you enlightenment simply from how good it tastes
wishing is antithetical to enlightenment

>> No.20611042

I wish that chef john would die

>> No.20611048

1. I wish alcohol was low calorie and not bad for me
2. I wish the microwave could cook everything to the right standard for the dish so I didn't have to waste time with the oven/air fryer/stove/whatever
3. I wish McDonalds menu prices went back to the 80s or earlier

>> No.20611062

I wish I could go back to 2010

>> No.20611067


>> No.20611070

This, but you instead of him.

>> No.20611075

I wish my cock would taste like cotton candy, and my cum tasted like vanilla ice cream, and I wish breast milk had a narcotic effect similar to barbiturates without any of the negative side effects.

>> No.20611083

Guy Fieri clone personal chef
Hollandaise sauce on tap
Taco Bell reintroduces those beefy Fritos nacho grillers at their original 99 cent price

>> No.20611087

That's why you wish for the apple that just so happens to confer enlightenment. The finger pointing to the moon.

>> No.20611089

1. All food becomes Haram no matter what
2. Chicken becomes incredibly sentient and aware of it's true purpose in this world
3. The purple Skittel comes soft like the other colors. I don't know why the purple one is always stale.

>> No.20611091

I wish for 100 more wish-granting genies.

>> No.20611099

i wish for more food wishes

>> No.20611110

your mom

>> No.20611117

>i wish for a pizza that gives me unlimited food wishes and can grant any wish as well
>i wish for unlimited pizza
>i wish for carls jr
I hadn’t have any carls in a while

>> No.20611119

I wish for a magic apple that grants infinite non-food related wishes!

>> No.20611136

I wish for a food-related wish that grants me unlimited apples

>> No.20611173

I wish I was a little bit taller.
I wish I was a baller.
I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her.

>> No.20611186

i wish for free unlimited alcohol and goyslop delivery please.

>> No.20611194

Granted, but it only works when you shove it up your ass

>> No.20611213

1. Increased food insecurity worldwide
2. Slightly higher percentage of bugs and rat feces in the food supply chain
3. Fungal infection that specifically targets cavendish banana trees

>> No.20611290

My second food-related with is I wish I could gain nourishment by shoving food up my ass!

>> No.20611299

>t. Some unenlightened nigga
No it isn’t, you just say that cause muh buddha muh 8 fold path
You can’t really know what enlightenment is until you eat the apple

>> No.20611300

I wish that my cum could solve world hunger.

>> No.20611308

your cum is formed into a sentient cum elemental with an iq of 10 gorillion
he solves world hunger easily with his humungous cum brain

>> No.20611309


>> No.20611327

i wish to tappa my tappa but not too hard
i wish to shaka shaka when its required
i wish for everything i cook to have a pinch of cayenne

>> No.20611396
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>> No.20611411
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I wish that every day a cute redhead 18yo girl would make food for me and suck and fuck me after I call her a good cook and a good girl
I wish for a special bag that always replenishes a homemade doublebaconator burger that tastes better than the wendy's one every time I open the bag
I wish for a popcorn machine that will always make the best popcorn exactly how me and my redhead gf like it so we can watch kinos before having passionate sex

>> No.20611421
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1. nothing

>> No.20611429

onions don't hurt my eyes

garlic never runs out

cooking vegetables doesn't damage their nutrients

>> No.20611431

3 wishes involving the most fucked up vore scenarios you can imagine. Surprise me.

>> No.20611432

I wish for your freedom, genie!

>> No.20611440

Access to a working Star Trek replicator that fits where my microwave would go.
All food has perfect nutrition for the optimal male physique.
Neighbours are all professional chefs who are willing to provide 24 hour advice and assistance in the kitchen.

>> No.20611460

The third one is already true anon

>> No.20611513

for some things, not all. for example, glucobrassicin, found primarily in cruciferous vegetables and does all kinds of good shit, is pretty much destroyed by cooking. Even just steaming breaks most of it

>> No.20611518

iWish all stolen food turns to poison.

>> No.20611552
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>10/10 big titted big assed mix of latinas, gooks, and whites and one black
Your wish is my command. An army of Britney Venti servant girls coming up.

>> No.20611557 [DELETED] 

You might have your wish soon enough

>> No.20611641

I want access to unlimited amounts of food of all kinds and I want to be able to disperse it as I please
>Fuck your shitty /thread/

>> No.20611657

I wish to live forever so I have plenty of time to eat lots of good food.
I wish to be rich so I can afford to eat lots of good food.
I wish for a loyal harem of beautiful women so I can eat lots of good pussy.

