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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 1017x1020, bhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20594011 No.20594011 [Reply] [Original]

Bread. Ham. Butter.
Unbeaten, absolute pinnacle human food. Imagine the deep history it took to achieve this, the calloused work of a million forgotten hands. Grains cultivated and bred over generations, ground with water and stone that moved mountains, fermented with invisible organisms - livestock, raised and butchered, cured and stored with rocks mined from ancient beds - dairy, husbanded and herded, nurtured and milked, cultured and churned.
Appreciate a ham sandwich today.

>> No.20594015

Ive tried buttered sandwiches but I feel like I'm gonna choke to death because they're so dry.

>> No.20594017

ham and cheese to keep the wronguns away

>> No.20594021

more butter

>> No.20594030

>no mustard

>> No.20594044

Too many carbs, this will make you a fat fuck.

>> No.20594052

Tell me you have diabetes without telling me you have diabetes.

>> No.20594826

whyd you tie a string around it

>> No.20594855

keto lards are mentally ill

>> No.20594863

>bread ham butter
>show a ham and cheese breadwich with mayo instead

>> No.20594999

Why would you use butter instead of mustard?

>> No.20595006

ham is forbidden in human diets bismillah

>> No.20595016
File: 92 KB, 530x893, prongles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We eat pig products here. /ck/ is a Christain board, after all.

>> No.20595019


christians are just brothers in islam who are 2/3rds of the way there

>> No.20595058
File: 48 KB, 393x472, 1669385921745611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your """prophet""" was a drugged out pedofile

>> No.20595072

not all christians eat pork or shellfish

>> No.20595079

Ham's haunted.

>> No.20595080


life goals

>> No.20595137

>Once you pop...that's great!

>> No.20595140
File: 1.64 MB, 2048x1362, 3EB53814-3334-45A8-ACDD-F3A07D188C55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks tasty but it’s got nothing on my grinduh

>> No.20595168
File: 2.14 MB, 1681x1182, 1711306571488142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steal this look
Rate my American jambon beurre

>> No.20595180
File: 174 KB, 1024x578, jamonbuere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many ingredients

Jamon buerre is perfect because it's so simple. Fresh crusty bread, nice ham and plenty of butter. Even cheese is too much because it completely changes the ratio of the sandwich. Americans always put too much stuff in

>> No.20595185


The French are amusing. This would be like Americans saying the grilled cheese is the pinnacle of sandwich perfection.

>> No.20595193

That meat to bread ratio is fucked
It'd be fine if it was steak or shredded chicken or some other good meat but getting a mouthful of nothing but slimy cold cuts is nasty

>> No.20595201

>Americans always put too much stuff in
There are French sandwiches loaded with ingredients that aren't going for simplicity too.

>> No.20595249

Have one on cheat day and really savour it

>> No.20595251

>god creates animals of all kinds
>humans devastate lands across the earth whilst capturing, farming and butchering them for consumption
>god gets angry at ham

might be time to consider the humans who wrote down these scriptures might've been fucking about just a bit

>> No.20595253

i quit carbs 2 months ago and i haven't had pork in over a decade so i'll pass

>> No.20595301
File: 461 KB, 1080x1920, LaysJB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Lay's sandwich, jambon beurre delight,
In gluttonous indulgence, purest bite.
With butter's creamy rub upon my face,
I revel in this moment, time and space.

A hybrid born of bread, ham, chips, and more,
A fusion feast that I've not known before.
The Lay's crunch mingles with the butter's smear,
A decadent creation, oh so dear.

In every mouthful, flavors intertwine,
A celebration of the gustatory divine.
For in this simple sandwich, I have found,
A joy so rich, so perfectly profound.

>> No.20595313
File: 91 KB, 220x220, 1698439422115789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This poet eats.

>> No.20595452

What sort of weak shitty mustard do you have that you'd use enough of it to replace butter?

>> No.20595705

By fuck, /ck/ attracts the utterly base level retards. Take a look at this op. An absolutely brain damaged, affected fuckwad. How the fuck do these downright simpletons even manage to survive the day, let alone get on the internet

>> No.20595943

Needs cheese.
And I'm french.

>> No.20596274

kek, I saw a video of some unsuspecting American lady trying English mustard that she'd been sent, spooning it on thick on both sides of a ham sandwich. She nearly aspirated on it.

>> No.20596626

Americans believe butter is unnecessary on a sandwich. It's an odd thing I think they use mayonnaise instead or something. But then they also probably buy margarine instead of butter so no wonder they don't like it.