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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 500x375, e42989c1bd2bad66f7f26ab5d8d1806b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20593474 No.20593474 [Reply] [Original]

>follow recipe online
>add 2 tablespoons of Uncle Jimmy's finger lickin rib ticklin slap ya mammas asscheeks ejaculate of satan sauce found only at Whole foods

>> No.20593481

>follow recipe online
>use EXACTLY 1 1/8 tsp of paprika
>use two medium size onions

>> No.20593497
File: 360 KB, 640x640, 1717928209576620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a legit dank name for a hot sauce tho lol

>> No.20593501

>pasta de cum sauce
>requires 2 tbsp of fresh cum
Where am I supposed to get that much?

>> No.20593502

Ask your mom/sister/dad.

>> No.20593527
File: 950 KB, 220x124, george likes his chicken spicy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds good to me

>> No.20593791

>See a recipe on Youtube
>Family claims they eat it every week
>It's absolutely fucking disgusting

>> No.20593802
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>Use whatever you think is best
>Add whatever spices you'd like
>Flavor to taste

>> No.20593806
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>prep time: 10 minutes
>actually takes 45 minutes

>> No.20593841

fukken love /ck/ so much

>> No.20593850

what the hell?

>> No.20593956
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Did their entire lifestory about whatever the recipe was, watch all 30 popup video links, and click their affiliate links before stealing the recipe?

>> No.20593961

>look up recipe online
>15 paragraph essay about the author's family loves it before the actual recipe
t-thanks SEO

>> No.20593970
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>Indian diarrhea covered chicken

>> No.20594132
File: 66 KB, 642x655, Peter Hitchens hope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read recipe reviews
>people who make changes to the recipe complain it doesn't turn out right and give the recipe a low score

>> No.20594170

le monke cooke

>> No.20594335

Indians would never make that monstrosity

>> No.20594344

>Recipe calls for large eggs
>No recipe has ever called for small eggs
Why do they even exist?

>> No.20594369

this isn't commonly known but smaller people tend to cook with smaller ingredients to suite their accordingly-smaller appetite. i'm only 5'4 or so, so normally if a recipe calls for large eggs or a whole chicken i'll substitute smaller/quail eggs or a cornish game hen. it's embarrassing to talk about, so most recipes just assume it's for normal people

>> No.20594504
File: 9 KB, 223x226, sweatingfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up a recipe
>it requires ingredients

>> No.20594509
File: 54 KB, 640x458, 1450829762557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when my family immigrated here in 400 AD it was a long and arduous journey over seven eons in a paddle boat with nothing but squirrel anus and beached whale blubber to eat
>this one's for you, Grandma

>> No.20594517

In my Midget village our grocery store only stock small foods like baby carrots/corn or bagel bite frozen pizzas.

>> No.20594572
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x3195, Screenshot_20240325_140653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20594596

wasted 1.34MB by saving and posting this

>> No.20594597 [DELETED] 

Hiros gonna freak!

>> No.20595884

>jpeg'd screencap
this should be a sin
there's like 5 total colors, a png would've given you a filesize of like 300KB while also not looking like crusted shit

>> No.20595910

>see recipe
>it requires cooking pre-cooked frozen shrimp

>> No.20595935

recipes should just give you the list of spices without the measurements and if you can't figure it out then you deserve to eat shit

>> No.20595960

>Uncle Jimmy's finger lickin rib ticklin slap ya mammas asscheeks ejaculate of satan sauce
you forgot that it's behind an affiliate link too.

>> No.20596026
File: 89 KB, 750x750, eaadf293f3b0cc342c75f16ad16a5a47-4014374960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>follow online recipe
>calls for "Stoked Pamprika"
>tfw I can only find smoked paprika

>> No.20596102

Henry's recipes are the GOAT
Chilli for one
Date night sushi
pure kino

>> No.20596108

You can't get your cock stuck back on, so I hope you're happy with your decision ma'am

>> No.20596111
File: 318 KB, 598x564, 1717862500269120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it costs less money and time to buy a mcchicken than to make one at home

>> No.20596125

>Oh look at my tranime meme

>> No.20596202

this. if you're even following a recipe step by step, and especially in regards to quantities, you already fucked up and unironically can't cook. the proper way is to glance over 2-5 different recipes for the same dish, get a gist of the ingredients and techniques used, and then synthesize it and apply your own knowledge to make a better product that's suited to your taste than if you were to follow one exactly.

>> No.20596221
File: 3 KB, 189x163, 1716339853008623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prep time: 10 minutes
>first step involves marinating it overnight

>> No.20596406

>super easy one pot recipe for week night dinner for one
>30 item recipe list that's going to take days to find and gather and eill overflow the largest pot you own

>> No.20596550
File: 154 KB, 719x718, DogCrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an abomination

>> No.20596562

>follow recipe
>1 clove garlic
>1.5 large onion

>> No.20596974

Personal favorite
>wash-your-sister sauce

>> No.20597011

>salt to taste

>> No.20597360
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>> No.20597393
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but is it BOLD???!?

>> No.20597936

This takes me back ...

>> No.20598134

Lazy disgusting fuckers.

