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20586518 No.20586518 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I buy frozen wild fish instead of farmed at least one of the filets has a visible worm in it. Never found a single worm in farmed fish.

>> No.20586545

Cool beans

>> No.20586549

Good keep doing what youre doing and keep spreading this information too

>> No.20586551

t. big fish

>> No.20586552

little fish

>> No.20586557

Ive never seen a worm in any kind of fish Ive bought, have you tried living in a dirst world country

>> No.20586561
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>dirst world country
oh shidd

>> No.20586563

If it's frozen what's there to worry about?

>> No.20586568
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>> No.20586569
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>Ive never seen a worm in any kind of fish
All wild fish have worms in them. There is an elaborate process just to remove visible worms from fish but they're still in there. This is why "sushi-grade" fish exists, because fish is just naturally fucking loaded with parasites. If you've eaten fish you've eaten worms, 100% chance.

>> No.20586574

Never experienced anything of the sort. Are you getting fish from the dumpster?

>> No.20586577 [DELETED] 

7-11 from rajeesh my friendly neighborhood jeet

>> No.20586582

I'm buying frozen wild caught fish at the grocery. I eat fish frequently, at least 3 times a week. It's easy miss the worms if your not paying attention, it's just a tiny white string.

>> No.20586586

Canada is basically hell on earth I guess

>> No.20586592

Anon, I live in the US. The fish all comes from the same places. It's full of worms. If you eat fish beyond fish filets at McDonald's this is just part of reality, and if you eat those you got way bigger problems than worms.

>> No.20586604

I'd even say for farmed shit there's probably fucking parasitic worms too. You're just not getting away without eating them. That's why almost all fish is flash frozen at the very least by law in the US.

I cringe really hard when I see hipsters online saying "we are sushi freshly caught out of the ocean". Brother in Christ you have 100% given yourself a parasite

>> No.20586624

Farmed has more EPA and DHA anyway

>> No.20586638

Farmed isn't always readily available because there's an unironic wild salmon lobby that's suppressing the industry's growth, and not just for farmed salmon, but the entire industry. Like most of the stigma surrounding tilapia is due to that lobby, because it's the cheapest and most widely available farm fish.

>> No.20586694
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>> No.20586897

Never seen one.

>> No.20586910
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that's why i only eat beef. every other meat is nasty

>> No.20586921

Wild fish is full of parasites anon
The fish is flash frozen to kill them. Required to by law
Eat your worms pussy

>> No.20586932

I was a member of an economic club that was guested by ADM in Decatur IL. We visited their tanks of tilapia fish. The tilapia are fed the processing remnants of GMO corn sprayed with glyphosate etc. -- stalks, leaves, silk etc. They bioaccumulate massive levels of pathogens and then some of you eat them. I h/n eaten farmed fish since that trip.

>> No.20587257

Beef also has worms, but they are more adapted to the human body and therefore less likely to wind up somewhere that will kill the host.

>> No.20587275

>lobbying group that artificially restricts growth in order to drive up scarcity and price
many such cases. it's just the world we live in.

>> No.20587290

>"sushi-grade" fish
not a real thing. all marketing

>> No.20587305
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based durstposter

>> No.20587317

At farms run ethically by White Europeans the fish are medicated to remove parasites and are fed an enriched diet. They are better in every way than le epin wild fish that swim around randomly eating plastic and human wastes, sadly brown and yellow demons have ruined the reputation of aquaculture as they do everything else.

>> No.20587318

Those people probably already have intestinal parasites from other activities so it's just another layer added onto their health burden.

>> No.20587362

Protip: cook it before you eat it. Fire kills worms.

>> No.20587421

Fish is very delicate and overcooks easily.

>> No.20587450

It's always funny how people are obsessed about parasites but know nothing about them. It is possible but extremely unlikely to get parasites from fish, their bodies are very different to ours

>> No.20587460

That's wrong and the difference between our bodies and theirs is what makes their parasites dangerous to humans.

>> No.20587468

It isn't wrong for the exact reason you just said

>> No.20587473

Parasites normally have evolved not to kill their host, but if their host is a wildly different animal then they might wind up in places they shouldn't be, like the brain.

>> No.20587510

Yes and that very rarely happens

>> No.20587527

>The fish is flash frozen to kill them. Required to by law
cite the law

>> No.20587544

>shithole dweller problems

>> No.20587553

I think some fish are just more prone to parasites than others. Wild salmon will have parasites but i've never seen one in swordfish. Of course salmon are sort of short lifecycle fish and i think most commercial salmon fishing is done near the shore as they're returning to spawn, which is naturally the end of their lifecycle, so you're eating old degenerate fish.

>> No.20587554
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>> No.20587663

I've had terrible luck with flounder.

>> No.20589056

you're retarded

>> No.20589089

wild salmon are predatory fish, near the top of the food chain. they are almost always filled with parasites as a consequence of their life style.

farmed salmon, trapped in a large resevoir and swimming and breathing in their own feces, have different health problems.

>> No.20589113

fish farms are giant pollutors that wreck local ecosystems and represent huge drains of local fresh water resources.

the kind of worms found in salmon can not survive in a human body because our bodies are literally too hot. that being said, if they end up in your stomach still alive, they may attempt to try and escape which means they will trry to burrow through the lining of your stomach before dying which will result in a lot of pain and distress.

>> No.20590724

>he doesn't know

>> No.20590741

>freeze fish
>cook fish
>worm ded
what does it matter really?

>> No.20590752

Love worms they are good protein

>> No.20591528

Isn't fish frozen to kill those worms? I fee like all fish regardless of sourcing has a high chance for having parasitic worm so if you regularly eat fish it makes sense to always go with frozen fish.

>> No.20591943

N 2 Gether now is probably one of the best songs ever made

>> No.20592377

How do I spice up my salmon? I can't find any fish seasoning at my store. I tried lemon juice but it wasn't enough. Can I just use salt and pepper?
Yeah, they flash freeze it to kill the eggs. The only way you will get a parasite from fish is if you catch it wild yourself and then it eat raw or undercooked

>> No.20592426

the worms are dead but they're still in there and they're gross. at least you don't get parasites living in your gut.

>> No.20592454

>cite the law
Not that anon, but it's Food Code 3-402.11-12 that requires flash freezing of fish served raw for the destruction of parasites.

>> No.20594102

If the worm is dead though, then it's just one more variety of protein isn't it? Or is it toxic so we shouldn't eat it?

>> No.20595786

buy some lemon thyme, garden centers have them now -- for them to survive indoors though you have to mist them frequently, use some soap -- dish soap that doesn't have alcohol in it.

>> No.20595941


>> No.20597382

farmed fish don't have parasites, because salmon get worms from their diet and farmed salmons' diets are 100% controlled by humans

>> No.20597384

the nips basically refused to eat raw salmon until the 80's because they were loaded with worms

>> No.20597387

praying that you get an anisakis worm burrowing inside you before dying in your muscle tissue

>> No.20597391
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behold, farmed fish

>> No.20597411

who is this cutie

>> No.20597431

People honestly overblow the whole worms in fish concern, they're often dead by the time you eat the fish and we're not even that harmful anyway.

>> No.20597702
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I don’t buy salmon, I catch it on the Columbia River and it’s tributaries. Very rarely see worms. Vacuum seal and freeze the fish for a couple days if you’re that concerned.