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20589449 No.20589449 [Reply] [Original]

bros I need you to teach me your secrets and your method of making tasty homemade burgers
I followed an online recipe and the result I got was awful most likely because of skill issue on my end
the recipe was just ground beef with one egg and salt/pepper/paprika/garlic powder mixed in with some worcestershire sauce but the end result had an unpleasant egg smell and it tasted nothing like a proper burger since it was clumpy and a bit chewy and that egg smell put me off
and before anyone asks the meat was fine I cooked a normal meal with it yesterday the smell came from the egg
please teach me senseis I want to make a burger that's as good as the regular restaurants outside

>> No.20589450

I mix cum and a tiny bit lsd into the meat when i cook for others.

>> No.20589452

I'm only making burgers for myself at the moment so I can just jizz in my own mouth if I wanted to taste cum
but I'll keep that in mind for whenever I have to cook for someone else

>> No.20589455

Salt and pepper that's it

>> No.20589495

What kind of burger do you like? There is so much variety when it comes to burgers it might help to know what you're going for

>> No.20589501

You made meatloaf, not burgers.

>> No.20589515

What other methods have you tried? I tend to be simple plain ground beef with salt, but garlic/onion powder/pepper is nice too.

If you like the taste of butter then that can help, but the hamburgers I’ve had the most compliments on have had a bit of beef bouillon in them.

>> No.20589717
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I'm not entirely sure either but either restaurant style burger patties or the packaged ones are the only burgers I've had
I'm talking about the thin layer ones not the thick american style burgers
pretty much it was closer to meatloaf than a burger now that you mention it
the fact that I didn't flatten it and tried to make it a thick burger patty didn't help either
that was my only attempt so far since ground beef is kind of expensive here so I didn't want to waste more of it with just pure experimentation
I'll probably give raw beef a shot next time but I'm not sure if it'll be the one for me since I don't usually like raw chicken/meat without any spices to help with the smell
thanks for the butter and beef bouillon tip anon

>> No.20589734

0. Heat up a pan
1. Get a 50g ball of mince
2. Put some salt and pepper on it
3. Have a slice of cheese on standby, not too wide
3. Press the ball firmly into the pan for about 30 seconds
4. Flip, press for 10 seconds
5. Put the slice of cheese on top of the patty and cook a little longer until the cheese melts
6. Put between burger buns with your choice of extras and serve

1 minute burgers
It's just that simple

>> No.20589746

Dude. Just ball up the ground meat, then press it into a disc shape. Sprinkle salt and pepper.
That's literally it. The patty preparation doesn't go beyond that.
Fuck around with the toppings and sauce and stuff, sure. But keep the patty simple.

>> No.20589789

thanks for the retard proof guide anon
I see I guess sauce is a good way to season the patty too
I'll give it a shot thanks anon

>> No.20589858
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>just salt and pepper lmao

>> No.20589925

enlighten us then frogposter

>> No.20589939

This kind of poster doesn't want to enlighten anyone, they just want to feel superior with no justification

>> No.20589946

Only do this if your kitchen is well-ventilated, else you're in for a smoke alarm. Stove needs a vented hood, not those 'microwave blower above stove' jobs that have been installed in (((modern homes)))

>> No.20589952

>frying burgers in a pan
Are you all so poor you don't have a backyard or at least a balcony? Since I started actually grilling burgers I don't think I can ever go back.

>> No.20589955

True yes it can get smoky, and to avoid that you can just press it lightly instead

>> No.20589960

Here's my barbecue method:
85:15 meat:fat ratio
prepare large piece of wax/parchment paper, as well as 1 square per patty
grab a piece of meat the size of a large tangerine, form into smooth ball
lay it on the paper and fold the other half on top
smash that shit to about 1 cm uniform thickness
lift the paper and clean up the edges by pressing them back together where the big fissures formed
patties will seem huge, but they will shrink significantly
generously salt/pepper both sides, stack them between parchment squares and chill them in the fridge for about 20-30min
heat grill to ~350F, reduce burners to medium
carefully but confidently lay patties on grill, cook until done. I never timed it but it's very quick. Once the juice pools on top of the patties and they start to discolor on top, you can do the first flip. Few minutes per side should do ya.

>> No.20589970

I actually strongly prefer pan-fried burgers over grilled unless I'm cooking them over wood, but mostly for secondary reasons.
Firstly, pan fried burgers render their fat, which I like to collect and save. Ever fried eggs in bacon grease? Delicious, yeah? Even better fried in burger grease. I'm not even big into beef and prefer pork but something about the way I make my burgers and the grease that renders out of them makes for the absolute best fried eggs.
Secondly, i didn't use a gas grill. Starting it up just for burgers for the family feels like a waste. I don't mind barbecuing/grilling for a block party or cookout, but just for the three of us seems to put the time and effort far beyond the point of diminishing returns IE it just ain't worth it.
Lastly, I'm likely going to be preparing other things to go with the burgers, anyway, like fries or something so the stove will be in use, anyway. Why bother with the grill if that's the case?

>> No.20589974

Use more salt than you think you need. If you have a good sear, the flavor of the meat augmented by s&p enough on its own. And if its formed and cooked right theres no need for eggs.
I only make them on a grill though, the stove must need more considerations. Maybe let them come to room temp and pat dry to improve the sear.

>> No.20590000

I do 90/10 fat ratio, then I generate the extra fat content by adding bacon. I blend it up and mix it in, plus about 1/4 of a grated onion for a bit of moisture. Fuck you everybody else.

>> No.20590007
File: 397 KB, 800x1068, unfucking believable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont appreciate your tone but fuck man you cant argue with quads

>> No.20590013

>generously salt/pepper both sides, stack them between parchment squares and chill them in the fridge for about 20-30min
This is just me, but I usually leave one side unseasoned if I'm going to put on a slice of cheese. Cook the unseasoned side first, flip, slap on a slice of cheese, cover it and let it cook through.
If I'm doing a thick ass patty, then before cooking, I just slightly season the inside of the patty.

>> No.20590078

500gr 80/20 meat
100gr breadcrumbs
1 egg
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 onion chopped finely
Then just black pepper, and whatever other spices or herbs you want, but thats the base that works every single time for me to make great burgers, same mix pretty much for meatballs..

>> No.20590126
File: 17 KB, 285x303, 1708713547313481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From memory
Preheat oven to 400F
20oz 7% ground turkey
1 cup chopped spinach
1/2 cup feta
1/2 cup chopped kalamata olives
1 tsp cumin
2 tsp oregano
lightly salt

Combine all this in bowl by hand, wet your hands first so it doesn't stick. Form into 5 patties and place on baking tray cover in cooking parchment or lightly oiled foil. Lightly depress the center of the patties with thumb, they will fluff up and turn into giant meatballs otherwise. Bake 20 minutes, flip patties at the 10 minute mark. Done.

