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File: 396 KB, 1790x624, vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20591530 No.20591530 [Reply] [Original]

"vegan" vs. vegan

>> No.20591569

Right is too much sugar, you're going to get fat.

>> No.20591580

>too much sugar
>avocado, tomatoes, berries (notoriously low sugar) and kiwi

>> No.20591586

Left is too much goyslop, you’re going to get cancer.

>> No.20591686

Vegans would rather guzzle seed oils and chemicals from a meth lab than eat eggs.

>> No.20591706

I was looking at those square bananas in the top right.

>> No.20591858

Glucose and fructose are processed differently.

>> No.20591870

Nobody in human history has gotten fat from eating too much fruit.

>> No.20591888

None of those things contain glucose

>> No.20591968


>> No.20592057

Imagine actually believing this

>> No.20592058

>YoU'rE dOiNg It WrOnG

>> No.20592081

Yeah fructose turns into fat in your liver

>> No.20592083

That's not tomatoes. I think they're cranberries

>> No.20592165

I'm sure eating 2,000 calories worth of oranges, about 30, a day would do a number on your body after a month.

>> No.20592175

Good thing nobody does this.

>> No.20592184
File: 58 KB, 770x720, cranberries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strange looking cranberries to me

>> No.20592396

I only get 7 or so grams of fat, you stupid anti-vegans guzzle more seed oil than me

>> No.20592424

pretty sure that image on the right is an example of fresh fruit and vegetables, not a plated meal. vegans aren't eating 5 raw tumeric roots and a whole bulb of garlic for dinner

>> No.20592425

Both of these diets are nutritionally deficient btw.

>> No.20592497

Yeah no shit you're missing some nutrients if you only gobble on the processed patties like an American.

Right pic of whole foods plus a plant milk (nearly every one is fortified) is what sensible people eat and is nutritionally complete.

>> No.20592500

>plant milk
That shit is just a s bad as those processed patties.

>> No.20592507

>Water + protein + vitamins is "just as bad as those processed patties"

>> No.20592516

real vegans don't eat anything that animals would eat, as it would harm the animal by not being available.

>> No.20592519

You forgot the sneed oils which are in most of them.

>> No.20592531

>b-but is has vitamins!!

>> No.20592548
File: 1.39 MB, 1341x470, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"vegan" vs. vegan

>> No.20592553
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, takai-orangutan-blog-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human history

>> No.20592581

Why do people buy fake meat? It's like jerking your dick without cumming and pretending that you are totally not addicted to masturbation/meat.

>> No.20592622

fuck off coombrain

>> No.20592627

gay weakling vs gay weakling

>> No.20592628

>You forgot the sneed oils which are in most of them.
No oils nor sugars on my plain unsweetened soy milk tho.
Judging from your reply you're likely to have low brain metabolism, so i will highlight the point that if you take out the water and protein from a plain plant milk, it doesn't have much if nothing else, so it's not like I'm defending consumption of a caffeineted energy drink just due to it having some vitamins.

>> No.20593137

Do they not consider bears, coyotes, lions, and snakes animals?

>> No.20593140

I misread that.
But to make it more clear, most of the meat humans eat is raised by other people, so it doesn't seem like it would hurt animals in the long run.

>> No.20593212
File: 3.20 MB, 2100x2364, 1711668490213619(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. ketolard

>> No.20593230
File: 12 KB, 343x343, 1661060189560455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some bad news for the vegans about what one of the favored organic fertilizers is.
>chicken viscera

>> No.20593647

is it really more popular than manure? I've never heard of this

>> No.20593713

what is this schizo bullshit

>> No.20593722

I think they mostly use the poop for fertilizer the viscera is apparently valued as feed for fish farms
IIRC the most popular "organic" (it's used for both) pesticide is tobacco juice

>> No.20593732

It's true you fucking retard. You cannot just eat tons and tons of fat without suffering health consequences. A better keto/carnivore is eggs + LEAN meat like turkey or 96% beef, chicken etc

>> No.20594303
File: 184 KB, 347x424, 1643779175525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cheaper, though it tends to be used more in orchards. By the way, how's that glass of Almond Milk?

>> No.20594308
File: 125 KB, 500x393, 1622259668199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some is suitable for feeding to fish, what isn't gets ground up for the trees

>> No.20595081

Isn't it a lot more efficient to feed humans soy than feeding to cows which in turn gets fed to humans

>> No.20595150

>low fat keto
You're not very bright, are you?