>> No.20611998
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>make all food completely flavorless
>make all food extremely bitter
>only apply this to humans

>> No.20612000

I wish the /ck/ webm threads get new webms.

>> No.20612021

I wish I could drink coffee again and that it had all the benefits with none of the drawbacks, same goes for alcohol
I wish my country had soil which could grow any food from all over the world at 10x the output, maximum deliciousness/nutrition and no effort gardening despite being a Nordic shithole, same goes for the waters and seafood actually, i want infinite access to the best ingredients on the planet
I wish for no negative health effects or excess fat gain no matter what i ate

>> No.20612046

>I wish for an apple so tasty that eating it automatically gives you enlightenment simply from how good it tastes
I'm pretty sure last time this happened God banished us from paradise.

>> No.20612050

1. I wish that humans evolved an organ to deal with any extra sugar, fat or oil we eat without storing excess
2. I wish to end world hunger
3. I wish that we find a massive collection of seeds from previously extinct fruits and vegetables >>20610946

>> No.20612081
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I wish for the amount of wishes remaining to be counted on an 8-bit binary number system, including stack overflow as a result of the limited bits.
I wish for 00000011 fewer wishes.
I wish for a McDonalds Chili Chicken.

>> No.20612104

1. ur a pedo
2. ur a loser cant wait for you do die

>> No.20612114

>She's only 18 years old, you sick fuck

>> No.20612122

>Calories from alcohol don't count
>Alcohol doesn't damage the liver, kidney or stomach
>There exists an extremely cheap powdered substance that will instantly convert water to being alcoholic at the rate of 8% per 330ml of water.

>> No.20612128

How good is a Guys double bacon cheeseburger? I can't imagine eating 5 of them.

>> No.20612132
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>> No.20612134

Based. Redpilled. Inspired. Touched by God. This poster has vision.

>> No.20612143
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>> No.20612171

Perfect metabolism. No matter what I eat/drink, I remain at 12 - 15% body fat & 26" waist, optimal health, etc (if out of scope, a delicious icecream which gives me aforementioned perfect metabolism forever).
A never ending, always fresh carrot which makes you age backwards for 24 hrs for every bite you eat.
Fuck it, a self cleaning kitchen. That'd be nice.

>> No.20612849

1. I wish that women would be able to gain more than 20% body fat when they eat, and that any excess calories would be devoted to their body producing eggs. Every couple extra pounds of body fat would instead be laid as a large delicious nutritious egg. These eggs could be fertilized and taken care of to turn into children (no more pregnancy), but no one is going to care if people eat them or toss them before hatching. The only exception to this is that if a woman hears a baby crying, some of her fat instead turns into breast milk.
2. Same thing but for men with cum. But starts at 15% body fat instead of 20 and no breast milk.
3. There exists a fruit called Peaches of Immortality. They're incredibly finicky and difficult to grow, and rot rapidly. They don't grant any real immortality, but regularly eating them can easily make one live to 140, and even eating small amounts can cure most diseases. They taste very unappealing.

>> No.20612857

1. Big Texan threads don't get deleted/banned/moved to /bant/

that is my only wish

>> No.20612862
File: 574 KB, 1200x1600, Guys Burger Carnival (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy fieri makes big burger

>> No.20612864

Make me the food emperor of the world so I can rule the world through food you fat sack of genie crap!
And be quick about it too.

>> No.20612933

I wish the races of burger king employees and chick fil a employees were swapped

>> No.20613105

1. All Halal and Kosher food facilities vanish.
2. All bug/shit recycling "food" facilities vanish.
3. No such places can exist ever again, under any other name or terminology.

>> No.20613897

1- the Dr. Peoer/ Cadbury/Schwepes people get their heads out of their asses, and let the Dublin Bottling Co. start making Dublin Dr Pepper again.
2- Starbucks, McDonalds, and Dominos suddenly disappear from the face of the Earth
3- just a Coke

>> No.20614105

>8% per 330ml of water.
>percentage per volume

How's that gonna work?

>> No.20614112

If you put it in 165mL, it's 4%.
If you put it in 660mL, it's 16%

>> No.20615066

1: an inifinte supply of enchanted golden apples (in minecraft)
2: An egg basket that never empties
3: I get a big tiddy mommy type angel that i can milk instead of going to the store and buying pasteurized garbage off the shelf.

>> No.20615068

>Put in ocean
>The 1.35*10^21 liters of water turn into pure ethanol and expand by 3,24*10^20 times
>Earth turns into an ethanol ocean with approximately the mass of the galaxy before immediately collapsing into a hypermassive black hole

>> No.20615069

yeah just don't do that

>> No.20615137

There is an easy way to defeat the "no wishing for more wishes" caveat. You say "I wish whatever I say to come true when I am pulling on my earlobe" (or pinching my finger or whatever other weird gesture you choose). This way you can freely choose to manifest anything to be reality at your discretion without causing problem by just saying things normally.