Alternatively, just mix ground beef with a seasoning blend.

>> No.20590130

Anything leaner will be a solid brick.

>> No.20590173

>regular restaurants outside

Don't know what restaurants you're eating at.

But generally there are the thicker style burgers and smash style burgers.

Either way very simple, use 80/20 or 85/15 ground beef, going below that level of fat will make it something else instead of a burger. Don't add dumb shit like spices or eggs into the burger before cooking.

Thick burgers make a ~150g ball, have a pan going on medium-high, not maximum high, you will end up undercooking the middle. Add salt/pepper while cooking, you can add other things like onion powder, garlic powder after you make a few standard baseline burgers to understand your taste. Oh and flip once you see the red liquid rising to the top.

Smash burgers are my favorite. I just take the same 150g above and make two 75g portions. Smash that shit on an already hot pan maximum heat, quickly add salt pepper. It should take less than like 4 minutes to cook it all the way, even that might be a bit too much. 80% of the cooking happens on the first side, after you flip it should be like 30seconds, throw a slice of cheese on the top to finish it off.

>> No.20590176

I have a yard but I don't have a grill the best I can do is one of those squat coal grills
I want to make easy burgers I can cook at night though if I wanted to go and grill stuff I'd make steak or something

>> No.20590180

>bros I need you to teach me your secrets and your method of making tasty homemade burgers
Step 1: Don't fucking make meatloaf you dipshit

>> No.20590181

man if you think that's my burger you're in for a surprise since it's just a random picture I found
mine was even thicker and worse those look actually edible compared to mine

>> No.20590219

Enjoy your meatloaf

>> No.20590230 [DELETED] 

hes talking about the recipe

>> No.20590283

>500gr 80/20 meat
>100gr breadcrumbs
>1 egg
>1 teaspoon salt
>1/2 onion chopped finely
This is a meatloaf recipe

>> No.20590301

They work perfectly as burgers and they are great to eat as hamburger steaks. No one that has had them has ever complained I gave them "meatloaf", you cook them as patties and you get a good sear on them either way.
Here in germany its pretty common to do them like this, and they are just as good to eat without bread, because you can change up the spices or add stuff lime minced mint and parsley or whatever.

>> No.20590306

put steak in blender

>> No.20590308

>They work perfectly as burgers
>Here in germany its pretty common to do them like this
Germany needs to stop before it hurts itself
>they are just as good to eat without bread, because you can change up the spices or add stuff lime minced mint and parsley or whatever.
That's because you are making frikadellen

>> No.20590469

I don't believe a single thing you've typed up. Having family in Germany, I can tell you confidently that if I were to feed them that, they'd thank me for the beef frikadeller, because that is exactly what your recipe is.
Stop overcomplicating things. All you need for a burger is mince formed into a patty. That's it.
You might as well add carrots and allspice to cherry cake and call it Tysk kirsebærtærte (Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte to you) cuz that's pretty much what you're doing: adding shit that doesn't belong.
>Germany needs to stop before it hurts itself
She's lying. This is simply not a thing done by any sizable subsection of German society. Her recipe is just frikadeller. It's not a burger. Don't condemn all of Germany for her stupidity.

>> No.20590808
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My secret is: Get one of these things, put it in a small dish with a splash of water and microwave it for a few seconds until you can dissolve it, and mix it through the meat. Perfectly seasons two quarter pounders.
It's your choice.

>> No.20590983

And eat it raw?

>> No.20591864

checked and based

>> No.20592756

i get the same meatloaf comments when I post nearly the same recipe for burgers and everyone to date has enjoyed what I've grilled for them, typically on job sites where people will happily tell you something is bad

for every 1lb 80/20 ground chuck burger, 1 egg, about half a cup of panko crumbs, s&p, and a few splashes of worcestershire sauce. 3 - 1/3rdlb patties about 1" thick.

>> No.20592764

most important is don’t use previously frozen meat. a burger smusher is also very useful if you’re cooking on a griddle or cast iron pan

>> No.20592783

>don’t use previously frozen meat
why? explain further

>> No.20593080 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 638x349, Seriously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's real

>> No.20593093

>egg in burger
The fuck? Who the hell does this?

>> No.20593097

One reason is that if you buy freshly or locally minced beef, the meat is almost certainly fresher. They typically run the stuff day-of at supermarkets that have proper butchers or close to that at stores, like Lidl and Aldi, that don't. Fresh also goes on offer/sale more often so can wind up costing less than frozen chub tubes which rarely, if ever, do.
The other reason might be because she's not very clever and believes whatever kitchen myth celebrity "chefs" talk at her.
They'll say the frozen stuff is lesser quality and/or includes pink slime (I'm not aware of any country where beef slime is legal) or that frozen mince has additives (again, not aware of any country where that's legal).
I buy fresh because I catch it on offer and stock up to freeze in portion sizes so it winds up being cheaper but if I see frozen for less than what I pay for fresh, you can bet your granny's fanny I'll buy that instead.

>> No.20593099

According to OP, Germans. According to Germans, no one and OP only uses eggs as a psychological replacement for the eggs she will never have because SWNBAW

>> No.20593101

>yes, these filthy plebeians who don't know a brunoise from a brulee are truly the most knowledgeable about food

>> No.20593102

I just salt, pepper, garlic powder on the outside and cook in a skillet. Squish them down when you first put them on but not as much as they do for smash burgers.

>> No.20593109

If you're going to mix egg into the patty (don't), then don't use the whole egg. Split the whites from the yolk, and only mix the yolk in.

>> No.20593153

ramsy does it too

>> No.20593171

>"a great sear is a great flavor"
>doesn't sear it

>> No.20593182

that's not me though and I never argued about eggs in burgers, I literally said I don't know how to make burgers nigga I just found eggs in multiple online recipes and thought it's normal to put in eggs in burger

>> No.20593241

How do I make burgers that are dry like McDonalds?

>> No.20593242

>online recipe
Spotted the problem. Burgers are just ground meat, that is it. Do not add shit to burgers, ever. That is meatball and meatloaf territory, and you cook those differently.

To make a proper burger, get yourself some 80:20 lean:fat blend mince/ground beef from the grocery (a bit leaner is fine, it just dries out faster). Since you are new, feel free to splurge on the pre-pattied ones, those patties in the pic are terrible. Then you light up your grill, propane or charcoal, charcoal is preferred. Let it warm up and oil the grates a bit. Then you pop the burgers right on and throw a bit of seasoning on the top - either S&P or some generic seasoning mix that you might like. You then close the lid and let that shit grill until you see the first signs of gray on top. Then flip. Do not flip earlier, because you need a crust before flipping or your burger will fall apart. After flipping, let that side crust up.

Now, if you have thick burgers, you need to either constantly flip after you have a crust, or move them to indirect heat to let them come up to desired temp, or you will turn them to burnt ash. Stick em with a meat probe and pull when you hit desired doneness temp levels. There are charts for this online.

