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20597848 No.20597848 [Reply] [Original]

Hey co/ck/

I need info on cutting boards. I'm looking for one that'll last me a long time because what I have right now is a cheap bamboo piece that warps every time it gets wet, absorbs smells forever and starts to give off wood pulp if you rub it hard enough.

What are some good wood types? I've also seen some that have the wood grain facing up, is it just for aesthetics or is it actually better? I can imagine it doesn't warp like lengthwise grain boards, but idk shit.

>> No.20597849
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Get some pigs, cunt. Sweet as!

>> No.20597972

Not the oinker anon

>> No.20597978

Walnut, maple, cherry, larchwood are the best wood types for cutting boards

>> No.20597983

Also for grain orientation. There's face grain (bad, inexpensive), edge grain (good, more expensive), end grain (aesthetic, best, most expensive). Face grain is the hardest on knives and cheap to construct. Edge grain is good on knives, and hides cuts into the board better. End grain is the most gentle on knives and hides cuts the best.

>> No.20598001
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Most any fruit or nutwood works well for a cutting board.
Rock maple is the most durable(provided It isn't pieced together chunks on end) but really, 9x out of ten, I just use the foldable sheets you can get at most any store.
Thing with wooden cutting boards is they require maintenence. No soaking, oil them fairly often, etc. but the benefits are, NO Plastic, more resistant to microbial "Infection", and they can always be sanded down to flat and re-oiled.
This guy knows.
t. woodworker AND cook.

>> No.20598012
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...The LARCH...

>> No.20598104

Hinoki (Japanese cypres). Great on knives wear, cheap and easy to clean. You can find Hinoki cutting boards local and online.

>> No.20598119

>I'm Mr So And So Dick. I have such and such for a penis

>> No.20598121

Show us some pictures of cutting boards you have made then, buttlicker

>> No.20598144

Good wood, don’t listen to most of the wood cutting board faggotry, so long as you get not bamboo you’re good. Also maintain your board, don’t just use+wash for years without applying oil every once and a while.

>> No.20598340

why not just get a big plastic one from the restaurant supply like in your pic? it doesn't sound like you care too much about aesthetics

>> No.20598343

I have cheap bamboo chopping boards from Amazon and they’ve lasted me over ten years. Are you fucking soaking them for ages or something?

>> No.20599394
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Well, to be fair, anon, The cheap bamboo cutting boards of 10 years ago =/= cheap bamboo cutting boards of today.
That said, anyone who worries MOAR about the pricetag or aesthetics of a fucking cutting board is a poseur consooomer and likely is a SHIT COOK.
And your exactly the kind of RUDE ass Summerfag who should fuck off.
I'll fucking use a 4" cookie of oak that I cut down myself and cook fucking circles around your gay trifling ass,Dipshit.

>> No.20599467

Oh, a nerve has been struck. He's assblasted and has never made a cutting board in his life. I fucking knew it

>> No.20599485
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That anon.
not assblasted.
Why don't you, uh... Poast a pic of your CURRENT cuttingboard with a timestamp, you LOVE pics so much and all.

>> No.20599493

You first. You were challenged first. Let's see your boards. Spoiler alert, you don't have any

>> No.20599507
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Are you "Tech-Short"?
You're right...
I DON'T have any pics of the "3" cutting boards I've made(Two were impromptu for a festival--'member the cookies??)
But as a long time woodworker, I think I know a thing about woods.
It's NOT rocket surgery.

>> No.20599509

>If I don't spend 80 dollars on a thing to cut on nobody will take me serious, my entire life hinges on this - nevermind my next thread whining about how I cannot afford groceries, I can't be seen with a 10 dollar plastic piece of shit because...uhhh MICROPLASTICS that's it, that's why! Nevermind the food being in plastic before I use the board.

>> No.20599512

>he enjoys the microplastics in his testicles

>> No.20599513
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>> No.20599525
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Sure, we all DO...

>> No.20599529

I understand that reference

>> No.20599553
File: 566 KB, 496x266, Tim of Fishes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some nostalgia while we ponder the BEST, The ABSOLUTE BEST "win friends and influence people" BEST sort of cutting board one could own...
And what One could DO with it.
(>No formatting, newfags fucked it as well as neo-Jannies...un-tisss untiss, untiss.Take me back to 1994--I'll do my best to WARN you...)


>> No.20599639

Why is three in quotes? Why are you lying on the internet? Why is your pp so very small?

>> No.20599657
File: 1.92 MB, 257x193, DEAL, Faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20600523

OP here
No it's just shit.

I'm really just asking about materials and build. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions so far btw. Also I did say wood so I'm ignoring the vulgar microplastic shillers
To be fair it has to be said that aesthetics is also a factor in my decision if I'm going to be acquiring something for the long term. The eye needs something too. But it's secondary to quality.

Resentful schizo rambling

>> No.20600702

Bamboo is a grass, not a wood. It contains massive amounts of silica (sand). This dulls blades faster than anything except firebrick. Bamboo sucks because it grinds your knife blades down even though it is very hard wearing. Only imbeciles or the ignorati use bamboo cutting boards. Nobody reading this and capable of googling is ignorant so ...

>> No.20600705


>> No.20600716
File: 82 KB, 591x362, 反りの違い-FSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I'm going to be acquiring something for the long term
There's no long term wood cut board. They all get nasty quick, so buy the cheapest and just change often. Hard plastic is the way to go, just throw it in the dishwasher. Autists use japanese cutting board, pic related.

>> No.20601191
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I've been using one of these for more than 10 years, they are fantastic. Feels comparable to cutting on side-grain wood but doesn't need to be babied in the same way as full wood boards/blocks and is much lighter for washing or if you want to pick up the board to transfer food around.

It will warp if I just get one side wet and then let it dry, but it straightens out again perfectly if both sides are wetted and allowed to dry evenly (hang or prop it up so both sides dry evenly). It can go in the dishwasher but I normally wash it by hand and just make sure to wet both sides even if I was only cutting on one. It doesn't need to be soaked, just a quick rinse all over does enough.

I had a bamboo board before this and I hated it.

>> No.20601201

the ikea bamboo one lasts me long enough. oil it and don't let water sit on it

>> No.20601207

what's the difference between edge grain and end grain? I want a cutting board that's made out of a root ball.

>> No.20601211

end grain wood or a hasegawa board, both are excellent

>> No.20601215

i have a couple of these as well. it's nice but it is pretty hard on knives. i definitely hone my knives a lot more frequently than i would if i had a wood or plastic board. not a big deal though, for a nice durable board that requires no maintenance

>> No.20601219

My cheap bamboo cutting board never warps, smells, or gives off a pulp. Something is wrong with yours.

>> No.20601278

"Resentful" about you being so insecure you need to worry how people will think about your cutting board? Do you even know what the word means, there is no way you could apply it and it make sense in this context.