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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 800x535, Korean-noodles-recalled-in-Denmark-for-being-too-spicy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20581772 No.20581772 [Reply] [Original]

Buldak ramen noodle products from South Korean company Samyang have been recalled in Denmark for being too spicy.

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration announced on its website that it is recalling Samyang's Buldak 3x Spicy Hot Chicken, 2x Spicy Hot Chicken and Hot Chicken Stew ramen noodle products.

The recall was attributed to high levels of capsaicin, the chili pepper extract that gives the noodles their spicy flavor.

"The [Technical University of Denmark] Food Institute assesses that the levels of total capsaicin in a single pack of all three noodle products are so high that they pose a risk that the consumer develops acute poisoning," the food agency said.

Samyang released a statement to the BBC indicating that it stands behind its products.

"We understand that the Danish food authority recalled the products, not because of a problem in their quality but because they were too spicy," the statement said. "The products are being exported globally. But this is the first time they have been recalled for the above reason."

The company said it will "closely look into the local regulations" regarding food sold in Denmark before deciding on its next course of action in the country.

Buldak Ramen 3x Spicy, the hottest noodles in the product line, has a spiciness rating of 13,000 Scoville Heat Units. A jalapeño pepper has a rating of 4,000 to 8,000 SHU.


>> No.20581778


>> No.20581782

Something that's not even twice as hot as one of the mildest peppers is so scawy to the Dutch that they ban it? White people really are pussies lmao

>> No.20581787

yeah we know, we saw the other 2 threads

>> No.20582250

I live in SoCal and there are A LOT of Korean stores around me due to the largest Korean population outside of Korea living here and this shit is sold out everywhere I went. I guess people wanted to test it for themselves now.

>> No.20582279

The danes deign to diss this dish?!
Bunch of old prunes.

>> No.20582490

I literally just made this comment in a thread here yesterday - hi Government of Denmark.

>> No.20582494

My comment:
>>20575484 (OP) #
>I was given scoville chocolate once, and was incapacitated, I found a bed and lay down. I've had the 2x spice level Korean noodles - it's semi-edible but that piece of chocolate was the worst thing I've had by far, you could ruin someone's day definitely, except they will spit it out and I was knowingly attempting to eat it. With all the Nanny State stuff going on it's almost odd kids can buy these things.

>> No.20582501
File: 278 KB, 421x421, 1644085992262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Korean and it's way too spicy for me too. Not sure how people can enjoy flavorless food. No flavor, just spicy.

Korean food became much more spicy and sweet in the last decade (or two) thanks to social media trends, and I absolutely hate it.

>> No.20582504

It's OK Maangchi will right your ship.

>> No.20582522

Scoville units are such complete and utter bullshit. It has to be the case that different spicy plants have different molecules that account for spiciness. The heat of different peppers is not the same.

Furthermore, it’s bullshit because your mouth only has so many capsaicin receptors. A habanero might be 10x a jalapeño. But in real life you might say a habanero is about 50% more spicy than a jalapeño

>> No.20582525
File: 379 KB, 715x727, 1636665805788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chef Baek (Korea's #1 celebrity chef) is the reason why Korean food became so fucking sweet in the last decade. He's very influential in Korean cooking, and Koreans just love following trends.

My brother recently cooked a traditionally salty and sour stew (kimchi jjigae) for me and the broth was stupid sweet. I asked where he got the recipe and he said Chef Baek.

Meanwhile not sure who or what caused the spicy epidemic in Korea.

>> No.20582526

Based Kim-park-song

I wish Korean food wasn’t so sweet too

>> No.20582533

>Based Kim-park-song
One guy at /int/ called me "Squid Jung Gangnam" so that was my name ever since

>> No.20582536

Fortunately there are many Korean in America that are preserving old-school cooking
The same thing happened with Italy
In a hundred years Koreans will point and laugh at Korean-American "cooking" even though it is a time capsule for 20th century Korean food

>> No.20582538

I think there should be a 4th thread

>> No.20582543
File: 94 KB, 720x722, 1652282918953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah every Korean tourist that visits Korean neighborhoods in LA or NYC say how the food there reminds them of old-fashioned Korean food from the 1990's-2000's.

>> No.20582546

spicy fags on suicide watch

>> No.20582579


>> No.20582581


>> No.20582713

They market is as "just spicey food" but these Samyang noodles contain an extract that is the same stuff as in pepper spray.

>> No.20582729

Hell yea sweden wins again

>> No.20584153
File: 773 KB, 722x906, bhk10yhysqe91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please leave.

>> No.20584158

Not him, but also Korean.

Korean food isn't actually supposed to be so sweet. The sugar content of dishes will vary widely depending on the cook. My family doesn't add that much sugar to most things other than meat marinades (which are supposed to be on the sweeter end)

>> No.20584161

>(which are supposed to be on the sweeter end)
Why is that?

>> No.20584171 [DELETED] 

So in other words a European conglomerate who manufactures similar products has paid off the food agency in order to maintain their own monopoly over the European-market. I’m British. For 20 years I only bought Pot Noodles because that’s all that was available to me in the U.K.. Fast forward and now I can buy superior Korean-brands like Nongshim (on Amazon)
You think Pot Noodle are happy about that?
How long before they try and ban Nongshim in Europe?

>> No.20584172

It's a more interesting flavor profile. Some people go way off the deep end with the sugar though. I try not to.

>> No.20584681
File: 66 KB, 750x558, 3012658924484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denmark L

>> No.20584891
File: 988 KB, 1000x1497, noodelz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the mods put a sticky up already? This is very important news.

>> No.20585509


>> No.20585615

That's fair imo, it's technically food but people don't eat it for sustenance. It's more of a novelty item, like a stink bomb. Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.20585649

That's why there are so many acute capsaicin poisoning cases in the places where these noodles are sold. Right?