For cheese: to make cheese burgers, you apply cheese at the last minute. On a flattop you would use a cloche to help it melt, with the grill you just close the lid. Let it melt, then pull the burger and apply to bun.

The little rack up in the top of grills are for bun toasting. You put your buns there to let them brown and warm up. This is an optional step, but does increase burger structural integrity.

Apply burger to bun and you are done.

Smash burgers require a pan/flattop and you ball the meat up and smash it down with something heavy, either a heavy metal spatula or a tool specifically for that job. You smush it thin and then let it cook until grey on top, flip and let it cook, then add cheese near the end for melting.

>> No.20593264

He he, this is do-your-own mince grind territory. Brisket and bacon ground together makes for one hell of an amazing smash burger. Doesn't grill well because the pork fat renders too fast and dries up, but was killer tasty as a thin smash burger.

For the cooklet OP, if you are doing this kind of thing, cook the onions first then add the patty to the pan on top of the onions, you will get caramelized or charred onions that are just bomb when paired with burger meat. You can also just do that separate in a pan to get full caramelized and use it as a topping.

>> No.20593280

No one is saying meatballs can't be good or tasty, but you are fundamentally making meatballs/meatloaf, not a burger.

Dude is making his own grind and using SHORT RIB. That is like grinding up a filet for burger meat, its a massive fucking waste of a superior cut for mince. The whole purpose of mince it to use up junk and leftover bits of cuts, not to grind up quality cuts. Richfags gonna richfag though.

Also what a shitty ass sear, at least it was medium rare at the end.

>> No.20593343

why egg? the rest of it sounds decent but egg is kinda wierd
one time me and one of my friends mixed a bunch of finely chopped up habaneros in ground beef. the patties were bright orange before grilling
it was decent desu, most of the spice cooked out but there was still some habanero flavor

>> No.20593362

Egg and breadcrumbs mixed into burger patties, really any minced meat recipe, is a really old way of bulking them up. Add filler into it, get more patties out of it. The egg is just a binding agent here.
Why do people still do it, despite not being poorfags who don't have to bulk up recipes? Same reasons dipshits do homeopathic "medicine": people did it for so long, it must be good. They're idiots.

>> No.20593376

>homeopathic "medicine"
A friend of mine literally shoved garlic in his rear because it was supposed to cure... something. I can't remember what it was, but that shit gave him an ear infection. Or maybe he had one already and he was trying to cure it but it made it worse. Whatever it was, he's a moron in this regard.

>> No.20593383

Slipped onto that extra key lmao
Perhaps Freudianly, so.

>> No.20594083
File: 504 KB, 2839x1824, brioche burger fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to make a good burger just keep it simple. The protein should just ground beef with nothing added.
If your burgers don't taste like restaurant-quality food it's going to be because you're not using restaurant-quality equipment. Simple as.

>> No.20594190

>the recipe was just ground beef with one egg and salt/pepper/paprika/garlic powder mixed in with some worcestershire sauce
that's meat loaf

>> No.20594192

why the fuck do people make burger patties with egg
you can get that big 10lb log of ground beef and cut it directly into patties that taste better than any of that tryhard nonsense

>> No.20594197
File: 106 KB, 500x643, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use 80/20 beef
mix seasoning in with beef before forming patties
keep patties refrigerated until right before you cook so they hold together
use finger test to check doneness of burger

>> No.20594216

finger tests is gonna be trial and error for a newbie

If you're making a thick burger just use a thermometer and stick it in the middle.

If you fuck up and sear the outside and the inside too under just throw it in a toaster oven/oven for like 5 minutes took cook the inside without burning the outside. It's something I did when I fucked up my first couple of burgers, salvaged the meal no problem.

>> No.20595074

It's filler for when meat is expensive

>> No.20595085

If you're using really lean meat then egg & breadcrumbs help bind it. For example when I make chicken patties I grind chicken thighs, which needs egg & breadcrumb because there's just not enough fat.

But if you're making beef patties and you're using lean meat you've already fucked up.

>> No.20595225

It's probably a euro thing since they regularly confuse horse meat with beef.

>> No.20595241

>For example when I make chicken patties I grind chicken thighs, which needs egg & breadcrumb because there's just not enough fat.
I grind chicken thighs into burgers all the fucking time and have never had to add jack fucking shit to them to hold them together lmao
wtf sort of "chicken" thighs are you using?

>> No.20595247
File: 385 KB, 1600x1200, faggotbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen. its about skill and fresh meat, thats fuckin it.
i shitchu not, the one thing i get the most compliments on, out of all the wild ass shit i make, are my burgers.
ppl fuckin love em, they ask me for the recipes for them and i just kinda stare at them blankely, as theres no fucking ingredients. its just fresh meat, 80/85 whatever, dont let some fuckingi faggot reddigger tell you you need a specific fucking fat content, they can suck a fronthole.
get your fuckin meat, get a scale, i dont like doing more than 6oz for a burger. i like mine paper thin, but people appreciate a juicy fat burger for some reason as opposed to thin burgers charredup on both sides...
so make your patties, then salt and pepper them both side, take s&p outside youre gonna resalt/pepper them once more on the grill. make the sizes consistant, have a clean grill, i have a weber and theres no comparison, i think the weber may be a secret ingredient... its def worth it to own one if you dont.
time them, like 3 min, turn 90, 3 min more, flip , 3 min / toss on buns to toast/ 90 turn add cheese take off rolls, 3 min more and take them off.
have a spray bottle to stop flareups if you dont have a superclean grill
make sure you eat them immed, dont let them sit .

right, somehow youve figured it out, distilled it all down to the bare simplicity of it all, disregard everything else and just have salt and pepper. gotcha. so if i throw a fuckin meatloaf on there its gonna be amazing with a lil s&p. banger job there friend

>But keep the patty simple
sage advice

>Here's my barbecue method:
>85:15 meat:fat ratio
i knew id find a fucking soyboy cooklet in here eventually

>I actually strongly prefer pan-fried burgers over grilled
the smell without vented hoods, anon, just wow, you must have grease all over your ceiling, do better.

holy fucking shit, last time i hated someone this bad a trannyjanny banned me

>> No.20595277

if someone is having trouble with a finger test then they should stick to preformed patties on a Foreman grill

>> No.20595283


>> No.20595447

I'd suggest making the patties out of half beef and half pork (cheaper and better texture), and then some breadcrumbs, some milk, and one egg, and whatever seasonings you want. Skip adding the worchester sauce, if you want the taste then put it on the burger with the rest of your toppings instead of in the patties.

>unpleasant egg smell
How many patties are you making? If you're only making like one burger use just the egg yolk or half an egg or something, or maybe even skip it. Only time I ever made burgers were for family, and that was with one egg for the whole amount of meat mixture which was then divided into four patties (one per person).
If this all sounds too complicated you could even skip the egg entirely, add just the breadcrumbs and milk.