>> No.20595186

"faggot butt lickers" v faggot butt lickers
Is there a real difference?

>> No.20595191

Because some people enjoy eating meat but are aware of the health and animal welfare issues?

>> No.20595192

>vegans should keep to these arbitrary standards that I have made for them
>no I would never be a vegan what about it

>> No.20595197

Maybe vegans have some central committee like the socialist communist party types? Beware.

>> No.20595204
File: 50 KB, 407x305, Byrne_Dairy-Chocolate_Milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like happy cows and only happy cows give us the pleasure of chocolate milk.

>> No.20595209

vegan death squads

>> No.20595237

>nearly every one is fortified
So the diet is still fundamentally nutritionally deficient? You're essentially just taking multivitamins alongside your food but in milk form so you can larp as 'natural' or whatever faggotry vegans like.

>> No.20595239

Almonds aren't vegan anyway because they move millions of bees around the country to pollinate them and something like 25% of the bees used die per year.

>> No.20595286

Left is full of high fructose corn syrup, soya bean and canola oil + mystery chemicals they add to make them more palatable.

>> No.20595291

>blood meal
>bone meal

Animals died from diseases are unfit for making feed. They just compost them.

>> No.20596320

>B12 is naturally made by bacteria in soil and water but can be grown in industrial-sized vats for supplements. Traditionally, farmed animals would have got their B12 from water and eating food from the ground but with so many now confined in factory farms, farmed animals themselves are given B12 supplements. So, whatever you eat, B12 comes from a supplement.
So that makes your diet fundamentally nutritionally deficient too.
Also couldn't care less for the "natural" tag, not all vegans are hippies.

>> No.20596631

If you don't care about it being natural why bother getting it from a shitty plant milk instead of eating a multivitamin? You clearly care enough about processed food to use the term 'whole food' so I fail to see why shitty processed fake milk is a better delivery vehicle here. Unless again the goal is to delude yourself into thinking your warped autism diet is somehow normal.

>> No.20597526

The problem for you is the cows and chickens are tastier and more interesting than the legumes. Plus our ability to produce enough calories for every living human is already met and can probably keep up with rising animal protein demand, starvation is a political problem on the macro scale and a social problem on the micro scale.

>> No.20597736

>The problem for you is the cows and chickens are tastier and more interesting than the legumes
Lets be real you aren't eating either of them without seasoning

>> No.20597752

You aren't eating soy slabs without wishing they were chicken wings

>> No.20597767

so.. any good vegan recipes that are actually plant based and dont try to mimic "X but vegan" or use any lab made meat substitutes?

>> No.20597773

Terrible pivot

>> No.20597777

How about just eating a vegetable or fruit without needing a "recipe". "Recipes" are literally just excuses to insert egg, milk, sugar, salt and additives into perfectly good food

>> No.20597782

Yeah man I'll totally eat a plate of apples for dinner

>> No.20597784


>> No.20597845

beat me to it

>> No.20598171

As already stated, plant milks are fine, but feel free to be the only one getting triggered by them, with no good reason to boot.
Unless you post proof that my unsweetened soy milk is bad, like you vehemently claim it is, you are a dishonest rat.

>> No.20598186

What's wrong with cutting up an apple to have with your chicken ?

>> No.20598211

Nothing, but that's not what you originally said, you are backtracking now.

>> No.20598771

Most vegans I know don't eat the stuff on the left on a regular basis. They're mostly made for omnivores who want to try out being vegan for a short period of time. I don't know why /pol/cels get so angry at products being sold though.

>no retort other than clip from movie
Thanks for conceding

>> No.20598792

Bread and hummus.

>b-b-but that's not a recipe!
Homemade hummus.

>> No.20599622

Huh? I think you are confusing me with someone else. Probably because ypu don't eat any fruits and vegetables

>> No.20599771

Why fortified plant milks and not water and a multivitamin? Other than deluding yourself into thinking that's not essentially what you're already consuming. This is the core of the argument here. You clearly believe 'whole foods' are a good thing. Fortified plant milk is not a whole food and the same effect can be gained from eating and drinking whatever you want and simply consuming a multivitamin so why bother with the delusion of the milk format?

>> No.20600726

I'm sorry to have upset you

>> No.20600729

>Why fortified plant milks and not water and a multivitamin
>why eat things that taste good and not be dull, gray and utilitarian