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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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20596321 No.20596321 [Reply] [Original]

Which loaf would you want?

>> No.20596323

You classic batard bitch

>> No.20596324

I hope that's not ameribux. Even in dollarydoos that's horrendously overpriced.

>> No.20596327

All of these loaves look like Bono. No thanks

>> No.20596354

>10+ dollars for a loaf of basic burnt bread
I'll just have a complimentary glass of water and I'll be leaving a nasty shit in your bathroom thanks.

>> No.20596379

Multigrain Pullman. That's a big boy, it would make some huge sandwiches. $13 is cityfolx prices. They deserve to overpay because they are useless people :)

>> No.20596388

If you've ever read history books then you know that when bread becomes overpriced things get interesting

>> No.20596389
File: 971 KB, 2000x1500, IMG_9602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of that burnt shit..I'll go home and bake my own.

>> No.20596393


>> No.20596421

you may be able to bake but you sure as fuck don't know how to focus a camera

>> No.20596426

Rye for me

>> No.20596434
File: 965 KB, 1777x1333, IMG_9603a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I do...focus ring is fucked and I have to replace it.
Looks like a trip to /p/ 4 me

>> No.20596468

Maybe it's the poor lighting but they all look burnt.

>> No.20596485


certainly not 'pullman' as i'm not gay so i dont pull men

>> No.20596493

gotta have the classic batard

>> No.20596526

what a fucking awful bakery
most offensively overpriced shit I've ever seen
it's fucking bread you retards

>> No.20596546

They use the expensive wheat. Even in Canada it is that price.

>> No.20596551

You will never be a woman.

>> No.20596559
File: 198 KB, 1426x637, doseratedecay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sprouted rye and 30 cracked oat cookies. Extra crack *wink*

>> No.20596566
File: 1.33 MB, 1777x1333, IMG_8848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope! And I'm more of a man than you'll ever be.
Now run along, kid, the adults are talking.

>> No.20596907

The cheapest. They all taste the same

>> No.20596913

It's pretty typical. The worst sliced bread is $2 a loaf and halfway-decent sliced bread is $5 a loaf. Only aristos buy fresh baked.

>> No.20596940

what do you mean 'even' in Canada, I would expect it to cost more in Canada if anything

>> No.20597064

>out of $1s
>literally has a handful of $1s
I don’t buy from scam artists

>> No.20597111

This guy is selling burnt bread on top of a folding table in a parking lot. There's no water or toilet.

>> No.20597132

Exact change only and a tip jar. I am angry beyond words

>> No.20597140

Worst of all, he's brown

>> No.20597155

Nice broule, bro. What camera do you have?

>> No.20597275

why are they all burned to shit?

>> No.20597683

If the customers are dumb enough to buy a loaf of bread for $11 they're dumb enough to buy a loaf of burnt bread for $11.

>> No.20597701

Nigger I'm not paying 13 dollars for bread unless it's some magic pussy infatuation spell bread

I can pay 1.50 for a loaf of french bread at HEB if I have the craving and that's good enough for me

5 dollar for decent rye for reubens is as high as i go

>> No.20597728

>$13 for a pullman loaf when I can buy the pan for like $25

>> No.20597791

>exact change neaye

>> No.20597795

I don't want any of those loaves

>> No.20597984

canon sd1100sureshot..
I bought another on Ebay for parts after trying all the usual simple fixes:(vaccuum, factory reset,etc.) had it all the way apart, fixed the lens error manually, then all the way back together--only to have it shit again.
I'll probably just buy a new lens assemby at aliexpress for $23.
Great little camera. served me well since 2008.
Also-that bread is a no-knead recipe.
the damn SIMPLEST bread I've ever made.
the trick is the high hydration, 8(+) hour cold ferment and a good preheated dutch oven...I haven't bought bread for almost a year now.

>> No.20597989

you will always be a woman

>> No.20597991

OOps, Powershot.

>> No.20598053

They're all burnt wtf

>> No.20598059

>the expensive wheat
wtf does this even mean
wheat is wheat is wheat
it's all garbage anyway

>> No.20598062

nice pussy :)

>> No.20598064

So if you can make it even half a day from explosion, you're more-or-less good to go on the air safety front?

>> No.20598079
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Yeah, she and her sis are great. Both came to me as 3 month olds right before a -30°F freeze in December almost 7 years ago.
A can of chicken and a bowl of dry food, and they decided I was good enough of a monkey to stay with.
They aren't much for bread though.
If Anons ITT haven't tried a no-knead variation, and DO have a dutch oven, I highly recommend. a decent enough Dutchie can be had for >$50. It doesn't have to be a high end one, as you'll just be using it like a bakers cloche, and the dough goes onto a large square of parchment.

>> No.20598158

2 weeks is considered generally safe to do essential work outside. 48 hours is considered "safe enough" for very short, essential trips outside, basically running to get some water and running back.

Max limit for a normal occupation per year is .5R - even after 48 hours you're getting 20 times that per hour.

600R you die and at 450R your chance to die is 50%. Even in the single digits you're increasing your lifetime chance of getting cancer by a substantial amount. Same reason they don't give PET scans to people that don't need them. If you scan comes up clean you basically just increased your risk of cancer for the rest of your life for nothing.

>> No.20598193

>some burnt hunk of shit for ten ($10) dollarinos
I'm afraid I'm going to have to pass on this generous offer
I can get a tasty baguette for under 2 eurobux at the lidl next door

>> No.20598209

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahhhh

>> No.20598225

>$13/20 for a loaf of bread

>> No.20598307
File: 628 KB, 934x562, Screen Shot 2024-06-18 at 8.37.24 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see this
>walk up to him
>he's anticipating my order
>I just say fuck you and walk away

>> No.20598311

That bread looks so bad I'd feel guilty feeding it to crows.

>> No.20598350
File: 184 KB, 324x392, Screen Shot 2024-06-18 at 11.08.06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for what

>> No.20598403

Here's a tip for ya, pull your bread out the oven before it burns next time!

>> No.20598488
File: 529 KB, 895x462, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out of 1's
>literal 1 in his hand

fucking liar

>> No.20598499

Are these baked with cocaine? or is the price per bakers dozen (13 loafs)

>> No.20598603

I use my EBT at this place and get everything half off (which is the fucking price it should be) it's from She Wolf bakery and everything is actually really good, ill buy a baguette to eat throughout the whole day making 3 different sandwhiches etc, for me the 7$ multigrain pullman is the best and lasts a week making danish sandwhiches. The batard is pretty hit or miss and so is the plain pullman.

>> No.20598612
File: 30 KB, 417x388, 1384833826173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I use my EBT

>> No.20598616

I work in mostly cash and any chance to fuck over the feds for free bread and organic veg is fine with me

>> No.20598778

>lasts a week
how is it not moldy by like day 5

>> No.20599169


>> No.20599186
File: 179 KB, 760x723, 1612771506308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, that guy has literally identical handwriting to me, first time I've ever seen that

Cracked oat cookie, but if I had to go with a loaf, sprouted rye. If price is an object, classic, because $20 for bread is beyond absurd

>> No.20600274

>passing the card processing fees onto the customer
Always a bad sign