>> No.20595453

>half beef and half pork
>one egg
you are making meatloaf

>> No.20595653


>> No.20595678

>the smell without vented hoods
>she thinks everyone is poor and can't afford proper kitchen ventilation and/or everyone is as much of a scuzzbucket as she is and don't wash their walls and ceilings
Our ventilation ain't the best, but the missus rushes me and the kid out of the kitchen for a whole day each season while she scrubs every surface and screams about it. On those days, we eat whatever leftovers she graciously microwaves for us or I pick up some Popeyes (practically the only time we eat fast food).
She wants to get the walls painted yellow with a mottled red design but we're putting it off until we upgrade the ventilation.

>> No.20595685

This anon knows how to burger

>> No.20595752

>chill them in the fridge for about 20-30min
Isn't this bad, don't you want your burgers to be dry and room tempature?

>> No.20595820

if your patty is room temperature it will fall apart the moment you put it on the grill unless you are doing something like smash burgers or pan frying
ground meat patties should be cold, it's steaks that you want at room temp before you cook

>> No.20595846

Never add egg. It doesn't need it unless it's a meatloaf. Also try not to over mix bc it will get dense

>> No.20595981

Purchase fast food and disguise it as your own cooking.

>> No.20596033

1.put meat in big bowl
2. season and mix it up
3. put on pan
4. roll it out like dough
5. cook it
6. cut out bun sized pieces

>> No.20596192

I hate you

>> No.20596531

beef is usually just not that great. it's probably poor quality, awful cuts of meat ground up that you're buying.

even when you're using 'better' cuts, it just doesn't taste that great.

i would suggest not baking them.

try this.

get your medium ground beef (2 lbs)
add in salt, pepper, MSG, garlic powder, onion powder (about 1-2 tsp of each), a single egg.

Mix everything thoroughly.
Form them into balls (1/3 pound each, so 6 burgers), then smush slightly. Coat the outsides in worcestershire sauce, and a little salt and pepper again.

fry/bbq and cook to your liking. i'd guess about 5 minutes a side max.

make sure the pan is hot before you put them in. don't have the heat so high that you start burning the oil/fat. but don't have the pan cold.
Cook 2-3 at a time, depending on how big your pan is.

Between burgers, remove the brown bits/fat because otherwise you'll just be boiling your burgers in rendered fat (which will taste bad).

Serve with pickles, lettuce, tomato, red onion, and your favorite cheese (cheddar works well, havarti is also good, monterey jack if you have it).
If the burger is too dry, you will need to use condiments like mayo, bbq sauce, ketchup, and mustard to add some moisture.

>> No.20596540

15% grass-fed ground beef, salt pepper paprika garlic powder, cook for 4+5mins on medium heat. if you don't have a grill give up and prepare your ground beef another way.

>> No.20596556

>so if i throw a fuckin meatloaf on there
As long as you only used salt and pepper and didn't overwork the beef that would be fine. Or should I have told him to shape the meat like patties instead of a fucking loaf as well? Retard

>> No.20596646

Not her, but I've actual done something similar. I rolled out mince onto parchment, set a griddle on the hob then, when it was hot enough, slapped the whole meat sheet onto it and peeled the parchment off. Using the spatula as a guide, I cut the meat sheet into several individual burgers of roughly the same size as it cooked, them flipped them all, cooked the other side, topped them with cheese and served.
I was able to cook and serve up ten 100g burger patties in four minutes that way.

>> No.20596702

late to the thread but good burgers is insanely easy

high fat beef
super hot grill/pan
sear like mad
if on the grill, move to the "cool side" and let it finish cooking after the sear
if on a pan, go thin and layer patties to preferred thickness
lots of oil
lots of salt
everyone fucks up burgers because they make them complicated
your toppings can be complicated, but the beef needs to be simple
it's beef, it's all about how well you cook it

>> No.20597097

This is /ck/. I saw a thread discussing whether shampoo would be okay to eat or not. If you want to actually learn how to cook go to reddit

>> No.20597519

Seconding the super hot grill. People itt saying 350 but I get that bitch up to 500 on a hot summer day and my burgers turn out delicious with a nice crispy sear. Might need to keep a closer eye to make sure you’re not burning them but that’s just a skill issue

>> No.20597627

>if on a pan, go thin and layer patties to preferred thickness
thinness is worth experimenting with, esp with the hot skillet of pan

>> No.20597659

Do not use egg, do not use breadcrumbs
Use salt and pepper primarily, if you want to kick it up feel free with steak seasoning or others that COMPLIMENT the beef and not overpower or take it away.
1/3rd pound patties
Medium-high heat on a cast iron, stainless steel, or griddle. A drop of water should sizzle in the pan but not scatter around like running off of a roof.
~4 minutes per side. No patty pressing.
Ease off on going overboard on toppings until you know the patties are to your liking.

>> No.20598094

> No one that has had them has ever complained
if people aren't actively saying bingo phrases like "omg this is like a restaurant" then its probably okay or mediocre. you have to really fuck up to get people to complain, and even then they'll prob continue eating it to make the hunger go away. decent cooking almost always throws people out of the loop...

>> No.20598100

Well? What was the verdict?

>> No.20598297

so how do you make chicken burgers?

>> No.20598584

Meatloaf has breadcrumb and veggies, he made a Salisbury steak.

>> No.20598624

It was a long journey but the end result was that the OP should use semen in his hair and as garnish in his food. Still not clear if it had to be HIS semen.

>> No.20598631

Why do retards keep posting meatloaf-ish recipes for a burger?

>> No.20599021

Sound advice.

>> No.20599449
File: 492 KB, 1300x967, Oklahoma-Fried-Onion-Burgers-Horizontal-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay listen up, faggot. Start with decent 80-20 ground beef.
Oklahoma Onion Burgers are objectively the best patties. Apply bacon grease to pan (you do save your bacon grease, right?) Smash the onions on top to form the patties. Flip them and add your cheese then stack the buns on top to warm them in the burger steam.
>the meat
Put some cayenne, smoked paprika and garlic powder into the meat. Put your salt and pepper on top while the cook.
>the sauce
Equal parts mayonnaise and chopped dill pickle. Add a little brown mustard and ketchup to taste. Just trust me.
Sauce both sides of the buns. Top with iceberg if you want a little crunch.
Do it. This recipe will NOT let you down.

>> No.20599478

You don't.

>> No.20599608

Dont listen to anyone that tells you to smash the patty, it's a meme. Salt and pepper only. Don't put any bullshit like herbs or egg in your beef, it's not a fucking meatball. Flip it once, that's it.

>> No.20599617


nice one you fucker

>> No.20599626

Just kill yourselves

>> No.20599636

I like to keep my burgers simple and they fucking slap...for me anyway. I just like a simple smash burger. salt pepper, cheese, ketchup and mustard.