>> No.20615139

>the genie says no and shrinks your dick by 20% for being a smartass
2 wishes left

>> No.20615152

Its a genie not a monkeys paw.

>> No.20615155

I'd like 25 lbs of the world's best earl grey tea.
A fully decked out fruit and vegetable garden.
And a chicken sandwich

>> No.20615157

>I grant you 3 food wishes
I wish you that get to savour my cum three times.

>> No.20615159

Hence why it's ignoring your request entirely and fucking with you instead of acting like a monkey's paw. Do you even know what a monkey's paw is?

>> No.20615367
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>halal facilities vanish
>I buy a chicken and slaughter it, confident it will have a painless death and the meat won't be tough
Atheists btfo
Chickens btfo
Kikes btfo

>No such places can exist ev- ACK!

>> No.20615385

Get well soon

>> No.20615437

1. Can eat and drink whatever I want without any negative health consequences (including alcohol)
2. I can cook any piece of meat to the exact temp/doneness I want without a thermometer or cutting into it
3. Magic vegetable/fruit garden that has any type of produce I want in unlimited quantities at the perfect ripeness, and the garden requires no upkeep on my part.

>> No.20615452

I wish for a food gun that can end a man's life

>> No.20615474

What is a food gun

>> No.20615590
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DINNER! Blaster.

>> No.20615641

1. I wish i couldn't die of hunger nor ever feel hungry but I can still eat
2. I wish I couldn't die of thirst nor ever feel thirsty but can still drink
3. I wish I was the perfect weight and stayed that way

>> No.20615707
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>one black whose sole purpose and desire in life it is to milk my cock 10-20 times a day and make me feel good
Wish granted, this zesty buck's sole purpose is to milk you as you described. A group of 10/10 big titted big assed latinas, gooks, and whites also become your devoted roommates, but they just kind of stand around and scroll their phones and aren't interested.

>> No.20615713
File: 2.01 MB, 362x332, Bayonetta.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, it is his SOLE PURPOSE AND DESIRE in life to milk your cock 10-20 times a day by any means necessary. Don't try to resist. When he's done he frolics off and leaves you and your new roommates be.
Enjoy the McChickens.

>> No.20615869
File: 74 KB, 702x937, wish we could turn back time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) the calorie content of all cheeses is reduced by 50% by cutting carbs and fat in appropriate proportions, but its taste and texture stays the same
2) all fruit and vegetables taste just like a perfectly ripened fresh-picked heirloom version of themselves, but have the GMO goyslop shelf-stable genes of Walmart garbage-produce and take 3x as long to spoil
3) all existing high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated vegetable oil is destroyed and crumbles into atomized dust, the knowledge of how to make them is forgotten, and the people who sell them have their cocks/clits fall off

>> No.20615889

>calories don't count
>free food/grocery delivery
>always get a table at w.e. time slot i want when making reservations

>> No.20616870

That's mean, Anon.

>> No.20617071

1). I wish to rewrite human evolution to make us herbivores like rabbits, so I could just eat grass for free.
2). I wish to free the genie. I have no more wishes.

>> No.20617382


>> No.20617445

1. Big Snake
2. Birthday Cake
3. Large Fries
4. Chocolate Shake!

>> No.20617459

Fucking kek'd

>> No.20617465
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Heiney Ho, Chiny Ho


>> No.20617473

Guy Fieri hasn't been in business since 1968. Something is wrong here.

>> No.20617480
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It's retarded math and he didn't think it through. It shouldn't be exponential like that. Only an alcoholic would make all his wishes booze-based anyway. Clearly he's incapable of thinking clearly enough to do that drunk powder wish correctly.

>> No.20617523

Fuck you, and the other isn't a food related wish.

>> No.20617563

So you've never found a food you enjoy? You won't miss food? You'd CHOOSE, purposely to eat and enjoy only grass, to save money? I don't believe you.

>> No.20617595
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Let me guess... you NEED more?

>> No.20617620

I wish for all my groceries to be fresh and cheap
I wish for food to never spoil unless it's intentionally composted or disposed of
And finally, I wish for a neverending recipe book that has interesting ideas that I can feasibly pull off any time, curated so they're actually good recipes, and isn't a fucking phone so I don't have to scroll through a million goddamn pages of descriptions deliberately written to make room for ads.

>> No.20617629

I wish for 72oz of steak

>> No.20618146

I wish everybody who has ever posted on /ck/ has their taste buds relocated to their sigmoid colon.