>> No.20598162

I’d be fine with just the ratios. A few months ago I was experimenting with a chicken wings dry rub. Someone asked for the recipe and as always I didn’t measure anything out so I started writing down the ratios but realized that was probably going to be confusing to normies so I made up some measurement and did the math from there.

When you’re using like 3 ingredients or less the ratio probably isn’t going to matter a whole lot, but if you start getting up to 5 or more it’s probably going to be hard to distinguish each individual component in the final product so remembering you used twice as much paprika to turmeric or whatever is helpful.

>> No.20598233

I ignore measurements and just wing it purely out of laziness

>> No.20598246

Some sloppa dipped in Mama Liz's Chili Oil

>> No.20598639

I never follow recipes exactly unless its some ethnic food I've never tried before and getting the spices right is essential to get the "correct" flavor. Which is why I fucking hate >>20593802. I dont know what cumwah dumpings are supposed to taste like and thus I want to know what the exact spice composition is so I can later build up on that.

>> No.20598800

From me cutie

>> No.20599164

fuck hate this shit like you want to believe

>> No.20599508
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>recipe is super long with a lot of unnecessary commentary
>still fails to include important informations

>> No.20600663
File: 69 KB, 750x550, IMG_4606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no skip to recipe button
>have to hear some bitch's life story and decipher what I should be doing and how much of what I need
>no you stupid bitch I don't care if you had a lactose intolerant guest over one day.

>> No.20600717

To taste sukondese obviously.

>> No.20601190

>all complaints itt
that's why i just watch chef John from foooooodwishes dot com

>> No.20601286
File: 38 KB, 612x408, fat-greasy-man-holding-a-slice-of-pizza-3915889637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought all these complaints were made up. Do people actually watch shit they hate like a pile of retards?
Also, chef John is great

>> No.20601294

Don't disgrace leek spin girl by comparing it to your tranime shit.

>> No.20601337
File: 669 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20240619-111824_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4channel.org is no longer an anime website anonymous user.
Also, have you ever watch pilotredsun on a big screen? It blew my fucking mind.

>> No.20601367

Anime website faggot

>> No.20601404

Maybe back when you were 12 and saying desu all day, but now newfags come in droves and don't leave. Prove me wrong

>> No.20601422

>leek spin girl

That's Orihime from Bleach

>> No.20601449

>check website url

>> No.20602984

Oh my fucking god, this fucking bullshit is the worst.

I always read recipes on my phone and it fucking takes an hour to scroll to the actual recipe because some cunt thinks she's writing for the New Yorker.

>> No.20603935

>GIFs you can hear

>> No.20603937

anyone who is filtered by this needs to go back to drinking beers and asking their wife for a sammich

>> No.20603939
File: 158 KB, 582x581, notm7hoih4y31[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

completely unnecissary, just find someone who is talking in depth about the history of the food, people probably cant figure out how that cock sucking homo kenji alt lopez got so popular but it's because he rambles on and on about how the food works in every context which gives you ever vibe and idea you need to understand what the food is supposed to be and the confidence to basically ignore his recipes and focus on the TECHNIQUE

>> No.20603942

Contribute, you dumb chimps

>> No.20603960
File: 250 KB, 492x461, 1714773960673664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling reaction images "memes"
/pol/cels once again proving themselves to be underaged newfags.

Protip. add https://cooked.wiki/ before the url of any online recipe and it will parse the recipe without all the bullshit.

For example

>> No.20604003
File: 86 KB, 355x534, IMG_3968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who cook this recipe also make the same thing but in a different order and one extra ingrediant!

>> No.20604131

deez nuts

>> No.20604165


>> No.20604243

Shit thanks man.
That is a much better version of
For youtube shorts and
For Manuelly serting the time on videos

>> No.20604579

pipe down, virgin

>> No.20605410

sir, you eat the poo poo

>> No.20605554

kill yourself

>> No.20605712

Dudes fantasize about having a 50s housewife and don't realize they cooked all kinds of disgusting shit like this

>> No.20605714
File: 15 KB, 250x188, Nine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to kick your ass, Jimmy Dorset! FUCK YOU

>> No.20606845
File: 254 KB, 1370x1080, 1715141913326138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not call these pedos
please. polcels are a noble race, we are not lewd.

>> No.20606893


>> No.20606894

What font lil bro?

>> No.20607401

>find lobster bisque recipe
>can't determine if there's olives in it

>> No.20607469
File: 5 KB, 302x119, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Floods /gif/ with QoS/cuck/Buckbreaking threads
>"not lewd"
the delusion

>> No.20607959

>please. polcels are a noble race,
Is jacking off to trannies and then seething about them on /pol/ out of shame considered a noble act?

>> No.20608140

Recipes aren't divine Scripture. Adjust and alter them however you want. If you think a recipe would be better with pepper instead of salt, then just do it.

>> No.20608151

>If you think a recipe would be better with pepper instead of salt, then just do it.
A savory recipe without salt is going to taste bland as hell

>> No.20608157

Then don't do it.

>> No.20608543
File: 256 KB, 773x852, 1712376884335999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salt to taste
Just tell me how much, asshole!

>> No.20608891

You can make a recipe in any crazy way you want, but not using salt in a savory recipe is madness unless you really need to reduce your sodium.

>> No.20609211

start jerkin boy