>> No.20599686

Any smash burgers always slap.
You should try smashing them with onion next time.
no u

>> No.20599690

post burger recipe cowardly faggot

>> No.20599704
File: 77 KB, 552x672, Screenshot-2024-06-17-at-13-12-32-Chuck-Schumer-deletes-Fathers-Day-photo-tweet-in-front-of-grill-after-critics-slam-his-spatula-skills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey you filthy fucking GOYIM, I've got your burger right heah... oh GAWD, it reminds me of when Uncle Herschel got bahbqued at the concentration camps not once but four times...

>> No.20599710


The art of the burger is to keep is simple, salt, pepper and worsheshure sauce. Never mix the meat, that's meatloaf patties, apply all seasonings to the top of one side of the patty

>> No.20599720

>Dont listen to anyone that tells you to smash the patty, it's a meme.
Sit the fuck down purist, smash burgers are fast and delicious.

>> No.20599726

I feel vindicated for not liking my dad's homemade burgers all those years ago
Egg, pieces of onion, an unconscionable amount of bread crumbs. He was making meatloaf pucks, the fucker

>> No.20599729

>nOoOoO you can't put a pinch of onion and garlic powder into the heck'n meat!!!+
>that makes it a meat ball
*adds worcestershire sauce to cope*

>> No.20599811

I know it's a burger because if I served it to you without telling you what was in it, you'd tell me it was a good burger. Just like everyone else.

>> No.20601127

No. I've had your style of shitty meatloaf patties several times and always know that they're shitty meatloaf patties.
The fact that you can't tell the difference and believe no one else can, either, is really rather telling, tho. You've no business cooking anything.

>> No.20601131

Chef johns meatloaf burgers best I ever had

>> No.20601418

>ground turkey
Stopped reading here.

>> No.20602438

What oil or fat should I use to greese a stainless steel pan? I've been using vegetable oil but it's pissing me off.

>> No.20602479

>you'd tell me it was a good burger. Just like everyone else.
It's called politeness/social convention. Are you autistic or what? You literally use a half fucking cup of breadcrumbs for a pound of meat, of course it would be noticeable that it isn't really a burger.

>> No.20602505

Try using animal oil next time. If that doesn't work try mineral oil

>> No.20602744

I had problems for years (itafag here)
The solution it's very easy, you put a ton of fat in your mincemeat. Go for an 80 or 70% lean, the rest fat.

If for some reason you already have good meat for your burger and want more:
You pick some white bread, and you bathe it in milk, then you mush it as a paste(add salt+spices you like) and you add it to the meat. You can also add an egg's yellow if you wanna go overboard, but at that point it's a meatloaf for ita cusine

>> No.20603167

lsd is destroyed by heat

>> No.20603245

>break ground beef up
>apply steak spice
>form into quarter pound ball
>heat up cast iron and add bacon fat
>flatten beef balls on hot pan
>flip and apply cheese to beef

It ain't rocket science

>> No.20603314

i buy the preformed pub burgers from harris teeter these days. sweet onion and cheddar or something its called

>> No.20603706

>smash burger
>in bacon grease
Good man.
How do you top them?

>> No.20603809

As a certified American anyone who tells you to put that much spice and an egg in a hamburger is a full blown retard who has never made a great tasting dish in their life.

Pan fried burgers are slightly different than grilled burgers. But the principles the same. The only difference is you’re going to “smash” it in the pan and require less cooking time.

Take a ball of ground beef (mince beef for the rest of the world) a little bigger than half the size of your palm. You will want at least two if you are smashing them in a pan.

Sprinkle garlic powder, salt, pepper, to give it a nice quick layer, I like light salt. Then work the three seasonings in to the meat ball folding it over and over and over until it’s worked fully in. That’s it, that’s all you need to add to the meat. No binding agent. No egg. No spice to make a damn meatloaf.

In a pan, put olive oil, and a bed of diced onions and begin sauteing the onions. When they start to get clarified and you smell them cooking, set the meat ball on to the onions and with a big metal spatula mash the ball flat in to the onions. Cook it for five to seven minutes on medium-high heat. Let the onions caramelize in to the meat.

Flip the burger after five to seven minutes, scooping under the onions, and letting the meat on top now cook directly on the pan. The onions should be nice and brown and a nice crusty sear should be on the meat. Cook it another 3-5 minutes. While it’s cooking slice a piece of cheese. Here’s where you make it yours. Swiss with sauteed mushrooms is an excellent choice. I like a super sharp cheddar with barbecue sauce to really wake up the onion flavors. Or you can go extra fancy and go light on the A1 steak sauce with a creamy blue cheese crumble and have a rich and tangy burger ready to wash down with a Hefeweizen. You can also go with the classic all-American and put mayo, mustard, and ketchup on “American” cheese with pickle slices.

>> No.20603820

Oh! Forgot, a French roll makes an excellent bun. Crusty, crispy outside, soft and chewy inside, adds a satisfying crunch. Don’t do too much to the bun, butter it at most. And toast it.

>> No.20603864

>You can also go with the classic all-American and put mayo, mustard, and ketchup on “American” cheese with pickle slices.
Ketchup on burgers is haram unless it's mixed into your special sauce. Otherwise it's too overpowering.
Mix all of that shit together next time and give it a try. I honestly hate handling a shit ton of condiments now when I can just whip them all together in a small bowl while the meat is cooking and throw it on with one spoonful.
Old school burger joints did it this way for a reason.
Sound advice besides the ketchup tho.

>> No.20604076

Imagine being such a weak little tastelet that you're overpowered by ketchup. lmao

>> No.20604081

for burgers that go hard use salt, pepper, franks buffalo ranch seasoning, lawrys seasoning salt, a little bit of milk and dice up some onions and fresh garlic and add it to the patties

>> No.20604232

i made a really amazing one once. sauce was a combo of caramelized onion, hoisin, and baby rays honey chipotle. i used garlic powder, pepper, and mustard to season beef 80/20. white american as cheese. i got nice buns and just put mayo on them. all my other burgers just tend to taste to boring.

>> No.20604236

Just think of how bland everything is they make is, if ketchup can overpower the pure grayness of it.

>> No.20604373

>salt, pepper, franks buffalo ranch seasoning, lawrys seasoning salt
Salt, pepper, salt, salt
There’s more to life than salt.

>> No.20605024
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Ah yes because having a taste for ketchup is CLEARLY the sign of a refined palate
Lmao even
The sickly sweet taste of ketchup drowns out the beefy flavor.

>> No.20605134
File: 2.94 MB, 4080x3060, OnionBurger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bacon greased the pan
>80-20 ground beef balls
>salt them
>smash some fine sweet onions down on top tonform the patty on the pan
>mayo and dill pickle on the buns
Simple as

>> No.20605143

We're talking about burgers, numbskull. That's about as far from refined as you are from manly, milady.

>> No.20605144

>u pick some white bread, and you bathe it in milk, then you mush it as a paste(add salt+spices you like) and you add it to the meat.
Nice meatloaf recipe you have there, but in this thread we're discussing hamburgers.
>a little bit of milk and dice up some onions and fresh garlic and add it to the patties

>> No.20605152

You're the one calling me a "tastlet" for not enjoying overpoweringly sweet sugar syrup on my burgers.
No, burgers are not "refined" but ketchup still ruins the beef flavor.
You have the palate of a child.

>> No.20605168

Just use less ketchup and it won't be overpowering.

>> No.20605208

ignore shit ike this you don't need long drawn out guides to make a good burger

also anyone not talking about temps is a fucking retard dipshit

>> No.20605276
File: 1.64 MB, 498x206, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can pick out the taste of ketchup at all you're masking the beef's flavor.
Ketchup needs to be spread thin and paired with other condiments to dull it's sweetness. So if you're using ketchup just combine it into a sauce.
If you're squirting ketchup onto your buns straight from the bottle, even just a little bit and with other condiments, you WILL taste ketchup and you WILL mask the flavor of beef. It needs to be combined.
This is an objective fact of burgers.
>also anyone not talking about temps is a fucking retard dipshit
I'm not temp checking a burger. Put it on medium heat. It's done when it's done. If you need a thorough guide on temp your burgers a much too thick.

>> No.20605290

Pretty much this. Add in a pickle and or ketchup or relish into an aoli sauce. It's the vinegar or salt brine taste that helps at the end. No one needs to add egg and breadcrumbs to a patty, that shit is for meatloaf and meatballs outside of something that requires a meat filling.

>> No.20605293
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>> No.20605295
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I made this

>> No.20605298
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>> No.20605330

>now he says what heat to put it on
i won, kill yourself

>> No.20605346

>Put it on medium heat. It's done when it's done.
This is what makes it obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about. There's no way you can get a rare burger with a good sear using medium heat.

>> No.20605349
File: 2.30 MB, 410x374, 1705528032620445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Put it on medium heat. It's done when it's done."
>i won, kill yourself

>> No.20605350

Your patties are too thick

>> No.20605352


>> No.20605354

They are not, and making thinner patties will only make it harder to cook it rare with a good sear.

>> No.20605355

>long drawn out guide

>> No.20605362

So then turn up the heat a little and cook it less.
It's done when it's done.
Just git gud, faggot.

>> No.20605413

yes, anyone who describes something as easy as a burger like that is a halfwit trying to look smart and complex

the kind of people that scare people out of buying cast iron acting like they're confusing and really complex and hard to handle and learn

>have some cheese on standby

really nigga

>> No.20605440

If you're a newfag to burger making, here's Anon's helpful guide, written by a dickhead with a computer - me.

Choosing Your Meat
>lean to fat ratio
You'll want something fattier; 70-30 (70% lean muscle, 30% fat) is the fattiest that most supermarkets carry as ground beef, and that's actually about as fatty as you want a burger to be. On the lean side, 80-20 is probably as lean as you'll want. Most supermarkets do have 90-10, but use that in things like pasta, tacos, or other applications where you want the meat to crumble instead of retain its shape.
Ground chuck is also a good option, as it is a chuck roast that's been run through a meat grinder. Despite what the oh-so-very-culinary folks may think, the specific cut matters very little once it's mincemeat. If you're more advanced, and have a home meat grinder, then sure you can justify mixing and matching animals and cuts, but that's some high end shit that you're not looking for in a burger tutorial. Typical hamburger will lean more towards ground chuck, as it's a cheaper cut, but can also include butcher fuck ups, steak or pot roast ends, and fat caps from cleaning up more expensive cuts.
Check the sell by date when shopping. If it's expired, obviously that's a no-go. Nearing expiry? See if it's marked down. The longer you have before expiry, the fresher the package of meat.

>> No.20605444


Preparing Your Patties
Seasoning is going to be based on your specific palette. What spices do you like? Personally, I like a couple dashes of ginger, garlic, some soy sauce, and black pepper. I recommend adding salt, or a salty item (i.e. Lawry's, soy sauce, or Worcestershire). Don't fuck with eggs. Mix well.
Grab a quarter pound of meat, flatten it out, and try to go thinner in the center and thicker at the rims. As hamburger cooks, the center is liable to puff up. You want a patty, not a meatball.

>Pan frying
You want a hot pan, so preheat it a little past medium. Fat is your friend here, so a thin layer of grease, enough that they don't stick initially will be helpful. Remember, as the patties cook, fat will be released; this will prevent food from sticking to your pan. Flip once after about a minute or two, then baste it with the juices that have been released. This is the best way to prevent flavor from draining out, while also getting your burger cooked. Cheese (if desired) should go on about 30-45 seconds before the patty leaves the pan.
Make sure your coals are good and then just let it rip. Flip once, and DO NOT try pressing down on the patty. Cheese (if desired) can go on after the flip.

>> No.20605450

>Cooking Rare
Quit being a haute-cuisine faggot.

>> No.20605453
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>soy sauce

>> No.20605468
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>> No.20605487

Then guess what Lil Miss Tastelet: according to your silliness, you can't have a burger at all.
Cheese? That masks the beef!
Bacon? Beef status: masked!
Any toppings at all? 1994 Jim Carrey film.
Salt? Masque of the Red Beef.
Enjoy your keto, low-sodium, glat kosher beef, Becky.

>> No.20605514
File: 215 KB, 180x180, 1706158879055835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading comprehension.
If you can pick out the taste of ketchup at all you're masking the beef's flavor. It's too sweet.
Imagine calling people tastelet when you unironically enjoy ketchup on your burgers.

>> No.20605553

If you can pick out the taste of lettuce at all you're masking the beef's flavor. It's too leafy.
Imagine calling people tastelet when you unironically enjoy lettuce on your burgers.
If you can pick out the taste of cheese at all you're masking the beef's flavor. It's too cheesy.
Imagine calling people tastelet when you unironically enjoy cheese on your burgers.
If you can pick out the taste of pickles at all you're masking the beef's flavor. It's too vinegary.
Imagine calling people tastelet when you unironically enjoy pickles on your burgers.
If you can pick out the taste of onion at all you're masking the beef's flavor. It's too oniony.
Imagine calling people tastelet when you unironically enjoy onion on your burgers.
If you can pick out the taste of bread at all you're masking the beef's flavor. It's too bready.
Imagine calling people tastelet when you unironically enjoy bready burgers.

>> No.20605581
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>> No.20605582

t. tastelet

>> No.20605622

Enjoy your ketchup, kiddo.

>> No.20605949

I will, thanks! Don't put off that mammogram!

>> No.20606053

The asparagus is a nice touch for an awful looking burger.

>> No.20606063

the perfect burger has mayo, lettuce, tomato and onion. cheese and bacon are acceptable too

>> No.20606254

They will add more structure to your burgers along with the eggs. I also put finely diced onions into the beef while mixing it all up.
Your choice of spices are fine, maybe consider using diced garlic instead of powder however. A bit of oyster sauce or Worcestershire will compliment the beef as well.
I don't make burgers often, so this next step may very well be retarded, but to form patties I will scoop the meat onto saran wrap and then twist the saran wrap until the meat is a ball. Then I will flatten it allowing the burger to untwist the saran wrap as it is flattened until the burger is at the desired width/thickness.
It may be time consuming but it delivers consistent patties.

>> No.20606274
File: 3.55 MB, 395x281, 1688032437870184.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What country are you from?

>> No.20606324

Canada eh.
The egg makes the burg very juicy. And I've seen you yanks put egg on your burgers so is in the burger really that much of a stretch? Others in this thread have mentioned using egg as well.
Anyways, I am certainly not claiming the way I described is the best way. There is just a certain flavor I have in mind when I want to make burgers and this is how I go about achieving it.
Admittedly I'm more of a poultry/fish enjoyed. If you told me that you prepared burgers a different way and that they were delicious I would be inclined to believe you and delighted to sample your cooking.
Honestly I'm surprised that the inclusion of egg and bread crumb was the point of your contempt. I am much more self conscious about forming the patties with saran wrap.

>> No.20606520
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>The egg makes the burg very juicy.
It's probably just balancing out the dry ass breadcrumbs you're adding. That or your meat is too lean.
>Honestly I'm surprised that the inclusion of egg and bread crumb was the point of your contempt. I am much more self conscious about forming the patties with saran wrap.
>And I've seen you yanks put egg on your burgers so is in the burger really that much of a stretch?
That is a really faggy way to form patties but eggs and breadcrumbs in your burger meat is a sin.
Try an oklahoma onion burger with nothing but salt, pepper, cheese, onion and 80-20 ground beef. There is no way they will come out dry due to the onion. Just try it plain and you can tweak it from there.
If you keep making burgers with breadcrumbs and egg I won't allow you to be a country anymore.
Murica, fuck yeah.

>> No.20606597

That all masks the beef, tho.

>> No.20606605

If you use only one condiment, mayo is perfect.
Ketchup kiddos GTFO REEEEEEEEE

>> No.20606607

Is beer so rare in your country that you can't afford any other flavor to interfere with the beef tasting occasion?

>> No.20606616
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I'm proud to be an American (where at least I know I'm free)
Ketchup is too sweet and will ruin the flavor of literally any meat (besides mixed into a meat loaf or burger sauce)
Dirty Harry agrees with me.
Would (You) argue with Dirty Harry?
Do ya, punk?

>> No.20606621

t. tastelet

>> No.20606631

Put warm water in a pot and use a whisk to mush up ground beef until it's a thick pink slurry. Add better than bullion, tomato paste, garlic, onion, and chili powder. Simmer for like 20-30 minutes.
In another pot heat milk until almost simmer. Add less than a quarter of a spoon of sodium citrate. People confuse this with citric acid all the time so maybe it does not matter. Can I substitute sodium bicarbonate? Knock yourself out, just follow the recipe and take shit out at random and add random shit in it's place. The whole point of a recipe is not following it and using different ingredients. Shred cheese and whisk until it's a thick sauce.
Cook hamburger.
Put hamburger on bread, top with chili, then cheese, then top with bread. This is my special recipe for chili cheese burger. It also works for chili cheese dog except you use a hotdog instead of hamburger. Or chili cheese fries except you omit bread and use fries instead of hamburger.

>> No.20606638
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>puts sugary tomato paste on his meat based dishes
>claims others have no taste
I bet you drown your well done steaks in A1 and ketchup.
Fucking hell man.
You are defending ketchup on meat
Fucking KETCHUP.

>> No.20606644

>The whole point of a recipe is not following it and using different ingredients

>> No.20606645

Stop adding all kinds of weird shit to your patties, retard. Just take ground beef and flatten it into a patty, put it on the grill, let the maillard reaction handle the rest.


>> No.20606726


when i was a kid i drown steak in a1. now i dont even know what that flavor is. its insane and doesnt taste good. i think its literally meant for children.

>> No.20606758 [DELETED] 

>well done steaks
Madam, I like my steaks so rare that /co/ and /toy/ collect them.
I have never and would never.
See A1.
Ketchup+Burger = yum.
I'm sorry this makes you very into your crumpled corduroy, kiddo, but this is as much a fact as it is delicious IE very much so. Just don't put too much. To much mayo can be fine. Too much mustard can be fine. Too much ketchup is icky poo yucky.
Steaks are eaten with wine reduction, lemon-and-wine reduction (if cooked in a pan, the wine used to deglaze it before getting reduced) or just lemon (if cooked over open flame) where I'm from. That's how I've eaten steak since I could eat steaks.
I tried A1 once on its own and found it bizarre-tasting. Same with that American Heinz 57 stuff. Just tasted weird and I wasn't a fan of either

>> No.20606762

>well done steaks
Madam, I like my steaks so rare that /co/ and /toy/ collect them.
I have never and would never.
See A1.
Ketchup+Burger = yum.
I'm sorry this makes you cry into your crumpled corduroy, kiddo, but this is as much a fact as it is delicious IE very much so. Just don't put too much. To much mayo can be fine. Too much mustard can be fine. Too much ketchup is icky poo yucky.
Steaks are eaten with wine reduction, lemon-and-wine reduction (if cooked in a pan, the wine used to deglaze it before getting reduced) or just lemon (if cooked over open flame) where I'm from. That's how I've eaten steak since I could eat steaks.
I tried A1 once on its own and found it bizarre-tasting. Same with that American Heinz 57 stuff. Just tasted weird and I wasn't a fan of either

>> No.20606795

this is how I make my burgers and they always come out great

>80/20 beef
>salt and msg
>smash against counter to turn into patty
>start frying bacon in pan
>remove bacon when it's done
>start frying onion in bacon grease
>remove onion when it's brown
>toast buns in pan with remaining grease
>add beef to pan
>flip when bottom is seared
>season with pepper
>add cheese
>turn heat off and put lid on to let cheese melt
I eat it with barbecue sauce

>> No.20607133

>I eat it with barbecue sauce
That masks the beef.

>> No.20607183
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80/20 ground beef, salt, and fresh ground pepper.

Anything else and you're fucking gay.

Mix the salt, and pepper into the meat, work your meat with your hands and form the meat into balls. Plop your balls onto a hot griddle and immediately smash your balls with a patty smasher (Pic related)

>> No.20607262
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Get a patty press and use it and then put the patty on a grill with just salt and pepper. Don't fucking touch the patty until it's ready to flip, when it slides easily on the grill and flip it.

If you must use a pan or griddle then you can just weigh the meat so they're basically the same and smash it down when you place it. But using a patty press first is more consistent. Either way you want the meat to be consistent weight and size with each other and have a uniform thickness so I would still recommend a presser which is a useful and cheap tool to have around anyway.

Anything you want to add like additional seasoning can be done after you sear the patty. Cheese will melt, seasoning mixes will blend in, everything else can be toppings.

tl;dr consistent thickness of the patty and not putting anything in the meat but salt and pepper is important

>> No.20607292

I just made some two days ago and I swear to god I almost went out and got a loan to start up a food truck business. They were double patty bacon cheeseburgers, with a little mustard on each bun that was it. Probably the best burger I’ve ever eaten in my life no joke.

For the patties I smash them out until they’re pretty then, they’ll shrink up obviously, run olive oil on both sides then smash out into a patty shape. Plenty of salt on both sides, a little pepper both sides. For seasoning I make a season all type mix.

1 part garlic powder
1 part onion powder
1 part paprika
1 part dried parsley
Add this to one side of your patties.
Use a cast iron skillet, get it at least to 325°F then add your patties.

I also made some garlic butter and toasted the buns with this. Get a stick of butter, 3 or 4 cloves of garlic and turn them into a paste (add salt and smash with knife repeatedly) mix with a mixer. I add a slice of American cheese to each patty.

>> No.20607304

Oh and I should add that you want your patties to be about 1/4 of a pound each. I usually take a 1 pound pack of ground beef and divide it equally into four parts then roll those into balls, cover in olive oil then smash out into a thin patty before seasoning.

>> No.20607345

>reddit spacing
>poorly formatted photo
>doesnt smash onion with the meat

This is why redditors should stay on reddit, or at a minimum, reddit unchained (/pol/)

>> No.20607351

smashburgers are italian-american nonsense

>> No.20607539

>adding onions to the burger
Some of us don't like steaming the meat.

>> No.20607598

>Any toppings at all? 1994 Jim Carrey film.
fuck you, i'd watch it

>> No.20607767

I think you may have missed the joke.

>> No.20607773

>basing her tastes on what fictional characters do
You're the reason influencers exist, Ellen. Stop that. Have some ketchup. Form your own opinion without having to fall back on some famous person, real or fictional, for their opinion to justify it.

>> No.20608171

This method doesnt steam the burger patty, your confusing white castle style with smash burger.

>> No.20608560

>people telling OP smash burgers
I love smash burgers a lot but they're completely different to make from a normal burger. They are a lot easier to mess up and you are more likely going to smoke and stink up your house. It would be better for him to learn how to make a simple normal patty first than do smash burgs.

>> No.20609998
File: 444 KB, 936x916, mongo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a hamburger-thread. Adding egg and breadcrumbs to hamburger meat and forming them to patties make meatloaf-patties. How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.20610667

I got a dehydrator for Christmas and since then I've gone a little bougie and started adding a shake of porcini mushroom powder to my burgers along with the salt and pepper

Shit's good

>> No.20610746

Try freeze dried tomato powder. Really nice

>> No.20611999

turkey burgers?

>> No.20612498

The cum and spit hold the meat together.

>> No.20612503

What does a slap in the face tell you about the meat doneness?

>> No.20612508

>got bahbqued at the concentration camps not once but four times... with the masturbation machine of death attached to his crotch

>> No.20612656

I don't know ask your mom she probably knows

>> No.20612751
File: 425 KB, 2400x2400, seasoning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no need to add a bunch of shit other than a salt based seasoning to good ground beef.

>> No.20612763

I should slap you rn and then ask you about meat doneness you sack of shit!

>> No.20614619

Throw in some MSG to bring your burger to the next level.

>> No.20614692

..I would argue that I am more ignorant than retarded. I did it, it worked, I liked the results. I won't argue though that my way is superior. I've always liked fish and chicken over burgers, and we never made them when I was a child.
If it will make amends I promise to look up a proper recipe and exclude the breadcrumbs the next time I make burgers.

>> No.20616071

t. chinese

>> No.20616204

Don't add bullshit like breadcrumbs or eggs, it's not meatloaf. Get the freshest meat you can. The frozen chuck I buy from this smokehouse is the best but not the most expensive. Don't over handle your burgers you're not making bread. Season how you like. To get them cooked through put a divot in the center. They'll plump up while cooking so make them thin.

>> No.20617817

Minced beef
fried onion & garlic
little mustard for acidity
ketchup for sweetness
little bit of breadcrumbs for consistency

salt and pepper after frying

>> No.20617884

proably too late to reply but w/e

First the bun, I actually like english muffins instead
>brioche dough
>few tbl sp of butter melted
>once metled turn off heat and add 1 cup half and half or butter milk (no need to scald)
>1 tblsp of instant yeast
> add in some flour, then add a large pinch of slat
>keep adding flour till it forms a shaggy dough
>let rise for 2 hours at least
>form into balls the size of a racquetall and then squish into disc shap
>cook on medium flame in a cast iron skillet with a pan about 10-15 minutes, flicking until they sound hollow
>let rest as you cook meet

For the pattiest, make them as the EM bake on the stovetop
>1lb ground beef 93/7
>mix with 8 oz breakfast sausage or chopped bacon
>you can add stuff like paprika or ground mustard or other seasoning, DO NOT SALT YET
>Once EM are done I use the same pan on medium high heat
>Sear burgers on one side and flip, now salt and pepper
>allow other side to sear and flip and season again

If you add salt with the seasoning it binds to the meat and make it chewier, I started seasoning after searing after watching a Jacque Pepin video and it does actually make a difference.
The amount of meat I use makes 2 pretty thick patties, if you make the english muffins right before the meat and then rest them as the meat cooks they will still be hot and steamy and will sorta bind to the meat.
You can add whatever extras you want like onion or tomato.

I can also usually make some shoe string potato fries to go along with them.

>> No.20618017

>How do I make burgers that are dry like McDonalds?
Hold them in water vapor for hours like them.

>> No.20619475

that's a meatloaf read the thread

>> No.20619774

>stove' jobs
He’s been dead for like 12 years, retard

>> No.20619780

too much effort

>> No.20621633

>>1lb ground beef 93/7
>>mix with 8 oz breakfast sausage or chopped bacon
Don't know which thread you were supposed to reply to or what the name of those patties are but FYI this is a thread for hamburgers.

>> No.20621721

>500g Beef mince, chopped garlic, salt, pepper, Worcestershire
>Mix with hands
>Seperate into 4
>Shape patties with a great deal of autism
>Cover and chill until cooking
>Remove from fridge and let sit for at least half and hour
>Season then add to preheated pan or BBQ
>Turn and put cheese on top
>Put lid over pan to melt the cheese
>Remove patties and let rest
>Add buttered bun to BBQ or clean pan and toast
>Apply anything you want to your burger